The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
AARP. See American Association of Retired Persons
adaptation principle
Adolescence (Hall)
adulthood. See encore adulthood
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
affection, in older couples
Affective Brain Lab
affective domain, of wisdom
affective forecasting
affective happiness
The African Queen
age. See also life satisfaction by age; U curve
depression and
emotion regulation and
entrepreneurship and
increasing wisdom with
personality as shaped by
public reception of paper on happiness and
regret and
social and chronological
stress reduced by
study in France on life satisfaction and
US percentages
values and
age, happiness and. See also life satisfaction by age
assumptions about
expectation gap and
Graham and Nikolova data on
sensitization factor
significance of effect
unemployment factor compared to
ages of man
depression and anxiety survey on
geriatric psychiatry field of successful
Golden Years model for
outdated model of
paradox of
physical limits and
as social concept
social selectivity and
stress decline after age fifty
survey on successful
time and
United States and Japan study on wisdom and
wisdom and
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
American Beauty
The American Interest
American Journal of Psychiatry
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychologist
apes, U-curve pattern in
Apple Computer
Ardelt, Monika
The Atlantic
Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment (Seligman)
average life satisfaction by age
adjusted world sample, 2010–2012
unadjusted world sample, 2010–2012
baby boomers
Bangen, Katherine
Barbary macaques
Bartolini, Stefano
Be Here Now (Ram Dass)
Berlin, Isaiah
Bhagavad Gita
bias. See also optimism bias
big data
happiness and
of wisdom
Birren, James
Blanchflower, David
age studies by Oswald and
on British life satisfaction survey
economics career path
fifties turnaround experience of
midlife crisis of
Oswald and
Blankenhorn, David
Blazer, Dan G.
Bluck, Susan
source of fear and anxiety in
wisdom regions of
Brassen, Stefanie
age and life satisfaction studies in
middle-aged happiness in 2014
unemployment debate of economists in
Broderick, Joan E.
Brookings Institution
Busara Center for Behavioral Economics
Cantril, Hadley
Cantril Ladder
Caribbean countries, life satisfaction levels in
Carstensen, Laura
accident and career path of
married couples studied by
on paradox of aging
personal happiness curve of
positivity effect and
selectivity theory and
social connections study of
Center on Longevity
Centre College
Charles, Susan T.
Cheng, Terence
child labor
Clark, Andrew
Clayton, Vivian
closet, happiness curve
cognitive domain, of wisdom
cohort effect
Cole, Thomas. See also The Voyage of Life
Dante and
death of
expectations view of paintings by
religious conversion of
river-undertow analogy in light of
time factor and
Coleman, Joshua
Collins, Susan
community, relational direction toward
habit of
self-interruption for stopping
Conrad, Joseph
contentment disorder
Cooney, Eleanor
critics, internal
cultural story, of aging
cumulative disappointment
Current Biology
The Daily Dish
Dartmouth College
Deaton, Angus
age and
antidepressants and
dissatisfaction distinguished from
survey on aging and
depressive realism
Dickens, Charles
diet, happiness and
feedback loop and cumulative
depression distinguished from
fear of chronic
Distinguished Careers Institute
drugs, mental health
Easterlin, Richard
Easterlin Paradox
Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society
economics. See also happiness economics; macroeconomics; specific topics
happiness curve initially ignored by
happiness data viewed by psychology compared to
happiness term in
life satisfaction and
The Economist
Eightfold Noble Path
elephant metaphor
coping advice and
wisdom and
embarrassment, over midlife crisis
happiness curve and
positivity effect
wisdom as balanced
encore adulthood
endowment bias
Enns, R. Mark
age and
retirement and
equation, happiness
evaluative happiness
“Evidence for a Midlife Crisis in Great Apes Consistent with the U-Shape in Human Wellbeing” (Oswald/Weiss)
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
existential necessity, of midlife transition
about aging
Cole paintings and
feedback loop and
German study on
U curve and
expectations gap
closing of
forecasting error and
interviewee on
Experience Corps
feedback loop
medicalization and
forecasting, affective
forecasting error
feedback loop and
France, life satisfaction study in
Frank, Charlotte
Freedman, Marc
Freud, Sigmund
Frontiers in Psychology
Frost, Robert
gay marriage
geriatric psychiatry
aging, health, and happiness study in
expectations study in
life satisfaction and age in
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
The Gerontologist
globalization, poverty and
Golden Years
good news/bad news effect
Gottman, John
Graham, Carol
age data gathered by Nikolova and
childhood in Peru
findings on globalization and poverty
forties of
happiness curve of
on happiness in fast and slow economies
twenties of
U curve and
grandmother hypothesis
Great Depression
Great Recession, social connectedness and
Grossmann, Igor
Guardian Spirit
Haidt, Jonathan
Hall, G. Stanley
happiness. See also life satisfaction; normalization, of happiness curve
assumptions about age and
biological role in
chimp and orangutan
consistent findings on self-reported
countries with most
diet and
differentness rule in understanding
economics use of word
in fast and slow economies
German study on aging, health, and
Layard on factors in
meaning of
parenthood and
prestige and
social connection
two kinds of
unemployment cost of
U.S. higher levels of
U-shape pattern of age and
Happiness and Hardship: Opportunity and Insecurity in New Market Economies (Graham/Pettinato)
“Happiness and Health in China: The Paradox of Progress” (Graham)
Happiness Around the World: The Paradox of Happy Peasants and Miserable Millionaires (Graham)
happiness curve. See also normalization, of happiness curve; U curve
ape study and
Carstensen personal
economic findings on happiness and
emotions and
example of dramatic
Graham’s personal
hidden gift of
low point pattern
mystery aspect of
purpose of both slopes of
relational direction toward community in
self-rating scales and
shift in goals from
survey on stress and
as a tendency
time factor in formula for
undertow analogy for
unemployment factor in
unexpected turnaround
unmet expectations and
happiness economics
founder of
fundamental finding of
Schwandt and
social connection finding in
unemployment and
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom (Haidt)
Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (Layard)
Harvard Business Review
Haushofer, Johannes
health. See also mental health
German study on aging, happiness, and
gratitude and
wisdom as associated with better
hedonic treadmill
Helliwell, John F.
Hirsch, Jerry
Holmes, Jamie
Hong Kong
iconography, midlife crisis
impostor syndrome
“In Defense of the Practical Politician” (Winter)
comparing others’
study on life satisfaction and growth of national
incomes, of others
Individual Purpose Accounts
inequality, visibility of
infancy, Cole on
Institute on Aging
internal critics
International Journal of Psychoanalysis
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud)
interviews and interviewees
career change to philanthropy
on disappointment
on expectations gap
on job switch
letter from first
on moving abroad
neighbor Nora (ninety-four-year-old)
now what question and
resignation feeling
sixties and seventies scores
on social connection and sharing
trust and
wisdom implied in
“Is Wellbeing U-Shaped over the Life Cycle?” (Blanchflower/Oswald)
Isaacowitz, Derek M.
Jaques, Elliott
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeste, Dilip
positive psychiatry and
wisdom studied by
job satisfaction, U curve in age and
job switch, during midlife crisis
Jobs, Steve
Jones, Dan L.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Public Economics
journalism award
Kahneman, Daniel
Kilgallon, Anne Marie
King, James
Kipling, Rudyard
Knetsch, Jack
Kojola, Erik
Kunzmann, Ute
Lacey, Heather P.
Latin America
life satisfaction and age in
life satisfaction studies on
Layard, Richard
on comparing downward
Leider, Richard
Leisure World
Lennon, John
Leo Burnett Worldwide
Let’s Make a Deal
Levenson, Robert
life coaches
Life Reimagined, AARP
Life Reimagined: Discovering Your New Life Possibilities (Leider/Webber)
life satisfaction. See also Cantril Ladder
age compared to unemployment impact on
average life satisfaction by age
British studies on
common trajectory
countries with earlier rise of
cumulative disappointment and
economics and
gap between rich and poor
German study in expected
Graham research on globalization, poverty, and
in Latin America
mental health and
national income and
of ninety-four-year-old neighbor
UK study on age and
upward-slope pattern
U-shape pattern of age and
V-shaped curve
World Poll data on age and
youth overestimation of future
life satisfaction by age
current and expected
Denmark and United States
World Poll data on
life satisfaction survey
life span
Little, Todd D.
Live Science website
Lodestar Foundation
A Long Bright Future: Happiness, Health, and Financial Security in an Age of Increased Longevity (Carstensen)
MacArthur Award
macroeconomics, unemployment and
Madison, James
affection in older couples
social connectedness through
McAuliffe, Christopher
McCann, Renetta
McCartney, Paul
Meeks, Thomas
mental health
drugs and
life satisfaction and
wisdom as associated with better
middle age, Dante on
midlife crisis. See also happiness curve; U curve
adolescence and
in apes
better term for
cancer diagnosis and
chasm of
concept introduction
“crisis” and
cumulative nature of
embarrassment over
as existential necessity
fear and
first use of phrase
integrative changes advice on
Jaques theory of
job switch during
mainstream psychology view of
medicalization model of
midlife repurposing and
midlife slump and
mockery of
myth view of
other words for
outdated paradigm
pattern of
personal accounts of
personal experience of
as realism transition
researcher accounts of
risk of talking about
rock climber account of
sports-car meme
stress and
Sullivan example of
as transition
transition view of
trap view of
V-shape trajectory and
Weil advice on
midlife crisis, coping with
interrupting internal critics
mindful presence
no comparison approach
relinquishing control
stepping not leaping through
wisdom of waiting
Millen, Christine
mockery, of midlife discontent
Moen, Phyllis
Moral Judgment, Affect, and Culture, or, Is It Wrong to Eat Your Dog? (Haidt)
Motivation and Emotion
multiple system atrophy
Munch, Edvard
National Academy of Design
National Gallery of Art
National Magazine Award
Native American reservations
neuroscience, of wisdom
The New Republic
Nikolova, Milena
Nixon, Robin
normalization, of happiness curve
adolescence example for
coaching and
Office for National Statistics
Old Age
optimism bias
elephant metaphor and
“Optimistic Update Bias Increases in Older Age” (Sharot/Chowdhury/ Wolfe/Düzel/Dolan)
Oswald, Andrew
age focus of Blanchflower and
age studies by Blanchflower and
age studies by Powdthavee, Cheng and
Blanchflower and
diet and happiness analysis by
on fifties turnaround experience
midlife crisis of
Schwandt and
Weiss and
Pace University
of aging
of progress
Parkinson’s disease
Perez-Truglia, Ricardo
personality, age as shaping
Pettinato, Stefano
Pizzo, Philip
Portland Community College
positive psychiatry
positive psychology
positivity effect
poverty, globalization and
Powdthavee, Nick
Powers of Two: How Relationships Drive Creativity (Wolf Shenk)
prestige, elephant metaphor and
Princeton University
progress paradox
progress principle
Psychological Science
forecasting error explained by
happiness data viewed by economics compared to
midlife crisis viewed by mainstream
Psychology and Aging
Psychology Today
The Pursuit of Happiness: An Economy of Wellbeing (Graham)
questionnaire, life satisfaction. See also interviews and interviewees; surveys
Ram Dass
“Reading Out Loud”
Reed, Andrew E.
reflective domain, of wisdom
Reisinger, James
relative concern
relative income
entrepreneurship and
revealed preferences
rich-get-richer phenomenon
Richie, Donald
river voyage
depth and wisdom on
as social journey
trust in
rock climber
Royal Economic Society
Ruiz Pozuelo, Julia
life satisfaction and age in
Ruttenberg, Arie
Ryff, Carol
Sachs, Jeffrey
Safety Nets, Politics, and the Poor: Transitions to Market Economies (Graham)
Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging
sample size
Sarracino, Francesco
Schaefers, Kate
Schneider, Stefan
Schwandt, Hannes
expectations factor studied by
feedback effect explained by
forecasting error described by
Schwartz, Joseph E.
The Scream
selectivity theory. See also social selectivity
self-criticism, comparison and
Seligman, Martin E. P.
The Sense of Reality: Studies in Ideas and Their History (Berlin)
sensitization, age factor and
Shapiro, Jeremy
Sharot, Tali
Smith, Dylan M.
Smith, Jacqui
“A Snapshot of the Age Distribution of Psychological Wellbeing in the United States” (Schwartz/Broderick/Deaton)
social categories, adolescence as
social change
social connection
Cole painting and
happiness and
importance of sharing and
through marriage
in older people
river voyage and
Social Science & Medicine
Social Security
social selectivity
aging and
in primates
social support
coaching and
for midlife repurposing
transition peer groups
Voyage of Life and
as wellbeing factor
South Africa
Spacey, Kevin
sports-car meme
spouse, fear of telling
Stanford University
Star Trek
Star Wars
statistics, sample size in
status anxiety
midlife crisis
Sternberg, Robert
Steward-Brown, Sarah
Stone, Arthur
Strenger, Carlo
decline after age fifty
midlife crisis and
subjective wellbeing
British data on
data set for South Africa study on
social support factor in
unemployment and
success, failure to appreciate
Sullivan, Andrew
Sun City
surveys. See also interviews and interviewees
British life satisfaction
depression and anxiety
on entrepreneurship
life satisfaction
self-reported happiness in
significance of research and
stress and happiness curve
successful aging
Wethington midlife crisis
on wisdom
World Poll on life satisfaction by age
World Values Survey on wellbeing
Sutin, Angelina R.
Taj Mahal
“Taking Time Seriously: A Theory of Socioemotional Selectivity” (Carstensen/Isaacowitz/Susan). 130–31
tax returns, Norway’s online data on
Thaler, Richard
“The Theory Behind the Age-Related Positivity Effect” (Carstensen/Reed)
aging and
happiness curve and
paradox of aging and
peer group perspective on
selectivity and
U curve and
de Tocqueville, Alexis
The Transition Network
transition peer groups
trough. See U curve, bottom of
Twain, Mark
2001: A Space Odyssey
U curve
age and happiness
in apes
countries with earlier
cumulative disappointment and
expectation gap closing in
individual variations and
negative turn for
Schwandt expectations study and
time and
values and
U curve, bottom of
gratitude and
stepping not leaping through
as trap
waiting it through
Ubel, Peter A.
“The U-Bend of Life”
UK. See United Kingdom
undertow analogy
happiness cost of
in life satisfaction and happiness curve
subjective wellbeing impacted by
United Kingdom (UK)
age and life satisfaction chart
age effect and
life satisfaction and age in
United States (US)
age effect in UK and
age percentages for
happiness levels in
income growth and happiness in
inequality growth in
life satisfaction and age in
life satisfaction by age for Denmark and
life span increase in
parenthood and happiness in
U-shape pattern in study on
wise reasoning in Japan and
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
University of Warwick
“Unmet Aspirations as an Explanation for the Age U-Shape in Wellbeing” (Schwandt)
upward-slope pattern
U.S. See United States
Vahia, Ipsit V.
U curve and
The Voyage of Life (Cole)
age undertow purpose in light of
help from previous voyagers missing in
missing fifth painting
social connections and
time matters view and
V-shaped curve
The Wage Curve (Blanchflower/Oswald)
waiting, wisdom of
Webber, Alan M.
Weil, Andrew
Weiss, Alexander
wellbeing. See also subjective wellbeing
World Values Survey on
Wethington, Elaine
Whitbourne, Susan Krauss
William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation
Wilson, John F.
Winter, William
as active
aging and
balance and
biological basis of
collective benefits of
domains of
as increasing with age
in interviewees
Jeste’s study of
neuroscience of
as package deal
reflective nature of
scholarly consensus on
of waiting
Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development (Sternberg)
within-person changes
Wolf Shenk, Joshua
World Happiness Report
world sample, life satisfaction by age 2010–2012
World Values Survey
World War II
Wozniak, Steve
Yang Claire Yang
young adulthood, great expectations during
“Your Gain Is My Pain: Negative Psychological Externalities of Cash Transfers”
forecasting error in
life satisfaction overestimated by