This Account Is Suspended

YouTube can suspend your channel at any time for any reason (Figure 9-5). In fact, the site doesn't even need a reason to suspend you. However, if you keep your account in good standing, by avoiding the gimmicks in this chapter while also uploading only original videos, you should have little to worry about.

The only thing left of an account after it has been suspended.

Figure 9-5. The only thing left of an account after it has been suspended.

If you are suspended, YouTube will send you an email explaining why. Nine times out of ten when my friends have been suspended, it has been because of copyright claims. Don't use music that doesn't belong to you, and don't upload videos you didn't make. That sounds easy enough to me. Should you be suspended, however, here are a few tips that might help you get your channel back:

All that said, YouTube is very clear and firm in its stance that once you are suspended, you are suspended for life. You are not allowed to create a new account and return.

If you follow the rules most of the time and you're respectful to the staff, again, you should have nothing to worry about.

I hope you use the information in this chapter to recognize cheaters and learn from all of their mistakes. It has been said that a wise person learns from the mistakes of others rather than having to make all the mistakes himself. I encourage you to refer to this chapter first before taking any action if you are suspended. But mostly, I hope you never have to refer back to this chapter, because you've quickly internalized the simple steps to harvest the joys of being a contributing part of the YouTube community, rather than taking your chances as a cheater only looking out for yourself. Happy honest 'Tubing!