One of the great things about putting together a regimen like the Daniel Diet is looking into the happy faces of those who’ve completed this ten-day, partial cleanse program consisting of foods and beverage similar to what Daniel and his three colleagues consumed centuries ago. Their smiles warm my heart, and their improved health inspires me.

I asked some of the folks who’ve undertaken the Daniel Diet to share their thoughts, and here’s what they had to say:

It’s hard for me to believe this, but I lost 20 pounds in ten days (going from 286 pounds to 266 pounds), and I feel great! What a great kick-start to a healthier way of living. I turned sixty-five this year and retired, so I wanted to get serious about my physical, spiritual, and nutritional health.

Truthfully, I have struggled with overeating much of my life. The Daniel Diet looked like the answer. Ten days seemed like a long time to partially fast, but I was impressed with the thoroughness of the plan. What was especially appealing to me were the daily prayer times and the evening calls where we could get encouragement, guidance, and ask questions.

I was surprised that I wasn’t hungry. At first I thought the food wouldn’t be enough, but by Day 6, I couldn’t even finish my meals. After a week, I was beginning to get concerned because I hadn’t really experienced any detox side effects, but those happened on Day 9, when I experienced some side effects from the release of toxins from my body. It finally felt good to know that my body was getting rid of these poisons.

I feel better, look better (in my opinion), and most of all, I’m ready to move forward.


I felt better on the Daniel Diet than I did when I ate regularly. I wrote in my journal most days, and spiritually, God has revealed Himself to me in greater ways. I really enjoyed my extra time with the Lord and growing closer to Him, being more sensitive to His voice. God is faithful and always shows up during and after a fast— in His timing.

I found the Daniel Diet easier than other fasts I have done in the past. I didn’t have to plan meals. I lost a total of 11 pounds.


Being a home schooling mom of six, perhaps the greatest blessing was how the Daniel Diet affected my children. They listened in on the prayer calls whenever they were around, and each of them seemed to be drawing closer to the Lord during this time. One of my sons, in particular, experienced a very strong spiritual revival. Not surprisingly, his name is Daniel.


During the entire time I was on the Daniel Diet, I did not experience any bloating or other undesirable gastrointestinal problems. This was phenomenal! For me, these have been ongoing problems for years, and I am so grateful for the improvement.


I participated in the Daniel Diet primarily for spiritual reasons. I have never fasted for more than one day, but I have never experienced days of being more “centered” on the Lord. To pray three times a day and to commit my days before the Lord was amazing.


I experienced great support in stress reduction and a decrease in anxiety during the 10-Day Daniel Diet. I have no more PMS or night sweats, and I am sleeping through the night again, which I haven’t done for over twenty years. Many people who know me can see the changes in me.

My caffeine addiction is gone as well as my cravings for sweets. God definitely answered my prayers, and my relationship with Him is richer, deeper, and closer.


The first few days of the Daniel Diet were tough from a mental standpoint. I missed some of my favorite foods such cheese and meat.

I was not hungry at all, however. I thought that I might have a coffee headache, but I did not. I lost 10 pounds on the Daniel Diet, but a friend of mine fasted on water the last three days of the Daniel Diet and lost 18.5 pounds total!


I have been on the Daniel Diet for the entire ten days and lost 12 pounds—and I feel great. My blood sugar levels are completely normal!


I lost 12 pounds on the 10-Day Daniel Diet. Woo-hoo! It was a real challenge, but I’m so glad I stuck with it. I feel much more secure in the weight loss this time around and have a desire to keep going.


I have done a lot of fasting—one-day fasts, three-day fasts, tenday fasts and twenty-one-day fasts. I have even been on a forty-day fast, but thank you for introducing me to the Daniel Diet. I want to shout the Daniel Diet out to the world and take as many folks on this journey with me as possible.

On the morning of the tenth day, I had lost 15 pounds! I am now able to see a tightness in my skin, particularly in my neck. I have not experienced this kind of weight loss in such a short amount of time with anything I have tried before. I have a ways to go, but I am ready, willing, and able to stay the course.


I am so excited that it is Day 10. I can’t believe I did it. The Daniel Diet was, by far, a long and arduous road at times, mainly because of the fatigue and utter exhaustion I felt in the middle of the fast. But the last three days I made it through with energy and excitement. It could be the fact that I was accomplishing something that at first seemed so difficult.


I lost 13 pounds on the Daniel Diet and feel very excited. This evening, I could not eat much of my dinner. I got full quickly, so I guess I’ve gotten used to eating until I’m full, whereas in the past I would eat until all the food was gone. This is a whole new start for me, and I’m looking forward to the maintenance times of the Daniel Diet.


Jordan said that the Daniel Diet would not be easy, but it would be simple. I actually found it simple and easy! That surprised me. I found the pulse to be filling and fulfilling. In fact, many days I couldn’t even finish my food.

I did have a social event to attend on the Saturday night during the fast, but I chose to not even go, so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the goodies! I had only 10 pounds to lose, and I lost 6 pounds, so I declare that a success.


This was one of the most challenging ten days I’ve ever experienced. The longest I’ve ever made it on any cleanse was five days and then I would quit. This time around with the Daniel Diet, I made it all ten days!

Before the Daniel Diet, my weight started at 174.8. After Day 10, I weighed in at 164.0. That is almost 11 pounds in 10 days! I feel lighter and my clothes fit better.

My body feels better, and I also have better clarity of mind. Before, I often felt fatigued, had a foggy brain, and felt dizzy, but after the ten days, I have clear thinking, I’m no longer dizzy, and I have more energy.

God did reveal some things in my life during the ten days, too, and I feel He released me from certain sins I have struggled with. Overall, I have a positive outlook and feel excited for continuing my journey to better health.


I have tried many types of cleanses over the past fifteen years. The Daniel Diet was absolutely the easiest cleanse I have ever done. I celebrate that there was no special grocery shopping to do, no food preparation, no pills to take, no juicing to do. I was never hungry, nor even anxious for it to end.

I even did an extra half day because I didn’t have time to prepare a nice dinner to break the cleanse. The spiritual support and group motivation was also a wonderful component, and my email questions were always answered.


Disclaimer: The above testimonials are examples of extraordinary results from those following the Daniel Diet. The results were due to a low-calorie, salt-free diet and proper hydration. The average weight loss reported by over 100 participants was 14 pounds for men and 8.4 pounds for women.