
Entries in bold refer to defining or principal occurrences.

641 argument (Hofstadter) 11518, 185

see also domino computer

absolute zero 46, 47, 71, 295

abstractions 11424, 166, 185, 2667, 447

abstract replicators 95, 114, 2667

abstraction from experience 16, 128, 129

confusions of abstract attributes with physical ones of the same name 1828, 343

finitism and 1656

money as an abstraction 2667

people as abstract information 59, 130

Achilles and the tortoise 1823


biological 52, 545, 56

creationism and the designers of 7981

of creativity see creativity

by humans as universal constructors 5860

and knowledge 55, 5665, 7881, 88; see also creation of knowledge

the reach of human adaptations 5665

through technology 5760, 61, 436; see also automation

Adleman, Leonard 145

Aeschylus 216

aesthetics 367

artistic values 366, 388

and attraction 3579, 36065

human appreciation of beauty 3534, 3568, 359, 3627

the objectivity of beauty 122, 35368

pure and applied art 3656

see also art

ageing, problem of 21314

see also old age

agriculture 48, 50, 57, 207, 234, 320, 422, 431, 437, 438, 440

AI see artificial intelligence

Alabama paradox 33031, 333

alchemy 1, 425

algebra 36, 136, 3778

algorithms 35, 36, 117, 295, 362

evolutionary 160

see also computer programs

Alhazen 220

alphabets 1267, 144

Amadeus (Shaffer) 353

ambiguity 308, 448

infinite 405, 406, 409

see also equivocation

analogue computers 140

analytic functions 1356, 452

Analytical Engine 1368, 139, 140

Andes 4267

animal minds 154, 268, 32021, 3589, 407, 410

anthropic reasoning 98104, 105, 17780, 4526

anthropic principle 98

as an explanation of fine-tuning 98103, 17780, 452, 453

and infinite sets 17780

anthropocentrism 424, 51, 534, 75, 111, 155, 446

anti-anthropocentrism 434, 51; see also Mediocrity, Principle of

in conceptions of infinity 1656, 181

in the interpretation of quantum theory 3089, 319

in science fiction 262

see also parochialism

anthropomorphism 59, 148; see also animal minds

anti-rational memes see memes, anti-rational

anti-realism 15, 313, 314

antibiotics 436

apes/aping 60, 405, 4079, 410

see also imitation

Appollonius 1323, 166

apportionment paradoxes 32633; see also no-go theorems

Archimedes 132, 133, 166

Arecibo observatory 72

Ares 246, 248

argument from design see under design

Aristarchus of Samos 27

Aristocles see Plato

Aristodemus 83

Aristophanes 216

Aristotle 216

arithmetic 12832, 135, 136, 141, 233, 240, 252, 332, 374

arrogance 45, 512, 314

Arrow, Kenneth 3367

Arrow’s theorem 3368, 34041, 343, 345


artistic problems 3556

artistic values 366, 388

attraction of 3578

painting 219, 356, 357

pure and applied 3656

as self-expression 3667

utilitarian theories of 366

see also aesthetics; music

artificial evolution 15863

artificial intelligence (AI) 1378, 14863

chatbots and 150, 152, 158, 160

and creativity 14863

Elbot program 1512, 156

Eliza program 1489, 161

and humour 157

and the simulation argument 455

and the Singularity 4567

Turing test 148, 14950, 151, 1523, 1546, 158, 161, 320

The Ascent of Man 419, 440–441, 460

Asimov, Isaac

‘Jokester’ 372

The End of Eternity 443

asteroids 207

astrology 42

astronomy 347, 58, 68, 443

and astrology 42

and scientific instruments bringing us closer to reality 3441

astrophysicists 60, 72

as representative of people 98103, 17780, 183, 4523; see also anthropic reasoning

astrophysics 13, 6, 467, 7071, 101, 275, 45051

see also cosmology

Athena 217, 238, 246

Athens 83, 119, 21618, 22021, 427, 449

and ‘a dream of Socrates’ 2245, 22935, 24451

Golden Age of 21617, 254, 386

atomic bomb see nuclear weapons

atomic lasers 266, 290

atomic physics 312

atoms 43, 67, 70, 10910, 258, 266, 28891, 298, 301, 302, 312, 324

affected by waves of differentiation 2745, 298

atomic configurations 10910

and people 306

of a stratum 293

structure of 445

see also particles, elementary

Attenborough, David 419, 421

attraction 35760

and evolution 36065

audiences 14, 17, 19, 259, 279, 357, 369, 403, 40910

Augustine of Hippo 82

Australia 19, 432


the Enlightenment’s rebellion against 1213, 223, 323, 65

and knowledge 4, 813, 223, 123, 209, 227, 310, 311, 314, 356, 391, 395

see also justificationism

automation 36, 39, 578, 62, 76, 1356, 141, 158, 160, 320, 438, 456

axis-tilt theory 235, 268, 44, 68, 458

Babbage, Charles 135, 136, 137, 139, 148

Babylonian numerals 131

background knowledge 16

Bacon, Roger 220

bacteria 82, 145, 162, 436

Balinski, Michel 334

Balinski and Young’s theorem 334, 339

Basalla, George 394

‘bat, what is it like to be a’ (Nagel) 367

Bateson, Patrick 320, 321

Bear, Greg 2023


and attraction 3579, 36065

and elegance 355

objectivity of 122, 35368

truth and 355

two kinds of 364, 365

‘because I say so’ 311, 3912, 395

see also memes, anti-rational; quantum theory: shut-up-and-calculate interpretation

Beethoven, Ludwig van 355, 356

beginning of infinity, introductory explanation of concept vii–viii; see also 443

behaviour parsing 4079

behaviourism 1578, 163, 31620

Bell, Jocelyn 38

Big Bang 3, 6, 11, 96, 175, 197, 45051

afterglow (microwave radiation) 46, 47, 68

in a parallel universe 263

Big Crunch 45051

biogeography 42642

biological weapons 196, 204, 205

biosphere 445, 4851, 6970

automated environmental transformation 579

environmental control and the human reach 5763

environments and knowledge 745

evolution and the biosphere–culture analogy 3712

and fine-tuning of the laws of physics 97

global warming and climate change 43741

and the problem of suffering/evil 80

see also ecosystems

biotechnology 95, 196

see also biological weapons


and music 356

nesting 8991, 145

reach and evolution of adaptations 545

see also parrots

bits (information) 187

Black Death 208, 385, 437

black holes 2, 3, 173, 178, 203

Blackmore, Susan 3945, 402, 404, 415

blind spot 80

Bohm, David 310

Bohr, Neils 308

Boltzmann, Ludwig 255, 312

Book of Nature 4

Bostrom, Nick 453

Botticelli, Sandro 219

Bradshaw, Elizabeth 320

brains 78, 379, 415

adaptation, and knowledge in human brains 789, 95, 1056

add-ons 456, 457

and the doomsday argument 4556

encoding of knowledge in 50, 3757

evolutionary process of creativity in 373

the human brain and scientific knowledge 72, 189

and the understanding of abstractions 119

British Enlightenment see Enlightenment: British

Bronowski, Jacob 121, 355, 41920, 423, 441, 460

Byrne, Richard 407, 460

Caesar, Julius 423

calculus 164, 194

calendars 7

cancer 294, 437

Cantor, Georg 166, 17071, 181, 182, 195

carbon-dioxide emissions 43741

Carroll, Lewis: Through the Looking Glass 282

Carter, Brandon 96

catalysts 143

cathode-ray tubes 4335

causation 118, 300301, 428

celestial sphere theory 8, 10, 112, 133

cells 3940, 58, 95, 294, 372, 376, 384, 393

single- and multicellular organisms 144

certainty see fallibility

Chaerephon, and ‘a dream of Socrates’ 2439, 251, 252, 253


of interpretation 389

of proxies 72, 317

of instantiations of abstractions 11415, 256

of universes 179

chatbots 150, 152, 158, 160

chemistry 13, 43, 46, 578, 612, 67, 73, 967, 1423, 261, 3012, 359, 362, 425

humans as chemical scum 448, 51, 72, 73

chess 36, 114, 118, 136, 157

choice 32652

apportionment paradoxes 32633

decision-making and social choice see decision-making

devising an electoral system 33840

social-choice theory 335, 3378, 3423, 345, 352

applied to an individual mind 34041

voters’ 342

cholera 207

Churchill, Winston 201, 333

cimenti 14


Athenian 21618, 2245, 22933, 24451, 246

of Easter Island 418, 41923, 43031

extra-terrestrial civilizations 2024

Florentine 21820

optimism and 20822

pessimism and 196203

Polynesian 419, 421, 427

present and pre-Enlightenment 204

Spartan 218, 23033, 24451

survival 623, 1967, 202, 2045, 2068

vulnerability of 201, 2023, 2078, 436; see also disasters, natural

see also societies

climate change 43741

Cold War 196, 205, 428

Colossus computers 139

common sense 266

mistaken 5, 26, 82, 122, 262, 279, 280, 340, 397, 403

see also reason

complementarity, principle of 3089

complexity see simplicity and complexity

computer programs 36, 11518, 129, 414

AI see artificial intelligence

chess 114, 118, 157

evolutionary algorithms 160

and the simulation argument 4535

computers/computation 36, 60, 95, 107, 119, 194

analogue 140

Analytical Engine 1368, 139, 140

Colossus 139

coloured displays 434

computational universality 13542, 189, 191

computer science and mathematical proof 184

connection between physics and computation 18992

Difference Engine 1356

DNA computer 145


Hofstadter’s domino computer 11517, 118

and physics 187, 18992, 2956

programs see computer programs

quantum computation 187, 2956

and the silicon chip 139

and the simulation argument 4535

supercomputer simulation predictions 439

Conan Doyle, Arthur 10

Condorcet, Nicolas de 66

configurational entities 2667

conformity 7, 217, 218, 231, 382, 402, 413

Congress, US, apportionment 32633

conjecture 2, 9, 10, 17, 26, 78, 23940

and abstractions 119

creative 412

and criticism 192, 23940, 412; see also criticism

mathematical 1856, 1913

memes as conjectural explanations 412

conjuring tricks 10, 1416, 17, 1819, 29, 41, 79, 82, 113, 155, 214, 315, 324, 410

and measurement 40, 229

visions, perception and 229, 2412

consciousness 1534, 157, 1623, 318, 415

test for judging claims to have understood 154

consent 155, 266, 343

conspicuous consumption 433

constants of nature see physics, constants of

Constitution, US 335

and apportionment paradoxes 32633

constructors, universal 5860, 62, 76, 429

Continental Enlightenment 656, 313

continuum 43, 1402, 159, 164, 181, 274, 298, 450

infinity of the 164, 170, 182, 195

control 45, 556, 62, 6971, 88, 111, 130, 1349, 159, 2412, 384, 3912, 415, 459


between Spaceship Earth and the Principle of Mediocrity 45, 53

convergent evolution 95

and error correction 350

upon the truth 231, 257, 350, 368

Conway, John 166

Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory 30810, 312, 315, 322, 324, 325


memes not replicated by imitation 40210

replicators see memes; replicators

cork 724

correspondence 39, 241

of theories with objective truth 353

one-to-one 167, 170, 1712, 181, 193

tallying 128, 129, 13031, 134, 14041, 193, 356

cosmic rays 68, 2934

cosmic significance see significance

cosmology 68, 81, 113, 445, 45053

evolutionary cosmologies 1789

see also astrophysics

cow, size of 35

creation of knowledge 78105

and the argument from design 837

impeded by bad philosophy 30525, 448

causing convergence 350

creationism and 7981, 104

about environments 745

and error correction 1402, 147, 271, 302

ex nihilo 104, 345

fine-tuning of the universe and 96103, 104, 106

as a transition process from problems to better problems 4467

Lamarckism and 879

and the limitation on predictability 104, 193, 1978, 212

neo-Darwinism and 8996

not affected by distance 275, 427

open-ended/unbounded vii, 6065, 66, 67, 69, 81, 146, 165, 175, 45052

optimism and 196222, 431

requirements for 61

spark for 75

spontaneous generation and 813

creationism 7981, 86, 104, 193

fine-tuning as supposed evidence for 97

and spontaneous generation 82

see also Paley, William

creativity 30

artificial 14863; see also artificial intelligence (AI)

artistic 3557; see also aesthetics

creative conjecture 412; see also conjecture

creatively changing the options 351

in discovering new explanations 78

as an evolutionary process in the brain 373

evolution of 398400, 40215, 416

future of 41516

mutual enhancement of meme transmission and 400

needed to improve explanations 342

puzzle of what use it was in non-innovating cultures 398402, 41015

and scientific toil 41, 3556

as a hideous joke played on humans 416

criterion of demarcation (Popper) 14 see also testability

criticism 114, 119, 233

conjecture and 58, 192, 203, 23940, 352, 412

immunity from 2303, 310, 316, 324, 325, 346, 347

suppressed by anti-rational memes 391, 393

by testing see experimental testing

tradition of 13, 23, 313, 209, 216, 220, 231, 308, 390, 431

as variation of information 78

crystals 83

liquid 434

cubes, notional, in space 47, 668, 745

cultural evolution 36997

and the biosphere–culture analogy 3712

and dynamic societies 3878, 424

the Enlightenment 39093

ideas that survive 36972

living with memes 3946

meme evolution 3728, 400, 413

rational and anti-rational memes 38890

the selfish meme 3789, 387

and static societies 380, 3836, 414

subcultures 393

cultural relativism 314, 356

culture 397 see also cultural evolution

cures 11, 153, 213, 272, 422, 437, 455

curvature of spacetime 107, 112, 1834, 312, 450

dark energy 451

dark matter 36, 46, 67

Darwin, Charles 80, 82, 87, 91

Darwin, Erasmus 87, 88

Darwinian theory 80, 89

Marx on 371

neo-Darwinism 8996, 103, 1045

refutation possibilities 956

data 15, 18, 210, 315, 323

Dawkins, Juliet 353, 362

Dawkins, Richard 523, 567, 92, 93, 279

argument from personal incredulity 164

Haldane–Dawkins ‘queerer-than-we-can-suppose’ argument 53, 56, 59, 81

death 48, 63, 69, 436, 453, 459

elimination of 63, 213, 455

evil of 213

fear of 84

decision-making 335

conventional model of 341

democratic 3445; see also voting

and Popper’s criterion of ridding ourselves of bad governments without violence 34451, 352

and problem solving 3412

social-choice theory and 335, 3378, 3423, 345

society-wide planning and 33551

by weighing 34042

decoherence 285, 303

deconstructionism 314

deduction 5

deep space 478, 669, 712, 293

deforestation 418, 42021, 422

Demeter 1921, 24, 26

democracy 217, 250, 333, 335

democratic decision-making in elections 3445

see also voting; plurality voting 34650

Dennett, Daniel 117, 154

design 44, 125, 131, 139, 144, 155, 159162, 201, 357, 367

appearance of 44, 50, 846, 87, 97, 98, 106, 357, 3634

Paley’s criterion for 857

argument from 837

creationism and designers 43, 49, 51, 73, 7981, 97

in the laws of physics 96103

determinism 277, 287, 371

deterministic laws 263, 265, 267, 268, 270, 275, 276, 279, 305

Deutsch, David, The Fabric of Reality 10910, 450, 460

diagonal argument 17071, 172

Diamond, Jared 4259, 430, 442

dictatorship see tyranny

meaning of ‘dictator’ in Arrow’s theorem 343

no-dictator axiom 336

Difference Engine 1356

Difference Engine, The (Gibson and Sterling) 137


calculus 164

of histories in a multiverse 2735, 2769, 2878

decoherence and 285

interference and 2837, 291, 293

rate of growth of distinct histories 287; see also waves of differentiation

digital technology 13942

dinosaurs 162, 315

disasters, natural 42, 49, 63, 200, 202, 2067

discrete variables 128, 140, 142, 274, 305, 450

discrete/continuous dichotomy 140, 142, 274, 298, 450

disease 59, 63, 196, 200, 213, 294, 385, 437

Black Death 208, 385, 437

cholera 207

cures 11, 153, 213, 272, 422, 437, 455

pandemics/epidemics 196, 208, 418, 436; see also Black Death above

DNA 567, 62, 67, 78, 95, 162, 375, 376

computer 145

damage 294

and the genetic code’s jump to universality 1436, 1623

in pollen 360

dogmas/dogmatism 13, 23, 26, 66, 122, 445, 447

domino computer (Hofstadter) 11517, 118, 185, 358

doomsday argument 4556

doppelgangers 258, 2634, 265, 27072

Doyle, Arthur Conan 10

Dragon’s Egg (Forward) 97


hallucination 301

Popperian epistemology taught in a ‘dream of Socrates’ 22354

reality and experience as a waking dream 2412, 2523

drugs 31718

Easter Island 41824, 43031

economic forecasts 371, 437, 439


artificial/virtual 68

see also biosphere

Eden, Garden of 52, 63

Edison, Thomas 36, 41, 158, 341

see also inspiration/perspiration

education 123, 2034, 210, 21718, 23031, 244, 247, 252, 254, 311, 3778, 382, 389, 391, 392, 393, 400, 409, 431, 435

academic knowledge 4, 255, 369, 393, 446

because I say so 311, 3912, 395

moral 23031

university 346, 158, 255, 308, 309, 403, 406, 409, 433, 446

see also fun; Popper on instruction

Ehrlich, Paul 4312, 440

Einstein, Albert 60, 104, 113, 255, 256, 307, 310, 312, 4467, 451

curved space and time 1834

explanation of planetary motion 112, 113

general theory of relativity 29, 61, 107, 312

and the problem of quantum gravity 44950

special theory of relativity 199

Elbot program 151, 156

electoral systems 33840

and democratic decision-making 3445

plurality voting system 34650

see also proportional representation

electron(s) 70, 108, 28991, 293, 294, 298, 324, 454

field 291

microscope 39

elegance 3, 25, 32, 42, 94, 199, 355, 367, 387

elementary particles see particles, elementary


ancient theory of 14

formation of 1, 2, 40, 50, 612, 96

Eliza program 1489, 161

see also chatbots

emergence 104, 10811, 11819, 123, 156, 292, 3023, 305, 395

causation as emergent 118

Hofstadter’s ‘I’ and 11518

levels of emergence and of explanation 114, 116, 118, 123, 124, 130, 141, 293, 373, 444, 459

and reductionism 10910

emotions 154, 356, 384, 389

empiricism 429, 32, 119, 122, 155, 165, 31112, 358, 361, 411

and the deceptiveness of the senses 8, 14, 301

failed to eliminate authority 810; see also justificationism

the falseness of 78, 32, 39, 120, 20910, 403

and the history of ideas 31112, 31416, 325, 345, 354

Horgan’s misconceptions based on 448

and inductivism 57

and instrumentalism 15

mistaken idea of theory-free observation 39

salutary role 13, 311

see also knowledge

end-of-the-world prophet 14, 212; see also Malthusian prophetic fallacy

energy 267, 361, 439

dark 451

and fungibility 267, 298

gravitational 3, 450

law of conservation of 109

needed for knowledge creation 612, 146

of photons in different universes 2978

quantized 274, 291, 298, 433

solar 50, 66, 74

Engels, Friedrich 426, 428, 430, 442

ENIAC (computer) 139

Enlightenment, the 31

British 656;

and progress 1214, 223, 29, 323, 656, 133, 203, 39091

and the scientific revolution 12, 14, 23, 32, 53

and universality 1334

and the evolution of memes 39093

mini-enlightenments 23, 31, 21621

and our view of the Earth 443

utopian (Continental) 656, 313

entanglement 2845, 293, 295, 2967, 303, 308

entanglement information 281, 28990, 307

protection of qubits from 295

time as an entanglement phenomenon 299

environment see biosphere

epidemics/pandemics 196, 208, 418, 436

see also Black Death

epistemology 225, 412

and ‘a dream of Socrates’ 22643, 245, 2523

empiricism see empiricism

inductivism 57

see also knowledge

equivocation 309, 318, 325, 448

Eratosthenes of Cyrene 443, 458

error correction 94, 136, 14042, 147, 192, 209, 210, 211, 222, 271, 302, 322, 323, 328, 389, 395, 409, 41112

and convergence 350

requires digital information 14042

in plurality voting 348

and universality 147

see also fooling ourselves


Euclidean space 164, 183

theory of geometry 42, 183, 184

Euripides 216

europium 433, 434

Everett, Hugh 310

interpretation of quantum theory 310

evidence 22, 25, 278, 39, 49, 73, 75, 103

circumstantial 10

as an essential requirement for knowledge creation 61, 67

we are inundated with 612, 66

literally within arm’s reach 62

in philosophy 209

of our senses 4

is the same throughout the universe 62, 679

evils 199200, 212, 213, 221, 319, 395, 435

evil of death 213

problem of evil 80, 199

evolution 489, 52

artificial 15863

and attraction 36065

co-evolution 36062, 400, 41415

convergent 95

of creativity see creativity: evolution of

of culture see cultural evolution

Darwinian 105

of the human species 48, 55, 394, 41213

and knowledge 77, 78105

natural selection 52, 56, 78, 87,

not necessarily adaptive 91

of non-explanatory knowledge 94

‘survival of the fittest’ 91, 371

see also adaptation; Lamarckism

evolutionary cosmologies 1789

ex nihilo creation 104, 345

see also regress, infinite

expectations 4, 1719

experience, sensory see sensory experience

experimental testing 1314, 26

essence of 1618

falsification through 26

Galileo and 14

principle of testability 14, 26, 111

explanationless theories 15, 16, 158, 210, 316, 31819, 32023, 325

see also philosophy, bad; inexplicability; rules of thumb

explanations 30

of abstractions 11424

bad (easy to vary) 1922, 256, 29, 31, 534, 64, 80, 83, 97, 1012, 150, 154, 174, 199200, 260, 264, 282, 311, 324

and bad philosophy 31125

are conjectural 2, 9, 10, 17, 26, 1913

creating new problems 64, 76, 350, 422

creativity and 78, 342

and decision-making 341

discrete options between 342

and elegance 355

evolution of explanatory theories 94

falsified 26

good (hard to vary) vii, 6, 24, 25, 28, 31, 789, 94, 156, 209, 257, 306, 341, 342, 353

and imagination 26, 2645

imitation and 410

instrumentalist conception of 13

mythical 1921, 24, 25

open-ended stream of explanatory knowledge 6065, 67, 69, 81, 175, 450, 4579

the quest for good explanations vii, 223, 26, 39, 314

reach of 133, 5960, 75, 789, 105, 118, 123, 1667, 197, 220, 4589

and reality 6

reductive 10910, 116, 361, 371, 429

scientific theories as 3, 14, 113

of seasons 1921, 235, 269, 42, 44, 458

simplicity is inadequate 256

and technology, fundamental link with 556, 58

‘ultimate’ 4258

universal explainers 123, 157, 415

explicability 534, 60, 64, 103, 108, 111, 121, 146, 193, 200, 213, 260, 2645, 270, 272, 282, 300301, 358, 4456, 459

extinction of species 48, 49, 90, 956, 428, 436, 437

caused by their own evolution 49, 55, 92

hedge against extinction of human species 623

human escapes from 49, 1967, 2045, 2067

mass extinction events 49, 956

and storing the genes of endangered species 95

extraterrestrials 2, 60, 145, 322, 414

art and 354

dangerous 60, 2023

detecting life on distant planets 68, 73

extraterrestrial civilizations 79, 101, 2024, 399

search for intelligent (SETI) 723, 17980

see also Fermi’s problem

eyes 1, 2, 3, 11, 37, 40, 46, 52, 545, 59, 68, 80, 834, 85, 226, 229, 231, 240n, 241, 252, 261, 294, 316, 355, 383

Fabric of Reality, The (Deutsch) 10910, 450, 460


apportionment paradoxes 32633, 334

impartiality 330, 331, 334

misconceptions in social-choice theory 3456

Fall from Grace 52

fallibilism 9, 32, 64, 65, 193, 211, 232, 233, 395, 446, 448

fallibility 66, 135, 192, 226, 2335, 240, 242, 2523, 2545, 311, 317, 413

see also fallibilism

farming see agriculture

Fascist ideologies 371

see also Nazism

fashion 314, 354, 356

fads 379, 394

Fatherland (Harris) 259

FDP (Free Democratic Party, Germany) 33940

Fermi, Enrico 101

Fermi’s problem 101, 453

Feynman, Richard 22, 39, 101, 209, 305, 355, 444

fiction 26, 294

see also science fiction

fine-tuning of the universe/laws of physics 96103, 104, 105, 106, 111, 113, 294, 434

problems with anthropic explanation of 17780, 195, 452, 453

finitism 1656

fire 12, 50, 111, 202, 207, 400

see also elements, ancient theory of

first-past-the-post (plurality) voting system 34650, 352

flagellants 385

Flew, Antony 97

Florence 21821, 386

flowers, and the objectivity of beauty 36064


and co-evolution 360

production 205, 206, 208

supply 11, 48, 89, 206, 400, 408

see also agriculture

fooling ourselves, keep from 22, 209, 301, 317


deforestation 418, 42021, 422

management 423, 4245, 430

Forward, Robert: Dragon’s Egg 97

fossils 51, 956, 121, 292, 31516

Free Democratic Party (FDP, Germany) 33940

freedom 51, 217, 250, 343, 369, 392, 405, 457

French Revolution 66

Freyr myth 20, 21, 25

Friedman, David 444

fun 35, 367, 41, 115, 149

fundamental theory or phenomenon see significance

fungibility 2659, 270, 272305, 450

difficulty of imagining 269

diversity within 268, 278, 289


anthropic reasoning about the future 4526

of creativity 358, 41516

not yet imaginable 444

optimism and the desirable future 4467

and the pessimistic view of bounded knowledge 198, 4456, 4479

and the shedding of parochialism 4445

and the simulation argument 4534

unpredictability of knowledge growth see under unpredictability

won’t resemble the past 57, 29, 31

see also prophecy

galaxies 23, 28, 3440, 445, 58, 68, 101, 275, 281, 302

clusters of 346

effects of dark energy on 451

effects of dark matter on 46

Milky Way 1, 2, 47, 7071, 101, 2023

space between see space, intergalactic

Galileo Galilei 14, 21920, 390

gambler’s prophecy see prophecy

game theory see social-choice theory

gamma rays 68

bursts of 2, 208

Gauss, Carl Friedrich 183

generation ship 44, 69

genes 29, 43, 567, 58, 59, 78, 80, 8992, 1056, 142, 158, 315, 316, 364, 371, 378, 399

and co-evolution 36064, 41415

of endangered species 95

genetic code and the jump to universality 1426, 1623, 458

genetic engineering see biotechnology

genetic evidence 49, 56, 206

genetic explanations of individual human attributes 31719, 323, 356, 359, 401, 410, 429

knowledge implicit in 29, 50, 567, 59, 60, 72, 88, 111, 114, 366, 400

and memes 37297, 404, 405, 407, 408, 413, 414

and neo-Darwinism 8996

see also DNA; genomes; replicators

genomes 567, 144, 362, 364, 378, 379, 411

geocentric theory 8, 42

see also celestial sphere theory


biogeography 42531

of Mars 5

of the universe 443

geometry 7, 23, 24, 42, 113, 119, 161, 1834, 188, 230, 233, 240, 252

see also space, Euclidean; space, curvature of spacetime

Gibson, William: The Difference Engine 137

giraffes, evolution of the neck 88, 362

global warming 43741

God 52, 8081, 87

argument from design for existence of 837

creationism and 81

and mathematical infinities 166

gods 21, 26, 42, 43, 60, 64, 79, 80, 81, 97, 104, 203, 217, 243

Gödel, Kurt 1845

gold 12, 30

golden age

of Athens 21617, 254, 386

of Florence 218, 386

Islamic 220

myths 52, 63

Grace, Fall from 52

grammatical rules 3745

gravity 29, 107, 11213

gravitational effects of dark matter 46

gravitational energy 3

quantum 178, 44950

see also space, curvature of spacetime; relativity

Great Rift Valley 48, 50, 58, 69

guessing see conjecture

Gutenberg, Johannes 134

Hades 19

Haldane, John 53, 56, 59, 81, 95

hallucination 301

see also mirages

Hamilton, Alexander 330

Hamilton’s rule 330, 331, 332

Hanson, Norwood Russell 10n

Hanson, Robin 457

happiness 31619

Harris, Robert: Fatherland 259

Harris, Roger 321

Hawking, Stephen 44, 45, 63, 175, 202, 203, 204, 208

Heisenberg, Werner 255, 289, 3067, 309

Heisenberg uncertainty principle 289, 291, 3034

heliocentric theory 8, 267

helium 1, 47, 96

helots 218, 247

Heraclitus 7

Hermes, and ‘a dream of Socrates’ 22343

Herodotus 216

high-level phenomena 10810, 114, 160, 300301, 371

Hilbert, David 186, 189

Infinity Hotel thought experiment 16777, 181, 1856, 195

Hill, Joseph Adna 334

historians of science 256

histories (sequences of events in a multiverse)

coarse-grained 293, 298

definition 265

differentiation/splitting of 2735, 2769, 2858, 2934

distinguished from universes 265

and entanglement information 281, 28990

and explicability 301

and fungibility see fungibility

and interference 2838, 291, 293

measurement and 307

multiplicity of histories between observations 308

rate of growth of distinct histories 288

rejoining of split histories 2825

and strata 293

history 265, 429

alternative-history fiction 259, 294

distinguished from ‘world’, ‘universe’ and ‘multiverse’ 265

of ideas 4, 5, 43, 216, 30516, 428, 442 see also philosophy

of life 68, 92, 95, 37980

of optimism 216

pessimism in 216

of philosophy 255

see also civilization; prehistory

Hofstadter, Douglas 11518, 138, 14950

holism 110, 1234

Homo erectus 400

Horgan, John 4479

House of Representatives, US 326, 330, 331, 34950

humanism 219


anthropocentrism see anthropocentrism

not supported by the biosphere 4850

as channels of information flow 302

as chemical scum 448, 51, 72, 73

and the doomsday argument 4556

escapes from extinction 49, 1967, 2045, 2067

as glowing 46

human appearance 365

and matter 46

as problem-solvers 435; see also problem solving

the reach of human adaptations 5665

significance of knowledge and 7075, 76

as spark for knowledge creation 75

survival of civilization/species 49, 623, 1967, 202, 2045, 2068

as universal constructors 5860, 62, 429

see also people

Hume, David 118, 120

humour 150, 151, 1567, 174, 310, 355, 3723, 374

origin and evolution of jokes 93, 3723, 374, 388

Hunt, Terry 418

Huxley, Thomas 355

hydrogen 47, 56, 66, 73, 75, 96, 145, 29091

bombs 139, 196

transmutation of 1, 61, 67


conjectural see conjecture

replicating see memes

see also explanations

ignorance, infinite 447

imagination 26, 2645

see also fiction; science fiction

imitation 402, 40310, 417

aping 405

behaviour parsing 4079

parroting 405, 4067

immortality 63, 214, 455, 459

impartiality see fairness

incredulity, argument from personal 164

indiscernibles, Leibniz’s doctrine of 2656

induction see inductivism

inductivism 57, 9, 27, 30, 210, 220, 318, 340, 403

and Lamarckism 89, 106, 210, 41112

principle of induction 5, 7, 28, 31

inexplicability 534, 104, 103, 2645, 2812, 4456

see also supernatural

inexplicit knowledge 365, 367, 369, 374, 375, 380, 4035, 408, 412, 414

infinity 16495

Cantor’s definition 167, 181

and confusions of abstract attributes with physical ones of the same name 1826

of the continuum 164, 170, 195

countable 171, 172, 194

ideas with infinite reach 16793

our infinite ignorance 447

infinite ignorance and potential for knowledge 447

the infinite reach of ideas 16793

infinite regress 1745, 178, 190, 194, 226, 341

infinite sets 102, 118, 122, 164, 16780, 277, 453

Infinity Hotel thought experiment 16777, 181, 1856, 195

introduction to concept of beginning of vii–viii

mathematics and 164, 166, 16777, 186

measuring instruments and 181

physics and 164, 173, 175, 17781, 1823, 1934

potential 165

principled rejections of 1323, 1657, 459

and probability 1767

religious objections to study of 166

uncountable 1712, 177, 181, 182

and universality 1645

see also Zeno’s mistake

information flow 238, 263, 265, 266, 281, 282, 292

people as channels of 302

in quantum theory 282, 287, 295, 304

see also histories (sequences of events in a multiverse)

initial state 107, 118, 280

innovation 125, 127, 133, 147, 197, 202, 204, 205, 392, 394, 398401, 402, 410, 41314, 435

and catastrophes 201

and criticism 222

Florentine 21819

rapid 397, 399, 457

suppression of 202, 204, 384, 416, 423, 427

see also universality, the jump to

insoluble problems 53, 193, 213

see also problems are soluble; undecidable questions

inspiration 36, 37, 41, 42, 58, 15860, 333, 341, 440

inspiration/perspiration 36, 37, 41, 58, 76, 15860, 3412, 456

see also automation

instrumentalism 1516, 26, 31, 110, 112, 210, 325, 356

and quantum theory 3079

see also behaviourism; finitism

instruments, scientific see measuring instruments

intelligence 2, 47, 60, 86

artificial see artificial intelligence (AI)

and explanations 30

extraterrestrial see extraterrestrials

see also fine-tuning

interference, quantum 2828, 291, 293, 2958, 3012, 303

see also Mach–Zehnder interferometers

interpretation 36, 45, 65, 115, 127, 144, 164, 178, 216, 219, 253, 255, 301, 311, 31819, 329n, 330, 337, 344, 423, 4289, 436

of experiences 710, 17, 18, 22, 30, 38, 151, 317, 359, 369, 370, 403, 404, 407, 410, 448

of quantum theory 263, 266, 30610, 312, 322, 325, 460

split from prediction in scientific theories 31516, 323, 3245, 449

introspection 154

‘ironic science’ 4489

Jacquard, Joseph Marie 134

Jacquard loom 1345

Jefferson, Thomas 330

Jews 219, 385

joke, hideous, played on humans 416

jokes see humour

jump to universality see universality

justificationism 9, 31, 120, 187, 189

see also authority and knowledge

Kant, Immanuel 183

Keats, John 355

Kennedy, John F. 215

Kepler, Johannes 112

Kepler’s laws 112, 113, 256, 446

knowledge 78

in adaptation 55, 5665, 7881, 88

and the problem of creationism 7981

and authority see authority and knowledge

creation of see creation of knowledge

cultural 50, 51, 55, 59, 422

and deduction 5

certain see fallibilism

and ‘a dream of Socrates’ 22643, 245, 2523

effects on an environment 745; see also under biosphere

encoded/embodied in matter 50, 56, 745, 2667, 3757

and evolution 77, 78105

explanatory see explanations; scientific theories

genetic see DNA; genes; genomes

inexplicit see inexplicit knowledge

infinite ignorance as potential for 447

moral see moral knowledge

as ‘nearly there’ 4456

non-explanatory 29, 73, 78, 94; see also inexplicit knowledge; rules of thumb

objective vii, 15, 31, 122, 185, 193, 203, 209, 2212, 226, 236, 238, 242, 253, 255, 308, 314, 345, 350, 3534, 35868, 388, 394, 448

Plato’s theory of 119, 252, 2523

as a replicator 95, 114, 2667

significance of people and 7075, 76

and survival 202, 207

see also epistemology

Kuhn, Thomas 313

Kurrild-Klitgaard, Peter 339

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 1989, 206, 445, 446

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 878, 89

Lamarckism 879, 96, 103, 105, 106, 158, 210, 376, 411, 446

language 93, 94, 1256, 142, 154, 268, 280, 309, 311, 315, 323, 363, 365, 366, 36970, 405, 407, 409, 413, 414, 428

other than natural language 144, 154, 15962, 199, 292, 361, 365, 366, 399

see also universality: the jump to; writing systems

Laplace, Pierre Simon 133

lasers 73, 266, 267, 2734, 294, 393, 446

see also atomic lasers

laws of nature see nature, laws of

laws of physics see physics, laws of

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 137, 164, 181, 199200, 2656, 268, 269

Leonardo da Vinci 219

liberty see freedom

life-support system 4451, 45, 64, 71 see also Spaceship Earth; sustainability