Chapter 1.
Why Does Nutrition Matter in Mental Health?
Chapter 2.
The Second Brain: Trust Your Gut
Chapter 3.
Listening to Your Clients About Their Diet and Health: Assessment Techniques
Chapter 4.
Common Diagnoses and Typical Nutritional Culprits
Chapter 5.
Food Allergies, Sensitivities, and Special Diets
Chapter 6.
The Kitchen Is Your Pharmacy
Chapter 7.
Best Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Glandulars, and Special Nutrients for Mental Health
Chapter 8.
Medication: Side Effects and Withdrawal
Chapter 9.
Putting It All Together: Making Recommendations for Success
Note: The e-book contains some places that ask the reader to fill in questions or comments. Please keep pen and paper handy as you read this e-book so that you can complete the exercises within.