Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
AA. see arachidonic acid (AA)
abuse. see also specific types, e.g. , physical abuse
alcohol ( see alcohol abuse)
lower bowel function problems related to, 50
substance ( see substance abuse)
Academy Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, 347
ASDs related to, 110
acetate, 51
cognitive decline related to, 112–13
in mood support, 293 t
Achilles reflex
in thyroid function assessment, 354
nutritional deficits and, 121–22
in stages of change model, 317
“activity anorexia,” 90
acupuncturists, 96, 350
acute insomnia, 115
for ADHD, 114
addiction(s). see also specific types
alcohol, 210–11, 269 t
in altering consciousness, 14
caffeine, 389–93
cocaine, 271 t
coffee, 389–93
food, 147–51, 150 b –51 b
meth, 273 t
nutritional deficits and, 105–10
opiate, 274 t
sugar, 196–97, 197 b –99 b
tobacco, 275 t
concept of, 105
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe), 248–49, 251 t
ADHD. see attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Adderall for, 114
in nutritional change, 317–22
unhealthy diet and poor mental health in, 11
adrenal fatigue
caffeine withdrawal and, 390
nutritional deficits and, 117
aging process
cognitive decline related to, 112
AL. see allostatic load (AL)
alanine, 258 t
gluten in, 135
alcohol abuse
described, 106
nutritional deficits related to, 105–6
alcohol addiction
nutrients for, 269 t
hypoglycemia and, 11
alcohol recovery, 210–11
alfalfa, 186
common, 127
eliminate exposure to, 14
food, 14, 116
food, 125–66 ( see also food allergies)
on initial intake form, 78
management of, 302
allostatic load (AL), 30
sleep disturbances related to, 115
as snack, 39
alpha-GPC choline (glyceryl phosphorylcholine), 226, 232 t
as neurotoxin, 112
occupational exposure to, 112
sensitivity to, 144–45
Alzheimer’s disease
blood glucose and, 38 b
environmental toxins and, 112
HSV-1 and, 111–12
impaired amyloid-beta production and, 82
oxidative stress and, 38 b
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 348
American Board of Physician Specialties, 349
amino acids. see also specific types
free amino acid therapy, 254
L-glutamine, 254, 259 t
glycine, 255, 259 t
L-5-hydroxytryptophan, 260–61, 257 t
impaired digestion of proteins effects on, 32–33
individual, 254–61, 256 t –60 t ( see also specific types )
intravenous therapy with, 253
in mental health, 252, 254–61, 256 t –60 t
modes of administration of, 253
NAC, 254
in nutritional supplementation, 252, 254–61, 256 t –60 t
DL-phenylalanine, 255, 257 t
taurine, 255, 258 t
L-theanine, 255–56, 259 t
L-tryptophan, 260–61, 257 t
tyrosine, 261, 260 t
amylase, 41
amyloid-beta production
Alzheimer’s disease related to impaired, 82
AN. see anorexia nervosa (AN)
animal glands
in nutritional therapy, 261–62
animal proteins, 177–79
meat quality, 177
organ meats, 177
anorexia nervosa (AN), 90
“activity,” 90
nutrients for, 281 t
ANS. see autonomic nervous system (ANS)
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 305–6
antianxiety medications
cessation of, 16
Anti-Anxiety Tonic, 195 b –96 b
CRC related to, 119
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 298–99
as mood stabilizer, 297–98
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 299
benefits of, 294–95
cessation of, 16
mechanism of action of, 33
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 293–95 ( see also specific types )
for PTSD, 294
side effects of, 33
tricyclic, 293
uses of, 294
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 298–99
antihypertensive agents
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 300
anti-inflammatory diet (mixed/balanced metabolism and lacto ovo pescatarian), 156–57
anti-inflammatory drugs
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 300
antiphospholipid antibodies
in children with ASDs, 110
for bipolar disorder, 292
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 292–93
antiviral medications, 303
in digestion, 50
anxiety disorders
assessment of, 103
GABA–acting nutrients for, 296
GABA and, 103
magnesium and, 103
nutrients for, 267 t
nutritional deficits and, 102–3
symptoms of, 102–3
apoaequorin, 240
arachidonic acid (AA), 37
arginine, 259 t
L-ascorbic acid/ascorbate, 227, 232 t
ASDs. see autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)
Asian Slaw, 375
asparagine, 258 t
sensitivity to, 142
aspartic acid, 258 t
Assessing Importance technique
in stages of change model, 314–15
assessment, 57–97
avoid shame during, 58–59
diagnostic and symptom-specific, 87–94
eating disorders–related, 87–94 ( see also specific disorders, e.g. , bulimia nervosa (BN))
as education, 57–59
financial resources in, 80
goal setting in, 70
goals in, 58
initial intake form and analysis in, 71–80, 60–69 ( see also initial intake form and analysis)
mental health nutrition–related, 57–97
metaphor of jigsaw puzzle in, 58
partnership model in, 57–58
assessment techniques, 57–97. see also assessment
management of, 302
at-home detoxification methods
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 290
Atkin’s diet, 153–54
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
medication for children with, 15–16
nutrients for, 278 t
nutritional deficits and, 113–14
stimulants for, 297
authentic foods
described, 6
authentic/traditional diets, 4–7. see also traditional/authentic diets
autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)
antiphospholipid antibodies in, 110
causes of, 110
dysbiosis in, 116
food eating patterns of children with, 111
nutrients for, 276 t
nutritional deficits and, 110–11
phospholipids in, 110
PLA2 enzyme in, 111
autoimmune disorders
management of, 302
Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (AutoMEQ)
in circadian rhythm assessment, 82
AutoMEQ. see Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (AutoMEQ)
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
in mediating stress and digestive upset, 31
autonomous practice
as mental health nutrition professional, 21
Avocado-Coconut Smoothie, 395
avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
described, 90
awareness enhancement
mindfulness exercises in, 31 b –32 b
Ayurveda diet, 160
bacon fat
as source of healthy fats, 174
healthy ( see probiotics)
in microbiome, xii
bacterial overgrowth
small intestinal, 42
Baked Kale Chips, 185 b
balanced mineral supplement, 234
balanced/mixed diets, 157–59
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 295
bariatric surgery
candidates for, 92
complications of, 92
comprehensive assessment prior to, 93–94
contraindications to, 92
described, 91–94
diet after, 118–19
dumping syndrome after, 118
efficacy of, 91
nutritional complications after, 118–19
nutritional needs after, 117–19
types of, 91
Barnes, B.O., 355
Barnes thyroid temperature test
in thyroid function assessment, 354–55
basal body temperature
measurement of, 354–5
B-complex vitamin, 222
BED. see binge eating disorder (BED)
gluten in, 135
behavioral change strategies
integration with principle of nutritional substitutions, 14–15
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 295–96
berries, 192
beta-carotene, 227–28, 230 t
beverage sweetener alternatives
sensitivity to, 141
as probiotic, 53
composition of, 43
defined, 43
binge eating disorder (BED)
described, 89
nutrients for, 282 t
history of, 75
biochemical individuality, 307
milk-derived, 245, 250 t
biotin, 224, 231 t
bipolar disorder
antipsychotics for, 292
assessment of, 102
mood stabilizers for, 297
nutrients for, 266 t
nutritional deficits and, 101–2
treatment of, 101
bitter greens, 189
Black Rice Breakfast Pudding with Coconut and Fruit, 359–60
shame closely related to, 59
in nutritional change, 323
blood-brain barrier, 49
blood glucose
Alzheimer’s risk related to, 38 b
low ( see hypoglycemia)
blood pressure medications
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 300
blood pressure regulation
cholesterol as precursor of, 45
blood sugar handling, 216
blood sugar levels
assessment of, 82–83
cortisol in raising, 10–11
in mental health, 168
blood sugar swings
mood swings following, 10
blood tests
in food sensitivities assessment, 84
in thyroid function assessment, 354
BMI. see body mass index (BMI)
BN. see bulimia nervosa (BN)
body categories, 8–10, 10 t
body dysmorphia
self-harming behaviors and traumatic stress related to, 16
body mass index (BMI)
on client intake form, 71
bolus, 41
Bone Broth Recipe, 178
boron, 239
bovine (cow) milk, 179
nourishing of, 13
response to cannabis, 30
nourishing of, 34–40, 38 b
“second,” 29–56 ( see also “second brain”)
Brain Bolt Dressing, 184 b
vegetables and fruits in, 190 t –91 t
brain glandular, 262, 263 t
brain shrinkage
oxidative stress and, 38 b
brain signaling
nutrient supplementation in improving, 112
importance of, 13
Bredesen, D.E., 112
Breggin, P.R., 285, 286, 294, 283
Bremner, M., 395, 201 b
Briton, S., 359
broccoli, 187
bulimia nervosa (BN)
described, 89
nutrients for, 282 t
butane hash oil (dabs)
nutritional deficits and, 107
as source of healthy fats, 173–74
“butterflies in the stomach,” 29
Butterworth, S., 315, 314
B vitamins
in mood regulation, xii–xiii
Café de capomo, 212
long-term negative health effects of, 390
withdrawal from, 389–93
caffeine addiction, 389–93
kicking, 392–93
caffeine connect chart, 391
CAFOs. see confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs)
calcium, 238, 241 t, 238 b
calcium channel blockers
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 301
Calcium-Rich Soup, 238 b
Campbell-McBride, N., 152
on client intake form, 79
Candida-related complex (CRC)
nutritional deficits and, 119
nutritional deficits and, 119
cannabidiol (CBD), 244
in mood support, 293 t
cannabis, 244, 240, 250 t
brain responding to, 30
described, 106–7
nutritional deficits and, 106–7
THC of, 244
cannabis withdrawal
nutrients for, 270 t
cannabis withdrawal syndrome, 107
carbohydrate(s), 188–89
complex, 38
components of, 38
daily intake requirements, 11
described, 34
diet low in, 12
fruits, 189
function of, 38, 37
grains, 188–89
in nourishing brain, mind, and emotions, 37–38, 38 b
rate of digestion of, 6–7
vegetables, 189
cardiovascular symptoms
on initial intake form, 78
carminatives, 54–55
defined, 9
carnivore diets, 153–56
carob tea, 212
Carrot Juice Jubilee, 209 b –10 b
described, 84
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 131
foods and ingredients containing, 357
casein-free dairy foods, 357
casein sensitivity
assessment of, 83–85
Cashew-Apple Smoothie, 395
casomorphins, 84
CBD. see cannabidiol (CBD)
celiac disease, 131–32
assessment of, 83–85
depression and, 100
described, 84
prevalence of, 84
Center for Nutrition Advocacy, 22
“change talk”
in stages of change model, 316–17
cheese, 180
chemical dependency. see also specific agents
nutritional deficits and, 105–10
chemical sensitivities, 139–43, 142 b
MCS, 139–40
neurotoxins, 140–43, 142 b
cherry juice, 192
chia, 51
Chia and Nut Butter Smoothie, 170 b
comfort foods from, 25
cooking with, 324
unhealthy diet and poor mental health in, 11
Chinese medicine, 96
chocolate, 192
cognitive decline related to, 112
as foundation for pregnenolone, 45–46
functions of, 45
heart disease related to, 112, 44–45
as hormone precursor, 44–46
levels of, 45
management of, 45
choline, 226–27, 232 t
chromium, 234, 241 t
chronic fatigue
mitochondrial energy failure in, 85
chronic fatigue syndrome
nutritional deficits and, 119
chronic insomnia, 115
chronic pain
nutritional deficits and, 121
chrononutrition, 216
defined, 81, 167
imbalance in, 216, 81–82
in mental health, 167–68
chyme, 40
Cilantro/Parsley Pesto Heavy Metal Detox, 146 b
circadian rhythm
assessment of, 82
effects of, 81–82
client information
on client intake form, 328
client intake form, 328–38
client information on, 328
current and previous conditions on, 336–37
current dietary habits on, 331–32
current health information on, 329–30
detoxification history on, 334–35
diet history on, 332–33
family medical history on, 331
health history on, 330
meaning of food on, 338
medications on, 333
motivation for nutritional change on, 338
non-pharmaceutical substance use on, 333–34
nutritional supplements/herbs/minerals on, 334
pain/discomfort history on, 335
Clinician Checklist, 63, 61, 62 t –63 t
for Food-Mood diary, 63, 61, 339–40, 62 t –63 t
Clostridia spp.
physical and mental health disorders related to, 116
coaching for adherence
in nutritional change, 317–22
nutritional deficits and, 107–8
cocaine addiction
nutrients for, 271 t
cocoa, 192
as source of healthy fats, 171–73, 175 t, 173 b
Coconut Milk Mocha, 171 b
coconut oil
as source of healthy fats, 172–73
Coconut Turmeric Cauliflower, 377
cod liver oil
as source of healthy fats, 173
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), 244–45, 250 t
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) synthesis
methylation pathway in, 87
coffee, 212
health benefits of, 392
PMS effects of, 212
substitutes for, 391
coffee addiction
kicking, 389–93
coffee substitutes, 212
cognitive decline
acetylcholine and, 112–13
aging process effects on, 112
causes of, 111–13
cholesterol intake and, 112
nutrients for, 277 t –78 t
nutrients in prevention of, 17
nutritional problems contributing to, 111–13
cognitive function
nutritional deficits effects on, 111–13
Cold-Brewed Coffee, 393
Coleslaw with Yogurt, 375
in integrating nutritional therapies into mental health treatment, 21
in food choices, 14
comfort foods, 24–25
substituting unhealthy with healthy options, 25, 26 t
Commission on Dietetic Registration, 347
community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs
in nutritional change, 323
compassion therapy, 59
in nutritional therapy in mental health, 22–23
complex carbohydrates, 38
complex trauma
nutritional deficits and, 104–5
concussion syndrome
nutritional deficits following, 113
confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 177
Congee, 360–61
altering of, 14, 105–10
“consensus trance,” 285
in stages of change model, 316–17
cooked foods
raw foods vs., 213–14
cooking methods
blenders, 323
with children, 324
Crock-Pot, 322–23
microwave use, 322
in nutritional change, 322–23
“Cooksmarts,” 319
cooler bags
in nutritional change, 321–22
copper, 239, 241 t
CoQ10. see coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 135–36
foods containing, 367
alternatives to, 302
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 301
in raising blood sugar levels, 10–11
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 301
mindful eating for, 323–26
cow milk, 179
CRC. see Candida-related complex (CRC)
Creamy Dill Dressing, 399
Creamy Ginger Vinaigrette, 399
in nutritional change, 322–23
recipes for, 341–42
cross reactivity
defined, 84
cruciferous vegetables, 187
recipes for, 374–79
CSA programs. see community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs
current and previous conditions
on client intake form, 336–37
current dietary habits
on client intake form, 74, 331–32
current health information
on client intake form, 71–72, 329–30, 71 b –72 b
Curried Quinoa, 365–66
cysteine, 259 t
cytokine(s), 3
depression effects of, 3
fermented, 207
dairy foods
casein-free, 357
substitutes for, 358
dairy milk substitutes, 179–80
dairy products, 179
Dashi, 387–88
nasal, 305
Delicious Seaweed Salad, 185 b –86 b
nutrients for, 277 t –78 t
nutritional deficits and, 111–13
sleep deprivation and, 82
as type 3 diabetes, 37
assessment of, 101
causes of, 100–1
celiac disease and, 100
cytokines and, 3
described, 100
medications vs. nutritional interventions for, 15
nutrients for, 265 t
nutritional deficits and, 100–1
pregnenolone deficiency and, 100
progesterone deficiency and, 100–1
vitamin D deficiency and, 100
“winter” ( see seasonal affective disorder (SAD))
dermatological disorders
on client intake form, 78
management of, 302
nutritional deficits and, 121–22
in stages of change model, 317
detoxification diets, 164–65
detoxification history
on client intake form, 77, 334–35
detoxification strategies
at-home, 290
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 290
developmental trauma
nutritional deficits and, 104–5
DHA. see docosahexaenoic (DHA)
diabetes type 2
nutritional deficits and, 120
diabetes type 3
dementia as, 37
diet(s). see also specific types
after bariatric surgery, 118–19
elimination, 84, 372–73
gluten-free, 132–35, 133 b –35 b ( see also gluten-free diet)
listen to clients about their, 57–97 ( see also assessment)
low in carbohydrates, 12
mental health problems related to, xii
nutritional type identification in, 126 t
special, 125–66 ( see also specific types )
standard American diet, 236, 2–4
tailoring to metabolism of individual, 6
three to six meals/day in, 12
traditional ( see traditional/authentic diets)
unhealthy, 11
value for mental health, 151–66
variation in, 14
during withdrawal process, 292–98, 293 t
dietary food additives
elimination of, 143–44
dietary habits
current, 74
dietary stressors, 3
Diet for a Small Planet, 159
diet history
on client intake form, 74–75, 332–33
registered, 95, 347
diet soda(s)
sensitivity to, 141
anus in, 50
esophagus in, 42–43
food combinations in, 53–56, 54 t
food preparation effects on, 41
gallbladder in, 43–44
gas in, 53–55
large intestine in, 50
liver in, 43–44
mental health and, 12–15
mouth, 40–50 ( see also mouth digestion)
mouth in, 40–50
NTs effects on, 32–33, 34 b
pancreas in, 46, 46 b
process of, 34, 30
purpose of, 34
rectum in, 50
relaxed, 3, 30, 33, 13–14, 34 b
small intestine in, 47–50, 47 b –48 b
stomach in, 42–43
stress effects on, 41, 30–34, 34 b, 31 b –32 b
digestion-related symptoms
on client intake form, 78
digestive enzymes, 41
digestive problems
on client intake form, 75
mental health effects of, 1, 14
digestive process
hormones in, 30
dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV), 133
discomfort history
on client intake form, 77, 335
social, 285
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 304
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 37, 36
in food intake regulation, 32
in mood support, 293 t
DOs. see osteopathic physicians (DOs)
“doshas,” 160
Douillard, J., 361
DPP-IV. see dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV)
salad, 398–401
Dr. Sears Zone diet, 157
drug(s). see also specific types and medication(s)
nutritional deficits and, 105–10
withdrawal from, 285–91 ( see also withdrawal process)
drug-nutrient-herbal interactions
harmful, 16
drug recovery, 210–11
duloxetine hydrochloride
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 294
dumping syndrome
after bariatric surgery, 118
in ASDs, 116
C. difficile and, 116
early puberty
nutritional deficits and, 120
eating disorders
AN, 90
assessment of, 87–94 ( see also specific disorders, e.g. , bulimia nervosa (BN))
avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, 90
BED, 89
BN, 89
causes of, 88
described, 87–89
emotional eating, 90
inability to gain weight, 94
NES, 90
purging behaviors, 89
recovery process from, 16
SED, 90
shame related to, 59
types of, 87–89
eCB. see endocannabinoid (eCB)
eclectic approach
in nutritional change, 317–22
nutritional deficits and, 108
Ecstacy recovery
nutrients for, 272 t
Edison, T.A., xi
assessment as, 57–59
EFAs. see essential fatty acids (EFAs)
as perfect protein, 39
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 37, 36
Elicit-Provide-Elicit (E-P-E) technique
in stages of change model, 313–15, 314 b
elimination diet, 372–73
food additives, 143–44
in food allergies and sensitivities assessment, 84, 138–39
modified, 139
elimination symptoms
on client intake form, 78
food in nourishing, 34–40, 38 b
emotional eating
described, 90
endocannabinoid (eCB) deficiency syndrome, 30
endocannabinoid (eCB) system, 29–30
endocrine system symptoms
on client intake form, 78
endogenous opioids
in mood support, 293 t
energy boost
herbs and plants for, 393
Enig, M.G., 172, 105
enteric nervous system, 29–56. see also “second brain”
“environmental illness,” 139–40
environmental toxins
in the home, 146–47
neurological diseases related to, 112
digestive, 41
PLA2, 111
proteolytic, 46, 42, 46 b
proteolytic plant, 248, 251 t
EPA. see eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
E-P-E technique. see Elicit-Provide-Elicit (E-P-E) technique
in mood support, 293 t
Epling, W.F., 90
Epsom Salt Bath, 219 b
esophageal sphincter
stress affecting digestion in, 41
in digestion, 42–43
essential fatty acids (EFAs), 37, 35
in mental health, 252, 249, 253 t, 256 t –57 t
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 304
evening functional hypoglycemia
in insomnia assessment, 116
evoking change talk
in stages of change model, 316–17
sensitivity to, 140–43, 142 b
among obese people, 118
on initial intake form, 73
mindfulness, 31 b –32 b
“fad” diets, 164
Fahrenholz, F., 111
mindful eating for, 323–26
family medical history
on client intake form, 73, 331
fasting, 164–65
history of, 75
urine, 165
fast oxidizers, 8–10, 10 t
food types supporting, 9, 10 t
categories of, 34–37
described, 34
EFAs, 37, 35
emulsification of, 43
function of, 34
healthy, 170–76, 171 b, 172 t, 173 b, 170 b, 175 t –76 t ( see also specific types )
medicinal, 249, 252, 253 t, 256 t– 57 t, 175 t –76 t
monounsaturated, 36–37
MUFAs, 36–37
in nourishing brain, mind, and emotions, 34–37
PUFAs, 36
saturated fatty acids, 34–35
substitution principle for, 169–76
trans, 35–36
adrenal, 390, 117
chronic, 85
fat-soluble vitamins, 227–29, 233 t, 230 t
vitamin A, 227–28, 230 t
vitamin D, 228
vitamin E, 228–29
vitamin K, 229
fatty acids
essential, 37, 35, 252, 249, 253 t, 256 t –57 t
omega-3, 172 t
polyunsaturated, 36
saturated, 34–35
trans, 35–36
Feingold diet, 143
female hormones
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 304
fermented foods, 52, 203, 384–88
dairy, 207
in intestinal and brain health, 12
in mental health, 50–56, 54 t
soy, 207
vegetables, 203–9, 206 b –8 b
daily recommendations for, 51
function of, 51
insoluble, 51
in mental health, 50–56, 54 t
sources of, 50–51
types of, 50–51
mitochondrial energy failure in, 85
nutritional deficits and, 121
financial resources
for nutritional program, 80
fish, 179
five element diet, 161
flora, 48
foggy thinking
hypoglycemia and, 10
folate(s), 225, 232 t
enhancing, 168, 169 b
folate conversion
to methylfolate, 218–19
MTHFR in, 86
folic acid, 225, 232 t
food(s). see also specific types
adverse reactions to, 125–66 ( see also food allergies; food sensitivities/intolerance)
authentic, 6
best, 126 t
components of, 34
cooked vs. raw, 213–14
fermented ( see fermented foods)
as “fuel,” 7
meaning to client, 79, 338
mood effects of, 10–12
as more than nourishment, 4
nightshade, 137–38
in nourishing brain, mind, and emotions, 34–40, 38 b ( see also specific food types, e.g. , fat(s))
food addictions, 147–51, 150 b –51 b
food additives
elimination of, 143–44
food allergens
eliminate exposure to, 14
schizophrenia related to, 116
food allergies, 125–66
chemical-related, 139–43, 142 b
common allergens, 127
decreasing, 168
described, 127
essential principles of, 218
food additives–related, 143–44
foods causing, 130–39, 133 b –35 b
heavy metals–related, 144–46, 146 b
on initial intake form, 74
pulse test for, 128 b
symptoms of, 127
terminology related to, 127
testing for, 128, 128 b
treatment of, 128, 128 b
food-buying tips, 318 b –19 b
food choices
color in, 14
food combinations
basic principles of, 55–56
in digestion, 53–56, 54 t
food cravings, 147–51, 150 b –51 b
factors contributing to, 147–48
nutrient supplementation for reducing, 149
nutritional and behavioral tips for dealing with, 148–49
food eating patterns
of children with ASDs, 111
food hypersensitivity(ies)
non-IgE, 129
food intake
ideal percentages of, 10 t
food intake regulation
NTs in, 32–33, 34 b
food intolerances. see food sensitivities/intolerance
Food-Mood assessment
outcomes for client education during, 70
Food-Mood diary, 20, 61–62, 61 t –62 t
Clinician Checklist for, 63, 61, 339–40, 62 t –63 t
described, 61
review of, 63
sample dialogue, 64–69
food preparation, 23–27, 27 t, 26 t
comfort foods, 24–25
current methods, 74
digestion effects of, 41
essential first steps, 26–27, 27 t
essential next steps, 27
mental health effects of, 23–27, 27 t, 26 t
principle of substitutions, 25–26, 26 t
food sensitivities/intolerance, 125–66
assessment of, 83–85
case example, 129–30
chemical-related, 139–43, 142 b
decreasing, 168
described, 128
essential principles of, 218
food additives–related, 143–44
foods causing, 130–39, 133 b –35 b
heavy metals–related, 144–46, 146 b
on initial intake form, 74
mental health and physical conditions related to, 129
nightshade foods, 138
non-IgE, 129
pulse test for, 128 b
symptoms of, 129
terminology related to, 129
foods/fuel mix
genetics in, 8
food substitutions list, 27 t
food toxins
eliminate exposure to, 14
free amino acid therapy, 254
“freeze, fight, or flight” response, 30
fresh foods
daily preparation of, 23–24
as carbohydrates, 189
juicing of, 209–10, 209 b –10 b
Fruity Turmeric Smoothie, 394
in form of food, 7
“fuel mixture,” 7
functional hypoglycemia, 216
assessment of, 82–83
in bipolar disorder assessment, 102
evening, 116
insulin resistance and, 11
in mental health, 168
signs of, 216
functional medicine practitioners, 96, 348
GABA. see gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
galantamine, 250 t
in digestion, 43–44
removal of, 44
gallbladder problems
symptoms of, 43–44
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 32
anxiety related to, 103
in mood support, 293 t
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)–acting nutrients
for anxiety, 296
GAPS diet. see Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet
Garlic and Yogurt Salad Dressing, 386
Garum Armoricum stabilium, 245, 251 t
in digestion, 53–55
gastric bypass surgery
bariatric, 91–94 ( see also bariatric surgery)
intestinal permeability after, 50
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 41
nutritional deficits and, 120–21
stomach acid production and, 120–21
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. see also gut
described, 40
functions of, 49
gelatin-rich meat broths, 13
in foods/fuel mix, 8
GERD. see gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Gershon, M., 29
described, 84
Ghassemi, P., 249
as source of healthy fats, 174
Gimpl, G., 111
ginger, 200
glandulars. see also specific types
brain, 262, 263 t
described, 261
liver, 262, 263 t
in mental health, 261–64, 263 t
in nutritional supplementation, 261–64, 263 t
pancreas, 262, 263 t
pituitary, 263, 263 t
sources of, 261–64, 263 t
thymus, 264, 263 t
glandular supplements, 261–64, 263 t
gliadorphins, 84
cholesterol as precursor of, 45
glucose tolerance factor, 250 t
in mood support, 293 t
glutamic acid, 258 t
L-glutamine, 254, 259 t
in alcohols, 135
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 131–32
foods containing, 343–44
sources of, 133
tTG-IgA blood test for antibodies to, 84
withdrawal from, 132–35, 133 b –35 b ( see also gluten-free diet)
gluten/casein intolerance
assessment of, 84
gluten/casein peptides test, 84–85
Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Pancakes Topped with Fruit Sauce, 133 b –35 b
gluten-free diet, 132–35, 133 b –35 b
described, 132–33
label reading in, 135
recipe for, 133 b –35 b
gluten sensitivity (GS), 131–35, 133 b –35 b
assessment of, 83–85
described, 83–84
nonceliac, 83–85, 131–32
schizophrenia related to, 116
glyceryl phosphorylcholine, 226, 232 t
glycine, 255, 259 t
assessment-related, 70, 58
goat milk, 179
Goettemoeller, J., 386, 375
goiter, 239
in mental health, 188–89
recipes for, 359–66
soaking and cooking, 359
granola recipe, 364–65
bitter, 189
green foods
broccoli, 187
cruciferous vegetables, 187
legumes, 187–88
plant proteins and, 182–88
recipes, 183 b –86 b
seaweeds, 187
soybeans, 188
sprouts, 186
green juices, 210
green tea, 212–13
Matcha, 213
green tea/EGCG/theanine, 250 t
GS. see gluten sensitivity (GS)
gut. see also gastrointestinal (GI) tract
functions of, 49
“leaky,” 49–50
as “second brain,” 12
trust your, 29–56 ( see also “second brain”)
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet, 152–53
gut permeability, 49–50. see also intestinal permeability
HAPifork, 314 b
HCl. see hydrochloric acid (HCl)
on client intake form, 77
listen to clients about their, 57–97 ( see also assessment)
health coaches, 96, 349
health history
on client intake form, 330, 72–73
healthy bacteria. see probiotics
Healthy Chocolate-Almond-Coconut Treats, 197 b– 99 b
healthy fats
food sources of, 170–76, 171 b, 172 t, 173 b, 170 b, 175 t –76 t
Healthy Mood Salad, 182 b
heart disease
cholesterol intake and, 112, 44–45
heavy metals
sensitivity to, 144–46, 146 b
height/weight measures
on client intake form, 71–72, 71 b –72 b
hemp oil, 107
as source of healthy fats, 174
hemp protein, 180
hemp seeds, 181
on client intake form, 334, 76–77
cooking with, 199–203, 201 b –2 b
as energy boost, 393
health benefits of, 204 t –5 t
medications vs., 16
hiatal, 41
herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
Alzheimer’s disease related to, 111–12
nutritional deficits and, 111–12
hiatal hernia, 41
Hibbeln, J., 249
Hippocrates, xii
hip-weight ratio, 71, 71 b –72 b
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 136
foods containing, 368
histidine cofactors, 256 t
Hoffer, A., 223, 105
Hoffer, L.J., 285
home gardens
in nutritional change, 323
Homemade Kefir, 386
Homemade Yogurt, 385
home-related toxins
elimination of, 146–47
in bipolar disorder assessment, 102
Honey and Chipotle Roasted Sweet Potato Spears, 381
Honeyed Carrots, 382
cholesterol as precursor of, 45
in digestive process, 30
in mental health, 264
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 304
in nutritional supplementation, 264
sex, 45
hormone precursor
cholesterol as, 44–46
HSV-1. see herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
“human microbiome,” xii
hydrochloric acid (HCl)
in protein digestion, 42–43
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 301
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
sensitivity to, 143
L-5-hydroxytryptophan, 260–61, 257 t
hyperarousal, 114
food, 129
nutritional deficits and, 121
hyperthyroidism, 123
hypochlorhydria, 42
nutritional deficits and, 120–21
hypoglycemia, 216
alcoholism and, 11
assessment of, 82–83
disorders associated with, 11
foggy thinking related to, 10
functional ( see functional hypoglycemia)
nighttime, 12
primary, 10
problems associated with, 10
reactive, 11, 10
hypoglycemic diet
general guidelines for, 327
hypokalemia, 236
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
in sleep/wakefulness, 114
“ImmunoCalm Nutrition,” 144
inability to gain weight
described, 94
individualized nutrition, 7–10, 8 b, 10 t
assessment of, 85–86
causes of, 3
decreasing, 168
diets focusing on reducing, 156–57
management of, 302
mental health effects of, 2–4
mood related to, 3–4
reducing, 217–21
reduction of, 46, 46 b
SAD and, 2–4
signs of, 217
symptoms of, 85
Inflammation-Fighting Golden Turmeric Smoothie, 201 b
inflammatory response
mental health effects of, 2–4
nonceliac, 129
relaxation in decreasing, 3
initial (client) intake form and analysis, 71–80, 60–69
Clinician Checklist on, 63, 61, 62 t –63 t
current dietary habits on, 74
current food preparation methods on, 74
current health information on, 71–72, 71 b –72 b
described, 60–61
detoxification history on, 77
diet history on, 74–75
digestive problems on, 75
discomfort levels on, 77
family medical history on, 73
fasting, purging, binging history on, 75
food allergies on, 74
Food-Mood diary on, 61–62, 61 t –62 t
food sensitivities on, 74
health history on, 72–73
lifestyle factors on, 73
meals and mealtime history on, 75
meaning of food on, 79
medical conditions and their link to mental health nutritional checklist on, 77–79
medications on, 75–76
motivation for nutritional change/obstacles on, 79
nonpharmaceutical substance use on, 76
nutritional supplements and herbs on, 76–77
pain levels on, 77, 335
steps following, 80–87
inner laboratory
competency through, 23
inositol, 225, 231 t
Insel, T., 283
insoluble fiber, 51
acute, 115
assessment of, 116
case example, 115
chronic, 115
nutritional deficits and, 114–16
substance abuse related to, 115
transient, 114–15
withdrawal from medications and drugs and, 290 b
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 349
insulin resistance
functional hypoglycemia and, 11
integrative medical practitioners, 96, 349
International Network of Integrative Mental Health, xiv
intestinal permeability, 49–50
factors contributing to, 49–50
in mental illnesses, 49–50
stress and, 50
treatment of, 50
intestinal tract
as “second brain,” 12
functions of, 49
microbiome of, 48
food-related ( see food sensitivities/intolerance)
lactose, 130–31
“multiple allergy” and environmental, 139–40
iodine, 239, 241 t
iodine deficiency, 239
iodine skin test
in thyroid function assessment, 354
iron, 239–40, 241 t
irritable bowel syndrome
serotonin and, 32
isoleucine, 256 t
Jaminet, P., 155
Jaminet, S-C, 155
joint pain
management of, 302
joint symptoms
on client intake form, 78
green, 210
juicing, 209–10, 209 b –10 b
Kefir, 207
health benefits of, 12
ketogenic diet, 155–56
Kharrazian, D., 103
Khichadi, 164, 361–62
synonyms for, 361
Kimchi, 384, 203
Kirsch, I., 33, 294, 283
kitchen as pharmacy, 167–214
Kombucha, 207
Korn, L., xi–xiv
lactium (milk-derived biopeptides), 245, 250 t
Lactobacillus spp.
as probiotic, 52–53
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 130–31
foods containing, 356
lactose intolerance, 130–31
Lake, J., 223, xiv
Lamb with Balsamic-Glazed Vegetables, 341–42
laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, 91
Lappé, F.M., 159
as source of healthy fats, 174, 176 t
large intestine
in digestion, 50
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 304–5
“leaky gut,” 49–50
Leap diet, 144
legal issues
nutritional therapy–related, 22
legume(s), 187–88
soaking, 380
Lemer, P., 110
Lemon Chicken, 342
Lemon Tahini Dressing, 400
leucine, 256 t
Lewis, M., 249
lifestyle factors
on client intake form, 73
ligament strength
cholesterol as precursor of, 45
lipase, 46
lipoic acid, 245–46, 250 t
in client assessment, 57–97 ( see also assessment)
lithium, 234–35, 242 t
in digestion, 43–44
liver glandular, 262, 263 t
lower bowel function problems
sexual and physical abuse related to, 50
low stomach acid production
symptoms of, 42–43
lysine, 256 t
macrobiotic diet, 161–62
types of, 229
magnesium, 235–36, 242 t
absorption of, 219–20, 219 b
anxiety related to, 103
in stages of change model, 317
alcohol abuse and, 106
manganese, 240
Matcha green tea, 213
Matthews, L.R., 254
MCS. see multiple-chemical sensitivity (MCS)
MCTs. see medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)
MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
nutritional deficits and, 108
MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) recovery
nutrients for, 272 t
history of, 75
meal planning
in nutritional change, 319–20
history of, 75
meaning of food
on client intake form, 338
organ, 177
quality of, 177
meat broths
gelatin-rich, 13
Mediator Release Test (MRT)
in food allergies and sensitivities assessment, 138
medical conditions
on client intake form, 77–79
nutritional deficits and, 117–23 ( see also specific medical issues, e.g. , obesity)
medication(s), 283–306. see also specific drugs and types
for ADHD, 15–16
cessation of, 16
on client intake form, 333, 75–76
commonly used, 298–306
effects on nutritional status and mental health, 291
herbs vs., 16
nutritional interventions vs., 15
questions related to, 15–18, 18 b –19 b
withdrawal from, 285–91 ( see also withdrawal process)
medicinal mushrooms, 192–93
Mediterranean diet, 157–58
prospective trial of, xii
medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), 172
melatonin, 246, 250 t
memory loss
nutritional problems contributing to, 111–13
mental health
amino acids in, 252, 254–61, 256 t –60 t
blood sugar levels in, 168
carbohydrates in, 188–89
chrononutrition in, 167–68
commonly used medications effects on, 298–306
decrease food allergies and sensitivities in, 168
decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in, 168
diets in, 151–66 ( see also specific diets )
digestion and, 12–15
EFAs in, 252, 249, 253 t, 256 t –57 t
enhance methylation and folates in, 168, 169 b
enhance mitochondrial function in, 168
essential dietary principles for, 167–69, 169 b
essential foods for, 169
fermented foods in, 50–56, 54 t
fiber in, 50–56, 54 t
food preparation effects on, 23–27, 27 t, 26 t ( see also food preparation)
food sensitivities/intolerance and, 129
foods in ( see protein(s); specific foods, e.g., bitter greens)
functional hypoglycemia in, 168
glandulars in, 261–64, 263 t
hormones in, 264
inflammatory response and, 2–4
medication use and, 291
minerals for, 229, 234–40, 241 t –43 t
nutrition in, 1–27 ( see nutrition in mental health)
special nutrients in, 240, 244–49, 250 t –51 t
thyroid and, 122
traditional/authentic nutrition approach to, 4–5
vitamins for, 221–29, 230 t –33 t ( see also specific types )
mental health disorders. see also mental illness
diet and, xii
nutrients for, 264, 265 t –82 t ( see also specific disorders, e.g. , seasonal affective disorder (SAD))
mental health management
evaluating child’s diet prior to, 11
integrating nutritional therapies into, 21
mental health nutritional factors
assessment of, 80–87
blood sugar, 82–83
chrononutrition imbalance, 81–82
described, 80–81
food sensitivities, 83–85
functional hypoglycemia, 82–83
inflammation, 85–86
methylation, 86–87
mitochondrial energy, 85–86
oxidative stress, 85–86
mental health nutrition assessment, 57–97. see also assessment
mental health symptoms
symptoms mistaken for, 10
mental illness. see also mood disorders; specific types, e.g., depression
digestive problems in, 1, 99–123 ( see also nutritional deficits)
factors related to, 99
intestinal permeability in, 49–50
poor diet/nutrition and, 1
sensitivity to, 145
defined, 8, 7
foods geared to, 126 t
heavy, 144–46, 146 b
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 303
methamphetamine (meth)
nutritional deficits and, 108
methamphetamine (meth) addiction
nutrients for, 273 t
methionine, 256 t
assessment of, 86–87
enhancing, 168, 169 b
methylation pathway, 218
in CoQ10 synthesis, 87
function of, 86–87
problems related to, 86–87
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
nutritional deficits and, 108
5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR)
in folate conversion, 86
folate conversion to, 218
methylmethionine, 227, 233 t
micro-algae, 181
bacteria in, xii
defined, xii
of intestines, 48
role of, xii
microbiome-gut-brain axis, xii
microbiota, 48
types of, 52
microflora, 48
in nutritional change, 322
bovine (cow), 179
goat, 179
sheep, 179
milk-derived biopeptides, 245, 250 t
Miller, R., 314, 313
cooking, 366
food in nourishing, 34–40, 38 b
mindful eating, 33, 34 b
in nutritional change, 317–22
mindfulness exercises
in engaging relaxation response and enhancing awareness, 31 b –32 b
mineral(s). see also specific types
boron, 239
calcium, 238, 241 t, 238 b
categories of, 229
chromium, 234, 241 t
on client intake form, 334
copper, 239, 241 t
described, 234, 229
iodine, 239, 241 t
iron, 239–40, 241 t
lithium, 234–35, 242 t
magnesium, 235–36, 242 t
manganese, 240
for mental health, 229, 234–40, 241 t –43 t
in nutritional supplementation, 229, 234–40, 241 t –43 t
potassium, 236, 242 t
selenium, 237, 243 t
silicon, 243 t
sodium, 237–38, 243 t
zinc, 237, 243 t
zinc-carnosine, 237
cholesterol as precursor of, 45
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 294
miso, 207, 207 b –8 b
Miso Salad Dressing, 207 b –8 b
Miso Soup with Natto, 386–87
mitochondrial energy
assessment of, 85–86
mitochondrial energy failure
in chronic fatigue, 85
in fibromyalgia, 85
mitochondrial function, 217–21
enhancing, 168
signs of, 217
mixed (balanced) oxidizers, 8–10, 10 t
food types supporting, 9, 10 t
modified carnivore diet, 154–55
modified elimination diet
in food allergies and sensitivities assessment, 139
money-saving shopping, 318 b –19 b
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 293
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
sensitivity to, 141
monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), 36–37
food and nutrient sources of NTs in support of, 293 t
food effects on, 10–12
inflammation effects on, 3–4
mood disorders
nutritional deficits and, 100–2
Mood Smoothie, 220 b –21 b
mood stabilizers
B vitamins, xii–xiii
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 297–98
mood swings
blood sugar swings and, 10
Morgan, D., 382, 381
motivation for nutritional change, 79
on client intake form, 338
mouth digestion
chewing and, 40–50
described, 40–41
“second brain” in, 40–50
MRT. see Mediator Release Test (MRT)
MSG. see monosodium glutamate (MSG)
MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)
in folate conversion, 86
MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) mutation
in depression assessment, 101
mucous saliva, 41
MUFAs. see monounsaturated fats (MUFAs)
“multiple allergy” and environmental intolerance, 139–40
multiple-chemical sensitivity (MCS), 139–40
muscle symptoms
on client intake form, 78
Mushroom Risotto, 362–63
medicinal, 192–93
“Myer’s Cocktail” intravenous nutrient support, 219–20
My New Roots, 359
NAC. see N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), 254
nasal decongestants
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 305
National Institute of Mental Health, 283
Natto, 208, 246, 207
nattokinase, 246
natural flavors
sensitivity to, 141
Naturopathic Medical Schools, 347
naturopathic physicians, 95, 347–48
described, 95
NDs. see neuropathic doctors (NDs)
nervous system symptoms
on client intake form, 78
NES. see night eating syndrome (NES)
neurodevelopmental disorders
nutrients for, 276 t
nutritional deficits and, 110–11
neurodevelopmental illnesses
intestinal permeability in, 49
neurological diseases
environmental toxins and, 112
occupational exposures and, 112
oxidative stress preceding, 85
neuropathic doctors (NDs), 347–48
defined, 347
aluminum as, 112
sensitivity to, 140–43, 142 b
neurotransmitters (NTs)
in cognitive health, 112–13
defined, 32
described, 32
digestion effects on, 32–33, 34 b
food and nutrient sources in mood support, 293 t
function of, 32–33
niacin, 223, 230 t
niacinamide, 223, 230 t
niacin challenge test
in schizophrenia assessment, 117
nutritional deficits and, 109–10
toxicity associated with, 109
withdrawal from, 109–10
nicotinyl-γ-aminobutyric acid, 223–24
night eating syndrome (NES)
described, 90
nightshade foods
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 137–38
nighttime hypoglycemia, 12
Nijmegen scale, 103
nonallergic (non-IgE) food hypersensitivities, 129
nonceliac gluten sensitivity (GS), 131–32
assessment of, 83–85
nonceliac inflammatory reactions, 129
nonpharmaceutical substance use
on client intake form, 76, 333–34
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
intestinal permeability related to, 50
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 300
Nopal cactus
paddles of, 194 b –95 b
Nopales and Eggs, 194 b –95 b
in mood support, 293 t
food as more than, 4
NSAIDs. see nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
NTA. see Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA)
NTCs. see nutritional therapy consultants (NTCs)
NTPs. see nutritional therapy practitioners (NTPs)
NTs. see neurotransmitters (NTs)
soaking, 380
as source of healthy fats, 170–71, 173 t, 176 t, 171 b, 170 b
in cognitive decline prevention, 17
GABA–acting, 296
in mental health, 240, 244–49, 250 t –51 t
for mental health disorders, 264, 265 t –82 t ( see also specific disorders, e.g. , seasonal affective disorder (SAD))
from probiotics, 52
special, 240, 244–49, 250 t –51 t ( see also specific types and nutritional supplement(s))
nutrient supplementation
brain signaling improved by, 112
in psychiatric disorders management, xii–xiii
in reducing cravings, 149
individualized, 7–10, 8 b, 10 t
medical problems related to, 117–23
optimal, 1
poor, 1
practitioners in field of, 95–97, 346–53 ( see also specific types and practitioners in field of nutrition)
as psychoeducation, 20–22
as self-care education, 20–22
during withdrawal process, 292–98, 293 t
nutritional change
adherence in, 317–22
cooking methods in, 322–23
cooler bags and thermoses in, 321–22
costs related to, 318–21, 318 b –19 b
for couples and families, 323–26
CSAs in, 323
home gardens in, 323
meal planning in, 319–20
motivation for, 79, 338
plan and prepare week at time in, 320–21
psychoeducation nutrition groups in, 324–26
resources in, 323
stages of change model, 310–17, 314 b ( see also stages of change model)
starting out, 309–10
table designs in, 318, 318 b
time as factor in, 308–9
nutritional counselors/therapists, 95, 346
nutritional deficits, 99–123
acne and, 121–22
ADHD and, 113–14
anxiety disorders and, 102–3
ASDs and, 110–11
bariatric surgery related to, 117–19 ( see also bariatric surgery)
bipolar disorder and, 101–2
candidiasis and, 119
chemical dependency and substance abuse and, 105–10
chronic fatigue syndrome and, 119
cognitive decline and, 111–13
concussion syndrome and, 113
dementias and, 111–13
depression and, 100–1
diabetes type 2 related to, 120
early puberty and, 120
fibromyalgia and, 121
GERD and, 120–21
HSV-1 and, 111–12
hypertension and, 121
hyperthyroidism and, 123
hypochlorhydria and, 120–21
medical problems related to, 117–23
mental illness and, 99–123
neurodevelopmental disorders and, 110–11
obesity related to, 117–19
OCD and, 103–4
prevalence of, 99
psychosis and, 116–17
SAD and, 102
schizophrenia and, 116–17
skin disorders and, 121–22
sleep/wake disorders and, 114–16
stressor-related disorders and, 104–5
thyroid disorders and, 122–23
traumatic brain injury and, 113
TTM and, 104
nutritional factors
mental health, 80–87 ( see also mental health nutritional factors)
nutritional needs
biochemical determination of, 6
nutritional questions, 15–18, 18 b –19 b
nutritional status
commonly used medications effects on, 292, 291, 298–306
withdrawal process effects on, 292
nutritional supplement(s), 240, 244–49, 250 t –51 t
allergic reactions to, 218
apoaequorin, 240
cannabis, 244, 240, 250 t
on client intake form, 334, 76–77
CoQ10, 244–45, 250 t
dosing of, 218–19
Garum Armoricum stabilium, 245, 251 t
ingestion method, 219–20, 219 b
ingredients in, 218
lactium, 245, 250 t
lipoic acid, 245–46, 250 t
melatonin, 246, 250 t
nattokinase, 246
phenibut, 247, 250 t
PQQ, 248, 251 t
pregnenolone, 247, 251 t
probiotics, 247–48, 251 t
proteolytic plant enzymes, 248, 251 t
PS, 246, 251 t
SAMe, 248–49, 251 t
theanine, 245
UMP, 249, 251 t
nutritional supplementation. see also specific components, e.g. , vitamin(s)
amino acids in, 252, 254–61, 256 t –60 t
EFAs in, 252, 249, 253 t, 256 t–57 t
essential factors in, 216–21, 219 b –21 b
glandulars in, 261–64, 263 t
hormones in, 264
minerals in, 229, 234–40, 241 t –43 t
vitamins in, 221–29, 230 t –33 t
nutritional therapy(ies)
glandulars as, 261–64, 263 t ( see also glandulars)
Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA), 346
nutritional therapy consultants (NTCs), 346
nutritional therapy practitioners (NTPs), 346
nutritional type(s), 126 t
identifying, 8 b
nutrition in mental health
case example, 18 b –19 b
competency, 22–23
digestion and, 12–15
good food preparation and, 23–27, 27 t, 26 t ( see also food preparation)
individualized nutrition, 7–10, 8 b, 10 t
legal issues, 22
mood effects, 10–12
questions related to, 15–18, 18 b –19 b
SAD, 2–4
scope of practice, 20–21
traditional/authentic diets, 4–7
why it matters, 1–27
oat(s), 173 b
recipes for, 363–64
oat straw, 5
exercise and, 118
nutritional deficits related to, 117–19
nutritional needs in management of, 117–19
“obesity paradox,” 71
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
described, 103–4
nutrients for, 268 t
nutritional deficits and, 103–4
occupational exposures
neurological diseases related to, 112
OCD. see obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
butane hash, 107
coconut, 172–73
cod liver, 173
hemp, 174, 107
medicinal, 249, 252, 253 t, 256 t– 57 t, 175 t –76 t
Okinawan (Japanese) purple sweet potato, 189
oligosaccharide, 54
Omega-3, 35–37
Omega-3 fatty acids
sources of, 172 t
Omega-6, 35–37
Omega-9, 36
Onion-Garlic Soup, 396–97
endogenous, 293 t
in mood support, 293 t
nutritional deficits and, 108
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 296–97
opiate addiction
nutrients for, 274 t
opioid(s). see opiate(s)
optimal nutrition
in prevention and treatment of mental health, 1
breathe an, 169 b
organ meats, 177
ornithine, 259 t
orthorexia, 149–51, 150 b –51 b
case example, 150 b –51 b
osteopathic physicians (DOs), 96, 349–50
described, 96, 349–50
Overnight Oatmeal, 364
defined, 7
oxidative stress
Alzheimer’s disease and brain shrinkage related to, 38 b
assessment of, 85–86
decreasing, 168
neurological diseases related to, 85
reducing, 217–21
signs of, 217
fast, 8–10, 10 t
mixed (balanced), 8–10, 10 t
slow, 8–10, 10 t
types of, 9–10, 10 t
nutritional deficits and, 108
pain. see also specific types , e.g., joint pain
chronic, 121
management of, 302
reduction of, 46, 46 b
pain history
on client intake form, 335
pain levels
on client intake form, 77
Paleolithic (Paleo) diet, 154
palmitoleic acid, 171
in digestion, 46, 46 b
function of, 46
pancreas glandular, 262, 263 t
pantothenic acid, 224, 231 t
Papaya Barbeque Sauce, 371
parasympathetic system, 31
partnership model
in assessment, 57–58
pea (legume) protein, 181
in protein digestion, 42
perfect health diet, 155
defined, 47
Perlmutter, D., 38
Pfeiffer, C.C., 105
P5P. see pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P)
phenibut, 247, 250 t
DL-phenylalanine, 255, 257 t
phosphatidylcholine, 226
phosphatidylserine (PS), 246, 251 t
phospholipase 2 (PLA2) enzyme
in ASDs, 111
phospholipid(s), 37
in ASDs, 110
schizophrenia related to, 116
physical abuse
lower bowel function problems related to, 50
physical activity
on client intake form, 73
picamilon (nicotinyl-g-aminobutyric acid), 223–24
Pierce, W.D., 90
Pineapple-Cabbage Slaw with Chile-Coconut Dressing, 376–77
Pineapple-Coconut Cognitive Smoothie, 345
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
in insomnia assessment, 116
pituitary glandular, 263, 263 t
PLA2 enzyme. see phospholipase 2 (PLA2) enzyme
in nutritional change, 320–21
as energy boost, 393
plantains, 193, 193 b –94 b
Plantain Soup, 193 b –94 b
plant-based diet
key to successful, 9
plant enzymes
proteolytic, 248, 251 t
plant proteins, 180–83
green foods and, 182–88
PMS. see premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
pollen-food allergy syndrome, 127
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), 36
poor mental health
unhealthy diet and, 11
poor nutrition
mental illness related to, 1
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
with depression medications, 294
nutritional deficits and, 104–5
potassium, 236, 242 t
potassium deficiency, 236
“power lunch”
defined, 31
PPIs. see proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
PQQ. see pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
practitioners in field of nutrition, 95–97, 346–53
acupuncturists, 96, 350
Chinese medicine, 96
DOs, 349–50
functional medicine practitioners, 96, 348
health coaches, 96, 349
integrative medical practitioners, 96, 349
naturopathic physicians, 95, 347–48
nutritional counselors/therapists, 95, 346
ODs, 96
RDs, 95, 347
TCM practitioners, 96, 350
traditional medicine healers/practitioners, 97, 351
prebiotics, 5
described, 51
in stages of change model, 312–15, 314 b
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 301
pregnenolone, 247, 251 t
cholesterol as foundation for, 45–46
pregnenolone deficiency
depression and, 100
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
coffee exacerbating, 212
in nutritional change, 320–21
in stages of change model, 317
prescribing clinician
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 286
Price, W., 5
prickly pear cactus
paddles of, 194 b –95 b
primary hypoglycemia, 10
“principle of substitutions,” 25–26, 26 t
probiotics, 5, 52–53, 247–48, 251 t
benefits of, 52
described, 52
functions of, 52
in lowering stress response, 12
sources of, 52
varieties of, 52–53
probiotic supplements, 53
progesterone deficiency
depression and, 100–1
proline, 259 t
protein(s), 177–88
animal, 177–79
cheese, 180
dairy products, 179
deficiency of, 40
fish, 179
function of, 38
hemp, 180
impaired digestion of, 32–33
in nourishing brain, mind, and emotions, 38–40
as part of satiety complex, 39
pea (legume), 181
plant, 180–83
requirements for, 39
source of, 38–39
sprouts, 186
sulfur in, 145
whey, 181
protein deficiency
causes of, 40
symptoms of, 40
proteolytic enzymes
in inflammation and pain reduction, 46, 46 b
in protein digestion, 42
proteolytic plant enzymes, 248, 251 t
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
intestinal permeability related to, 50
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 305–6
PS. see phosphatidylserine (PS)
PSQI. see Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
psychiatric disorders management
nutrient supplements in, xii–xiii
“psychobiotics.” see probiotics
nutrition as, 20–22
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 286
psychoeducation nutrition groups
in nutritional change, 324–26
nutrients for, 280 t
nutritional deficits and, 116–17
psychotropic medications
critics of, 283
described, 283–84
effects on nutritional status, 292
side effects of, 294
withdrawal from, 285–91 ( see also withdrawal process)
PTSD. see post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
early, 120
PUFAs. see polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
pulse test
in food allergies and sensitivities assessment, 128 b
purging behaviors
described, 89
pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P), 224, 231 t
pyridoxine, 224, 231 t
pyrrole disorder, 101
pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), 248, 251 t
Ramon, 212
Raspberry Lime Rickey, 142 b
“rate of glucose oxidation,” 6–7
Raw Cultured Vegetables, 374
raw diet, 158–59
raw foods
cooked foods vs., 213–14
RDs. see registered dietitians (RDs)
reactive hypoglycemia, 11, 10
Anti-Anxiety Tonic, 195 b –96 b
Asian Slaw, 375
Avocado-Coconut Smoothie, 395
Baked Kale Chips, 185 b
Black Rice Breakfast Pudding with Coconut and Fruit, 359–60
Bone Broth Recipe, 178
Brain Bolt Dressing, 184 b
Calcium-Rich Soup, 238 b
Carrot Juice Jubilee, 209 b –10 b
Cashew-Apple Smoothie, 395
Chia and Nut Butter Smoothie, 170 b
Cilantro/Parsley Pesto Heavy Metal Detox, 146 b
Coconut Milk Mocha, 171 b
Coconut Turmeric Cauliflower, 377
Cold-Brewed Coffee, 393
Coleslaw with Yogurt, 375
Congee, 360–61
Creamy Dill Dressing, 399
Creamy Ginger Vinaigrette, 399
Crock-Pot, 341–42
cruciferous vegetables, 374–79
Curried Quinoa, 365–66
Dashi, 387–88
Delicious Seaweed Salad, 185 b –86 b
Epsom Salt Bath, 219 b
Fruity Turmeric Smoothie, 394
Garlic and Yogurt Salad Dressing, 386
Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Pancakes Topped with Fruit Sauce, 133 b –35 b
grain, 359–66
granola, 364–65
Healthy Chocolate-Almond-Coconut Treats, 197 b– 99 b
Healthy Mood Salad, 182 b
Homemade Kefir, 386
Homemade Yogurt, 385
Honey and Chipotle Roasted Sweet Potato Spears, 381
Honeyed Carrots, 382
Inflammation-Fighting Golden Turmeric Smoothie, 201 b
Khichadi, 361–62
Kimchi, 384
Lamb with Balsamic-Glazed Vegetables, 341–42
Lemon Chicken, 342
Lemon Tahini Dressing, 400
millet, 366
Miso Soup with Natto, 386–87
Mood Smoothie, 220 b –21 b
Mushroom Risotto, 362–63
Nopales and Eggs, 194 b –95 b
oatmeal, 363–64
Onion-Garlic Soup, 396–97
Overnight Oatmeal, 364
Papaya Barbeque Sauce, 371
Pineapple-Cabbage Slaw with Chile-Coconut Dressing, 376–77
Pineapple-Coconut Cognitive Smoothie, 345
Plantain Soup, 193 b –94 b
Raspberry Lime Rickey, 142 b
Raw Cultured Vegetables, 374
root vegetable, 381–83
salad dressings, 398–401
Salad Jar Meditation and Brain Bolt, 183 b –84 b
Sauerkraut, 206 b
smoothie, 394–95
Stuffed Cabbage, 378–79
Sweet Vegetable and Meat Stew, 341
Turmeric-Rooibus Brain Chai, 201 b –2 b
Vinaigrette Salad Dressing, 398
Yucca Fries with Cilantro-Lime Dipping Sauce, 382–83
in digestion, 50
refined sugar
addiction to, 196
registered dietitians (RDs), 95, 347
in decreasing inflammatory response, 3
digestion in state of, 30
eat during, 13–14
mindfulness exercises in, 31 b –32 b
relaxed digestion
essential behavioral steps for, 33, 34 b
relaxed eating, 40–41
reproductive system symptoms
on client intake form, 79
resources, 402–8
in nutritional change, 323
respiratory symptoms
on client intake form, 78
Reuben, M., 377
riboflavin, 223, 230 t
riboflavin 5’-phosphate, 223, 230 t
for ADHD, 113–14
Rollnick, S., 314, 313
Roots: The Definitive Compendium With More Than 225 Recipes, 382, 381
root vegetables, 189
recipes for, 381–83
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 91
Russo, E.B., 30
Ryser, R.C., 382, 197
SAD. see seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
saffron, 200
salad dressings, 398–401
Salad Jar Meditation and Brain Bolt, 183 b –84 b
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 136–37
foods containing, 369
salicylic acid
salicylates from, 136–37
mucous, 41
types of, 41
watery, 41
salivary tests
in food sensitivities assessment, 84
sea, 202–3
SAMe. see S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe)
sample dialogues
Food-Mood diary–related, 64–69
reframing shame-based statements, 60
satiety complex
proteins as part of, 39
saturated fatty acids, 34–35
Sauerkraut Recipe, 206 b
Schichimi togarashi, 203
causes of, 116
Clostridia spp. and, 116
gluten sensitivity in, 116
nutrients for, 280 t
nutritional deficits and, 116–17
phospholipid function and, 116
SCOBY. see symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY)
scope of practice
integration of nutritional therapies into, 20–21
Sears, B., 157
sea salt, 202–3
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
assessment of, 102
nutrients for, 266 t
nutritional deficits and, 102
symptoms of, 102
Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ)
in SAD assessment, 102
seaweeds, 187
“second brain,” 29–56
AL and, 30
described, 29–31
fiber and fermented foods and, 50–56, 54 t
food combinations and, 53–56, 54 t
how food nourishes brain, mind, and emotions, 34–40, 38 b ( see also specific food types, e.g. , fat(s))
intestinal tract/gut as, 12
in mouth digestion, 40–50
nourishing of, 13
SED. see selective eating disorder (SED)
hemp, 181
as source of healthy fats, 170–71, 173 t, 176 t, 171 b, 170 b
selective eating disorder (SED)
described, 90
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 294
selenium, 237, 243 t
self-care education
nutrition as, 20–22
self-care plan
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 286
shame closely related to, 59
self-harming behaviors
body dysmorphia and, 16
chemical, 139–43, 142 b ( see also chemical sensitivities)
excitotoxin-related, 140–43, 142 b
food, 125–66 ( see also food sensitivities/intolerance)
gluten ( see gluten sensitivity (GS))
neurotoxin-related, 140–43, 142 b
Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression, 295
serine, 260 t
in food intake regulation, 32
irritable bowel syndrome related to, 32
in mood support, 293 t
seven-spice blend, 203
sex hormones
cholesterol as precursor of, 45
sexual abuse
lower bowel function problems related to, 50
avoid during assessment, 58–59
sources of, 59
shame-based statements
reframing, 60
Shaw, W., 116
sheep milk, 179
money-saving, 318 b –19 b
SIBO. see small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
silicon, 243 t
simple sugar, 38
skin conditions
on client intake form, 78
management of, 302
nutritional deficits and, 121–22
sleep disturbances
AL and, 115
dementia related to, 82
withdrawal from medications and drugs and, 290 b
sleep regulation
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 289–90, 290 b
sleep/wake cycle
review of, 82
sleep/wake disorders
nutrients for, 279 t
nutritional deficits and, 114–16
HPA axis in, 114
sleeve gastrectomy, 91
slow oxidizers, 8–10, 10 t
food types supporting, 9, 10 t
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), 42
intestinal permeability related to, 50
small intestine
in digestion, 47–50, 47 b –48 b
smoothie recipes, 345, 394–95, 201 b, 170 b, 220 b –21 b
social dissociation, 285
social support team
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 289
sensitivity to, 141
sodium, 237–38, 243 t
Solanaceae, 137
soybeans, 188
SPAQ. see Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ)
special diets, 125–66
cooking with, 199–203, 201 b –2 b
health benefits of, 204 t –5 t
sprouts, 186
SSRIs. see selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
stages of change model, 310–17, 314 b
action/willpower in, 317
Assessing Importance technique in, 314–15
case example, 313–14
contemplation in, 316–17
described, 310
eclectic approach in, 317–22
E-P-E technique in, 313–15, 314 b
evoking change talk in, 316–17
maintenance in, 317
precontemplation in, 312–15, 314 b
preparation/determination in, 317
written and verbal report in, 311–12
standard American diet, 2–4
components of, 2
fiber in, 51
inflammation associated with, 2–4
starch(es), 38
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 305
stevia/sugar conversion, 199 t
Stevia Sweet Recipes: Sugar-Free–Naturally!, 386, 375
for ADHD, 297
in digestion, 42–43
stomach acid production
GERD due to, 120–21
low, 42–43
Streptococcus thermophilus
as probiotic, 53
circadian rhythm effects of, 82
digestion effects of, 41, 30–34, 34 b, 31 b –32 b
eating under, 14
intestinal permeability related to, 50
oxidative ( see oxidative stress)
traumatic, 16
stress-depression diad, 100
dietary, 3
stressor-related disorders
nutritional deficits and, 104–5
stress response
probiotics in lowering, 12
Stuffed Cabbage, 378–79
substance abuse
insomnia related to, 115
nutritional deficits and, 105–10
substance use
non-pharmaceutical, 333–34
principle of, 25–26, 26 t
substitution(s) list, 27 t
substitution principle
fats and, 169–76
sensitivity to, 143
addiction to, 196–97, 197 b –99 b
simple, 38
food allergies and sensitivities related to, 137
foods containing, 370
in proteins, 145
nutritional ( see nutritional supplement(s); nutritional supplementation)
previous, 72–73
sweet potatoes
Okinawan (Japanese) purple, 189
Sweet Vegetable and Meat Stew, 341
symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), 207
in nutritional and emotional challenges, 58, 57
table designs
in nutritional change, 318, 318 b
tamari, 208, 207
nutritional status and mental health effects of, 303
Tart, 285
taurine, 255, 258 t
TCM. see traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
carob, 212
green, 212–13
telomere testing
in oxidative stress assessment, 86
Textbook of Integrative Mental Health Care, xiv
of cannabis, 244
theanine, 245
L-theanine, 255–56, 259 t
The Master Cleanse, 164–65
therapeutic supports
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 289
in nutritional change, 321–22
thiamine, 222–23, 230 t
thiamine deficiency, 222, 230 t
L-threonate, 236
threonine, 257 t
thymus glandular, 264, 263 t
mental health and, 122
overactive, 123
thyroid disorders
nutritional deficits and, 122–23
thyroid function
assessment of, 354–5
tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG-IgA) blood test for antibodies to gluten, 84
nutritional deficits and, 109–10
tobacco addiction
nutrients for, 275 t
“total load”
concept of, 110
environmental, 112, 146–47
food, 14
trace elements
described, 234, 229
types of, 229
trace minerals
types of, 229
traditional/authentic diets, 4–7
in approach to mental health, 4–5
concept of, 4–7
described, 4–7
fiber in, 51
variation among, 6
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 350
practitioners of, 96, 350
“traditional dietary fats,” 34–35
traditional medicine healers/practitioners, 97, 351
“consensus,” 285
trans fatty acids
dangers of, 35–36
transient insomnia, 114–15
trauma. see also specific types , e.g., developmental trauma
nutritional deficits and, 104–5
TTM and, 104
traumatic brain injury
causes of, 113
diagnosis of, 113
nutrients for, 277 t –78 t
nutritional deficits following, 113
zinc deficiency and, 113
traumatic stress
body dysmorphia and, 16
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 294
trichotillomania (TTM)
causes of, 104
defined, 104
nutritional deficits and, 104
tricyclic antidepressants
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 293
medium-chain, 172
tryptophan, 257 t
L-tryptophan, 260–61, 257 t
tTG-IgA blood test. see tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG-IgA) blood test
TTM. see trichotillomania (TTM)
on client intake form, 79
turmeric, 200, 201 b –2 b
contraindications to, 202
Turmeric-Rooibus Brain Chai, 201 b –2 b
12-week food/mood psychoeducational group format, 325
24-hour salivary cortisol test
in circadian rhythm assessment, 82
in depression assessment, 101
tyrosine, 261, 260 t
UMP. see uridine-5’ monophosphate (UMP)
reasons for being, 94
unhealthy diet
poor mental health related to, 11
uridine-5’ monophosphate (UMP), 249, 251 t
urinary/serum peptide tests
in food sensitivities assessment, 84–85
urine fasting, 165
tips to traveling and eating during, 321–22
valine, 257 t
valproic acid/valproate
as mood stabilizer, 298
vegan diet, 162–64
benefits of, 162
cautions/deficiencies of, 162–63
described, 162
recommendations/supplementation for, 163–64
as carbohydrates, 189
cruciferous, 187, 374–79
fermented, 203–9, 206 b –8 b
juicing of, 209–10, 209 b –10 b
root, 189
vegetarian diets, 159–64
Ayurveda diet, 160
benefits of, 159
cautions/deficiencies of, 159–60
five element diet, 161
macrobiotic diet, 161–62
vegan diet, 162–64
vegetarian spectrum
slow metabolism on, 9
venlafaxine hydrochloride
nutrition and dietary effects during withdrawal from, 294
nutritional deficits and, 108
Vinaigrette Salad Dressing, 398
vinegar, 208–9
vitamin(s), 221–29, 230 t –33 t . see also specific types
allergic reactions to, 218
contraindications to, 221–22
fat-soluble ( see fat-soluble vitamins)
for mental health, 221–29, 230 t –33 t ( see also specific types )
in nutritional supplementation, 221–29, 230 t –33 t
side effects of, 221–22
water-soluble ( see water-soluble vitamins)
vitamin A (beta-carotene), 227–28, 230 t
vitamin B, xii–xiii
vitamin B1 (thiamine), 222–23, 230 t
vitamin B2 (riboflavin and riboflavin 5’-phosphate), 223, 230 t
vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide), 223, 230 t
vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), 224, 231 t
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine and P5P), 224, 231 t
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine and P5P) deficiency, 224, 231 t
vitamin B7 (biotin), 224, 231 t
vitamin B8 (inositol), 225, 231 t
vitamin B9 (folate/folic acid), 225, 232 t
vitamin B12, 225–26, 232 t
vitamin B12 deficiency, 226, 232 t
OCD and, 104
vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid/ascorbate), 227, 232 t
vitamin D, 228, 233 t
low levels of, 45
vitamin D deficiency
depression and, 100
vitamin D (25-OH vitamin D) test
in depression assessment, 101
vitamin E, 228–29, 233 t
vitamin K, 229
vitamin K1 and K2, 233 t
vitamin U (methylmethionine), 227, 233 t
watermelon, 195, 211–12
as anti-anxiety tonic, 195 b –96 b
water requirements
calculation of, 144 b
water-soluble vitamins, 222–27
B-complex vitamin, 222
picamilon, 223–24
vitamin B1, 222–23, 230 t
vitamin B2, 223, 230 t
vitamin B3, 223, 230 t
vitamin B5, 224, 231 t
vitamin B6, 224, 231 t
vitamin B7, 224, 231 t
vitamin B8, 225, 231 t
vitamin B9, 225, 232 t
vitamin B12, 225–26, 232 t
vitamin C, 227, 232 t
vitamin U, 227, 233 t
watery saliva, 41
inability to gain, 94
weight gain
nutritional suggestions for, 94
weight loss
questions related to, 17
weight-loss surgical procedures
categories of, 91
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome, 106
What’s So Amazing About Khichadi?, 361
whey protein, 181
Whitaker, R., 283
Williams, R., 105
in stages of change model, 317
“winter depression.” see seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
withdrawal process, 285–91
antidepressants, 293–95
antipsychotics, 292–93
at-home detoxification methods in, 290
barbiturates, 295
benzodiazepines, 295–96
caffeine/coffee, 389–93
case example, 288 b –89 b
detoxification strategies in, 290–91
gluten, 132–35, 133 b –35 b
mood stabilizers, 297–98
nutritional status effects on, 292
nutrition and diet during, 292–98, 293 t
opiates, 296–97
philosophical preparation in, 285
prescribing clinician in, 286
psychoeducation in, 286
self-care plan in, 286
sleep regulation in, 289–90, 290 b
social support team in, 289
therapeutic supports in, 289
withdrawal schedule in, 287–89, 288 b –89 b
withdrawal schedule
in psychotropic medication withdrawal, 287–89, 288 b –89 b
yogurt, 207
health benefits of, 12
yucca, 195
Yucca Fries with Cilantro-Lime Dipping Sauce, 382–83
zinc, 237, 243 t
zinc-carnosine, 237
zinc deficiency
in head-injured patients, 113
zinc taste test
in eating disorders assessment, 91
zonulin, 49