As usual, many people have contributed ideas, knowledge and sage advice to this project. Lillian Ure-Jones was my editor and sounding board, and she read through the entire typescript, spotting my silly spelling slips, pointing out where I had rambled on too long, and offering serious linguistic advice for my glossary. Verity Ure-Jones used her superb drawing skills to provide many of the illustrations that I was unable to find elsewhere, particularly the droppings drawings used in chapter 11, and some of the more obscure dung beetles.

Others have lent me books, sent offprints or copies of articles, and generally chivvied me along. My grateful thanks go to: Robert Angus, Ralph Atherton, Max Barclay, David Buckingham, Roger Booth, Jo Cartmell, Andy Chick, Matthew Cobb, John Cole, Martin Collier, Michael Darby, Malcolm Davidson, Jonty Denton, Mark Depienne, John Drewett, Rosie Earwaker, Garth Foster, Maria Fremlin, Geoff Hancock, Peter Hodge, Jens Horspestad, Sally Huband, Stephen Hutton, Trevor James, A. Jaszlics, Martin Jenner, Jim Jobe, Kate Long, Darren Mann, Paul Manning, Ian McClenaghan, Stephen McCormack, Mike Morris, Nick Onslow, Alan Outen, Hugh Pearson, Bruce Philp, Elizabeth Platt, Nancy Reed, Matt Smith, Sally-Ann Spence, Don Stenhouse, Malcolm Storey, Melanie Warren, Clive Washington, Nichola Whitehouse and Richard Wright.