Prologue: The Cut: November 5, 1994 [>]
Part I
The Goatman: 1978 [>]
What They Know: 1979 14
Depression: 1981 19
Prayer: 1983 20
Food: 1984 [>]
The Booze under the Stove: 1985 23
Meltdown: 1988 [>]
Escapes: Michigan, 1989 35
Minneapolis: 1990 37
California: 1990 39
Minneapolis: 1991 41
Washington, D.C.: 1992 44
1993 45
1994 45
Full Onset: 1995 47
The New Life: 1996 [>]
The Diagnosis: April 1997 [>]
The Break: July 1997, Nine A.M. [>]
Unit 47: Same Day 73
Tour: January 1998 82
Hypomania: July 1998 88
Jeremy: Later That Summer [>]
Therapy: 1999 106
Losing It: Winter 1999 112
Crazy Sean: June 2000 114
Oregon: August 2000 121
Day Treatment: Late August 2000 [>]
Attic, Basement: Fall 2000 141
Valentine's Day: 2001 149
Coming to Life: Summer 2001 [>]
Jeff: Fall 2001 155
The Good Life: Summer 2002 159
The Magazine: November 2002 [>]
Fall 2003 [>]
Part III
The Missing Years [>]
Hospitalization #1: January 2004 175
Hospitalization #2: April 2004 [>]
Hospitalization #3: July 2004 186
Hospitalization #4: October 2004 189
Hospitalization #5: January 2005 192
Hospitalization #6: April 2005 196
Hospitalization #7: July 2005 202
Release: August 2005 207
Part IV
Fall 2006 [>]
Winter 2006 242
Spring 2007 [>]
Summer 2007 258
Epilogue [>]
Bipolar Facts [>]
Useful Websites [>]
Useful Contacts [>]
Research Resources [>]
Bibliography [>]
Acknowledgments [>]