Subject Index

aboriginals, 139, 141, 334n48

affordances, 83, 147, 335n69

Afrikaans, 211, 342n93

agreement, principle of, 155, 168, 27678, 28182, 362n3537

ai , 58, 220, 271, 361n24

Akan, 18990

Andaman Islanders, 131, 333n41

anger and congeners, 11416, 221, 329n83. See also emotions, basic; Utku

anpu, 71, 268

anti-philosophy, 192, 195, 309n51

antinomies. See paradoxes

Aolinpike youxi 奥林匹克游戏, 10910

Arabic, 134, 230

Arawak, 82

arête ἀρετή, 174

argument(ation). See reasoning

assent/dissent, 27, 23536, 240, 287, 339n46, 356n19, 364n58

asymmetries, 49, 120, 12932, 24849, 298, 362n35. See also centre-periphery effects, transcendental pretence

attunement: mutual (principle of), 262, 275, 28185; secure, 126, 147, 16970, 174, 331n14

authenticity, 15, 1920, 210, 226, 330n5, 333n43, 352n56. See also sincerity

Axial Age, 216

Azande; Zande, 5960, 69, 75, 317n64

Aztecs (Mexica), 153, 332n26, 336n12. See also Nahua

bachelor, 43, 98, 103

Bactria (Daxia 大夏), 133

Bahimeno, 316n49

bai ma fei ma 白馬非馬, 63, 255, 25759, 281, 360n69

Baihutong 白虎通, 220

Bantu, 190, 226

BCTs (basic color terms), 7785, 211, 296, 321n2937, 322n39, 328n70, 350n20

be, to be: possible congeners of to be in classical Chinese, 23032, 269. See also Being, Ewe, ran, shi , you

bedrock. See rock bottom

being human. See soul principle

Being, 186, 223, 229, 263, 311n73, 354n79; translation of Being or to be in modern Chinese, 22930, 311n69

being-in-the-world, 165, 243

being-with, 13839, 314n24

Bellona, 8284

Bengal, 135

benti 本體, 224, 246, 351n41, 353n62

bentilun 本体论 [本體論], 229, 246, 357n38

beunga’i, 8385, 89, 297, 324n6

bian , 86, 274

biao , 118

binaries, 266, 360n8

blue, 81, 11214, 21112, 214, 321n29, 322n42, 328n70. See also GRUE, qing

body language, 25, 128, 139

Book of Changes. See Yijing

Book of Rites. See Liji

bootstrapping, 91

Bororo, 324n8

Brave New World, 349n7

brown, 79, 82, 83, 114, 212, 321n31

Buddhism, 2021, 29, 134, 18285, 306n3, 339n50, 343n14, 352n51, 359n54. See also geyi, Zen

buweiyong 不為用, 271

buyong 不用, 271

cai , 212, 349n12

cai , 212

capabilities (Nussbaum), 199, 347n61

case studies. See anger; baimafeima; be/being; cattle “color”; color(s); emotion(s); first contacts; game-Spiel-youxi; human practices, mutually recognizable; knowledge; machine translation; mass noun hypothesis; logic; object; philosophy; qing ; rationality; true; shifei; ubuntu; virtues, epistemic; Waitangi Treaty; wu .

cat. See mao

Categoriae (Aristotle), 6, 36, 311n68. See also Minglitan

category, 36, 100101, 111, 325n26; categorical perception, 240, 356n18; categoricity, 35; philosophical, 8, 36, 96, 150

cattle “color,” 211, 21415

causality, 53, 9091, 361n12

center-periphery forces, 82, 8485, 208, 21112, 222, 285, 328n59, 349n8, 350n25. See also regimentation of language

chance; limit of, 90

charity, principle of, 27, 261, 27584, 289290, 355n7, 362n3540

cheng [], 27071, 273, 28586, 361n20, 364n58

chess, 105, 11011, 166, 328n58, 328n64

Cheyenne. See Tsistsistas

chi , 115, 221

chi , 79

China syndrome, 3738

Chinese Text Project (CTP), x, 212, 230, 352n4445

chit-chat, 126, 128

ci [], 63, 288

circle, hermeneutic, 256, 259, 295. See also holism

closed concept/theory/system/lifeworld, 52, 90, 93, 150, 166, 319n6, 340n57

cluster (of concepts), 25152, 269, 271, 286, 297, 362n28;

coherence, 59, 8688, 118, 19395, 270, 339n43; incoherent, 66, 152, 336n11; principle of, 277. See also fitting

colonialism, 18, 32, 37, 13031, 137, 20811, 331n9; precolonial, 17, 84, 226; postcolonial, 130, 179, 309n43

color(s), 2627; appearance and, 150, 212, 258; COLOR, 52, 72, 200; case study of, 7784; ideal language paradigm, 7982; is FR-concept, 105107; ordinary language paradigm, 8284; historical construction of, 8485; Hering’s color theory, 114; regimentation of, 21112, 297; theory of Berlin and Kay, 7980, 88, 117; Wittgenstein on, 105107, 11314; See also BCTs; cattle “color”; Munsell system

common sense, 89, 9192, 165

communication, communicative interaction, passim; argumentative discourse, 29, 61, 24243, 295; nonlinguistic/nonverbal, 5, 25, 12526, 169, 308n38; prelinguistic, 28282

communion, phatic, 25, 94, 265, 324n5

complementarity, principle of (Bohr), 19698, 302, 346n54

completeness. See description, problem of complete; Vorgriff der Vollkommenheit

compositionality, 25, 41, 313n8

comprehensiveness, 47, 187, 279

concept(s): basic level category, 100, 103, 210; hybrid, 113, 214, 26870, 272, 287, 361n20, 362n31; stipulative, 99, 103104; ostensive, 52, 96, 9899, 103107, 297; blending of, 26970. See also cluster; FR-concept; prototype theories

conceptual schemes (CS’s), 1, 38, 70, 89, 149164, and passim; meta-CS, 96, 159, 16265, 212, 217, 25556, 265; Davidson on, 38, 66, 15253; Goodman on, 68, 15758; Kuhn on, 15457; Putnam on, 62, 15657; divergence of, 153. See also incommensurability

conditionals, 6364

conditions (necessary): of possibility, 3, 173, 234, 243, 300301; not-so-necessary preconditions of interpretation, 23, 296. See also constraints on interpretation

confrontation with the Asiatic, 2224

Confucian(ism), 20, 53, 15960, 205207, 219, 266, 275, 306n3, 307n17, 336n7. See also cheng ; de ; li ; neo-Confucianism; nu ; ren

Confucius Institute, 19

Confucius, 86, 198, 259, 315n35

congeners: of “color” words, 84; of emotion words, 5758, 11415; of “form(s) of life”, 22, 165, 340n54; of the ideal language paradigm, 52, 101, 302, 312n1; of relativism and universalism, 68; of world philosophy, 200.

connotation, 32, 96, 149, 228, 246, 275, 303, 336n2, 358n50

consensus, 21, 31, 49, 242, 283, 307n21; dialogical (Verständigung), 243, 254, 262

consistency, 59, 64, 66, 7377, 8687, 151, 204, 237, 25556, 277, 280, 292

constraints on interpretation. See agreement; charity; virtues, epistemic, FR-principle; humanity; MRHP; planetarization; soul principle

construction, 84, 105, 271, 363n44; constructive empiricism, 319n5; (rational) reconstruction, 59, 64, 94, 124, 221, 254; social constructionism, 319n5, 337n17

contradiction 6061, 77, 157, 346n47; performative, 242. See also paradoxes

Convention T, 76

conversation, 4647, 141, 238, 24445, 247, 345n34, 357n28. See also dialogue

copula(e), 228232, 311n70, 354n81, 355n87

correspondence, 62, 72, 158; principle of, 277; See also isomorphy thesis

counterfactuals, 6364, 311n67

cow(s), 335n66; vache, 145; niu , 161, 237

craving for generality, 101, 361n20

Cretans, 320n23

criteria of inquiry. See virtues, epistemic

CS’s. See conceptual scheme(s)

cunzai 存在, 228, 231, 354n73

cyberspace (cyborghia), 211, 348n7

Damara (Herero), 211

dang [], 23031, 271, 286, 291, 364n5859

Dani, 146

dao , 8, 43, 73, 9697, 162, 184, 204, 216, 224, 343n16, 353n6162. See also truth, vs. path

Daodejing 《道德經》, 150, 155, 181, 18485, 196, 205, 328n71

Daoism/Daoists, 29, 64, 15960, 18485, 193, 202, 306n3, 347n69

daoxue 道学 [道學], 22425

Dasein (Da-sein), 24, 184, 344n26

De interpretatione (Aristotle), 199, 312n2

de , 96, 174, 216, 218

de-essentialization, 71, 115, 15051, 165; of knowledge, 11719; of language and meaning, 9396; of rationality and epistemic virtues, 8588. See also family resemblance

deconstruction, 36, 48, 12122, 131, 219, 302, 324n10, 354n85

definition: analytic, 99, 103; conventional, 20, 25, 104; essentialistic, 5, 29, 104, 115; ostensive, 98, 103107; of philosophy, 1420, 2223; recursive, 76; stipulative, 43, 96, 103104; strict, 22, 36, 104, 150, 326n39. See also description, problem of complete

description: of how the world is, 67, 313n7; perspicuous, 141, 24950, 274, 358n44; problem of complete, 43, 45, 123, 150, 200, 255, 313n11, 325n12

dialect, 20910, 249, 309n46, 348n4

dialogue, 5, 94, 284; among interpreters, 112, 195, 243, 254; East-West, 182, 18586, 344n20, 353n5960; genuine, 254; imaginary, 180, 250; intercultural, 2, 19, 120, 18286 (Heidegger), 13941 (Tully), 191, 201, 244 (Gadamer), 247 (Roetz); of interpreter and text, 112; Socratic (dialogical philosophy), 18889. See also conversation

dichotomies, 360n8; reason and emotion, 219, 338n31, 351n39; relativism vs. universalism, 34, 332n22. See also fact-value dichotomy

differences. See similarities

differend (Lyotard), 4951, 315n29, 334n48

Dinka, 350n20

discourse: argumentative, 24243, 295; ethics, 254

dissensus, 87, 243, 294

dissent. See assent

Doctrine of the Mean. See Zhongyong

dualism between appearance and essence, 343n16

duan , 271, 351n38

emic/etic distinction, 210, 348n6

emotions(s): basic, 5658, 218, 220, 316n45, 351n35; EMOTION, 52, 223; universal facial expressions, 5657, 223, 316n49. See also ai; anger; anpu; Bahimeno; Fore; grief; qing

empathy, 138, 216, 236, 246, 357n36

emptiness, 21, 18385, 307n23, 343n14; See also das Nichts; kong

engagement: constructive, 28, 203; direct, 206, 348n77

Enlightenment, 241, 346n50, 358n50

epistemology: global, 196; vs. metaphysics, 353n65. See also knowledge; virtues, epistemic

epoch, 36, 207, 223, 248, 306n7, 335n60

Ereignis, 186, 273, 297

Eskimo. See Inuit, Utku

ethnocentrism, 132, 24748, 280, 345n40

ethnophilosophy, 18992, 225, 306n910, 345n38, 345n42. See also ubuntu

everyday (communication, concepts, life, matters, thinking, world), 96, 155, 228, 244, 275, 282, 309n50, 315n32; language, 44, 77, 214, 314n18; the everyday, 22, 119, 16566, 241

Ewe, 35, 311n70

existence, 3, 53, 156, 163, 205, 23132, 317; Existenz, 228; existential quantifier, 55, 63, 228, 231; existence vs. predication, 63, 230; relational, 231. See also you; wujūd

experience: quasi-universal?, 11819, 164

explorers: Australian, 138, 333n45; British, 12324, 12627, 12931; Chinese 13235, Dutch, 125; French, 330n9, 334n50; Spanish, 132, 153, 332n26, 336n12; Portuguese, 331n11

exposition (vs. translation), 3031

fact/value: dichotomy, 8891, 194, 205, 337n24, 360n8; de-essentialization (of fact/value, descriptive/normative, rationality/morality), 32, 70, 82, 8889, 91, 219, 251, 324n6, 346n50, 351n41, 353n62. See also rightness; shifei; virtues, epistemic

family resemblance (FR): across traditions, 107119; in the large and in the small, 100, 129, 132, 175; within traditions, 96107. See also FR-concepts, FR-extension, FR-principle

fangfa 方法, 62, 362n33

fanxiang geyi 反向格义, 201, 203205, 347n72

fear, 56, 71, 116, 126, 128, 220

fei , 230, 258, 28990, 365n72. See also shifei

first contacts (first encounters), 120136; and radical translation/interpretation, 234, 330n7; asymmetries, 12932; Cook’s journeys, 121128; Zheng He’s journeys, 13335

fitting, 86, 88, 100, 119, 282, 284, 29193

folk psychology, 127

fore-conception. See preconception

Fore, 5657

form(s) of life, 22, 132, 165173, 243, 298, 308n40, 340n5764; singular or plural?, 170; as a transcendental condition, 17173; unjustified and unjustifiable, 169

foundationalism, 6667, 70

FR-concept(s), 100101, 106, 117, 145, 164, 292, 326n37, 347n63

FR-extension, 112, 155, 175, 200, 229, 232, 252, 263274

FR-principle, 8, 9798, 261

FR. See family resemblance

Franciscans, 70

Frankfurter Schule, 241

fusion of horizon(s), 47, 141, 189, 243, 245, 24749

games (Wittgenstein), 96, 9899, 105; FR(games/youxi), 252, 26364, 268, 297, 315n37, 328n59, 328n66. See also language game; Spiel; youxi

ganjue 感觉, 5758

ge , 201203, 207, 21819, 227

Ge-stell (das), 18182, 207, 224, 343n9, 345n44

generosity, 136, 262

geyi 格义 [格義], 178, 201203, 346n57, 347n6570; reverse geyi, 203205, 209, 21819; Tu Weiming’s, 205207

Given, Myth of the, 71

globalization. See centre-periphery effects; planetarization; regimentation of languages

Gödel, Escher, Bach, 255, 359n57

grammar: Greek 3536, 209; Chinese and European, 33, 6365, 160, 359n64; and logic, 6365, 162, 240, 256; universal, 33, 47, 52, 5455; Wittgenstein’s color grammar, 105, 112, 114, 164

Gricean principles, 278

grief, 58, 218, 220, 271, 333n42. See also ai .

ground, common (intercultural, middle), 90, 49, 141, 148, 172, 199, 314n17, 314n24, 357n32, 360n6

GRUE, 79

Gulliver’s Travels, 131, 137, 313n4

guoxue 国學 [國學], 19, 307n16

haka (chant of war), 125

Hanunó’o, 322n47

hermeneutics, 187, 233; across traditions, 24648. See also circle, hermeneutic; Gadamer; onto-hermeneutics; relativity, hermeneutic; Roetz, Taylor

hese 褐色, 79, 321n31

heteroglossia, 28, 309n46

holism(s), 149, 194, 234, 237, 23940, 25557, 271, 336n4, 337n24, 354n70. See also circle, hermeneutic

hong , 79

Houyhnhnms, 137, 313n4

human practices, mutually recognizable (mutual recognition of), 57, 76, 91, 109, 129, 13536, 151, 174, 200, 219, 265, 284, 342n88

human rights, 315n32, 336n8

humanity, principle of, 234, 262, 276, 27981, 28384

Hungarian, 321n29, 328n70

hybridization, 335n60

I Ching. See Yijing

ideal language, 45, 4050, 152, 211, 250, 339n52; assumption/view, 30, 4044, 101, 143, 150, 198, 244, 345n44; definition, 41; paradigm, 36, 42, 52, 76, 79, 9394, 233, 325n11; and universalism/relativism, 6072; and universals, 5165, 296

ideal speech situation, 130, 242, 313n15, 332n25

idiolect, 143, 335n58

Ifaluk, 11517

ihuma, 116, 266

iki, 182, 185

image: manifest, 89, 166, 323n60; scientific, 89

imperialism, 130, 132, 224, 278, 332n24

impromptu words. See zhiyan

in-between: conceptual, 274; language, 46, 4849, 98; lateral, 47, 146; state, 120; inter-paradigmatic, 49; inter-versal, 48, 314n22. See also ground, common; interlingua; universals,

incommensurability, 34, 38, 4951, 6872, 144, 15255, 158, 238, 282, 319n56

incompatibility, 32, 48, 68

incomprehensibility, 68, 159, 346n58

indeterminacy: of reference, 23638; of translation, 236, 237, 238; indeterminacies, 90, 95, 240, 256. See also underdetermination

inequalities. See asymmetries

intention, authorial, 247, 359n53

interlingua, 4445

interpretation, passim; prelinguistic stage, 280, 28283; radical, 32, 143, 234, 23940, 253, 278, 281, 356n17; theories of, 233249. See also XYZ-model

intersubjectivity, 167, 342n83

Inuit (Eskimo), 69. See also Utku

invariants. See affordances

irrationality, 85, 90, 117, 128, 242

isomorphy thesis, 40, 52, 67, 7072, 357n37

Japan(ese), 16, 29, 178, 18082, 192, 223, 306n4, 347n64. See also jodo, , shiki

Jesuits, 38, 182, 274, 355n86

ji , 228, 230, 354n80

jingsai youxi 竞赛游戏, 110

jodo, 221

ju , 288. See also sentence

justice, 50, 177, 199, 364n64

K’i-lin (qilin 麒麟, kylin, chi-lin), 136

Kampfspiele, 107108, 110, 328n62

Kangxi Dictionary 《康熙字典》, 352n55, 365n69

Karakorum, 134

Karam, 8081, 321n37, 322n3839

Khoikhoi (Khoekhoe), 155, 331n11

kinds, natural, 5253, 56, 89, 100, 104, 154, 319n5. See also universals

knowledge: how/that/of, 11718, 147; de-essentialization of, 117

kong , 21, 343n14

(Japanese), 21, 185, 343n14, 349n11

Kwakw’ala, 7273

Kyoto School, 21, 347n64

lan [], 79

language game(s), 49, 109, 308n39, 322n38; and forms of life, 22, 165, 168; and language, 2526, 149; universal, 46, 17475

language(s): formal(ized), 42, 44, 59, 77, 89, 15051, 292, 314n26, 320n23; functions of, 25; Indo-European, 37, 63, 210, 288, 311n69, 317n69; isles, 49; literal and metaphorical, 9495; modern, 21214, 27173; natural, 26, 4144, 54, 64, 66, 7677, 89, 143, 15052, 205, 211, 259; ordinary, 8285, 93, 204205, 302; peripheral, 81, 209, 211; shared (common), 49, 103, 122, 14142, 248, 300, 363n41; there is no such thing as, 49, 95, 120, 143; untranslatable, 154. See also description; everyday language; ideal language; in-between; interlingua; NNNSL-principle; regimentation; thought and language

Lebensform, 340n60. See form(s) of life

Lebenswelt. See lifeworld(s)

lei [], 268

lexicon (Kuhn), 155, 164, 337n19

lhenxa, 7272, 177, 319n15, 320n16, 342n92

li , 162, 217, 227, 257, 271, 274 364, 339n43, 340n54

li [], 340n54, 351n38

life-form. See form(s) of life

lifeway, 70

lifeworld(s), 165167, 340n57

Liji 《禮記》, 220, 349n17

linkage (Lyotard), 50, 315n27

lixue 理學, 20

logic(s); alternative, 5960, 62, 317n65; in Chinese tradition, 6265, 365n72; deductive, 65, 317n60; ethnologics, 5820; first-order (subject-predicate), 62, 6465, 162, 233, 240, 360n69, 363n51, 364n67; justification of, 59, 61; many-valued, 60; quantum, 60; paraconsistent, 6061, 317n6466; symbolic, 4142, 63, 231

logocentrism, 15, 306n7

logos (λόγος), 73, 344n23

love 220, 222, 347n61, 351n35; See also anpu

绿, 79, 317n52

ma [], 63, 161, 359n67. See also bai ma fei ma

machine translation, 4446

māhiyyah, 230, 354n79

mahsūs, 58

malapropism(s), 14243

mana, 324n10

mankind, common behavior of. See human practices, mutually recognizable

mao , 21314

mao , 25, 144

Māori, 127, 129, 14041, 331n18

mass noun hypothesis, 160164, 237, 340n62, 365n72

meaning(s): holism of, 25556; ideal, 32; pragmatic identity of, 94; precise, 43, 97, 117, 308n28; same, 75, 218, 23536, 355n5. See also concepts; reference; sense; theory of meaning

Melanesian, 56

mereology, 156, 159, 162, 338n32. See also mass-noun hypothesis

meta-CS (meta-conceptual-scheme), 15051, 165, 200, 255, 265, 336n7, 364n65. See also object; mass noun hypothesis; wu

metalanguage, 44, 153, 264, 272, 320n23; of the interpreter, 70, 112, 174, 205, 268; universal?, 48, 57, 199, 268, 317n52

metaphor: loaded and unloaded, 324n10; metaphorical vs. literal, 9495, 324n79, 360n8

Metaphysica (Aristotle), 311n68, 320n22

metaphysics: descriptive, 53, 240, 299; vs. epistemology, 61, 87, 228; Greek, 35, 354n83; non-Western, 190, 215, 22425, 344n21, 350n24, 354n79

metavirtues, 118, 300

ming , 118, 274, 355n6, 361n15

ming , 329n86

Minglitan 《名理探》, 3639, 223, 229, 290, 312n78

mingzhan 茗战 [茗戰], 111

mirror metaphor. See isomorphy thesis

modernity, 208, 223; and aboriginal peoples, 139, 141; African, 17

modularity, 240, 315n33, 316n42

modus ponens, 58, 61, 65

Mohists (Later), 63, 86, 150, 161, 288, 29192, 318n70, 338n37, 364n58

moods, 52, 315n32

mou , 318n71

Mowachaht-Muchalaht, 330n8, 331n10

Mozi’s three tests, 118, 289, 310n58

MRHP (mutually recognizable human practices). See human practices, mutually recognizable

Munsell chart/system, 8085, 106, 321n3436

Muslims, 33, 134. See also Arabic

Myth of the Given, 71, 319n12. See also isomorphy thesis

Nahua(tl), 70

nai , 228

naturalism, 91, 319n5

Navaho, 2627

negation, in classical Chinese, 63, 65, 230; double negative, 63; in paraconsistent logic, 60

neo-Confucianism, 16, 20, 224, 352n54, 353n62

neologisms (in modern Chinese), 16, 29, 22728, 232, 309n48,

Neurath’s boat, 285

Nichts (das), 229, 354n85

NNSSL-principle (no need to speak the same language), 120148, 261

play, 185

nominalism, 53, 159, 258, 336n5, 338n31

Nootka (Nuu-chah-nulth), 12325, 132, 146, 331n10, 332n30; songs, 123, 331n12

nothingness, 21, 96, 183. See also Nichts (das)

nu , 115, 22021, 329n83

object: not a proper sortal, 336n6; theoretical notion, 16364. See also relativity, conceptual; wu

objectivism, 67, 320n19

objectivity: according to Davidson, 144, 147, 335n61; according to Putnam, 337n25

Olympic games. See Kampfspiele

onto-hermeneutics, 246

ontological argument, 231

ontology, 38, 87, 177, 211, 228, 243, 319n12, 344n21; African, 188, 22526; in (classical) Chinese, 159, 161, 163, 246, 261, 357n3738. See also metaphysics

oracle bone inscriptions. See cattle “color”

ostension, 52, 96, 9899, 103, 105107, 326n36

other (the), 69, 299, 333n43, 337n14. See also soul principle

ousia οὐσία, 22930

Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy, 79, 215, 305n2, 350n25

pailei 牌类, 328n63

Paliyan, 81

paradoxes, 59, 7677, 320n23, 320n25

part-whole vs. one-many (class-member); See mereology

Parthian Empire, 133

passions. See emotion(s)

Persian, 2123, 134, 227

philology (in relation to philosophy), 31, 161, 254, 288

philosophia and zhexue, 1820

philosophy: African, 1618, 188192, 22526, 267, 306n9; Buddhist, 183, 201202, 306n3, 343n14, 352n51; Celtic, 22; Chinese, 1516, 1820, 97 and passim; Egyptian, 22; Ethiopian, 22; German, 33; Greek, 15, 2224; Indian, 178, 184; Islamic (Muslim, Arabic), 22, 33; Japanese, 14, 178, 180; Jewish, 22; Persian, 22; Phoenician, 22; Western (European), passim

philosophy: analytic, 24, 4142, 49, 93; anti-, 195, 309n51; continental, 34, 49; comparative, 1, 4, 14, 17879, 18485, 19395; dialogical, 188; integrative (complementary), 19597; intercultural, 1 and passim; interkulturell, 18789; linguistic, 91, 193; multiculturalized (globalized), 19798; nationalistic-ideological, 306n9; process, 192, 195, 307n19; world (global), 17879, 195201

philosophy: definition of, 1420, 28, 61; origin of, 15, 2324, 185; is FR-concept, 20; in relation to thinking/thought, 1415. See also ethnophilosophy; sinology; sinosophy; tradition

physicalism, 190

planetarization, 208, 22325, 229, 285. See also center-periphery forces

pluralism, 187, 337n24

postmodernism, 49, 121, 188, 312n83. See also deconstruction

power: relations, 120, 131, 24142; symbolic, 130, 306n4, 308n38, 332n26

practices, mutually recognizable. See form(s) of life; human practices

pragmatism (American). See Ames; Dewey; Goodman; James; Peirce; Putnam

preconception, 169, 253, 263, 295, 305n7

preconditions. See conditions

prejudice(s). See preconception; relativity, hermeneutic

primaries (Urfarben), 72, 114, 329n74, 329n78

prokaryotes, 104, 326n40

prototype (theories), 66, 100102, 325n27

qi , 224

qi , 110

qi [], 162, 271, 274, 339n43, 350n27, 352n55, 362n32

qing , 153, 218223, 266, 27072; Xunzi on, 218; Zhang Dainian on, 21819; Zhuangzi on, 21920; Zhu Xi on, 219

qing , 79, 96, 113, 213, 296, 328n71, 349n13

quan [], 323n56

quan , 21314

quantum mechanics, 62, 87, 90, 323n58, 359n61. See also Bohr, Niels

quasi-universals, 27, 5354, 17477, 200, 218, 261267

quiddity, 230, 354n79

Quine-Duhem thesis. See underdetermination

racism, 18, 307n22

ran , 23031, 271, 286, 364n5859, 364n62

rationality, 61, 96, 191, 24143; and morality, 292, 337n24; de-essentialization of, 8586, 299; definition of, 243, 337n24; instrumental, 241; principle of, 280. See also virtues, epistemic (scientific rationality); ihuma; reason

realism: entity, 319n5; metaphysical (essentialistic), 53, 67, 104, 156, 246, 319n5, 350n24; pragmatic, 156, 337n2425; vs relativism, 67

reason(able), 16, 20, 30, 262, 266, 283; and causes, 247; and emotion, 219, 242, 338n31; bridled irrationality, 90; “neutral”, 18

reasonableness, 5354, 191, 239, 283; principle of, 262, 28083, 299

reasoning(s), 15, 153, 157, 231, 266; Zande, 5960; logical, 62, 296. See also logic (alternative, etc.); thought (analogical, correlative)

reciprocity, 136, 242, 244, 256

red, salience of, 100103

reference (Bedeutung) and sense (Sinn), 41

regimentation: of color, 7881, 21112; of data, 81, 160of languages, 42, 209211, 298. See also center-periphery forces; neologisms (in modern Chinese)

reification, 163, 236

relativism, 6768, 243, 318n1; conceptual 69, 152; cultural, 69; epistemological, 69; linguistic, 3239, 6970; transcendental, 331n14; self-refuting?, 7376 universalistic at one remove, 69, 70, 319n2. See also incommensurability; universalism and relativism

relativity: conceptual, 15657, 163; hermeneutic, 36, 124, 209, 253, 262, 267, 284; theory, 87, 323n58

ren , 97, 216, 257, 351n38

ren , 275

reticulation, 319n5

Rig Veda, 349n16

right and wrong, 219, 263, 290, 292, 351n38. See also shifei

rightness: being right, 87, 241, 243, 279, 28283, 292; instead of truth, 157, 285293. See also fitting

rock bottom, 16970, 341n73

Roman Empire, 133

Royal Society (British), 42, 12627, 130

rule-following (Wittgenstein), 100, 172, 325n25

Russian, 28, 44, 58, 232, 321n29, 328n70

sagacity, 17, 306n9

salience(s): innate, 103, 14445; perceptual, 78, 102; shared, 14647

sample (vs. example), 105

Sanskrit, 21, 37, 227, 307n23, 339n50, 349n11, 349n16

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 56, 3234, 3639, 63, 67, 98, 16061, 29697, 311n67, 348n75. See also Wardy; thought, and language

saving the phenomena, 86, 88, 19899

science, justification of. See virtues, epistemic

scientism, 191, 193, 338n31

se ; “color”, 212, 349n13; “form”, 339n50, 343n14

Sein (das). See Being

Sein und Zeit, 180

self (the), 345n41

self-refutation, 7377, 321n26

semantic(s), 28, 4243, 7778, 15961, 19394, 211, 256, 265. See also universals, semantic

sense (Sinn). See reference and sense. See also connotation

sentence: definition of, 364n65; observation (occasion), 163, 23536, 240, 276, 339n46; a linguistic universal?, 6365, 118, 232, 236, 28789, 318n70, 364n6667

Sepedi (Northern Sotho), 210

Sesotho, 210

Setswana, 202

Shang oracle bones. See cattle “color”

shi , 271

shi 使, 63

shi , 271, 286

shi , 228, 230, 271, 28691, 330n88, 354n73, 364n59, 365n72. See also shifei

shi , 357n39

shifei (shi/fei, shi-fei) 是非, 21920, 23031, 28991, 352n49

shiki (Japanese), 185, 339n50, 343n14, 349n11

shishu 事数, 202, 347n6667

shizai 实在, 228

shu , 269

Shuowen Jiezi 《說文解字》, 272, 352n55

si , 64

similarity: of conceptual schemes, forms of life, practices, 19, 58, 96, 151, 298; and difference, 4, 105, 116, 153, 165, 17377, 200, 267, 283; in the large and in the small, 100, 196, 252; perceptual, 102103; responses (innate; shared), 14445; spaces, 103. See also family resemblance

simplicity, 87, 323n57

sincerity, 27, 241, 243, 259, 282, 28587. See also cheng

sinology, 19, 3738, 192, 205, 213, 216, 229, 247, 307n18

sinosophy, 307n15, 345n43

skepticism, 73, 355n13

snow, 6970, 76, 106, 234, 319n9

Sohto, 353n64

sortals, 147, 150, 336n6

soul principle (attitude toward a), 13639, 263, 282

Spanish, 132, 153, 212, 322n42. See also Cortès; Isabella

Spiel, spielen, 107110, 327n5257. See also Kampfspiele

strangification, 198, 346n57

strict(ness): criteria, 117, 119; definition, 104, 150, 308n28, 326n39; laws, 8990; distinction of meanings, 3, 31, 52, 105, 158, 172, 285, 314n20, 351n41; rules, 26, 14243, 194, 361n22; logical, 63; “strictly speaking”, 22, 27, 87, 141, 153, 169, 198, 232, 234, 238, 266

subject-predicate scheme, 54, 64, 162, 317n60, 360n69, 364n67

subjectivity, 3, 216, 342n83, 247

śūnyatā. See kong

sutras, 202, 347n67

Tahitian, 71

Tamil, 71, 322n41

theory of meaning, 61, 143, 152, 239, 335n58, 335n1, 336n4; prior and passing theory, 14243, 147, 264, 334n57

Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (TLS), x, 212, 220, 230, 349n10, 351n35, 364n59, 365n71

thing. See object

thought (thinking), 21, 144, 345n41; analogical, 63, 94, 217, 318n71, 351n32; Chinese, 16162, 192, 206207, 227, 268, 273, 306n5; correlative, 217, 350n31; Davidson on, 144, 14647, 153; Indian, 184, 344n23; and language, 3435, 39, 40, 55, 63, 152, 160, 308n36; nonconcepual, 5, 2930; non-Western, 14, 20, 60, 125, 316n49; other thinking, 2930, 181, 309n49; vs philosophy, 1416; unique, 29, 19394. See also Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

thought experiments, 5, 132, 195, 23440, 330n7

ti [],

tian , 97, 310n59

tianming 天命,

Tianzhu shiyi《天主实义 [實義], 68

Tlapanec, 322n42

tradition, 12, 2022, and passim; heterogeneity of, 9, 20, 219; philosophical, 2022

transcendental(ity): argument (deduction), 3, 305n3; border (bounds, boundaries, constraints), 46, 172; certainties, 132; concepts (objects, ideas), 3, 36, 170, 242, 305n4; vs empirical, 173, 176, 261, 342n83, 346n45; facts, 172; features, 172; ground(ing), 9, 170, 173, 242; method (model), 242, 298; precondition, 171, 173, 234; pretence, 209, 21518, 230, 298; violence, 130

translation, 56, 27, 32, 46, 88, 207; double, 133; not the same as interpretation, 3132; “literal”, 2627, 80, 108, 275; logical, 6465; question-begging, 161, 196, 200, 286; radical, 23440, 253; untranslatability, 6869, 144; untranslated terms, 27375. See also indeterminacy; machine translation; Minglitan; qing (two times); shifei; to be; youxi

transversality, 48, 314n22

triangulation, 14447, 177, 282

truth (concept of): absolute (universal), 74, 89, 189, 215, 243, 266; possible congeners in classical Chinese, 231, 28587, 29192; vs. culture (language), 18, 38, 48, 67, 75, 144; definition of, 76, 144, 234, 289, 292, 313n4; and freedom, 241; logical, 52, 58, 6062, 197; vs. path (dao), 19, 70, 181, 290, 365n72; salva veritate, 42; semantic, 239, 28688, 292; value, 60, 156, 237, 317n65. See also Gadamer; Goodman; isomorphy thesis; saving the phenomena; Tarski; shifei

Tsistsistas (Cheyenne), 145

Turkish, 212, 348n4

übersichtliche Darstellung, 274, 358n41

ubuntu, 17, 188, 22526, 345n3233, 353n6368

Umwelt, 22, 53, 129, 143, 14647, 199, 251, 280, 28284, 356n16

underdetermination, 54, 8990, 12830, 177, 194, 23840, 252, 255-57, 264, 359n64; See also indeterminacy

understanding, 3031. See also interpretation

unga, 83, 323n49

universalism and relativism: dichotomy, 34, 53, 68, 98; varieties and definitions, 6685. See also isomorphy thesis

universals, 5165; biological, 6, 296, 305n5; categorical (philosophical), 53, 200, 212, 296; cognitive, 52, 5658, 90, 210; cultural, 52; definition, 51, 53; experiential, 318; human, 23, 52, 57, 209; linguistic, 45, 52, 5455, 72, 95, 316n52; lists cannot be trusted, 2, 7, 297; logical, 52, 5862; no need for universals, 128, 214, 282, 285, 296; pragmatic, 198; real (Platonic), 40, 53, 177, 258; semantic, 11, 45, 55, 57, 66. See also ideal language; grammar, universal; prototypes; quasi-universals; transcendental pretence

unsayable (the), 5, 2930, 310n53

unutterable. See unsayable

Urfarben. See primaries

uselessness, 181

Utku (Utkuhikhalik), 11617, 329n85

values: agreement in, 92, 153, 27778; universal, 195, 198. See also fact/value dichotomy

version (Goodman), 15758, 16465, 337n28

Verständigung, 243, 248, 283, 356n25. See also consensus, dialogical

virtue(s): epistemic, 8589, 24950, 262. See also de

voices, many, 27

Vorgriff der Vollkommenheit, 278

Vorurteil (prejudice), 169, 243, 253; See also preconception

vovetas, 145, 252, 335n65

Waitangi treaty, 51, 13942

wanwu 万物 [萬物], 159

web of belief(s), 20, 15254, 277, 298

wei [], 22830, 354n82

wei , 228

Weijin period 魏晋, 201202

white-horse not horse. See bai ma fei ma

wie es gewesen, 125

witchcraft, 5962

work of art, 43, 195, 291

world philosophy, 2, 179, 191, 195201, 246, 306n3, 347n64

world wide web consortium, 211

world(s): a world, 146, 151, 15658, 165. 291; incommensurable, 3334, 72, 156; conceptual, 191; making (Goodman), 37, 15758, 291; possible, 158; the world, 22, 25, 67, 89, 101, 158, 24344, 305n4, 313n7, 319n12. See also world philosophy

wu tou niu 五头牛, 237

wu [], 21, 219, 230

wu (multi-colored, variegated), 80

wu (thing, kind of thing/event, organism), 6465, 96, 159, 162, 164, 222, 339n44

wujūd, 230, 354n79

wuse 五色, 212

wuwei 无为 [無為], 216, 297, 325n27

wuyong 无用, 271

Xhosa, 214, 353n64

xi nu ai le 喜怒哀乐[], 220

xi [], 111, 328n66

xi , 228

xianru zhi jian 先入之見. See preconception

xin , 88, 286, 364n58

xin , 271

xindaya 信达雅 [信達雅], 88

xing , 213, 224

xing , 31, 26972, 352n55, 361n26

xing , 80

xing , 349n16, 350n18

xing(er)shangxue ()上学, 224

xuan , 7980, 349n16, 350n18

XYZ-model, 250256, 295, 301

yan , 288, 330n88

yan , 212. See also yanse

Yang [], 196, 274

yanse 颜色, 96, 200, 212, 268

yi [], 291, 351n38, 365n73. See also geyi

yi , 29192

Yijing 《易经 [易經], 196, 198

Yin [], 196, 274

yongli youxi 用力游戏, 101

you , 39, 63, 22832, 269, 286, 364n58

youxi 游戏 [游戲], 109112, 328n5869

yu , 365n69

yu , 220, 27172, 352n55

Yuquot, 12325, 132

yuyan youxi 语言游戏 [語言游戲], 109

zai , 228230

Zen, critique of language, 30; See also Buddhism

zhen , 271, 286

Zhengming《正名》, 326n34

zhengyi 正义 [正義], 177

zhexue 哲学, 16, 1820, 96, 223, 268

zhi , 259, 360n69

zhi , , 96, 11819, 268, 273, 289, 351n38

zhiyan 卮言, 29

zhongguo de zhexue 中国的哲学, 18

zhongguo di zhexue 中国底哲学, 18

zhongguo zhexue 中国哲学, 15, 307n15. See also zhexue

Zhongyong 《中庸》, 31, 292

Zhou Yi 《周易》, 224. See also Yijing

zhu , 79

zi , 321n31

ziran 自然, 266

Zulu, 342n93, 353n64

Zuni, 358n52