How TO
WASH Clothes

Take a few minutes to brush up on some laundry basics to keep your whites whiter and darks darker.

1. SORT into loads

Begin by sorting whites from colors, and then by separating light colors from darks. Then sort further:

2. PREP individual items

Empty pockets and turn them inside out, when possible. (Keep jars nearby for loose change.) Also do the following to protect your garments:


To extend the life of your washables, use the coolest temperature and gentlest cycle for each load. Other considerations include:

4. Load the machine

You may think you are saving on water and energy by packing items into the washing machine (for fewer loads), but overloading cuts down on efficiency. Make sure items fit loosely rather than being packed in tight. In addition:

5. CONSIDER before drying

Never dry anything with a stain; the heat will set the stain.