Google App Engine Primer

GAE is a terrific platform, and this book takes advantage of its simplicity and uses it as the standard for communicating how to build web applications that interact with PayPal APIs. It’s very easy to get an application up and running locally for test purposes, yet the same applications that you’ve implemented can be run and scaled out on the very same infrastructure that Google uses for its own applications with virtually no additional work! A vast amount of documentation about GAE is available online, so let’s assume that you’ll take a little time to familiarize yourself by reviewing the App Engine Python Overview, which includes a “getting started” guide that walks you through installation of the Python Software Development Kit (SDK).

Assuming you’ve installed the Python SDK[1] and done little more than use Google App Engine Launcher to create a new sample project, you’ve essentially already implemented a traditional “Hello, world” program that you can run on your local machine. Launch the program by clicking the Run button, and then click the Browse button to launch and navigate your browser so that you successfully see “Hello world!” to make sure that everything is up and running. Then, take a peek at the contents of app.yaml and, which are reproduced in Examples 1-1 and 1-2 for convenience. At a high level, the salient points are that the name of the application is helloworld; that MainHandler is assigned to the root context of the web application, as indicated by the presence of ('/', MainHandler) in the list that’s supplied to the WSGIApplication class constructor; and a get method is defined for MainHandler, which allows the web application to respond to your browser’s GET request when you click the Browse button from the Google App Engine Launcher.

At this point, if you naively click the Deploy button to try to deploy the application to the Web, you’ll get an unfortunate error in the logging console to the effect of, “You do not have permission to modify this app (app_id=u'helloworld').” In other words, it’s telling you that the application id of helloworld that’s specified in app.yaml is already registered by someone else and that you’ll need to try another one. It’s unfortunate that the error message doesn’t give you a bit more information, because what you really need to do at this point is click the Dashboard button to log into your GAE account and register a web application with a unique identifier, which in turn corresponds to a unique subdomain. For example, a GAE web application with an application identifier of helloworld would correspond to You can only register a limited number of application identifiers for free, so it’s recommended that you create a generic identifier that you can reuse for multiple test applications. The identifier that’ll be used throughout this book is ppapis2e, which somewhat corresponds to this book’s title, PayPal APIs: Up and Running (Second Edition). You can use whatever identifier you’d like.

You should verify that you can register an application identifier and deploy it to before reading further. The steps you should take simply involve:

  • Clicking the Dashboard button in the Google App Engine Launcher

  • Authenticating into the dashboard with your Google account

  • Creating an application in the dashboard

  • Changing the top line of your local app.yaml file to reflect your web application’s name you’ve chosen

  • Clicking the Deploy button in the Google App Engine Launcher

  • Navigating your web browser to the corresponding URL on that corresponds to the subdomain that you’ve chosen, i.e., a URL such as

There’s lots more that could be said about GAE, but we should review at least one more important skill that you’ll need before leaving you to the online documentation: implementing HTTP requests. In GAE parlance, this skill is filed under the URL Fetch Python API.

One thing that should be mentioned about GAE is that there are some modules from the standard library that are not accessible because of the sensitive nature of running applications in a shared environment. Unfortunately, urllib, urllib2, and httplib are some common modules that you may have used for implementing HTTP requests that are off limits to your GAE application; however, GAE naturally provides ways to make both synchronous and asynchronous requests in a familiar enough manner. Example 1-3 is an updated version of Example 1-2 that makes use of the urlfetch function to perform a synchronous HTTP request. (Asynchronous requests are made in a very similar manner except that a callback function defines what should happen once the request completes.) Note the use of the keyword parameter validate_certificate, which is employed to ensure that the request is securely completed so as to avoid potential man-in-the-middle attacks. You should be able to deploy the application and verify that it can indeed securely fetch the URL before continuing.


When implementing an online commerce application, always be a bit paranoid and routinely double-check security assumptions.

Hopefully, you are now comfortable enough with GAE that you can find your way around and use the online documentation to fill in basic knowledge gaps. Generally speaking, the overall flow for each application is discussed to some degree when sample code is introduced, and inline source code comments are provided wherever helpful, but a basic working knowledge of GAE is assumed moving forward.

[1] As of this writing, version 1.6.0 is the latest SDK, which supports the Python 2.5 runtime by default. The Python 2.7 runtime is a stable—but still considered experimental—feature.