1:1 What the book of Psalms is to devotional life, the book of Proverbs is to everyday life. Proverbs gives practical suggestions for effective living. This book is not just a collection of homey sayings; it contains deep spiritual insights drawn from experience. A proverb is a short, wise, easy-to-learn saying that calls a person to action. It doesn’t argue about basic spiritual and moral beliefs; it assumes we already hold them. The book of Proverbs focuses on God—his character, works, and blessings—and it tells how we can live in close relationship to him.
1:1 Solomon, the third king of Israel, son of the great King David, reigned during Israel’s Golden Age. When God said he would give him whatever he wanted, he asked for wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-14). God was pleased with this request, and he not only made Solomon wise but also gave him great riches and power and an era of peace. Solomon built the glorious Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6) and wrote most of the book of Proverbs. His profile is found in 1 Kings 5, p. 509.
1:7-9 In this age of information, knowledge is plentiful, but wisdom is scarce. Wisdom means far more than simply knowing a lot. It is a basic attitude that affects every aspect of life. The first step to wisdom is “fear of the LORD,” to honor and respect God, to live in awe of his power. Faith in God should be the foundation for your understanding of the world, your attitudes, and your actions. Trust in God and he will make you truly wise.
1:7 One of the most annoying types of people is a know-it-all, a person who has a dogmatic opinion about everything and who is closed to anything new. Solomon calls this kind of person a fool. Don’t be a know-it-all. Instead, be open to the advice of others, especially those who know you well and can give valuable insight and counsel. Learn how to learn from others. Remember, only God knows it all.
1:8 Our actions speak louder than our words. This is especially true in the home. Children learn values, morals, and priorities by observing how their parents act and react every day. If parents exhibit a deep reverence for and dependence on God, the children will catch these attitudes. Show reverence for God and teach them right living by giving worship an important place in your family life and by reading the Bible together.
1:10-19 Sin is attractive because it offers a quick route to prosperity and makes us feel like “one of the crowd.” When we go along with others and refuse to listen to the truth, our own appetites become our masters, and we’ll do anything to satisfy them. But sin, even when attractive, is deadly. We must learn to make choices, not on the basis of flashy appeal or short-range pleasure, but in view of the long-range effects. Sometimes this means steering clear of people who want to draw us into activities that we know are wrong. We can’t be friendly with sin and expect our lives to remain unaffected. Turn and run—this is not cowardly; it is extremely brave.
1:19 Being “greedy of gain” is one of Satan’s surest traps. It begins when he plants the suggestion that we can’t live without some possession or more money. Then that desire fans its own fire until it becomes an all-consuming obsession. Ask God for wisdom to recognize any greedy trap that Satan places in your way. God’s Spirit will help you overcome it 1:23.
1:20 The picture of wisdom shouting in the streets is a personification—a literary device to make wisdom come alive for us. Wisdom is not a separate being; it is the mind of God revealed. By reading in the Gospel narratives about Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, we can see wisdom in action. In order to understand how to become wise, we can listen to wisdom calling and instructing us in the book of Proverbs (see the chart in chapter 14, p. 935). For a New Testament call to wisdom, see James 1:5.
1:22 In the book of Proverbs, a fool is not someone with a mental deficiency, but someone with a character deficiency (such as rebellion, laziness, or anger). The fool is not dumb or stupid, but is unable to tell right from wrong or good from bad.
1:23-28 God is more than willing to pour out his wisdom to us. To receive his advice, we must be willing to listen, refusing to let pride stand in our way. Pride is thinking more highly of our own wisdom and desires than of God’s. If we think we know better than God or feel we have no need of God’s direction, we have fallen into foolish pride.
1:31, 32 Many proverbs point out that the “fruit of their own way” will be the consequences people will experience in this life. Faced with either choosing God’s wisdom or persisting in rebellious independence, many decide to go it alone. The problems such people create for themselves will destroy them.