28:1ff Previously Ezekiel had prophesied against the city of Tyre (chapters 26–27). Here he focused his prophecy on Tyre’s leader. The chief sin of Tyre’s king was pride—believing himself to be a god. But Ezekiel also may have made a broader spiritual application, speaking about the spiritual king of Tyre, Satan, whom the people were really following (see the note on 28:12-19).
28:2, 3 Daniel, an important official in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom (14:14), was already renowned for his wisdom. Daniel proclaimed that all his wisdom came from God (Daniel 2:20-23). By contrast, the king of Tyre thought that he himself was a god. As truly wise people get closer to God, they recognize their need to depend on him for guidance.
28:6-10 The enemy army (“strangers”) that attacked Tyre was the Babylonian army under Nebuchadnezzar. This attack occurred in 573/572 B.C.
28:12-19 Some of the phrases in this passage describing the human king of Tyre may describe Satan. Great care must be taken to interpret these verses with discernment. It is clear that at times Ezekiel describes this king in terms that could not apply to a mere human. This king had been in the Garden of Eden (28:13), had been a guardian angel (“the anointed cherub,” 28:14), and had access to the holy mountain of God (28:14), but was banished from there (28:16, 17). Ezekiel, therefore, may have been condemning not only the king of Tyre but Satan, who had motivated the king to sin.
28:20, 21 Sidon (Zidon) was another famous seaport, located about 25 miles north of Tyre. God charged this city with contempt for his people. Sidon’s economy was bound to Tyre’s, so when Tyre fell to Nebuchadnezzar, Sidon was doomed to follow.
28:24-26 This promise that God’s people will live in complete safety has yet to be fulfilled. While many were allowed to return from exile under Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, and although the political nation is restored today, the inhabitants do not yet live in complete safety (28:26). Therefore, this promise will have its ultimate fulfillment when Christ sets up his eternal Kingdom. Then all people who have been faithful to God will dwell together in harmony and complete safety.