Abbott, Greg 189
Advancement Project 71, 170, 238n7
Alexander, Michelle 50–2, 142, 229, 237n41, 248n8, 249n28, 250n37
Alvarado, Daniel 66
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 14, 63, 138, 165, 179, 208–10, 213, 217, 234n47, 234n54, 239n26, 239n28, 254n10, 254n20, 257n26, 257n28, 258n29, 258n35, 258n37
American Federation of Teachers 71–2, 240n51
American Friends Service Committee 209
American Immigration Council 188, 255n35
American Legion 206
American Indian Movement 49
American Party 176
American Protective League 206
Americans with Disabilities Act 63, 147
Anslinger, Harry 132
Anthracite Coal Strike 40
Apuzzo, Matt, 213, 229, 258n43
Bacon, David 256n46
Balko, Radley 135, 229, 231n11, 232n28, 248n14,
Baum, Dan 248n9
Becker, Howard 248n7
Beckett, Katherine 92–3, 229, 243n2, 245n2
Belafonte, Harry 55
Belenko, Steven 248n5
Bernal, Joe 236n28
Bernstein, Elizabeth 247n21
Biasotti, Michael 87
Black Lives Matter 55, 208, 218, 226
Black Panthers 49
Black Youth Project 154–5, 225, 259n2
Blackmon, Douglas 237n35
Body cameras 17, 22, 23–4, 188, 222
Boone, Levi 38
Boyd, James 94
Broeker, Galen 235n7
Broken Windows Theory 5–7, 13, 22, 51, 53, 56, 60, 93–4, 97, 148, 168, 184, 222
Brooklyn College 213
Brown, David 27–8
Bush, George W. 22, 59–60, 123, 180, 219
Butler, Smedley 42
Calavita, Kitty 253n4
Calderon, Felipe 144
Cantu, Aaron 236n26
Center for Court Innovation 101, 146, 250n48
Center for Media and Democracy 210
Central Intelligence Agency 49, 144
Coal and Iron Police 40
Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace 209
Charleston City Guard and Watch 46
Chartists 36
Children’s Defense Fund 62
Chinese Exclusion Act 176
Clear, Todd 252n27
Clinton, Bill 51, 61, 129, 134, 179–80, 194
Columbine school shooting 57
Comey, James 15
Community policing 16–17, 22, 222
Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) 49
Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) 202, 206–7
Critical Resistance 165
Cruz, Alvin 2
Csete, Joanne 248n13
Cure Violence 174
Currie, Elliott 171, 229, 253n24
Daley, Robert 248n17
Dashboard cameras 22–3
de Blasio, Bill 4
Death penalty 28
Decriminalization of drugs 134, 145, 148–50; of sex work 109, 118–19, 124–8
Denver Peace and Justice Committee 209
Dewey, Susan 125, 229, 245n1, 247n23
DiIulio, John 56
Domanick, Joe 159, 229, 252n5, 253n21
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) 67, 151
Drug courts 145–8
Drug Enforcement Agency 49, 130, 134, 137, 178
Drug Policy Alliance 148, 250n47, 251n55, 251n57, 251n60
Dukakis, Michael 51
Dunn, Robert 257n16
Elliot, Samuel 37
Empower Chiang Mai 122–3, 247n22
Engle, Byron 50
Evans, Rob 256n11
Fagan, Jeffrey 249n29
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 15, 49, 123, 137–8, 157, 178, 188, 201–3, 205–6, 209, 211–12
Ferdaus, Rezwan 212
Ferguson, Missouri 2, 11, 15, 18–20, 22, 215–217
Focused Deterrence 167–8
Food and Drug Administration 130
Fosdick, Raymond Blaine 236n12
Friedman, Barry 24, 229, 234n52
Friedman, Milton 5
Fuentes, Annette 59, 64, 229, 238n11, 239n31
Fusion centers 210–11
Geller, Amanda 249n29
Gage, Beverly 257n14
Gang databases 164–165; injunctions 163–5
Garcia, Ramon 189
Garriot, William 154, 229, 248n2
Garwood, Jesse 42
Gates, Henry Louis 3
General Trade Union 37
German, Michael 258n35, 258n37
Gilje, Paul 235n11
Glenn, Brendon 95
Glick, Brian 257n20
Global AIDS Act 123
Goldman, Adam 213, 229, 258n43
Goldman, Emma 202
Gottschalk, Marie 255n26
Grandin, Greg 256n49
Graham, Ramarley 141–2
Grant, Melissa Gira 246n4
Grant, Oscar 1
Greenwald, Glenn 212, 251n59, 258n41
Gurley, Akai 1
Hadden, Sally 237n31
Handschu v City of New York 207
Harris, David 234n47
Harris, Eric 1
Harris, Jason 1
Harrison, Jason 77
Herbert, Steve 16, 92–3, 229, 234n41, 243n1, 245n2
Hernandez, Kelly 177, 229, 253n3
Hernandez-Rojas, Anastasio 188
Hill, Anthony 1
Holiday, Billie 132
Homeless courts 101–2
Homestead strike 204
Housing First 103–4
Hoyt, Edwin Palmer 257n15
Human Rights Watch 212, 250n42, 258n42
Human Trafficking Intervention Court 120–1
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act 180, 183–4, 189
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 178, 182–5
Immigration and Naturalization Service 180
Immigration Movement International 196, 256n50
Immigration Restriction League 176
Independent prosecutors 17–20
International Workers of the World (IWW) 205
Jacobins 36
Jaun Crow 44
John schools 118–19
Johnson, Benjamin 236n27
Johnson, Hank 217
Johnson, Lyndon 14
Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) 208–10
Justice League 55
Justice Reinvestment 224
Justice Strategies 147, 254n13, 259n2
Karp, David 252n27
Katz, Jack 253n20
Katzenbach report 14
Kempadoo, Kamala 246n5
Kennedy, David 167, 173, 252n19, 253n29
Keunang, Charly Leundeu 95
Klein, Malcolm 156, 230, 252n3
Klein, Naomi 256n3
Knapp Commission 117
Kohn, Alfi 70
Koval, Mike 87–8
Kraska, Peter 234n55
Ku Klux Klan 48
Lager beer riots 38
Lambert, Bob 200
Lane, Roger 235n10
Latimer massacre 40
Law Enforcement against Prohibition 140
Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion 85–6
Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit 205
Leahy, Patrick 179
Legalization of alcohol 222; of drugs 152–3, 222; of gambling 222; of sex work 124, 222
Lewis, Paul 256n11
Lind, Dara 237n17
London Metropolitan Police 34–5, 36, 45, 199–200
Longmire, Sylvia 255n42
Lopez, Derek 66
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) 93–5, 137, 158–9, 169–70
Luddites 36
Mather, F. C. 235n9
Markey, Edward 187
McCarthyism 203
McCoy, Alfred 144, 230, 236n19, 250n43
Mejia, Daniel 248n13
Memphis Model 83–4
Mental Health Courts 85–6
Mental Health Liaison Officers 79–80
Million Hoodies Movement for Justice 217
Mollen Commission 137
Monkkonen, Eric 236n15
Moskos, Peter 137, 230, 232n21, 249n30
Movement for Black Lives 225, 259n4
Murakawa, Naomi 33, 230, 235n3
Musto, David 248n5
National Alliance on Mental Illness 80
National Association of School Resource Officers 64, 68
National Education Association 72
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty 91–2, 243n1
National Origins Act 176
Naxalites 198
Nelson, Libby 237n17
New York Civil Liberties Union 208, 213, 251n58, 258n44
New Zealand Prostitution Law Review Committee 127
New York Police Department (NYPD) 1, 4, 7, 13, 15, 29, 37, 39, 70, 78, 83, 106, 112, 137, 141–2, 165–6, 169, 183, 207–8, 212–14
Nixon, Richard 133–4
Nordic Model 118–19
North American Free Trade Agreement 195
Obama, Barack 3, 13–14, 69, 183, 186–8, 217
Occupy Phoenix 211
O’Neil, Paul 23
Operation Ceasefire 167–8
Operation Crew Cut 165–6
Operation Gatekeeper 179–80
Operation Streamline 181
Operation Stonegarden 189–90
Operation Underground Railroad 122
Operation Wetback 177–8
Palley, Elizabeth 253n30
Peña, Albert 236n28
Partnership for Civil Justice 211
Paul, Ron 210
Peel, Robert 35
Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor 236n20
Pennsylvania State Police 40–2
Pérez, Rafael 159–60
Perry, Rick 189
Peterloo massacre 35–6
Pew Charitable Trusts 145, 250n45
Phillips, Susan 164, 230, 252n14
Poitras, Laura 187
Police accountability 17–24; athletic leagues 16, 172; corruption 116–17, 137–8, 159–60, 222; diversity 11–13; legitimacy 16, 22, 26, 68; militarization 25, 64, 215–17; training 4–11, 81–4, 222; use of force 1–4, 9–11, 12, 13, 15, 17–20, 25–6, 65–6, 77–9, 89, 94–5, 188
Police Executive Research Forum 211
Police Officer Standards and Training (POST) 8
Political policing 23, 36–42, 48–50, 197–220
Posse Comitatus Act 189
Powell, Kajieme 77
President’s Task Force on Twenty-First-Century Policing 13–14, 69, 233n34
Project Griffin 200
Read, Donald 235n8
Reagan, Nancy 134
Red light districts 109–10, 126–27
Reid, Harry 126
Reinarman, Craig 248n5
Rentboy 112
Restorative justice 71–2, 173, 224
Reyes, Augustina 237n10
Rice, Tamir 1
Rocky Mountain Independent Media Center 209
Rowe, Thomas 248n11
Sadler, Spencer J. 236n18
Safe Cities Initiative 93–4
Salvador, Nicholas 78
Samora, Julian 236n28
Schirmer, Jennifer 256n2
Schmoke, Kurt 139–40
Seigel, Micol 237n37
Serpico, Frank 39
Sex offender registries 28
Sex Workers Project 120, 247n17
sediciosos 44
Sessions, Jeff 22
Shdaimah, Corey 253n30
Simon, Jonathan 51, 53, 237n40
Siraj, Shahawar Martin 212
Slager, Michael 1
Slave patrols 45–7
Smithsimon, Greg 235n57
Southern Border Communities Coalition 188, 255n33
Southern Poverty Law Center 62, 65, 238n21
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) 3, 11, 14, 25–6, 50, 135, 157
Spergel, Irving 166–7
St. Germain, Tonia 229, 258n35, 258n37
Stanley, William 256n1
Stead, Philip 256n7
Stuart, Forrest 94, 230, 243n3
Stoughton, Seth 9, 232n22, 240n44
Subramanian, K. S. 256n5
Swartz, Lonnie 188
Tea Party 218
Teach for America 60
Texas Rangers 43–5
Thernstrom, Abigail 237n12
Thernstrom, Stephen 237n12
Three Strikes laws 28, 61, 134
Tiger, Rebecca 146, 230, 251n50
Trafficking Victims Protection Act 123
Treatment Advocacy Center 77, 241n4, 242n15
Trump, Donald 22, 178, 181, 183–4, 190–2, 217
UN Human Rights Committee 99
US Border Patrol 176–81, 185, 187–9, 194
US Conference of Mayors 140
US Department of Education 61–2, 67
US Department of Homeland Security 25, 178, 185, 188
US Department of Justice 15, 20–2, 98, 188, 193, 201
US Office of Public Safety 49–50
US v Brignoni–Ponce 179
Vera Institute of Justice 88, 193, 242n19, 243n25, 256n44
Vitale, Alex S. 234n51, 243n3, 244n7, 245n27, 259n48
Vitale, Joseph 147–8
War on Drugs 3, 13, 22, 27, 53, 129–55, 185, 195, 222, 226
War on Terror 3, 25, 27, 187, 201, 211–12
Watts riot 32
Weitzer, Ronald 247n19
Westmoreland Coal Strike 41
Wolf, Naomi 211
Working Man’s Party 37
Williams, Alexander “Clubber” 39
Williams, Kristian 34, 230, 235n6
Wilson, James Q. 5–6, 56, 231n12, 232n15, 238n4
Wilson, O. W. 42
Youth Justice Coalition, LA 170
Zambrano-Montes, Antonio 1