Activism, see Political activism
Agricultural reform, 214n78
Altruism, 105–6
Anderson, Benedict, 12
Andreas, Joel, 9
“Answer, The” (Bei Dao), 161
Anterior Seven Commentaries, 204n7
Apocalyptic violence, 12
Apology, politics of, 184–86, 195–96
April Fifth movement: Democracy Wall inspired by, 143–46; protests, 4, 142–46, 152, 154, 156–57, 159–60, 215n6, 221n4
April Fourth faction, 84–85
April Third faction, 83–86
Apter, David, 14
Aristotle, 95–96
August Fifteenth Battle News, 30, 37–38, 43–45, 69, 191
August Fifteenth group: in Chongqing, 23–27, 29–44, 54–56, 202n48, 203n49; in “people’s war,” 40–44; split of, 31, 33–39, 202n48
August Thirty-first Combat Corp, 25, 36, 40, 44
Baiyangdian Lakes poetry circles, 131–32, 135, 137, 138
Bao gao wen xue (reportage literature), 170
Baoquan Tea House, 195–96
Barmé, Geremie, 158–59, 168–69
Battles, in Chongqing, 40, 42–45, 54–56
Baum, Richard, 218n13
Bei Dao (Zhao Zhenkai), 85, 138–40, 155, 161, 194
Beijing, 217n26; April Fifth movement in, 144–45; central party leaders in, 26–29
Beijing Teachers University, 184–85, 195
Benford, Robert, 13
Bernstein, Thomas, 103
Big-character posters, 73, 75, 158
Bloodline theory (xue tong lun), 79–83
Books: black market of, 213n33; borrowed, 128–30; forbidden, 121–22, 126, 129–32; by Mao, 43–44, 58, 126, 127, 166; Red Guard generation influenced by, 58–60; sent-down youth and, 127, 130, 132, 209n4; stolen, 127–28; in underground cultural movement, 120–21, 126–32, 127
Border regions, 202n38
Borrowed books, 128–30
Bo Xilai, 177–79
Bo Yibo, 67
Brinton, Crane, 192–93
Brown, Kerry, 198n24
Cadres, 21, 34–35, 121; children of (gan bu zi di), 3, 79, 84, 179, 213n43; persecuted, 165–67
Cai Lijian, 102–3
Cai Xiang, 58–59
Calhoun, Craig, 162
Calligraphy, 158–59
Catcher in the Rye, 130
CCP, see Chinese Communist Party
Cemetery, Chongqing, 1–2
Central Committee, CCP, 149, 166, 218n11
Central party leaders, 26–29, 40–41, 200n6
Chairman Mao Memorial, 165
Chen Duxiu, 119
Chen Jian, 67
Chen Suning, 135
Chen Xiaomei, 58
Chen Yinan, 181–82
Chen Yun, 169
Chen Ziming, 145
Children: of cadres (gan bu zi di), 3, 79, 84, 179, 213n43; films about, 48–49, 53–57, 55; of ordinary families (ping min zi di), 3, 84
Chinese Communist Party (CCP): Central Committee, 149, 166, 218n11; class policies of, 3; leaders, 26–29, 40–41, 200n6; “Let Us Paddle” and, 49; ninetieth birthday of, 177; propaganda publishing project of, 121; reform of, 66; Soviet revisionism and, 51–53, 61, 66, 68, 121, 204n7; Third Plenum of, 149, 166; utopian vision of, 64
Chongqing: August Fifteenth in, 23–27, 29–44, 54–56, 202n48, 203n49; battles in, 40, 42–45, 54–56; cemetery, 1–2; central party leaders and, 26–29, 40–41; conservative organizations in, 22–23, 29–31; deaths in, 47, 203n58; “December 4 Incident” in, 29–31; dissent in, 69; factionalism in, 2–3, 18–19, 31–34, 39–47, 54–56, 69, 187, 192; January Revolution in, 36–39; Mao Zedong and, 18–19, 26–27, 29, 33, 36, 41, 43–45; martyrs, 43–45; “people’s war” in, 39–45; radio transmitters in, 28, 202n28; rebel organizations in, 18–42, 45, 47; Red Guard movement in, 1–2, 18–20, 22–23, 26–28, 30–31, 42–47; second red culture revival in, 177–78; violence in, 1–2, 18–19, 29–32, 35–36, 39–47, 54–56, 157, 187; work teams in, 19–25
Chongqing Daily, 22–23
Chongqing Municipal Revolutionary Committee, 41
Chongqing Teachers Junior College (CTJC), 25, 201n21
Chongqing University, 20, 23–24, 47
Chu shen lun (“On Family Origin”) (Yu Luoke), 72, 80–83
Civil War in France, The (Marx), 73
Class: categories, 81–87, 90–91, 214n73; Cultural Revolution and, 4–5, 86–87, 90–91; enemy, 4, 110–11; policies, 3; red capitalist, 86–87, 91; struggle, 71, 95, 110–12, 188
Collective violence: defined, 10; ideology and, 11–12, 14, 193; theories of, 10–15
Commune of New No. 4 Middle School, 85
Communication, transgressive, 122–23, 138
Communist party, see Chinese communist party
Communist revolutionary tradition: creation of, 60–64, 205n32; Cultural Revolution influenced by, 39, 61–62, 187, 193; desacralized, 4, 15–16, 122–23, 188–89; factionalism influenced by, 59, 61–62, 69, 94, 202n48; future of, 194–96; good life of, 4, 16, 92, 95–96, 106; political culture of, 2, 61, 221n4; sacralized, 2–3, 15, 39, 49, 60, 91, 157, 192–93, 202n48
Conservative organizations, in Chongqing, 22–23, 29–31
Counterrevolutionaries: in democratic campus elections, 153; in February suppression of counterrevolutionaries, 32–33, 39, 202n48; hidden, 66–67; memoirs of, 180–81
CRSG, see Cultural Revolution Small Group
CTJC, see Chongqing Teachers Junior College
Cui Jian, 170
Cult of the red martyr, 61–62
Cultural model, of memory, 164, 204n5
Cultural Revolution: books forbidden in, 121–22, 126–27, 129–32; class and, 4–5, 86–87, 90–91; Deng’s four basic principles and, 207n4; dissent against, 71–72, 90–92, 155, 158–59, 162–63; generation, 6, 54, 62, 198n7; January Revolution as turning point of, 31–32; language in, 198n24; logic of, 29; Mao’s role in, 9, 187; memories of, 4–5, 164–68, 170–71, 177–86, 220n1; minjian researchers of, 177, 182–83; Nine Commentaries and, 51–53; protests at end of, 4, 148–49, 188; revolutionary tradition influencing, 39, 61–62, 187, 193; rules of, 207n5; sent-down campaign and, 99–110, 101; studies, 9; theoretical basis of, 71–72; trauma of, 50, 180, 196; work teams, 19–25
Cultural Revolution Small Group (CRSG), 26–29, 79–80, 84
Culture: industry, commercialization of, 170; in New Culture movement, 119–20; protest, 188–90; red, 17, 177–80; see also Political culture; Underground cultural movement
Da chuan lian (Great Linkup), 102, 153, 201n24
Dalian Mercantile Marine Institute, 201n24
Danger, social world of, 3, 64–68
Davies, David, 176
“December 4 Incident,” 29–31
December black winds, 72, 79–80
“Decision Concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution,” see “Sixteen Points”
De-Maoification, 164–68, 218n16
Democracy Wall movement: April Fifth movement inspiring, 143–46; center of, 217n26; in democratic elections, 151–53; protests, 114, 138, 140, 142–57, 155, 159–61, 165–66, 189, 216nn15–16, 221n4
Democratic campus elections (xiao yuan xuan ju), 4, 151–53, 155
Democratic political reform, 148, 151, 160
Deng Xiaoping, 145, 149, 153, 215n6, 216n22; de-Maoification by, 164–66, 168; four basic principles of, 207n4; Mao fever and, 169–70; Novak and, 146, 216n16
Desacralization: of communist revolutionary tradition, 4, 15–16, 122–23, 188–89; lesson of, 193
Dialectical materialism, 38
Diaries, insights from, 50, 108, 120
Dissent, Red Guard: in Chongqing, 69; against Cultural Revolution, 71–72, 90–92, 155, 158–59, 162–63; factionalism and, 70–71, 74, 79–80; as heterodoxy, 71; historical significance of, 90–92; Mao and, 69, 71, 78–80, 88–90, 148, 159; meaning of, 70–73; “On Family Origin,” 72, 80–83; “On New Trends of Thought—a Manifesto of the April Third Faction,” 83–86; “An Open Letter to Comrade Lin Biao,” 78–80; Red Guard press and, 70–71, 73–78; revolutionary theory influencing, 3, 69–70, 85, 88–89, 187–88; “Whither China?,” 86–90
Dittmer, Lowell, 9
Drake, Richard, 11
Du cao (poisonous weeds), 69
Dutton, Michael, 10
Economic development: privatization in, 117–18; shift toward, 95, 115–17, 141, 149, 168, 172
Eisenhower, Dwight, 67
Embodied memories, as effects of political culture, 49–51, 220n1
Enchantment, social world of, 3, 64–68
Engels, Friedrich, 58–60
Enlightenment (qi meng), 147–48, 155
Enlightenment Society of Guiyang, 147–48
Experimental Middle School of Beijing Teachers University, 184–85, 195
Exploration (tan suo), 147–48, 155, 216n18
Factionalism: analysis of, 8; in Chongqing, 2–3, 18–19, 31–34, 39–47, 54–56, 69, 187, 192; continuing, 164; dissent and, 70–71, 74, 79–80; escalation of, 41–42, 94; memory and, 164–65, 167, 170, 177–78, 180, 185–86; in “people’s war,” 39–45; political culture influencing, 2–3; in publications, 70–71; in Red Guard press, 70–71, 74, 77–78, 191; revolutionary tradition influencing, 59, 61–62, 69, 94, 202n48; studies of, 9–10; weapons of, 77–78
Fan dao di (Rebel to the End), 32, 40–41, 55–57, 203n49
Fang Jiahua, 147
Fang Zhiyuan, 152
“February suppression of counterrevolutionaries,” 32–33, 39, 202n48
“Fifth Modernization, The” (Wei), 148
Films: memory and, 170, 172, 219n25; propaganda, 48–49, 53–57; war, 53–57, 55, 59
Flowers of the Nation (zu guo de hua duo), 48–49, 55, 64–65
Forbidden books, 121–22, 126, 129–32
Franceschini, Alberto, 11
Future: plans, 109; of political culture, 194–96
Gan bu zi di, see Children of Cadres
Gang of Four, 143, 165, 167, 180, 184
Gaozhuang (petition), 26–27, 150
Generations: Cultural Revolution, 6, 54, 62, 198n7; global 1960s, 7, 163, 189–91; sociology of, 5–7; see also Red Guard generation
Giesen, Bernhard, 13–14, 199n48
Girard, René, 12
Gitlin, Todd, 190
Global 1960s generation, 7, 163, 189–91
Goffman, Erving, 13
Gong Qinting, 25
Good life, of communist revolutionary tradition, 4, 16, 92, 95–96, 106
Goodwin, Jeff, 11
Great Linkup (da chuan lian), 102, 153, 201n24
Guan Feng, 84
Guangxi Social Sciences Academy, 167
Guangzhou, 41
Gu Cheng, 1
Half of My Life (Xu Xiao), 92
Hall, John, 12
Han Shaogong, 132
Harding, Harry, 165
He Depu, 147
Heterodoxy, 71–72
High political culture, 4, 122
Hobsbawm, Eric, 62
Hong er dai (second-generation reds), 3, 17
huang pi shu (yellow-cover books), 121
Huang Ronghua, 35
Huang Yiding, 124
Huang Zhenhai, 59
hui pi shu (gray-cover books), 121
Human microphone, 145
Human rights, 151
Human Rights Association (ren quan xie hui), 151
Hunan Provincial Proletarian Revolutionary Alliance Committee (Shengwulian), 86–87, 91
Hunan Teachers’ College, 153
Hung, Chang-tai, 61
Hunt, Scott, 13
Hu Ping, 152
Hu Shi, 119
Idealism, of Red Guard generation, 16, 89, 91–92, 161
Ideology: charisma and, 199n55; collective violence and, 11–12, 14, 193
Imperialism, U.S., 66–68
Ingle, David, 12
Integrated model, of memory, 164–65
“Internal publications” (nei bu shu ji), 73, 121, 130, 212n11, 213n43
January Revolution, 31–32, 36–39
Jiang He, 138
Jiang Qing, 30, 84, 144–45, 167
Ji Liqun, 135
Jinmen Island, 67
Jin Shan, 53
Jin tian (Today), 138, 155, 161
Jiu ping (Nine Commentaries), 51–53
Jiu yi zong dui (“September 1 Column”), 18–19
Ji Yi (Remembrance), 183–85
Johnson, Lyndon, 67–68
Juergensmeyer, Mark, 12
Kang Sheng, 84
Kang Youwei, 98–99
Kennedy, John F., 67
Klatch, Rebecca, 163
Kleinman, Arthur, 50, 166, 220n1
Kleinman, Joan, 50, 166, 220n1
Kraus, Richard, 158
Lam, Willy, 177–78
Language, in Cultural Revolution, 198n24
Lan Yinong, 33
Lao bing, see “Old Red Guards”
Lao san jie (old three classes), 6, 101
Letters, underground, 120, 123–26
“Let Us Paddle” (rang wo men dang qi shuang jiang), 48
Liang Heng, 153
Liao Zhigao, 200n7
Libraries, 127–28
Lifton, Robert, 206n50
Liminality, 8, 15–16, 165, 189
Lin Biao, 78–80, 165, 167, 180, 184
Link, Perry, 120
Li Rui, 53
Li Shengpin, 45–46
Literature: influence of, 58–60; reportage, 170; Western modernist, 121, 130; of the wounded, 165–66, 170
Little Red Book (Mao), 43–44, 58, 166
Liu Jin, 185
Liu Lili, 195
Liu Ning, 124
Liu Qing, 147
Liu Xiaomeng, 209n14
Liu Xigong, 182
Li Xiannian, 143
Li Xining, 144
Li Zimao, 36
Luo Guangbin, 30
Lu Xing’er, 173–74
Lu Xun Battle News (Lu Xun zhan bao), 78
Ma Li, 20–21
Mannheim, Karl, 5
Maoism Red Guard Headquarters, 22–23
Mao Zedong: biographies, 53, 60; books by, 43–44, 58, 126, 127, 166; Chongqing and, 18–19, 26–27, 29, 33, 36, 41, 43–45; Cultural Revolution and, 9, 187; death of, 143; de-Maoification and, 164–68, 218n16; dissent and, 69, 71, 78–80, 88–90, 148, 159; exoneration of, 184; “Let Us Paddle” and, 49; neo-Confucianism and, 98–99; peaceful evolution and, 67; on permanent revolution, 65–66, 71, 206n50; posters supported by, 77; quotations, 43–45, 58, 60; Red Guard movement ended by, 93; Red Guard press supported by, 75; romanticism and, 160; sent-down campaign and, 100, 103
Mao Zedong de qing nian shi dai (The Young Mao Zedong) (Li Rui), 53
Marvin, Carolyn, 12
Mass killing, 197n3
Mass newspapers and journals (qun zhong bao kan), 74–75
Mass struggle meetings, 157
Materialism, 172
“May 16 Notification,” 20
May Fourth movement, 17, 90, 156, 160–61, 163, 221n4
May Movement (France), 190
McMillian, John, 191
Mediated activism, 190–92
Memory: analysis of, 8; apology and, 184–86; of Cultural Revolution, 4–5, 164–68, 170–71, 177–86, 220n1; de-Maoification and, 164–68; embodied, 49–51, 220n1; factionalized, 164–65, 167, 170, 177–78, 180, 185–86; films and, 170, 172, 219n25; Mao fever and, 168–71, 177–79; models of, 164–65, 204n5; museum exhibitions and, 169, 171–72, 176; narratives, 49–51, 176, 180–84, 188, 220n46; “Old Red Guards” and, 177, 180, 185; rebels and, 177, 180–84; Red Guard generation and, 17, 164–65, 167–68, 171–75, 177–80, 184–86, 188; second red culture revival and, 177–80; zhiqing nostalgia and, 168–69, 171–76
Metzger, Thomas, 96–98
Middle School Cultural Revolution News (zhong xue wen ge bao), 82–83, 85
Mi Hedu, 64
Million Heroes, 57–58
Min ban kan wu, see Unofficial periodicals
Minjian Cultural Revolution researchers, 177, 182–83
Misty poetry, 161–62, 170, 212n7
Mitter, Rana, 160
Mo Jiangang, 147
Moral self, neo-Confucian notion of, 96–98
Moral zealousness, 10
Museum exhibitions, memory and, 169, 171–72, 176
Music, 51, 57–58, 120, 132–33, 178
Nanjing, 144
Narratives: of battles, 43–44; grand, 157, 163; memory and, 49–51, 176, 180–84, 188, 220n46
Nei bu shu ji (“internal publications”), 73, 121, 130, 212n11, 213n43
Neo-Confucianism, 96–99
New China Bookstore (xin hua shu dian), 126
New Culture movement, 119–20
New enlightenment, 159–63, 168, 190
“New May Fourth Manifesto,” 160
Nine Commentaries (jiu ping), 51–53
Nixon, Richard, 126
Nostalgia: narratives, 176, 220n46; zhiqing, 168–69, 171–76
October 5 Storm, 37–38
“Old Red Guards” (lao bing), 79–80, 83, 86; memory and, 177, 180, 185
Old three classes (lao san jie), 6, 101
“O Motherland, Dear Motherland” (Shu), 162
“On Family Origin” (chu shen lun) (Yu Luoke), 72, 80–83
“On New Trends of Thought—a Manifesto of the April Third Faction,” 83–86
“On Socialist Democracy and the Legal System,” 141
“Open Letter to Comrade Lin Biao, An” (Yilin-Dixi), 78–80
Ordinary life: good life and, 95–96; values of, 95–96, 108, 114–18, 141–42, 188–89
Orthodoxy, 71
“Our Spiritual Attachment to the Black Soil: A Retrospective Exhibition About the Sent-down Youth of Beidahuang,” 169
Patriotism, 64
Peaceful evolution, 67
Peking University, 152, 156, 158
People: category of, 211n53; understandings of, 4, 112–14
People’s congresses, 152
“People’s war,” in Chongqing, 39–45
Performances, by Red Guard generation, 13–15, 30, 46, 94, 157
Performance theory, of collective violence, 13–15
Permanent revolution, 65–66, 71, 206n50
Perry, Elizabeth J., 66–67, 205n32
Personal interest, 4, 106–10, 117, 140
Person making, tradition building as, 62–64
Petition (gaozhuang), 26–27, 150
Ping min zi di (children of ordinary families), 3, 84
Poetry: circles, 131–32, 134–35, 137, 138; misty, 161–62, 170, 212n7; in protests, 144–45; in underground cultural movement, 120, 130–31, 134–35, 137, 138–41, 214n73
Poisonous weeds (du cao), 69
Political activism: democratic campus elections, 4, 151–53, 155; forgotten, 189–90; mediated, 190–92; see also Protests
Political culture: of communist revolutionary tradition, 2, 61, 221n4; embodied memories as effects of, 49–51, 220n1; future of, 194–96; high, 4, 122; influence of, 2–3, 8–9, 47, 192–93; of Mao fever, 168–71, 177–79; social world and, 65; as symbols, 9, 12–14, 50–51, 62–63, 78, 81, 188; transformation of, 187–89
Politics: of apology, 184–86; symbolic, 9, 12–14, 50–51, 62–63, 78, 81, 188
Posters, 57–58, 70; big-character, 73, 75, 158; in protests, 145–48, 152, 158; as weapons, 77–78
Preparatory Group of Chongqing Municipal Revolutionary Committee, 33
Presentist model, of memory, 164, 204n5
Press: blossoming of, 76–77; Red Guard, 70–71, 73–78, 190–91, 207n14; Shanghai, 74, 76; in U.S., 191
Princelings (tai zi dang), 3, 177–80
Private business, 116–18, 211n68
Production and construction corps (sheng chan jian she bing tuan), 104, 130–31
Propaganda: CCP publishing project of, 121; films, 48–49, 53–57; in Red Guard press, 78
Protests: April Fifth movement, 4, 142–46, 152, 154, 156–57, 159–60, 215n6, 221n4; biographical continuities and disruptions in, 153–56, 155; continuity and change in repertories of action of, 156–59; at Cultural Revolution’s end, 4, 148–49, 188; cultures of, 188–90; Democracy Wall movement, 114, 138, 140, 142–57, 155, 159–61, 165–66, 189, 216nn15–16, 221n4; democratic campus elections and, 4, 151–53, 155; funneling effect in, 154, 156, 189; new enlightenment and, 159–63; 1966–1968 wave of, 142–43, 153–54, 159–63; 1976–1980 wave of, 142–56, 159–62, 159–63; 1989 wave of, 142–43, 153–54, 157, 159–63, 215n6; nonviolent, 157, 160; poetry in, 144–45; posters in, 145–48, 152, 158; precursor of, 4; prosaic, 163; Red Guard generation and, 2, 10, 142–43, 148, 152–63, 155, 188–90; sent-down youth, 17, 115–16, 142, 149–52, 154, 217n28; in Tiananmen Square, 144–47, 154, 157, 162; traditions of, 190, 221n4; transformation of, 187; unofficial periodicals of, 146–48, 151–52, 154–55, 155, 161, 190
Qi meng (Enlightenment), 147–48, 155
Qin Hui, 52
Radio listening, in underground cultural movement, 132–33
Radio transmitters, 28, 202n28
Rang wo men dang qi shuang jiang (“Let Us Paddle”), 48
Reading, in underground cultural movement, 130–31, 134, 209n4
Rebel organizations: central party leaders and, 26–29, 40–41; in Chongqing, 18–42, 45, 47; rise of, 30
Rebels (zaofanpai), 7, 17, 167; December black winds and, 79–80; memory and, 177, 180–84; “On Family Origin” supporting, 83; return of, 180–84; as scapegoat, 184, 189; split of, 31–39, 202n48
Rebel to the End (fan dao di), 32, 40–41
Red capitalist class, 86–87, 91
Red Crag Regiment, 43
Red Guard generation: analytical difficulties of, 7–8; books influencing, 58–60; cemetery, 1–2; decisive historical experiences of, 199n52; defined, 5–7; disillusionment of, 94, 102, 139, 179; films influencing, 53–57, 55, 59; future and, 194–96; generational units of, 6; idealism of, 16, 89, 91–92, 161; as ideological charismatic community, 199n55; images influencing, 57–58; imagination of, 47, 49; liminality and, 8, 15–16, 165, 189; mediated activism and, 190–92; memory and, 17, 164–65, 167–68, 171–75, 177–80, 184–86, 188; motivation of, 2; music influencing, 57–58; names for, 6; neo-Confucianism and, 96–99; Nine Commentaries influencing, 51–53; paradoxes of, 5; performances by, 13–15, 30, 46, 94, 157; protests and, 2, 10, 142–43, 148, 152–63, 155, 188–90; after Red Guard movement, 15–16, 93–94; revolutionary ethic of, 200n3; as revolutionary romantics, 63–64, 161; revolutionary theory of, 3, 35–38, 69–70, 85, 88–89, 187–88; role of, 45–46; “salons” of, 135–37, 136–37, 213n42, 214n62; sent-down campaign and, 3–4, 94–96, 100–4, 106–7, 109–18, 142, 171–73, 188–89; social world of, 3, 64–68; transformation of, 5, 95, 99, 115, 118, 140, 159, 187–89; in underground cultural movement, 119–23, 134–35, 138–40; violence exalted by, 42; see also Dissent, Red Guard
Red Guard movement: in Chongqing, 1–2, 18–20, 22–23, 26–28, 30–31, 42–47; defined, 7; end of, 93; as formative experience, 6, 8; press, 70–71, 73–78, 190–91, 207n14; Red Guard generation after, 15–16, 93–94; reversal of, 142–43; studies, 9–10
Relational approach, to collective violence, 11–12
Remembrance (Ji Yi), 183–85
Ren quan xie hui (Human Rights Association), 151
Rent Collection Courtyard, 28
Reportage literature (bao gao wen xue), 170
Resistance, as creative art, 131
“Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the PRC,” 166, 218n11
Revisionism, Soviet, 51, 52, 61, 66, 68, 121
Revolution: January, 31–32, 36–39; joys of, 38–39; nature of, 35–38; October, 37–39, 65; as performance, 46, 94; permanent, 65–66, 71, 206n50; Russian, 37–39; script of, 45; successors of, 3, 49, 62–64, 103; see also Communist revolutionary tradition; Cultural Revolution
Revolutionary committees, 41, 152, 197n3
Revolutionary ethic, 200n3
Revolutionary Immortality (Lifton), 206n50
Revolutionary theory: of Cultural Revolution, 71–72; of permanent revolution, 65–66; of Red Guard generation, 3, 35–38, 69–70, 85, 88–89, 187–88
Revolutionary tradition, see Communist revolutionary tradition
Ritual process, 8, 15–16, 199n48
Routinization, 15–16
Rural initiative perspective, 114–15
Russian Revolution, 37–39
Rustication, see Sent-down campaign
Sacralization: of communist revolutionary tradition, 2–3, 15, 39, 49, 60, 91, 157, 192–93, 202n48; lesson of, 193
“Salons,” underground, 135–37, 136–37, 213n42, 214n62
Sang Ye, 50
San zhong ren (three types of people), 167, 218n13
Schoenhals, Michael, 183–84
Script: defined, 13–15; of revolution, 45; of sent-down campaign, 3–4, 94–95
Second-generation reds (hong er dai), 3, 17
Second red culture revival, 177–80
Self-cultivation, in underground cultural movement, 4, 122–23, 138–41
Semiprivate business, 116–17, 211n68
Sent-down campaign: consequences of, 114–18; Cultural Revolution and, 99–110, 101; Mao and, 100, 103; meaning of life and, 105–6; as new beginning, 16–17; ordinary life in, 95–96, 108, 114–18, 141–42, 188–89; personal interest in, 4, 106–10, 117, 140; Red Guard generation and, 3–4, 94–96, 100–4, 106–7, 109–18, 142, 171–73, 188–89; script of, 3–4, 94–95; stages, 100–1, 101
Sent-down youth: as antiheroes, 139; books and, 127, 130, 132, 209n4; class struggle and, 110–12; before Cultural Revolution, 99–110, 101; current conditions of, 195–96; disillusionment of, 94, 102, 139; generational unit of, 6; nostalgia, 168–69, 171–76; people understood by, 4, 112–14; protests by, 17, 115–16, 142, 149–52, 154, 217n28; return of, 115–18; in underground cultural movement, 4, 119–20, 123–25, 127, 130, 132–39, 141
Sent-down youth songs (zhiqing ge qu), 120, 132–33
“September 1 Column” (jiu yi zong dui), 18–19, 43
Shades of Mao: The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader (Barmé), 168–69
Shanghai, 217n26; January Revolution in, 31–32, 37; press, 74, 76; protests in, 150–51
Shanghai Commune, 37
Sheng chan jian she bing tuan (production and construction corps), 104, 130–31
Shengwulian (Hunan Provincial Proletarian Revolutionary Alliance Committee), 86–87, 91
Sheridan, Mary, 63
Shi Minggang, 182
Shu Ting, 162
Smashers (za pai), 32–35, 39–40, 42–43, 202n48
Social world, of Red Guard generation, 3, 64–68
Solinger, Dorothy J., 117
Songs, 51, 57–58, 120, 132–33, 178
Southwest Teachers College, 25, 36, 40, 42–47
Soviet revisionism: Anterior Seven Commentaries against, 204n7; CCP and, 51–53, 61, 66, 68, 121, 204n7
Steinhoff, Patricia, 10
Stolen books, 127–28
Storytelling, in underground cultural movement, 132–33
“Studies of Peasant Problems” (Zhang Musheng), 214n78
Study groups, 134
Sun Hengzhi, 135
Symbols: political culture as, 9, 12–14, 50–51, 62–63, 78, 81, 188; theory of, 12–14
Taiwan, 67
Tai zi dang (princelings), 3, 177–80
Tang Junyi, 97
Tan Houlan, 180–81
Tan suo (Exploration), 147–48, 155, 216n18
Tao Sen, 153
Taylor, Charles, 96
Television drama, 170
Third Headquarters, 30
Third Plenum of the CCP Central Committee, 149, 166
“Three types of people” (san zhong ren), 167, 218n13
Tiananmen Square: Chairman Mao Memorial in, 165; protests in, 144–47, 154, 157, 162
Tilly, Charles, 11–12
Today (Jin tian), 138, 155, 161
Townsend, James R., 63
Tradition: building, 60–64; protest, 190, 221n4; see also Communist revolutionary tradition
Transgressive communication, 122–23, 138
Trotsky, Leon, 206n50
Tucker, Nancy, 67
Underground cultural movement: accomplishments of, 138–41; attraction of, 123; books in, 120–21, 126–32, 127; desacralization in, 4, 122–23; letter writing in, 120, 123–26; New Culture movement and, 119–20; note-taking in, 123–24, 131–32; poetry in, 120, 130–31, 134–35, 137, 138–41, 214n73; production of, 120, 123; radio listening in, 132–33; reading practices of, 130–31, 134, 209n4; reception of, 120, 123; Red Guard generation in, 119–23, 134–35, 138–40; “salons” in, 135–37, 136–37, 213n42, 214n62; self-cultivation in, 4, 122–23, 138–41; sent-down youth in, 4, 119–20, 123–25, 127, 130, 132–39, 141; as social activity, 122, 138–41; songs in, 120, 132–33; storytelling in, 132–33; study groups in, 134; transgression of, 4, 122–23, 128
Unemployment, 115–17, 172–73, 209n14
United Committee of Proletarian Revolutionary Rebels of Chongqing City, 32–35, 37, 39
United States (U.S.): imperialism, 66–68; underground press in, 191
Unofficial periodicals (min ban kan wu): changing meanings of, 216n14; of protests, 146–48, 151–52, 154–55, 155, 161, 190
Unpublished manuscripts, 120
U.S., see United States
Utopianism, 64
Violence: apocalyptic, 12; in Chongqing, 1–2, 18–19, 29–32, 35–36, 39–47, 54–56, 157, 187; against enemy within, 10; exalted, 42; mass killing and, 197n3; negative views toward, 181; political culture influencing, 2, 47, 192–93; shift away from, 157, 160; see also Collective violence
Wang, Ban, 54
Wang, Mr., 133
Wang, Ms., 194–95
Wang Dabin, 181
Wang Guangyi, 170
Wang Juntao, 152
Wang Shaoguang, 72
Wang Shiwei, 77
Wang Zhen, 150
War: films about, 53–57, 55, 59; “people’s,” in Chongqing, 39–45
Wasserstrom, Jeffrey, 162
Wei Jingsheng, 148, 155, 156, 216n14, 216n18
Western modernist literature, 121, 130
White, Lynn T., III, 115
“Whither China?” (Yang Xiguang), 86–90
Winter, Jay, 171
Wolin, Richard, 7
Work teams, in Chongqing, 19–25
Worldly life, 96
Wu Di, 183–85
Wuhan Workers Rebel Headquarters, 57–58
Wu Mi, 46–47
Xiao Fuxing, 175
Xiao yuan xuan ju (democratic campus elections), 4, 151–53, 155
Xie Quan, 59–60
Xin hua shu dian (New China Bookstore), 126
Xin Nankai, 78
Xue tong lun (bloodline theory), 79–83
Xu Hailiang, 52–53
Xu Huiying, 108
Xu Jing, 77
Xu Xiao, 92
Yang Jian, 122
Yang Xiguang, 72, 86–91, 155, 191
Yang Zengtai, 181–82
Yang Zhou, 151
Ye Jianying, 143
Yesterday (Zuo Tian), 183–84
Yilin-Dixi, 78–80
Yingji Changkong, 57–58
Yin Hongbiao, 122
Young Generation, The, 55, 56–57
Young Mao Zedong, The (Mao Zedong de qing nian shi dai) (Li Rui), 53
Youth: films about, 53–57, 55; as revolutionary successors, 3, 49, 62–64, 103
Yu Luoke, 72, 80–83, 85–86, 91–92
Yu Luowen, 82
Yunnan Province, 116, 132, 149–51
Zaofanpai, see Rebels
Za pai (Smashers), 32–35, 39–40, 42–43, 202n48
Zhang Haiting, 24
Zhang Musheng, 214n78
Zhang Xianglong, 85
Zhang Xiangping, 85
Zhang, Xudong, 219n25
Zhang Yang, 122
Zheng Qian, 72–73
Zheng Siqun, 24
Zhiqing ge qu (sent-down youth songs), 120, 132–33
Zhiqing nostalgia, 168–69, 171–76
Zhong, Xueping, 53–54
Zhong xue wen ge bao (Middle School Cultural Revolution News), 82–83, 85
Zhou Enlai, 27, 30, 41, 84, 126, 143–45
Zhou Jiayu, 29
Zhou Lunzuo, 181
Zhou Ziren, 30, 38–39, 44–45, 54–55, 191
Zhu De, 143
Zhu Qingfang, 57–58
Zu guo de hua duo (Flowers of the Nation), 48–49, 55, 64–65
Zuo Tian (Yesterday), 183–84
Zwerman, Gilda, 10