Procedure and ObjectImmanent Critique
Mediating the FirstMathematicizaton
Concept of MethodPromoting the Subject
Persistence as TruthThe Elementary
Philosophy of Origins and Epistemology
System and DebitOpposing Forces in Epistemology
The Drive for SystemDoctrine of Antinomies
NominalismMotivation and Tendency of Ontology
Illusory Concretization and Formalism
1 Critique of Logical Absolutism
Philosophy, Metaphysics and Science
Contradiction in Scientificization
Concept of IntuitionHusserl′s Scientism
Dialectic in Spite of ItselfA Head-Start for Science
′Realism′ in LogicThe Logical In-Itself
Presupposition of Logical Absolutism
Essence and Development (Entfaltung)
Calculators, Logic and Mechanics
Reification of LogicThe Logical ′Object′
Autosemantic and Synsemantic Expressions
Logical Laws and Laws of Thought
Relating Genesis and ValidityGenesis and Psychology
The Law of Non-ContradictionThe Law of Identity
ContingencyAbandoning the Empirical
Phenomenological and Eidetic Motifs
Propositions in Themselves and Essences
Lived Experience (Erlebnis) and ′Sense′
Origin of Essential Insight (Wesensschau)
′Ideational Abstraction′Abstraction and τόδε τί
The Primacy of Meaning Analysis (Bedeutungsanalyse)
The Function of the NoemaNoema and εΐδος
Relation Between the Two ReductionsNoema as Hybrid
Essence and ′Factual States of Consciousness′
Antinomy of Subjectivism and Eidetics
′Eidetic Variations′Essence as Fiction
3 Epistemological Concepts in Dialectic
Positivism and PlatonismHusserl′s Concept of
Givenness′Foundation′ (Fundierung)
Ontologization of the Factical
Givenness Mediated in ItselfThe Subject of Givenness
Matter as FulfilmentSensation and Perception
Antinomy of the Doctrine of Perception
Epistemology as Elementary Analysis′Gestalt′
Intentionality and ConstitutionEnter Noesis and Noema
The Forgotten SynthesisCritique of Correlation Theory
Pure Identity and Noematic Core
The Primacy of Objectifying Acts
Thing as Clue (Leitfaden)Antinomy of the Noema
Husserl′s Transition to Transcendental Idealism
Husserl and his SuccessorsPhenomenology
Attempts to Break OutSelf-Revocation
Character of Immanence and the Fetishism of the Concept
′Attitude′ (Einstellung)Fantasy and Body
Categorial IntuitionThe Paradoxical Apex
The Provenance of Logical Absolutism
Fulfilment of Unsensed Moments
′Becoming Aware′ (Gewahrwerdung)
Phenomenology as Philosophy of Reflection
Advanced and Restorative Elements
Natural History Museum AbstractIdeal of Security
Infinitization of the TemporalOrigin of the εἶδος Ego
Consciousness, Pure Essence, Time
Transcendental Ego and FacticityEquivocation of ′I′