Abstraction, 2–4, 33

Acute angle, 39

Alternating current, 32

Angle or phase, 35

Angle sum of triangle, 44

Angles, 36–54

    and trigonometry, 42–54

    theorems, 37–42

    types, 43

Antiderivative, integral calculus, 113–115



Bisection method, 77

Black-box diagram, 5–7



Cantilever beam and weight, 3–4

Cartesian vector form, 22–23

Chain rule, 107–108

Circumference, 38

Coefficient of determination (CoD), 72

Complementary angles, 40

Complex conjugate, 35

Complex numbers, 32–34

    arithmetic of, with circuits, 35–36

Composition, function, 60–64

Continuity, function, 83

Coordinate system, 9–36

    angle or phase, 35

    Cartesian vector form, 22–23

    complex numbers, 32–34

    complex plane, 34

    cross product, 26–29

    defined, 10

    dot product, 24–26

    imaginary unit, 33

    manipulating space, 29–32

    modulus or magnitude, 34–35

    normal, 26

    ordered pair, 10–11

    origin, 11

    polar coordinates, 14–17

    position vectors, 19–21

    real plane, 11

    rectangular coordinates, 10

    reorientation of, 30–31

    scalars, 18

    simple product, 23–24

    third dimension and, 11–13

    unit vector, 21–22

    vectors, 17–18

        addition and subtraction, 23

        multiplication, 23

Corresponding angles, 41

Cos (θ), special values of, 50

Cosine curve, 47

Cross product, 26–29

    area, to find, 28–29



Data set, function, 69–75

Definite integral, integral calculus, 113

Degree, 37

Dependent variable, 71

Derivative, 98

    rules, 104

Determining, function, 57–59

Differential calculus, 95–111

    chain rule, 107–108

    derivative, 98

        rules, 104

    general power rule, 99

    higher order derivatives, 100–101

    optimization, process of, 108–111

    position function

        complicated, 101–104

        derivative of, 99–100

    product rule, 104–106

    quotient rule, 106–107

    tangent line, 96

Dimensional analysis, 38

Dirac’s delta function, 148–150

Displacement, 96

Distance formula, 49

Domain, function, 56, 59–60

Dot product, 24–26



Electromagnetics, 63

End behavior, function, 89


    abstraction in, 2–4

    black-box diagram, 5–7

    definition, 1–2

    mathematical model, 4–5

    statics, 4

    system, 5

Equilateral triangle, 45

Even and odd functions, inputs and outputs, 133, 136–137



Finite sums, inputs and outputs, 153

Flip, inputs and outputs

    delay in, 146–147

Flipping a function, inputs and outputs, 141–142

Forcing a function, inputs and outputs, 142–144

Fourier series, 157–163

    square wave, finding, 157–163

Friction (on a Tire), 14–15


    behavior, 83–94

    composition, 60–64

    continuity, 83

    data set, 69–75

    defined, 55

    dependent variable, 71

    determining, 57–59

    domain, 56, 59–60

    evaluation, 59

    independent variable, 71

    indeterminate or undefined, 85

    inverse, 64–68

    limit, 84

    one-to-one, 68

    range, 56, 59–60

    relation, 56

    residual, 74

    tolerance, 79

    visualizing, 55

Fundamental theorem, integral calculus, 114



General power rule, 99

Graphical relationships

    angles, 36–54

    types, 43

    degree, 37

    equilateral triangle, 45

    isosceles triangle, 45

    radian, 37–42

    right triangle, 45

    Scalene triangle, 44–45

    sines and cosines, laws of, 44–46

    trigonometry, ideas in, 42–52

    unit circle, 46–49



Heaviside unit step function, 144–145

Higher order derivatives, 100–101



Imaginary part, 33

Imaginary unit, 33

Impulse function, inputs and outputs, 148–150

    sampling property, 151–152

Independent variable, 71

Indeterminate or undefined, function, 85

Infinite series, 152–163

Initial phase, 126

Inputs and outputs, 121–163

    classifications, 121–137

    common manipulations, 137–144

        moving (t) using, 150–151

    Dirac’s delta function, 148–150

    even and odd functions, 133, 136–137

    finite sums, 153


        delay in, 146–147

        of a switch, 145–146

    flipping a function, 141–142

    forcing a function, 142–144

    Fourier series, 157–163

        square wave, finding, 157–163

    graphical subtraction, 148

    heaviside unit step function, 144–145

    impulse function, 148–150

        sampling property, 151–152

    infinite series, in terms of, 152–163

    left and right, moving a function, 139–140

    power series, 154–157

    pulse, 147

    scaling a function

        horizontally, 141

        vertically, 140

    signal, 121

        amplitude, 125

        angular frequency, 125–127

        anticausal, 128

        causal, 128

        deterministic, 122

        energy, 129–131

        even, 133–134

        everlasting, 127–128

        noncausal, 129

        nondeterministic, 122

        odd, 134–136

        periodic, 123

        power, 133

        sinusoidal, 124

    special inputs, 144–152

    transformation, 137

    translation, 138

    up and down, moving a function, 138–139

    windowing a function, 148

Integral calculus, 111–119

    antiderivative, 113–115

    by parts, 118–119

    definite integral, 113

    fundamental theorem, 114

    LIATE rule, 117

    simple substitution, 115–118

Inverse, function, 64–68

Isosceles triangle, 45



Kilonewtons, 18



LIATE rule, 117

Limit, function, 84



Manipulating space, coordinate system and, 29–32

Mathematical model, 4–5

Modulus or magnitude, 34–35

Moment, 26

Motional electromotive force (emf), 63



Normal, coordinate system, 26

Normalizing the vector

    real plane, 11



Obtuse angle, 38

One-to-one, function, 68

Optimization, process of, 108–111

Ordered pair, 10–11

Origin, 11



Phase. see angle or phase

Phone (as system), 6

Polar coordinates, 14–17

Position function

    complicated, 101–104

    derivative of, 99–100

Position vectors, 19–21

Power series, inputs and outputs, 154–157

Product rule, 104–106

Pulse, inputs and outputs, 147

Purely imaginary number, 33

Purely real number, 33

Pythagorean Theorem, 16

    for sine and cosine, 49–51



Quotient rule, 106–107



Radian, 37–42

Range, 56, 59–60

Range, function, 56, 59–60

Real part, 33

Real plane, 11

Rectangular coordinates, 10, 16

Reflex angle, 39

Residual, function, 74

Right triangle, 45

Roots of function, 75–83



Scalars, 18

Scalene, 44

Scalene triangle, 44–45

Signal, inputs and outputs, 121

    amplitude, 125

    angular frequency, 125–127

    causal, 128

    deterministic, 122

    energy, 129–131

    even, 133–134

    everlasting, 127–128

    noncausal, 129

    nondeterministic, 122

    odd, 134–136

    periodic, 123

    power, 133

    sinusoidal, 124

Simple product, 23–24

Simple spring and mass system, 6–7

Simple substitution, integral calculus, 115–118

Sine (θ), special values of, 50

Sine curve, 47

Sines and cosines, laws of, 44–46

Small-angle approximation, 92

Special inputs, 144–152

Statics, 4

Supplementary angles, 40

System, engineering, 5, 165



Tangent line, 96

Tensile test, 18

Third dimension and coordinate system, 11–13

Tolerance, function, 79

Transformation, inputs and outputs, 137

Translation, inputs and outputs, 138

Trigonometry, 42–52



Unit circle, 46–49

Unit vector, 21–22

Up and down, moving a function, 138–139



Vectors, 17–18

    addition and subtraction, 23

    multiplication, 23

Versors, 22

Vertical angles, 41



Windowing a function, 148