A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Abbey, George, 245
- abortion, 31
- Abrams, Stacey, 147
- Abzug, Bella, 352, 355
- actors, 285–96
- Adams, Abigail, 43, 46–47
- Adams, John, 36, 40–43, 46–47
- African Americans
- Black Lives Matter movement and, 2, 193, 276
- civil rights movement and, see civil rights movement
- in Civil War, 109, 112
- Declaration of Independence and, 27, 36, 43–46, 181, 193
- Jim Crow laws and, 2, 7, 27, 75, 142, 145, 146, 366
- “separate but equal” and, 146
- slavery and, see slavery
- voting rights for, 7, 144–46, 148, 156, 165, 171, 172, 174, 182, 189–92
- women’s suffrage and, 168, 171
- Agassi, Andre, 311
- AIDS, 319, 349
- Albright, Madeleine, 395
- on being an immigrant, 371–79
- Aldrin, Buzz, 245–48, 258
- Alger, Horatio, 13
- Allen, Danielle S., 395–96
- on the Declaration of Independence, 35–47
- Allen, Paul, 221
- al-Qaeda, 66
- Alzheimer’s disease, 268
- Amazon, 225, 226
- America, naming of, 22, 23
- American colonies, 24–25, 38, 39, 50–52, 197
- American Dream, 13, 14
- American Experiment, 1–2, 6, 13–15, 341
- American genes, 2, 6–13, 15
- American Dream, 13
- capitalism and entrepreneurship, 11
- civilian control of the military and peaceful transfer of power, 10
- culture, 12–13
- democracy, 6–7
- diversity, 12
- equality, 8
- freedom of religion, 9
- freedom of speech, 8–9
- immigration, 11–12
- rule of law, 9–10
- separation of powers, 10
- voting, 7
- see also specific subjects
- American government, three branches of, 10, 280
- American history, Lepore on, 19–34
- American Psychiatric Association, 347, 353
- American Revolution, 24–25, 30, 40, 95, 96, 103–5, 114, 128
- André, Maurice, 278
- Andreessen, Marc, 223, 224
- Anthony, Aaron, 152, 153
- Anthony, Susan B., 166, 168, 172, 174
- “Women’s Rights to the Suffrage,” 339
- Apple, 221, 224, 226
- Arlington National Cemetery, 111–12
- Armitage, David, 47
- Armstrong, Louis, 281–82
- Armstrong, Neil, 241, 245–48, 255
- art, 297–306
- Ashe, Arthur, 309, 318
- Assing, Ottilie, 159–60
- atheism, 58
- Auld, Hugh, 152
- Auld, Sophia, 152
- Auld, Thomas, 152–54, 158
- automobiles, 202, 206, 208, 212
- Bailey, Harriet, 152
- Baker, Howard, 183
- Baldwin, James, 149
- Baltimore, George Calvert, Lord, 52
- bankruptcy, 27–28
- Baptists, 55
- Barr, Juliana, 92
- baseball, 322–37
- Basie, Count, 284
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 282
- Belafonte, Harry, 296
- Bell, Alexander Graham, 233
- Bell Labs, 219
- Benioff, Marc, 353
- Berners-Lee, Tim, 208, 223
- Bernstein, Carl, 62, 69–71
- Beschloss, Michael, 396
- on the presidential election of 2020, 74–83
- Bezos, Jeff, 63, 214, 225
- Biden, Joe, 144–45, 258, 260
- COVID-19 pandemic and, 6
- inauguration speech of, 143
- Trump’s contesting of election win by, 3–5, 9–10, 74–76, 78, 80, 82
- Black Lives Matter, 2, 193, 276
- Blacks, see African Americans
- Blight, David W., 396–97
- on Frederick Douglass, 150–66
- Blow, Charles, 146–47
- Bolger, Ray, 294
- Bonner, Bobby, 328
- Borg, Björn, 311
- Boston Tea Party, 39
- Bradford, Mark, 397
- on the visual arts, 297–306
- Bradlee, Ben, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71
- Bradley, Bill, 314
- Brando, Marlon, 286, 294–95
- Brattain, Walter, 219
- Brekus, Catherine, 397–98
- on religious freedom, 48–60
- Breyer, Stephen, 385
- Brin, Sergey, 214, 219
- Brinkley, Douglas, 398
- Brown, John, 160–62
- Brown v. Board of Education, 185
- Bryan, William Jennings, 201
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 372, 378
- Buchanan, Pat, 349
- Buffett, Warren, 202
- Bundy, McGeorge, 254
- Burch, Dean, 72
- Burns, Ken, 398–99
- on the Vietnam War, 114–26
- Bush, George H. W., 31
- Bush, George W., 66
- Bush, Vannevar, 208, 216
- cancer, 267–68
- Cansino, Paco, 290
- capitalism, 11, 23
- Capitol attack of 2021, 4–5, 74, 75, 80–82
- Carmichael, Stokely, 188, 192, 193
- Carnegie, Andrew, 202
- Carter, Jimmy, 56, 348–49, 372
- Case, Steve, 225–26
- Casey, Bill, 65
- Catt, Carrie Chapman, 168, 171
- Celler, Emanuel, 357, 367
- cemeteries, national, 109–12
- Chaffee, Roger, 247
- checks and balances, 10
- China, 211–12, 226
- Chinese Exclusion Act, 359–60
- citizenship, 358–59, 384
- civics and civic education, 380–92
- Civil Rights Acts
- of 1866, 142
- of 1875, 143
- of 1964, 342, 352
- of 1968, 352
- Civil Rights Cases, 143
- civil rights movement, 2, 142, 148–49, 150, 256, 295–96, 348
- Civil War, 2, 3, 12, 27, 75, 98, 128, 141, 142, 161–62, 172, 202, 204, 205, 305
- African American soldiers in, 109, 112
- Faust on death and, 103–14
- Native Americans and, 98
- Civil War, The, 114
- Clark, Jim, 191
- Clinton, Bill, 149, 260, 350, 371, 378, 379, 380, 388
- Clyburn, Jim, 145
- Cold War, 209, 365, 367
- Collins, Francis S., 399
- on the Human Genome Project and scientific research, 259–69
- Collins, Michael, 248
- Collins, Pete, 316
- Colson, Charles, 72
- Columbus, Christopher, 21–23, 32, 87, 89, 90, 92
- communism, 11, 197, 211–12
- Compromise of 1850, 160, 203
- Compromise of 1877, 27, 144
- computers, 209, 213, 216–22, 224, 254–55
- Confederacy, 27, 142, 149
- Congress, 4, 10
- Connally, John, 190
- Connors, Jimmy, 311
- conservatism, 30, 33
- Constitution, 11, 19, 36, 37, 41, 43, 121, 167, 169, 181, 319, 346
- immigration and, 358, 359, 371
- Native Americans and, 88, 95
- rule of law and, 9
- separation of powers and, 10
- Constitutional amendments, 177, 280, 283
- Bill of Rights, 49, 55, 61, 167
- First, 8–9, 49, 55, 58, 61–73
- Thirteenth, 141, 163
- Fourteenth, 142, 143, 174
- Fifteenth, 7, 142–44, 146, 165–66, 172, 174
- Sixteenth, 207
- Seventeenth, 6
- Nineteenth, 7, 168, 169, 172, 175–80
- Constitutional Convention, 1, 8, 10, 15, 37, 95
- Continental Congress, 25, 35–37, 39, 40, 43, 45–46
- Cooper, Gordon, 257
- Cortés, Hernan, 96
- Costanza, Midge, 348–49
- cotton, 200, 205
- cotton gin, 200
- Court, Margaret, 316
- Covey, Edward, 153–54
- COVID-19 pandemic, 2–3, 5–6, 14, 83, 104, 260, 274, 275, 283
- Crawford, Joan, 288
- Crazy Horse, 100
- Crick, Francis, 259
- Cronkite, Walter, 121
- Cruz, Ted, 4
- Cuban Missile Crisis, 29
- culture, 12–13
- Custer, George Armstrong, 99–100
- Daniels, John T., 235
- Daughters of Bilitis, 345, 354
- Davis, Jefferson, 191
- Davis, Miles, 277
- death, 103–13
- Declaration of Independence, 8, 11, 17, 19, 21, 25–27, 95, 167
- African Americans and, 27, 36, 43–46, 181, 193
- Allen on, 35–47
- de Gaulle, Charles, 117
- Deists, 53, 55
- Deloria, Philip J., 399–400
- on Native American history, 87–102
- democracy, 3–7, 15, 25, 47, 80–83, 361, 385
- Democratic National Convention, 190
- Democrats, 4, 33
- Devil You Know, The (Blow), 146–47
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 346–47
- Diem, Ngo Dinh, 118–19
- digital revolution, 219–20
- Dillehay, Tom, 91
- DiMaggio, Joe, 325
- Dirksen, Everett, 122
- diversity, 12
- DNA, 259, 261, 264, 265, 268
- Doolittle, Jimmy, 136
- Doudna, Jennifer, 214
- Douglas, Stephen, 27
- Douglass, Anna Murray, 155, 157, 159, 164–65
- Douglass, Frederick, 27
- Blight on, 150–66
- name of, 157–58
- “What to the slave is the Fourth of July?,” 139
- Douglass, Helen Pitts, 165
- Downie, Len, 64
- drones, 212
- Du Bois, W. E. B., 148
- Dunlap, John, 44–45
- Dyer, Mary, 51
- Eastland, James, 366–67
- e-commerce, 225
- economy, 27–28
- Edison, Sweets, 284
- Edison, Thomas, 207
- Edmund Pettus Bridge, 182, 183, 189–92
- Ehrlichman, John, 248
- Einstein, Albert, 214, 215
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 29, 76, 149, 256
- space program and, 243, 248, 252
- Vietnam and, 62, 117, 118
- Electoral College, 3, 4, 6, 9, 75, 144
- electricity, 207
- Eliot, John, 54
- Ellington, Duke, 282
- Ellsberg, Daniel, 62, 67–68
- Emancipation Proclamation, 109, 145, 161
- Enlightenment, 26, 53, 56
- entrepreneurship, 11, 197, 198, 218
- equality, 8, 26, 27
- Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 30–32, 319
- Erie Canal, 203
- Evers, Medgar, 191
- Evert, Chris, 310, 311
- executive branch, 10
- Facebook, 226
- Faderman, Lillian, 400
- Faubus, Orval, 143, 149
- Fauci, Anthony, 260
- Faust, Drew Gilpin, 400–401
- on death and the Civil War, 103–13
- Federer, Roger, 311
- Floyd, George, 193
- Ford, Gerald, 118, 125, 371
- Ford, Henry, 201–2, 208
- foreign policy decision, 29
- Founding Fathers, 6, 8, 14, 15
- Franklin, Benjamin, 1, 36, 41, 42, 214, 215, 238, 358
- Frederick Douglass (Blight), 151
- Freedom Rides, 181, 188–89
- Freedom Summer, 144, 189
- Freeland, William, 154
- French and Indian War, 24, 38, 94–95
- From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 249
- Gable, Clark, 292
- Gagarin, Yuri, 243, 252, 253
- Gaines, Charles, 304
- Gallatin, Albert, 203
- Gandhi, Mahatma, 186
- Garland, Judy, 287
- Garrison, William Lloyd, 156
- Gates, Bill, 202, 214, 221–22, 225
- Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 401
- on Reconstruction, 141–49
- Gay Liberation Front, 354
- gay rights, 2, 341–55
- Gehrig, Lou, 323–26
- George III, King, 6, 26, 35, 38–40, 45
- Georgia, 7, 147
- Gettysburg Address, 27, 85, 109, 110, 127
- Ghost Dance, 100
- Gibbons v. Ogden, 203
- Gibson, Althea, 309
- Gillespie, Dizzy, 282
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 380
- Gittings, Barbara, 347
- Glenn, John, 243
- Goddard, Robert, 249
- Goldwater, Barry, 31, 119, 190
- Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 271
- Google, 219, 226
- Gordon, Leonard, 286
- Gore, Al
- Internet and, 222, 225
- in 2000 election, 77–78
- Gorsuch, Neil, 352
- Grady, Bill, 293
- Graham, Billy, 59–60
- Graham, Donald E., 401–2
- on the First Amendment and freedom of the press, 61–73
- Graham, Katharine, 62–65, 68–71
- Graham, Philip, 63
- Grant, Ulysses S., 108, 144
- Great Depression, 2
- Great Migration, 146, 147
- Great Panic of 1873, 144
- Griffey, Ken, Jr., 333
- Griffiths, Julia, 159
- Grissom, Gus, 247
- Hamilton, Alexander, 202–4
- Hancock, John, 45
- Harlow, Bryce, 248
- Harpers Ferry, 160–61
- Harris, Kamala, 3
- Harrison, William Henry, 99
- Harris Poll, 13–14
- Hart, Phil, 367
- Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act, 357, 367–68
- Hawley, Josh, 4
- Hayes, Rutherford B., 78, 151, 164
- Hayworth, Rita, 290
- health care, 14
- Hearst, William Randolph, 59
- heart disease, 267
- Helms, Jesse, 349
- Henderson, Rick, 330
- Hicks, Angie, 353
- Hillel, 130
- Hillsman, Roger, 118
- Hirshhorn Museum, 298, 305
- Hirt, Al, 277
- Hitler, Adolf, 250
- Ho Chi Minh, 118
- Hollerith, Herman, 209
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 108
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 108
- Holocaust, 367
- Jewish refugees from, 363–66
- Hooker, Evelyn, 347
- Hopper, Grace, 222
- House Un-American Activities Committee, 345
- Howard, Otis, 145
- Howe, Julia Ward, 168
- Hudson, Rock, 288, 349
- Human Genome Project, 259–62
- Humphrey, Hubert, 77, 78, 122
- Hunt, Howard, 70
- Hurston, Zora Neale, 147
- IBM, 209, 213, 221, 222
- iCivics, 381, 383, 392
- If Not Now, When? (Jacobs), 128, 130
- immigration, 11–12, 58, 197
- Albright on being an immigrant, 371–79
- culture and, 12–13
- Trump administration and, 49, 357, 369, 370
- Yang on, 356–70
- income inequality, 11
- India, 211
- Industrial Revolution, 200, 202, 219
- influenza pandemic, 104
- innovation, see technology and innovation
- Intel, 218, 220–21
- International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 173
- Internet, 33, 211, 216, 222–25, 304
- World Wide Web, 208, 223–24
- Iraq war, 2, 29
- Isaacson, Walter, 402
- It Didn’t Start with Watergate (Leaky), 77
- Jackson, Andrew, 32–33, 97
- Jackson, Mahalia, 296
- Jacobs, Jack, 402
- on military service, 127–37
- Jay, John, 385
- jazz, 273–84
- Jefferson, Thomas, 25, 26, 36, 37, 41–42, 44, 46, 49, 53–55, 96, 97, 99, 118, 167, 203
- Jennings, Dale, 345
- Jeter, Derek, 326
- Jewish refugees, 363–66
- Jim Crow laws, 2, 7, 27, 75, 142, 145, 146, 366
- Jobs, Steve, 211, 214, 215, 218, 221, 224, 225
- Johnson, Andrew, 27, 142, 145
- Johnson, Frank, 192
- Johnson, Lyndon, 119, 121
- civil rights and, 189–90, 192
- immigration and, 357, 366
- space program and, 252, 253, 257
- Vietnam and, 62, 65, 67, 114, 118–22, 366
- Johnson-Reed Act, 357, 362
- Jordan, Vernon, 149
- judicial branch, 10
- Justice Department, 73, 188, 256
- Kameny, Frank, 343, 346–48, 353, 354
- Kelly, Gene, 294
- Kennan, George, 117–18
- Kennedy, Anthony, 351–52
- Kennedy, Joe, 254
- Kennedy, John F., 4, 29, 49, 76, 77, 118, 190, 191, 252–53, 257, 366–68
- assassination of, 119, 189, 257
- in election against Nixon, 208, 252
- immigration and, 357, 364–66
- space program and, 195, 243–44, 248, 252–57
- Vietnam and, 62, 67, 117–19
- Kennedy, Robert F., 29, 193
- Kennedy, Ted, 367
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 118, 252
- Kilby, Jack, 254
- King, Billie Jean, 402–3
- on tennis and activism, 307–21
- King, Larry, 313
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 149, 150, 185–87, 191–93, 296
- Kissinger, Henry, 123, 124, 214, 371, 378
- Kloss, Ilana, 319
- Koch, Ed, 352, 355
- Korean War, 114, 128, 245, 251, 255
- Koufax, Sandy, 336
- Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 27, 49, 55–56, 142, 188
- Lady of the Lake, The (Scott), 157
- Laird, Melvin, 135
- Langley, Samuel, 233–36
- Lanza, Mario, 292
- Laver, Rod, 311
- Lawson, James, 185–87
- Leadership Initiative, 319
- League of Nations, 28, 359
- League of Women Voters, 171
- Leaky, Victor, 77
- Lear, Norman, 287
- Le Duan, 120
- Lee, Richard Henry, 40, 41
- Lee, Robert E., 111–12, 305
- legislative branch, 10
- Lem, Nguyen Van, 121
- Leonardo da Vinci, 214, 215, 216, 228, 233, 300
- Lepore, Jill, 403
- on American history, 19–34
- Lewis, John, 181–93
- Lewis and Clark, 96
- LGBTQ community
- gay rights, 2, 341–55
- transgender individuals, 352–53
- liberalism, 30
- Liberator, 156
- Life, 294
- “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” 149
- Lincoln, Abraham, 141–43, 145–46
- assassination of, 141, 163
- in debates with Stephen Douglas, 27
- Douglass and, 151, 161–63
- Emancipation Proclamation of, 109, 145, 161
- Gettysburg Address of, 27, 85, 109, 110, 127
- Lincoln Center, 274, 276–77, 282–83
- Lindbergh, Charles, 245
- Little Rock Central High School, 149
- Livingston, Robert, 41, 42
- Locke, John, 56–57
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 118
- Lopez, Irene, 290
- Louisiana Purchase, 96–97, 200, 203
- Lovelace, Ada, 213
- Lucy, Autherine, 185
- Lyon, Phyllis, 345
- Madison, James, 37, 49, 53, 61
- Malinche, La, 96
- Mao Zedong, 211–12
- Marbury v. Madison, 10
- March on Washington, 181, 295–96
- marriage, same-sex, 342, 350, 351
- Marsalis, Ellis, Jr., 274, 275, 277–79
- Marsalis, Wynton, 117, 403
- Marshall Plan, 29
- Martin, Del, 345
- Martinez, Ceci, 313
- Mason, George, 42, 53
- Mather, Cotton, 57
- Mattachine Society, 345, 346, 354
- Mayer, Louis B., 291, 293
- Mayflower, 199, 204, 253
- McCarthy, Eugene, 121
- McCarthyism, 31, 376
- McCord, James, 70–71
- McCullough, David, 404
- on the Wright brothers, 228–42
- McEnroe, John, 311, 312
- McKinley, William, 201
- Meacham, Jon, 404
- on John Lewis and civil rights, 181–93
- Meigs, Montgomery, 112
- Mendel, Gregor, 259
- Meredith, James, 256
- Mexican-American War, 203
- Meyer, Eugene, 73
- microchips, 220, 254
- microprocessors, 220–21
- Microsoft, 222, 226
- military
- civilian control of, 10
- foreign policy decisions and, 29
- gays in, 350
- Jacobs on service in, 127–37
- Milk, Harvey, 353–54
- Minitel, 222
- Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 190
- Missouri, USS, 118
- Mitchell, John, 71
- Moon, Wally, 257
- moon landing, 195, 241, 243–58
- Moreno, Rita, 404–5
- on the actor’s life, 285–96
- Morgan, J. P., 202
- Morgenthau, Robert, 385–86
- Morse, Samuel, 200
- Mosaic, 223
- Mott, Lucretia, 172
- movies, 285–96
- Moyers, Bill, 248
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 248, 389
- Muskie, Edmund, 372
- Muslims, 49, 50, 54, 58, 357
- Nadal, Rafael, 311
- NASA, 243, 245, 246, 248, 252–57
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), 260, 262, 266, 268
- National Science Foundation (NSF), 264
- Native Americans, 12, 21–23
- Deloria on, 87–102
- religion and, 48, 54, 94
- Navratilova, Martina, 310, 311
- Nazi Germany, 250–51, 373
- Jewish refugees from, 363–66
- Negroponte, John, 124
- New Deal, 28, 33
- New Yorker, 20
- New York Times, 62, 67–69, 146, 276, 357
- Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 119
- Nichols, Jack, 347
- 9/11 attacks, 2, 4, 81, 245, 356
- Nixon, Richard, 31, 65, 76, 78, 122, 267, 367, 371
- in election against Kennedy, 208, 252
- Jacobs awarded Medal of Honor by, 128, 135
- moon landing and, 246, 248
- Vietnam and, 62, 67, 114, 118, 122–24
- Watergate and, 2, 62, 67, 69–72, 76–77, 83
- Nolan, John, 132
- North Star, 158–59
- Novick, Lynn, 114, 116
- Noyce, Robert, 214, 218
- nuclear weapons, 251
- Obama, Barack, 33, 144, 188, 193, 260, 343, 380, 390
- Goodwin’s exit interview with, 271
- O’Connor, Sandra Day, 380, 382–83, 392
- oil, 205–6
- ONE, 346
- One Day at a Time, 287
- Ostler, Jeff, 90
- Other Slavery, The (Reséndez), 90
- Otis, James, 38
- Our Declaration (Allen), 36
- Page, Larry, 214, 219
- Parker, Annise, 352–53
- Parks, Rosa, 149
- patents, 220, 227
- Patterson, Gene, 69
- Paul, Alice, 168
- Pelton, Ronald, 66
- Pence, Mike, 5, 80, 353
- Penn, William, 52–53
- Pentagon Papers, 62, 67–69
- Perot, Ross, 209
- Perry, Gaylord, 333–34
- Peurifoy, John, 345
- Philadelphia Negro, The (Du Bois), 148
- Pickett’s Charge (Bradford), 298, 305–6
- Pilgrims, 51, 93, 199, 204
- Planned Parenthood, 31
- Plessy v. Ferguson, 143, 148
- Pocahontas, 96
- Poitier, Sidney, 285
- Powel, Elizabeth Willing, 1
- power, peaceful transfer of, 10
- presidency, 10
- presidential election of 2000, 77–78
- presidential election of 2020, 7, 10
- Beschloss on, 74–83
- Trump’s contesting of results of, 3–5, 9–10, 74–76, 78, 80, 82
- Presley, Elvis, 295
- press, freedom of, 61–73
- Priest, Dana, 66
- private equity, 210–11, 269
- Puritans, 50–52, 54, 55
- Purvis, Robert, 164
- Quakers, 51, 52
- racism, 14, 276
- white supremacy, 143
- see also African Americans
- radar, 253, 255
- railroads, 172, 179, 205, 206
- Reagan, Ronald, 65, 209, 349, 351
- Reconstruction, 2, 27, 55, 56, 78, 163
- religion
- Civil War and, 110–11
- death and, 106
- Declaration of Independence and, 42, 44
- evangelical, 26, 32, 56–57, 59, 60
- Native Americans and, 48, 54, 94
- same-sex relationships and, 344
- science and, 260, 265–66
- religious freedom, 9, 204
- Republicans, 3–5, 31, 161, 190
- Reséndez, Andrés, 90
- Resor, Stanley, 135
- Revolutionary War, 24–25, 30, 40, 95, 96, 103–5, 114, 128
- Rice, Condoleezza, 372
- Riggs, Bobby, 308, 314–17
- Ripken, Cal, Jr., 405
- Ripken Foundation, 336
- Roberts, Ed, 221
- Roberts, John, 352
- Robinson, Jackie, 307, 309
- Rock, Arthur, 217–18
- Rockefeller, John D., 206
- Rockefeller, Laurance, 218
- rocketry, 249–51
- Rogers, William, 124
- Rolfe, John, 96
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 32, 170–71
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 28, 76, 120, 171, 256
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 171, 175, 201, 242
- rule of law, 9–10
- Russell, Richard, 120
- Ruth, Babe, 328
- Sacagawea, 96
- St. Louis, MS, 364
- Sampras, Pete, 311
- Schlafly, Phyllis, 30–31
- science, 216–17, 382
- religion and, 260, 265–66
- research in, 259–69
- see also technology and innovation
- school prayer, 58–59
- Scott, Dred, 160, 203
- Scott, Walter, 157–58
- Scully, Vin, 257
- Seigenthaler, John, 189
- Selfridge, Thomas, 239
- Selma, Ala., 186
- Edmund Pettus Bridge in, 182, 183, 189–92
- Seneca Falls Convention, 165–66, 167, 169, 174
- separation of powers, 10
- September 11 attacks, 2, 4, 81, 245, 356
- Seven Years’ War, 38, 94–95
- Shepard, Alan, 243, 253
- Sherman, Roger, 41, 42
- Sherman, William Tecumseh, 145
- Shockley, William, 219
- Silicon Valley, 213, 216, 218, 219, 242
- Simons, Howard, 70
- Singleton, Ken, 335
- Sitting Bull, 100
- slavery, 2, 8, 12, 14, 21, 23–25, 32, 40, 87, 147–48, 161, 167, 203–5
- abolitionists and, 26, 27, 57, 142, 149, 150, 152, 156, 158, 160, 161, 171–72
- Declaration of Independence and, 27, 36, 43–46
- Douglass and, 150–58, 161–63
- Emancipation Proclamation and, 109, 145, 161
- freeing of slaves, 141–42, 163
- religion and, 54, 60
- smartphones, 211, 224
- Smith, Al, 49
- Smith, Kelly Miller, 186
- Smithsonian Institution, 233–34, 241
- Hirshhorn Museum, 298, 305
- socialism, 11, 197
- social media, 33, 73, 216, 225–26
- software, 210, 221–22
- Sorensen, Ted, 254
- Sotomayor, Sonia, 405–6
- on civics and civic education, 380–92
- Soviet Union, 65–66, 117, 118, 345, 365, 371
- missiles and nuclear weapons of, 251, 252
- space program of, 243, 247, 251–55, 257, 382
- Spanish-American War, 114
- Speakes, Larry, 349
- speech, freedom of, 8–9, 14
- Sputnik, 243, 251–52, 382
- Srinivasan, Bhu, 406
- Stamp Act, 38
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 166, 168, 172, 174
- start-ups, 210
- Steele, Alfred, 288
- Stone, Lucy, 168, 172
- Stonewall riots, 342, 347–48, 354
- Stony the Road (Gates), 142, 147, 149
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 192
- Sullivan, Kathryn, 256
- Sulzberger, Punch, 69
- Sumner, Charles, 143
- Supreme Court, 9, 58, 178, 387–88, 390, 391
- Brown v. Board of Education, 185
- Bush v. Gore, 77–78
- Civil Rights Cases, 143
- Dred Scott decision of, 160, 203
- First Amendment and, 62, 66, 69
- gay rights and, 342, 345, 346, 351–52, 355
- Gibbons v. Ogden, 203
- income tax and, 207
- Marbury v. Madison, 10
- Plessy v. Ferguson, 143, 148
- Reconstruction and, 143–44
- “separate but equal” and, 146
- Sotomayor on, 380–83, 391
- 2020 election fraud claims and, 3
- women’s voting rights and, 174–75
- Talbert, Billy, 313–14
- Tang, 256
- taxes
- on colonies, 24, 38, 39, 95
- on income, 207
- Native Americans and, 95
- Taylor, Charlie, 236
- Taylor, Elizabeth, 291, 292
- technology and innovation, 32–33, 213–27, 242, 382
- spin-offs from space program, 255–56
- World War II and, 213, 216–19, 232, 249, 250, 253, 254
- telegraph, 200
- television, 33, 208–9
- tennis, 307–21
- Thanksgiving, 93
- These Truths (Lepore), 20, 25
- Thieu, Nguyen Van, 122
- This Republic of Suffering (Faust), 103–4
- Tho, Le Duc, 124
- Thomas, Albert, 256
- Tilden, Samuel, 78
- Till, Emmett, 185
- Time, 116–17, 223, 254
- transgender individuals, 352–53
- transistors, 219–20, 254
- Truman, Harry, 59, 62, 117, 120, 242, 363, 364, 367
- Trump, Donald, 33, 83, 144, 260
- Capitol attack and, 4–5, 74, 75, 80–82
- COVID-19 pandemic and, 3
- immigration and, 49, 357, 369, 370
- impeachment of, 5, 81–82
- Twitter and, 72–73
- 2020 election results contested by, 3–5, 9–10, 74–76, 78–80, 82
- Truth, Sojourner, 168, 174
- Turing, Alan, 218
- Twitter, 72–73
- United Nations, 378
- Valdez, Juan, 125
- Venter, Craig, 260
- venture capital industry, 218
- Verdesio, Gustavo, 91
- Verne, Jules, 249
- Vespucci, Amerigo, 23
- Vietnam Memorial, 123
- Vietnam War, 2, 29, 62, 65–68, 128, 246, 348, 366
- Burns on, 114–26
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in, 121–22
- Jacobs on his service in, 127–37
- Pentagon Papers and, 62, 67–69
- Tet Offensive in, 120–21
- Vietnam War, The, 115
- Virginia Company, 199
- visual arts, 297–306
- von Braun, Magnus, 251
- von Braun, Wernher, 250–51, 254, 255
- voting, 6, 7, 14
- 2020 election fraud claims, 3–4
- women’s participation in, 172–73
- voting rights, 7
- for African Americans, 7, 144–46, 148, 156, 165, 171, 172, 174, 182, 189–92
- for women, see women’s suffrage
- Waiwaiole, Ainsley, 132
- Waldseemüller, Martin, 23
- Wallace, George, 78, 122, 143, 149, 191, 192
- Walton, Sam, 209
- Warnock, Raphael, 147
- War of 1812, 114, 128
- Washington, George, 24–25, 35, 60, 200, 385
- Washington Post, 62–73, 254
- Watergate, 2, 62, 67, 69–72, 76–77, 83
- Watson, James, 259–60
- Watson, Tom, Sr., 209
- wealth, 11
- Weaver, Earl, 324, 327, 329
- Webb, James, 253
- Weiss, Elaine, 406
- on women’s suffrage, 167–80
- Wharton, Edith, 230
- Whig Party, 203
- White, Ed, 247
- Whitefield, George, 60
- white supremacy, 143
- Whitman, Walt, 107
- Whitney, Eli, 200
- Whitten, Jack, 304
- Williams, Esther, 292, 293
- Williams, Hosea, 191
- Williams, Roger, 48
- Wilson, Elwin, 188
- Wilson, James, 37
- Wilson, Woodrow, 28, 176, 250
- Windsor, Edith, 351
- Woman’s Hour, The (Weiss), 168
- women, 2, 8, 30–32, 171–72, 174
- Declaration of Independence and, 36, 46
- religion and, 57
- voting participation by, 172–73
- in World War I effort, 176
- women’s suffrage, 2, 7, 31–32, 165–66, 339
- Black women and, 168, 171
- Weiss on, 167–80
- Woodward, Bob, 62, 65, 69–71
- World War I, 11, 28, 29, 114, 128, 173, 175, 176, 199, 207, 359
- rocket technology and, 249–50
- women’s participation in, 176
- World War II, 2, 114, 117, 128, 129, 136, 199, 207–8, 254, 366, 367, 371, 373
- Jewish refugees in, 363–66
- technological innovation and, 213, 216–19, 232, 249, 250, 253, 254
- World Wide Web, 208, 223–24
- Wounded Knee, 100
- Wovoka, 100
- Wozniak, Steve, 218, 221
- Wright, Katharine, 234, 238–40
- Wright brothers, 228–42, 249
- Yang, Jia Lynn, 406
- Y Combinator, 210
- Young, Andy, 191
- Zanuck, Darryl, 294
- Zenger, John Peter, 61
- Zuckerberg, Mark, 214, 226