The Eight Verses of Instruction
While Caitanya imparted extensive teachings to Rūpa and Sanātana Gosvāmī, which are essentially the new revelations underpinning the specifics of the Gauḍīya theology outlined in part 1, he himself wrote only these eight (aṣṭha) verses of instruction (sikṣā).
The first verse is highly embellished in terms of the literary ornamentations, alaṅkāra, of Sanskrit poetics, kāvya (that is, replete with similes and metaphors), which aesthetically frame in a poetic manner the theological points imparted.
1. May Kṛṣṇa’s saṅkīrtana be supremely triumphant. The chanting of the names of Kṛṣṇa cleanses the mirror of the heart. It extinguishes the great forest fire of saṁsāra. It bestows moonlight on the white night-blooming lotus of supreme benefit.1 It gives life to the young bride of wisdom. It increases the ocean of bliss. It bestows the taste of the highest nectar at every step. It cleanses the mind completely.
2. You have manifested many names and invested them with all Your potency. There are no restrictions as to when to chant them, the only criterion is absorbing the mind in them. Despite this grace of Yours, O Bhagavān, my misfortune is such that I was born in this world without any attraction for them.
3. The name of Hari should always be chanted while considering oneself lower than a blade of grass, and while being more tolerant than a tree. One should be free from any desire for personal respect, but yet one should offer respect to others.
4. I do not desire wealth, followers, beautiful women, or poetic virtuosity, O Lord of the Universe. I wish only for bhakti for You, Īśvara, that is without any motive, birth after birth.
5. O son of Nanda. Please consider me to be Your servant who has fallen into the dangerous ocean of saṁsāra. Consider me to be like a speck of dust attached to Your lotus feet.
6. When will streams of tears pour from my eyes from chanting Your name? When will my voice clog up and falter with emotion? When will my body appear with its hairs bristling in ecstasy?2
7. In the absence of Govinda, the blinking of an eye seems like an entire yuga aeon, the eyes behave like the rainy season, and this entire universe appears empty.
8. I am devoted to Kṛṣṇa’s feet. He may embrace me, or crush me. Or He may pierce my heart by not appearing before me. That flirt may do as He pleases, but only He and no one else will remain the Lord of my life.