
Title Page

Copyright Notice


Introduction to the Volume

Statement of Purpose: Sources and Scope of the Volume

The Bhāgavata as Text

The Commentaries

Part I: Introduction to Bhakti Yoga

Definition of Bhakti

The Practices of Bhakti

Vaidhī (Prescriptive) Bhakti and Rāgānugā (Spontaneous) Bhakti

The Nine Practices of Vaidhī Bhakti

Śravaṇa (Hearing)

Kīrtana (Chanting)

Smaraṇa (Remembering)

Pāda-sevana (Service to Īśvara’s Feet)

Arcana (Worship)

Vandana (Offering Respect)

Dāsya (Servitorship)

Sakhya (Friendship)

Ātma-nivedana (Self-Surrender)

Bhakti Mixed with Attachment to Dharma and Jñāna

Bhakti and Dharma

Bhakti Mixed with Karma and Jñāna

Rāgānugā Bhakti

The Divine Brahman Realms of Vaikuṇṭha and Goloka

Līlā and Yogamāyā

Rāga, Bhāva, and Rasa

Rāgātmikā Bhakti

The Development of Rāgānugā Bhakti

Meditation in Hate and Lust

Meditating in Enmity: Kṛṣṇa and the Demons

Meditating in Passion: Kṛṣṇa and the Gopīs

The Practitioner of Bhakti, the Bhakta

The First Step in Bhakti: Association with a Bhakta

Satsaṅga and the Guru

The Varieties of Saints

The Liberated Bhakta: Different Types of Mokṣa in the Bhāgavata

The Object of Bhakti: Īśvara, Bhagavān, Brahman, and Divine Hierarchies

Bhakti and Other Paths of Yoga

Definition of Īśvara, Bhagavān, and Brahman

Prakṛti and the Three Guṇas: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

The Nature of Īśvara in Vedānta: Primary or Derivative?

A Three-Tiered Hierarchy of Brahman

The Rejection of Brahman

Who Is the Supreme Īśvara?: The Purāṇic Context

Īśvara, Pure Bhakti, and Motivated Bhakti

Materialistic Religiosity

Concluding Reflections

Some Academic Considerations

Hierarchies of Bliss

Part II: Tales and Teachings from the Bhāgavata Purāṇa

Book I

Invocation and Glories of the Śrīmad Bhāgavata Purāṇa (I.1)

The Setting of the Bhāgavata (I.1–4)

The Tale of Vyāsa: Existential Malaise (I.5–6)

The Tale of Sage Nārada: The Maidservant’s Son (I.5–6)

The Tale of Dhtarāṣṭra: The Blind Emperor’s Final Days (I.13)

The Tale of King Parīkit: Cursed to Die in Seven Days (I.18–19)

Book II

The Teachings of Sage Śuka: The Wandering Enlightened Sage (II.1–4)

The Tale and Teachings of Lord Brahmā: The Primordial Yogī (II.5–6)

Brahmā’s Vision of God (II.9)

Book III

The Tale and Teachings of Lord Brahmā, Version II (III.8–9)

The Tale of Queen Devahūti: The Mystic Powers of Yoga (III.23–24)

The Teachings of Lord Kapila: Sāṅkhya Yoga (III.25–33)

Book IV

The Tale of Prince Dhruva: The Five-Year-Old Yogī Prodigy (IV.8–9, 11, 12)

The Tale of King Pthu: The Ideal Monarch (IV.22–23)

The Allegory of King Purañjana: The Illusion of Sensual Pleasures (IV.25–29)

Book V

The Teachings of the Ṛṣabha Incarnation: The Ascetic as Madman (V.5–6)

The Tale of King Bharata: The Mind at the Moment of Death (V.7–9)

The Teachings to King Rahūgaa: The Illusion of Social Status (V.10–12)

The Allegory of the Forest: The Illusion of Family Life (V.13–14)

Book VI

The Tale of Ajāmila: The Power of Mantra (VI.1–3)

The Tale of King Citraketu: The Dead Son Returns (VI.14–16)

Book VII

The Teachings of Yamarāja: Lament of the Widowed Queens (VII.2)

The Tale of Child Prahlāda; Viṣṇu Protects His Bhaktas (VII.4–9)


The Tale of the Elephant Bhakta: Surrender to Viṣṇu (VIII.2–4)

Book IX

The Tale of King Ambarīṣa: The Consequences of Offending Bhaktas (IX.4–5)

The Tale of Saubhari: Suppressed Saṁskāras (IX.6)

Part III: Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s Incarnation

Book X

Kṛṣṇa’s Birth (X.3)

Vātsalya Bhāva: Kṛṣṇa as Mischievous Child (X.8–9, 11)

Sakhya Bhāva: Kṛṣṇa as Playful Friend (X.12–13, 15, 18)

Madhura Bhāva: Kṛṣṇa as Amorous Lover (X.23, 29–33, 21)

Part IV: Caitanya’s Śikṣāṣṭakam

The Eight Verses of Instruction

Part V: The Nārada Bhakti Sūtras

Appendix I: Establishing the Authority of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa in the Vedic Tradition

Appendix II: Sāṅkhya Chart




Also by Edwin F. Bryant

Praise for Bhakti Yoga

A Note About the Author
