1. The trial was sponsored by Neuronetics, which was seeking FDA approval for their rTMS device.

2. The NNT is the number of patients who need to be treated to keep one patient from remaining depressed. For example, if the NNT was 1, then every patient treated would have a positive antidepressant response. The higher the NNT, the less effective the treatment; 2.3 is a relatively good NNT. As a comparator, the NNT for antidepressant medication is 7–9 (Arroll et al., 2009).

3. Effect size is the difference between the mean score of the experimental group minus that of the control group divided by the standard deviation. It is a measure of the effectiveness of an intervention. An effect size of .80 indicates that the intervention showed an approximately 50%–80% improvement in scores (in this case, a decrease in depression), and an effect size of .4 is associated with an approximate decrease of 50%–60%. So the effect sizes in these analyses are clinically significant (Cohen, 1988; Morris and DeShon, 2002; Ray and Shadish, 1996).