Performing operations

This chapter demonstrates the various PHP operators for arithmetic, comparison and logical evaluation.

Doing arithmetic

Making comparisons

Examining conditions

Assessing logic

Comparing bits

Changing values

Grasping precedence


Doing arithmetic

The arithmetic operators commonly used in PHP scripts are listed in the table below, together with the operation they perform:
















The numbers used along with operators to form expressions are known as “operands” – in the expression 2 + 3 the numbers 2 and 3 are the operands.

Operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division act as you would expect. Care must be taken, however, to group expressions for clarity where more than one operator is used:

a = b * c - d % e / f ;

# This is unclear.

a = ( b * c ) - ( ( d % e ) / f ) ;

# This is clearer.


Group expressions with parentheses to specify evaluation precedence – innermost groups get evaluated first. See here for more on operator precedence.

The % modulus operator divides the first given number by the second given number and returns the remainder of the operation. This is useful to determine if a number has an odd or even value.

The ** exponentiation operator gives the result of raising the first operand to the power of the second operand.

a ** b

# Result of raising a to the b’th power

Shorthand expressions can usefully be created by combining an arithmetic operator with the = assignment operator. For example:

a += b ;

# Equivalent to a = ( a + b ) ;

a -= b ;

# Equivalent to a = ( a - b ) ;

a *= b ;

# Equivalent to a = ( a * b ) ;

a /= b ;

# Equivalent to a = ( a / b ) ;



image Create a valid HTML document, like the one listed here , then insert PHP tags into the body section


# Statements to be inserted here.


image Now, insert statements between the PHP tags to create and initialize two variables

$a = 5 ;

$b = 2 ;

image Next, insert statements to display the results of simple arithmetical operations using the variable values

$result = $a + $b ; echo “Addition : $result <br>” ;

$result = $a - $b ; echo “Subtraction : $result <br>” ;

$result = $a * $b ; echo “Multiplication : $result <br>” ;

$result = $a / $b ; echo “Division : $result <br>” ;

image Finally, insert a statement to display the results of arithmetical evaluations of the variable values

$result = $a % $b ; echo “Modulus : $result <br>” ;

$result = $a ** $b ; echo “Exponentiation : $result ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as arithmetic.php then open the page via HTTP to see the results and variable values get displayed



PHP has some useful functions to work with numbers. For example, round($a) rounds $a to the nearest integer and number_format($a) adds commas to $a denoting groups of thousands.


PHP 7 introduces a new intdiv() function that performs an integer division on two operands and returns an integer. For example, intdiv(10,3) returns 3 .

Making comparisons

The operators that are commonly used in PHP scripts to compare two values are listed in the table below:


Comparative test:











Greater than


Less than


Greater than or equal to


Less than or equal to




The <=> spaceship operator is a new feature in PHP 7.

The == equality operator compares two operands and returns a Boolean TRUE result if both are numerically equal in value, otherwise it returns FALSE . Characters and strings are also compared numerically by their ASCII code value. Conversely, the != inequality operator returns TRUE if the two operands are not equal, otherwise it returns FALSE .


Equality and inequality operators are useful in testing the state of two variables to perform conditional branching in a PHP script.

The > “greater than” operator compares two operands and returns TRUE if the first is greater in value than the second, or it returns FALSE if it is equal or less in value. The < “less than” operator makes the same comparison but returns TRUE if the first operand is less in value than the second, otherwise it returns FALSE . Adding the = operator after a > “greater than” or < “less than” operator makes it also return TRUE when the two operands are exactly equal.

The <=> spaceship operator returns an integer value of 1 when the first operand is greater than the second, -1 when the first operand is less than the second, or 0 when the operands are equal.

The PHP var_dump() function can be used to see the type and value resulting from each kind of comparison.



image Create a valid HTML document, like the one listed here , then insert PHP tags into the body section


# Statements to be inserted here.


image Now, insert statements between the PHP tags to create and initialize five variables

$zero = 0 ; $nil = 0 ; $one = 1 ; $upr = ‘A’ ; $lwr = ‘a’ ;

image Next, insert statements to display equality comparisons

echo “0 == 0 : “ ; var_dump( $zero == $nil ) ;

echo “<br>0 == 1 : “ ; var_dump( $zero == $one ) ;

echo “<br>A == a : “ ; var_dump( $upr == $lwr ) ;

echo “<br>A != a : “ ; var_dump( $upr == $lwr ) ;

image Insert statements to display comparison evaluations

echo “<hr>1 > 0 : “ ; var_dump( $one > $nil ) ;

echo “<br>0 >= 0 : “ ; var_dump( $zero >= $nil ) ;

echo “<br>1 <= 0 : “ ; var_dump( $one <= $nil ) ;

echo “<hr>1 <=> 0 : “ ; var_dump( $one <=> $nil ) ;

echo “<br>1 <=> 1 : “ ; var_dump( $one <=> $one ) ;

echo “<br>0 <=> 1 : “ ; var_dump( $nil <=> $one ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as comparison.php then open the page via HTTP to see the results get displayed



The ASCII code value for uppercase ‘A ’ is 65 and for lowercase ‘a ’ it’s 97 – so their comparison here returns FALSE .


A Boolean TRUE value is represented numerically by 1 in PHP language.

Examining conditions

Conditional operator

The conditional operator ?: is also known as the “ternary” operator as it has three components. This operator first evaluates an expression for a TRUE or FALSE Boolean value, then returns one of two specified results depending on the evaluation. The conditional operator syntax looks like this:

( test-expression ) ? result-if-true : result-if-false ;

The conditional operator can be used to evaluate whether a given number is one or more, to ensure correct grammar in output regarding singular and plural items. This avoids awkward phrases such as “There is 5”:

$verb = ( $number == 1 ) ? ‘is’ : ‘are ‘;

echo “There $verb $number” ;

In this case, when the $number variable has a value of one, the ‘is’ result will be assigned to the $verb variable, otherwise the ‘are’ result will be assigned.


Do not use more than one ?: conditional operator in a single statement as the results may be unpredictable.

The conditional operator can also be used to evaluate whether a given number is odd or even (“parity”) by examining if there is any remainder after dividing the number by two, then assign an appropriate string result like this:

$parity = ( $number % 2 == 0 ) ? ‘Odd’ : ‘Even’ ;

echo “$number is $parity” ;

In this case, when the modulus operation returns a value of one, the ‘Odd’ result will be assigned to the $parity variable, otherwise the ‘Even’ result will be assigned.

Null coalescing operator

PHP has a special NULL value that is a built-in constant, which represents a variable with no value whatsoever – not even zero. Variables that have not been assigned a value will evaluate as NULL . The snappily named ?? “null coalescing” operator can be used to traverse a number of operands, from left to right, and return the value of the first operand that is not NULL . If none of the operands have a value (and are not NULL ) then the null coalescing operator will itself return a NULL result.


The ?? null coalescing operator is a new feature in PHP 7.



image Create a valid HTML document, like the one listed here , then insert PHP tags into the body section


# Statements to be inserted here.


image Now, insert statements between the PHP tags to create and initialize three variables

$a = NULL ; $b = 8 ; $c = ‘PHP Fun’ ;

image Next, insert statements to output correct grammar

$verb = ( $b == 1 ) ? ‘is’ : ‘are’ ;

echo “There $verb $b <hr>”;

image Insert statements to display parity of the integer variable

$parity = ( $b % 2 != 0 ) ? ‘Odd’ : ‘Even’ ;

echo $b is $parity <hr>”;

image Finally, insert statements to display the non-null values

$result = $a ?? $b ?? $c ; echo “abc : $result <br>” ;

$result = $c ?? $b ?? $a ; echo “cba : $result <br>” ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as condition.php then open the page via HTTP to see the results get displayed



Notice that the NULL value in $a is ignored.

Assessing logic

The logical operators most commonly used in PHP scripts are listed in the table below:






Logical AND



Logical OR



Logical eXclusive OR



Logical NOT


The && operator is an alternative form of the and operator. Similarly, the || operator is an alternative form of the or operator.

The logical operators are used with operands that have the Boolean values of TRUE or FALSE , or an expression that can convert to TRUE or FALSE .

The and operator will evaluate two operands and return TRUE , only if both operands are themselves TRUE . Otherwise the and operator will return FALSE . This is used in conditional branching where the direction of a PHP script is determined by testing two conditions. If both conditions are satisfied the script will go in a certain direction, otherwise it will take a different direction.


The term “Boolean” refers to a system of logical thought developed by the English mathematician George Boole (1815-1864).


Unlike the and operator that needs both operands to be TRUE the or operator will evaluate two operands and return TRUE if either one of the operands is itself TRUE . If neither operand is TRUE then the or operator will return FALSE . This is useful to perform an action if either one of two test conditions has been met.

The xor operator will evaluate two operands and only return TRUE if either one of the operands is itself TRUE – but not both. If neither operand is TRUE , or if both operands are TRUE , the xor operator will return FALSE .

The ! logical NOT operator is a “unary” operator – that is used before a single operand. It returns the inverse value of the given operand, so if the variable $var is a TRUE value then ! $var would return a FALSE value. The ! operator is useful to toggle the value of a variable in a loop with a statement like $ var = ! $var . On each iteration the value is reversed, like flicking a switch on and off.



image Create a valid HTML document, like the one listed here , then insert PHP tags into the body section


# Statements to be inserted here.


image Now, insert between the PHP tags statements to create and initialize two variables with Boolean values

$yes = TRUE ; $no = FALSE ;

image Next, insert statements to display AND evaluations

$result = ( $no && $no ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “No AND No returns $result <br>” ;

$result = ( $yes && $no ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “Yes AND No returns : $result <br>” ;

$result = ( $yes && $yes ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “Yes AND Yes returns $result <hr>” ;

image Insert statements to display OR and NOT evaluations

$result = ( $no || $no ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “No OR No returns $result <br>” ;

$result = ( $yes || $no ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “Yes OR No returns $result <br>” ;

$result = ( $yes || $yes ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “Yes OR Yes returns $result <hr>” ;

$result = ( ! $yes ) ? ‘TRUE’ : ‘FALSE’ ;

echo “NOT Yes returns $result <br>” ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as logic.php then open the page via HTTP to see the results get displayed



PHP also has an XOR (exclusive OR ) operator that performs the equivalent evaluation of AND NOT together.


Notice that evaluation of FALSE && FALSE returns FALSE – maybe demonstrating the anecdote “two wrongs don’t make a right”.

Comparing bits

A byte comprises eight bits that can each contain a 1 or a 0 to store a binary number, representing decimal values from 0 to 255. Each bit contributes a decimal component only when that bit contains a 1 . Components are designated right-to-left from the “Least Significant Bit” (LSB) to the “Most Significant Bit” (MSB). The binary number in the bit pattern below represents decimal 50.


Many PHP programmers never use bitwise operators, but it is useful to understand what they are and how they may be used.

Bit No.



























It is possible to manipulate individual parts of a byte using “bitwise” operators. Bitwise operators allow evaluation and manipulation of specific bits within an integer.



Binary number operation:



Return a 1 in each bit where either of two compared bits is a 1
Example: 1010 | 0101 = 1111



Return a 1 in each bit where both of two compared bits is a 1
Example: 1010 && 1100 = 1000



Return a 1 in each bit where neither of two compared bits is a 1
Example: 1010 ~ 0011 = 0100



Return a 1 in each bit where only one of two compared bits is a 1
Example: 1010 ^ 0100 = 1110


Shift left

Move each bit that is a 1 a specified number of bits to the left
Example: 0010 << 2 = 1000


Shift right

Move each bit that is a 1 a specified number of bits to the right
Example: 1000 >> 2 = 0010


Each half of a byte is known as a “nibble” (4 bits). The binary numbers in the examples in the table describe values stored in a nibble.

Unless programming for a device with limited resources, there is seldom a need to utilize bitwise operators, but they can be useful. For instance, the ^ (eXclusive OR) operator lets you exchange values between two variables without the need for a third variable:



image Create a valid HTML document, like the one listed here , then insert PHP tags into the body section


# Statements to be inserted here.


image Now, insert between the PHP tags statements to create and initialize two variables with integer values

$x = 5 ; $y = 10 ;

image Next, add a statement to display the assigned values

echo “X : $x , Y : $y <br>” ;

image Insert three XOR statements to exchange the variable values by binary bit manipulation

$x = $x ^ $y ; /* 1010 ^ 0101 = 1111 (decimal 15) */

$y = $x ^ $y ; /* 1111 ^ 0101 = 1010 (decimal 10) */

$x = $x ^ $y ; /* 1111 ^ 1010 = 0101 (decimal 5) */

image Finally, add a statement to display the manipulated values

echo “X : $x , Y : $y <br>” ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as bitwise.php then open the page via HTTP to see the XOR bitwise magic



Do not confuse bitwise operators with logical operators. Bitwise operators compare binary numbers, whereas logical operators evaluate Boolean values.

Changing values

The PHP ++ increment operator and -- decrement operator alter the given number by one and return the resulting new value. These are most often used to count iterations in a loop. The increment operator increases the value by one and the decrement operator decreases the value by one. Each of these operators may appear either before or after the variable containing the number to be changed – to different effect! When either of these operators are placed before the variable (“prefixed”), they change the value by one then return the modified value, but when they are placed after the variable (“postfixed”) they return the current value, then change the value by one:



image Create a valid HTML document, like the one listed here , then insert PHP tags into the body section


# Statements to be inserted here.


image Now, insert between the PHP tags statements to create and initialize four variables with the same integer value

$a = $b = $c = $d = 5 ;

image Next, add statements to change each of the values by one and display the new integers

echo “++A : “ . ++ $a . “<br>--B : “ . -- $b . ”<hr>“ ;

echo “C++ : “ . $c ++ . “[now C : “ . $c . ”]<br>“ ;

echo “D-- : “ . $d -- . “[now D : “ . $d . ”]<br>“ ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as change.php then open the page via HTTP to see the results



Notice how the . concatenation operator is used here to form strings. You can also use the .= concatenating assignment operator to append one string onto another string.

Grasping precedence

PHP operator precedence determines how expressions are grouped for evaluation. For example, the expression 1 + 5 * 3 evaluates to 16, not 18, because the * multiplication opreator has a higher precedence than the + addition operator. Parentheses can be used to specify precedence, so that (1 + 5) * 3 evaluates to 18. When operators have equal precedence their “associativity” determines how expressions are grouped. For example, the - subtraction operator is left-associative, so 8 - 4 - 2 is grouped as (8 - 4) - 2 and evaluates to 2. The table below lists common operators in order of precedence, with the highest-precedence ones at the top. Operators on the same line have equal precedence, so operator associativity determines how expressions are grouped.





++ -- ~




* / %


+ - .


<< >>


< <= > >=


== != === !== <> <=>
















=+= -= *= /= **= .= %=
&= |= ^= <<= >>= =>











The eagle-eyed will notice that the alternative forms of logical operators have different levels of precedence. This can cause unexpected results in an expression such as $bool = true and false versus the alternative $bool = true && false . Try each of these then do var_dump($bool) to see the difference.


Arithmetical operators can form expressions with operands for addition + , subtraction - , multiplication * , division / , modulus % , and exponentiation **

The assignment operator = can be combined with any arithmetical operator to perform an arithmetical calculation then assign the result

Comparison operators can form expressions with operands for equality == , inequality != , identicality or not === , !== , greater > , less < , greater, less or equal >= , <= , <=>

The conditional operator ?: evaluates an expression for a TRUE or FALSE Boolean value, then returns one of two specified results depending on the evaluation

The ?? null coalescing operator traverses operands from left to right and returns the first value that is not null

Logical operators and , && , or , || and xor form expressions evaluating two operands and return a value of true or false

The logical ! not operator returns the inverse Boolean value of a single operand

Bitwise operators | , & , ~ , ^ , << and >> allow the evaluation and manipulation of specific bits within an integer

Increment ++ or decrement -- operators that prefix a variable change its value by one and return the result

Increment ++ or decrement -- operators that postfix a variable return its current value, then change its value by one

Operator precedence determines how expressions are grouped for evaluation

When operators have equal precedence, their associativity determines how the expression is grouped for evaluation

The var_dump() function can be used to see the type and value resulting from an expression

The special NULL constant represents a variable that has no value whatsoever, not even zero