Handling files

This chapter demonstrates how to read and write files with PHP and how to deal with errors in scripts.

Reading files

Reading lines

Reading characters

Writing a file

Appending text

Handling errors

Catching exceptions


Reading files

The ability to read and write files located on the web server is useful to log information and to provide page content. In order to process files, a “filestream” object must first be created using the PHP fopen() function. This requires two arguments to specify the name or path of the file and a file “mode”. The file mode determines the nature of the operation to be performed and places the file pointer at a suitable position within the file:

File mode:



Open an existing file to read File pointer starts at the beginning of the file


Discard all contents of an existing file or create a new file if none exists File pointer starts at the beginning of the file


Open an existing file and preserve all contents File pointer starts at the end of the file


Open a file to read from or write to File pointer starts at the beginning of the file


Open a file to write to or read from Discard all contents of an existing file or create a new file if none exists File pointer starts at the beginning of the file


Open a file to read from or write to and preserve all contents File pointer starts at the end of the file


The file mode specifier must appear within quote marks when supplied as an argument to the fopen() function.

It is good practice to always provide an alternative with the die() function in case the attempt to create a filestream fails.


Specify an explanatory message as an argument to the die() function.

When a filestream is created successfully, the file can be read by specifying the filestream and byte size as arguments to the fread() function. If the whole file is to be read it is convenient to use the filesize() function to specify the byte size of the file to be read.

Upon completion of any file operation, the filestream must be destroyed by specifying it as an argument to the fclose() function.




image Begin a PHP script with statements that attempt to open a plain text file for reading, or exit the script upon failure


$filestream = fopen( ‘manifesto.txt’ , ‘r’ )

o r die( ‘Unable to open file!’ ) ;

image Next, add a statement to read the text file upon success and display its entire contents

echo fread( $filestream , filesize( ‘manifesto.txt’ ) ) ;

image Now, remember to close the file stream

fclose( $filestream ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as read.php , alongside the plain text file to be read, then open the page via HTTP to see the text file contents displayed in the browser window



Unlike a PHP block within an HTML document, a purely PHP script needs no closing ?> tag.


Notice that the output here does not maintain line endings – but the example overleaf does.

Reading lines

Once a “filestream” object is created, its contents can be read one line at a time by specifying the filestream as an argument to the PHP fgets() function. To read every line this function can be called repeatedly in a loop. The feof() function can determine when the end of the file is reached and can end the loop:



The feof() function returns true when the end of the file is reached.



image Begin a PHP script with statements that attempt to open a plain text file for reading, or exit the script upon failure


$filestream = fopen( ‘manifesto.txt’ , ‘r’ )

o r die( ‘Unable to open file!’ ) ;

image Next, add a loop to read the text file line-by-line upon success and display its entire contents

while( !feof( $filestream ) )

{ echo fgets( $filestream ). ’<br>’ ; }

image Now, remember to close the file stream

fclose( $filestream ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as readlines.php , alongside the plain text file to be read, then open the page via HTTP to see the text file lines



The next to last line is not actually empty – it contains an invisible newline character.

Reading characters

Once a “filestream” object is created, its contents can be read one character at a time by specifying the filestream as an argument to the PHP fgetc() function. To read every character this function can be called repeatedly in a loop. The fgetc() function will return false when the end of the file is reached and can end the loop:



If you create this text file using Windows’ Notepad app you will see leading Byte Order Mark characters in this example. The Notepad++ app shown here does not add these.



image Begin a PHP script with statements that attempt to open a plain text file for reading, or exit the script upon failure


$filestream = fopen( ‘title.txt’ , ‘r’ )

o r die( ‘Unable to open file!’ ) ;

image Next, add a loop to read the text file character-by- character upon success and display its entire contents

while( $char = fgetc( $filestream ) )

{ echo $char . ’ * ‘ ; }

image Now, remember to close the file stream

fclose( $filestream ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as readchars.php , alongside the plain text file to be read, then open the page via HTTP to see the file characters



The fgetc() function returns false when there are no more characters to get from the stream.

Writing a file

Once a “filestream” object has been created specifying a write mode, a text file can be created. Text can be written into the file by specifying the filestream and a file name to the PHP fwrite() function. To format the text, non-printing invisible characters can also be written to create line breaks and tab spacing:




Newline Move to a new line down


Carriage return Move to the beginning of the line


Tab Move along the line to the next tab stop


Strings containing non-printing characters must be enclosed within double quotes so that PHP can interpret them.



image Begin a PHP script with a statement to assign text, including non-printing characters for formatting


$poem = “\r\n\tI never saw a man who looked” ;

$poem .= “\r\n\tWith such a wistful eye” ;

$poem .= “\r\n\tUpon that little tent of blue” ;

$poem .= “\r\n\tWhich prisoners call the sky” ;

image Next, assign a name for the file to be written

$filename = ‘poem.txt’ ;

image Attempt to create a plain text file for writing, or exit the script upon failure

$filestream = fopen( $filename , ‘w’ )

o r die( ‘Unable to open file!’ ) ;

image Write the file and display a confirmation of how many bytes have been written in total

$num = fwrite( $filestream , $poem ) ;

if( $num )


echo $num bytes written to $filename ;


image Now, remember to close the file stream

fclose( $filestream ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as write.php then open the page via HTTP to see confirmation that the text file has been written


image Use File Explorer to navigate to your web server’s /htdocs directory and see the file created by the PHP script


image Open the file to see the text written by the PHP script



You can run this example repeatedly and each time it will erase the content then write it again.

Appending text

Once a “filestream” object has been created specifying an append mode, a text file can be opened to add text at its end. Text can be appended to the file by specifying the filestream and a file name to the PHP fwrite() function. The process is identical to writing a file, except that the file pointer is positioned at the end of existing content before the text is written into the file:



image Begin a PHP script with a statement to assign text, including non-printing characters for formatting


$info = “\r\n\r\n\tThe Ballad of Reading Gaol” ;

$info .= “\r\n\t\t\tOscar Wilde 1898” ;

image Next, assign a name for the file to be written into

$filename = ‘poem.txt’ ;

image Attempt to open the plain text file for appending, or exit the script upon failure

$filestream = fopen( $filename , ‘a’ )

o r die( ‘Unable to open file!’ ) ;

image Write the text and display a confirmation of how many bytes have been appended in total

$num = fwrite( $filestream , $info ) ;

if( $num )


echo $num bytes appended to $filename ;


image Now, remember to close the file stream

fclose( $filestream ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as append.php then open the page via HTTP to see confirmation that the text has been appended to the file



Remember that non- printing characters must be enclosed in double quotes for interpretation.

image Navigate to your web server’s /htdocs directory and open the file to see the text appended by the PHP script


Overwriting text

It is important to recognize that when you write to an existing file in write mode it will overwrite any existing content:



image Begin a PHP script by attempting to open an existing text file for writing, or exit the script upon failure


$filestream = fopen( ‘poem.txt’ , ‘w’ )

or die( ‘Unable to open file!’ ) ;

image Upon success, write new text into the file

f w rite( $filestream , ‘Overwritten!’ ) ;

image Now, remember to close the file stream

fclose( $filestream ) ;

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as overwrite.php then open the page via HTTP and reopen the text file to see its contents overwritten



Be careful when writing to files as it is easy to accidentally overwrite.

Handling errors

You can anticipate possible errors and terminate a running script when they occur using the die() function or the exit() function. Without this contingency the default PHP error handler provides a useful, but unsightly message when an error occurs. For example, fopen( ‘nonsuch.txt’ , ‘r’ ) to open a non-existing file:



The die() and exit() functions perform identical operations in PHP, but their terminology can have different appeals. For some, die() possibly seems more appropriate to quit when an error is detected, and exit() may seem more suitable to quit in other scenarios.

It is not always desirable to terminate a script when an error occurs, but you can create a custom error handler to provide a more user-friendly message than that provided by the default PHP error handler. A custom error handler is simply a function with this syntax:

function error_handler( level , message , file , line , context )

Only the first two parameters are required, the rest are optional. The first of these is a numerical value, representing a constant, indicating the severity of the error that has occurred:






Non-fatal runtime error



Non-fatal possible error



Fatal user-generated error



Non-fatal user-generated error


The basic error levels are listed in this table but the PHP manual lists many more ( php.net/manual ).

A custom error handler function is nominated to handle errors by specifying its function name as the argument to the built-in PHP set_error_handler() function.

The error handler is called when an error occurs, or can be called explicitly using the trigger_error() function to specify an error message as its argument.



image Begin a PHP script by defining a custom error handler function to report an error level and error message


function error_handler ( $level , $message )


switch( $level )


case 2 : $str = ‘Warning!’ ; break ;

case 8 : $str = ‘Notice!’ ; break ;

default : $str = ‘Error!’ ;


echo “<b> $str </b><br> $message <hr>” ;


image Next, nominate the function to handle errors

set_error_handler( error_handler ) ;

image Now, for some mischief – attempt to access an uninitialized variable and try to open a non-existing file echo( $var ) ;

$ file = fopen( ‘nonsuch.txt’ , ‘r’ ) ;

image Explicitly trigger the custom error handler

$number = 2 ;

if( $number >= 1 )


trigger_error( ‘Value of number must be 1 or less’ ) ;


image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as error.php then open the page via HTTP to see the error levels and appropriate messages



Notice that the script continues after reporting each error, it does not terminate on error.

Catching exceptions

We can choose how a script should proceed when a specific error condition occurs. This error condition is called an “exception”. When an exception occurs it is said to be “thrown”, and code handling the exception is said to be its “catch”. If an exception is not caught, PHP will treat it as a fatal error and issue an unsightly “Uncaught Exception” message, something like this:



Each try block must have an associated catch block, otherwise a fatal Uncaught Exception error will occur.

The key to handling exceptions is to anticipate the error by trying to execute an action within a try code block, and determine how the script should proceed in an associated catch code block. The catching block is passed an Exception class object that has getMessage() , getFile() and getLine() methods to retrieve details.

An instance of the Exception class can be created using the new keyword, and can be explicitly thrown using the throw keyword.

A custom exception handler can also be created as a derived class of the Exception class, to provide your own custom methods:



image Begin a PHP script by defining a function that will throw an exception when a conditional test fails


function check_size( $num )


if( $num < 10 )

{ throw new

Exception( “Number : $num<br>Value must exceed 10” ) ; }


image Anticipate a specific error and report the exception

try { check_size( 5 ) ; }

catch( Exception $e )

{     echo ‘<b>Size Exception!</b><br>’. $e->getMessage() .’<hr>’ ;      }

image Next, create a custom exception handler class

class CustomException extends Exception


public function get_details ()


$details = ‘ File : ‘ . $this -> getFile ().

‘<br>Line : ‘ . $this -> getLine ().

‘<br>’ . $this -> getMessage () ;

return $details ;



image Now, add another function that will throw an exception when a conditional test fails

function check_parity ( $num )


if( $num % 2 !== 0 )


throw new CustomException ( “Number : $num <br>Value must be even” ) ;



image Finally, anticipate a specific error and report the exception

try { check_parity ( 5 ) ; }

catch( CustomException $e )

{     echo ‘<b>Parity Exception!</b><br>’ . $e -> get_details (). ’<hr>’ ;      }

image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as exception.php then open the page via HTTP to see the exceptions caught and appropriate message details



For more on derived classes and inheritance see here .


A try block can contain multiple throw statements to anticipate multiple error conditions, and can be followed by multiple catch blocks to handle those exceptions.


The fopen() function is used to create a filestream object and requires two arguments to specify a file name and a file mode

It is good practice to provide an alternative with the die() function in case an attempt to create a filestream fails

The fread() function is used to read a filestream created using the ‘ r ’ file mode, and the filesize() function can be used to specify the byte size of the file

Upon completion of any file operation the filestream must be destroyed by calling the fclose() function

The fgets() function can be used to read a file line-by-line and the feof() function can recognize the end of a file

The fgetc() function can be used to read a file character-by-character and will return false at the end of the file

Text can be written into a file by specifying the filestream and the file name as arguments to the fwrite() function

The fwrite() function will overwrite existing text using the ‘ w ’ file mode but will append text when using the ‘ a ’ file mode

The name of a function can be specified as the argument to the set_error_handler() function to nominate it as a custom error handler

The error handler function is called when an error occurs or can be called explicitly using the trigger_error() function

An exception is thrown when a specific error condition occurs

If an exception is not caught, PHP will treat it as a fatal error and issue an Uncaught Exception message

A try code block is used to anticipate a specific error and its associated catch block is used to determine how the script should proceed when that error occurs

An Exception class object has getMessage() , getFile() and getLine() methods that can retrieve exception details

A custom exception handler can be created as a derived class of the Exception class to provide custom exception methods