Preserving data

This chapter demonstrates how to preserve data using cookies and PHP sessions.

Submitting cookie data

Setting cookies

Getting cookies

Viewing cookie data

Submitting session data

Setting sessions

Getting sessions

Viewing session data


Submitting cookie data

Data entered by a user is frequently required across multiple pages of a website. User data can conveniently be stored in small “cookie” files on the client machine, so the user need not tediously enter the same data repeatedly. The PHP setcookie() function makes it easy to create a cookie by specifying three arguments:

setcookie( name , value , expiry-time ) ;


The setcookie() function can also accept further optional arguments to specify visible path, visible domain, https security, and visibility for http access only.

When an HTML form is submitted to the server using the POST method, its field data is automatically assigned to the special PHP $_POST global array variable. A script can check for the presence of individual submission fields using a built-in PHP isset() function to seek an element of a specified HTML field name. When this confirms the field is indeed present, its name and value can usefully be stored in a cookie. This might be used to store username and password details for use across a website:


image Create an HTML document and add this form to its body section, specifying submission method and the name of a PHP submission-handler script

<form name = ”entry” method = ” POST

action = ” cookie_set.php ”>


<legend> Enter Only AlphaNumeric Characters </legend> Name : <input type = ”text” name = ” user ” >

Password : <input type = ”password” name = ” pass ” >

<br><br><input type = ”submit” value = ”Log In” >



image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as cookie_form.html then open the page via HTTP to see the form



Storing passwords in cookies is not the most secure method but is used here merely to demonstrate how to use cookies to store data.

Setting cookies

Upon receiving a form submission, a PHP script can check for the presence of fields and might perform validation of their associated values. For example, the ctype_alnum() function could be used to simply confirm that the values only contain alphanumeric data.

Once validated, the setcookie() function can store the submitted fields’ names and values. Additionally a hash conversion could be made of password values using the md5() function. On successful completion, the script can then relocate the browser to another page using the header() function to specify that page’s URL:



image Begin a PHP script with a function to handle failed validation attempts


function reject ( $entry )


echo “Invalid $entry <br>” ;

echo ‘Please <a href=” cookie_form.html ”>Log In</a>’ ;

exit() ;


image Next, add a conditional test block to set two cookies for valid data, or call the function to handle failed attempts

if( isset( $_POST[ ‘user’ ] ) )


$user = trim( $_POST[ ‘user’ ] ) ;

if( !ctype_alnum( $user ) ) { reject( ‘User Name’ ) ; }

if( isset( $_POST[ ‘pass’ ] ) )


$pass = trim( $_POST[ ‘pass’ ] ) ;

if( !ctype_alnum( $pass ) ) { reject( ‘Password’ ) ; }



setcookie( ‘user’ , $user , time()+ 3600 ) ;
‘pass’ , md5( $pass ) , time()+ 3600 ) ;
‘Location: cookie_get.php ) ;




else { header( ‘Location: cookie_form.html ) ; }


image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as cookie_set.php then see overleaf how to retrieve the stored cookie data


The ctype_alnum() function returns true only if its argument contains alphanumeric characters.


Notice how the time() function is used here to get the current time, then one hour is added (in seconds) to set the cookie expiration time one hour ahead.


The final else statement will relocate to the HTML form page if the script URL is opened directly.

Getting cookies

Once cookies are set, they are automatically assigned to the special PHP $_COOKIE global array variable. A script can check for the presence of an individual cookie using the built-in PHP isset() function to seek a cookie of a specified name. When this confirms the cookie is indeed present, its value can usefully be assigned to a regular script variable. This might be used to retrieve a stored username for output on a page. Where a sought cookie is absent, the script can offer an alternative to the user:



image Begin a PHP script with a test to find a cookie and retrieve data for output upon success


if( isset( $_COOKIE[ ‘user’ ] ) )


$user = $_COOKIE[ ‘user’ ] ;

echo “<h1>Welcome $user !</h1><hr>” ;

echo ‘<a href=” cookie_data.php ”>View Cookie</a>’ ;


image Next, add alternative output for when the cookie is absent

e lse


echo ‘Please <a href=” cookie_form.html ”>Log In</a>’ ;



image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as cookie_get.php

image Now open the HTML form cookie_form.html (created here ) via HTTP and push the submit button to see the login attempt fail validation, so no cookies are set


image Click the hyperlink to return to the HTML form and enter a valid username, then push the submit button to see the login attempt fail validation again


image Return to the HTML form once more and enter a valid username and password to see validation succeed



image See overleaf how to view data stored within cookies, using the cookie_data.php target of the hyperlink seen above


You can also return to the HTML form and enter a username or a password that includes non-alphanumeric characters, to see validation fail again.


Validation could be extended. For example, it may also allow underscore characters and might specify a minimum permissible password length.

Viewing cookie data

The special PHP $_COOKIE global array variable stores cookie names and values in an associative array of keys and values. Stored content can be viewed by looping through the array to see all names and values, or using the PHP var_dump() function:



image Begin a PHP script with a test to find if any cookies are set and retrieve all stored names and values upon success


if( count( $_COOKIE ) > 0 )


echo ‘<dl> ‘ ;

foreach( $_COOKIE as $key => $value )


echo “<dt>Key: $key ;

echo “<dd>Value: $value ;


echo ‘</dl><hr>’ ;

var_dump( $_COOKIE ) ;


image Next, add alternative output for when cookies are absent

e lse


echo ‘Please <a href=” cookie_form.html ”>Log In</a>’ ;



image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as cookie_data.php

image Now, open the HTML form cookie_form.html (here ) via HTTP and enter valid login data, then follow the link on cookie_get.php (here ) to see cookie data



You can call the setcookie( ) function at any time to create a new cookie or overwrite an existing cookie.


image Open the Settings menu in your web browser and clear existing cookies that are stored on your system

image Now, use the image Refresh button in your browser to reload this page and see the alternative content – confirming that the cookie data has been removed




The PHP manual describes the removal of a cookie by setting its value to empty and its expiration date to the past. For example, setcookie( $_COOKIE[ ‘user’ ] , ‘‘ , time()-3600 ) . Additionally, the unset() function can be used to destroy a specified variable.

Submitting session data

User data can be stored in cookies on the client computer only if the user chooses to allow cookies onto their system. Many users prefer to disallow cookies, however, to avoid tracking – but PHP provides a better alternative. With PHP, user data can be stored on the server using the special $_SESSION global array variable. In order for PHP sessions to work, each PHP page must call the built-in session_start() function at the top of the page – before any HTML tags! HTML form submissions to the server via the POST method assigns field data to the special PHP $_POST global array variable, and individual submission fields can be sought using the built-in PHP isset() function. When this confirms the field is present, its name and value can be stored in a session variable. This might be used to store a username and password details for use across a website, as an alternative to cookie storage:



image Create an HTML document and add this form to its body section, specifying submission method and the name of a PHP submission-handler script

<form name = ”entry” method = ” POST action = ” session_set.php ”>


<legend>F or Name : Enter Only Letters </legend>
Name : <input type=”text” name=”
user ” >

Password : <input type=”password” name=” pass ” >

<p> For Password : Enter Only A-Z a-z 0-9 . _ (Minimum 8

Characters) </p> <input type=”submit” value=”Log In”>



image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as session_form.html then open the page via HTTP to see the form



Session variables will only be accessible to a PHP script if the session_ start() function has been called at the top of the page.

Setting sessions

Upon receiving a form submission, a PHP script can check for the presence of fields and might perform validation of their associated values. For example, the ctype_alpha() function could be used to confirm they contain only letters, and the preg_match() function could be used to confirm a value matches a specified pattern. Once validated, the submitted fields’ names and values can be assigned to elements of the $_SESSION global array variable. On successful completion, the script can relocate the browser to the next page using the header() function to specify that page’s URL:



image Add an initial PHP script to make sessions available

<?php session_start(); ?>

image Begin a PHP script to handle failed validation attempts


function reject ( $entry )


echo “Invalid $entry <br>” ;

echo ‘Please <a href=” session_form.html ”>Log In</a>’ ;

exit() ;


image Add a conditional test block to set two cookies for valid data, or call the function to handle failed attempts

if( isset( $_POST[ ‘user’ ] ) )


$user = trim( $_POST[ ‘user’ ] ) ;

if( !ctype_alpha( $user ) ) { reject( ‘User Name’ ) ; }

if( isset( $_POST[ ‘pass’ ] ) )


$pass = trim( $_POST[ ‘pass’ ] ) ;

if( !preg_match( ‘/^[A-Za-z0-9._]{8,}$/’ , $pass ) )

{ reject( ‘Password’ ) ; }



$_SESSION[ ‘user’ ] = $user ;

$_SESSION[ ‘pass’ ] = $pass ;

header( ‘Location: session_get.php ) ;



} else { header( ‘Location: session_form.html ) ; }


image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as session_set.php then see overleaf how to retrieve data


The ctype_alpha() function returns true only if its argument contains letters.


The preg_match() function accepts a regular expression and a string argument. Regular expressions are beyond the remit of this book but you can precisely copy this example to allow the permissible password pattern described on the form. The password is left unencrypted in this example, to demonstrate later that the user password meets the specified requirements.

Getting sessions

Session data is accessible from the special $_SESSION global array variable after a call is made to the session_start() function. The PHP isset() function can seek an element of a specified name. When this confirms the element is present, its value can usefully be assigned to a regular script variable. This might be used to retrieve a stored username for output on a page. Where a sought element is absent, the script can offer an alternative to the user:



image Add an initial PHP script to make sessions available

<?php session_start() ; ?>

image Now, begin a PHP script to find a session variable and retrieve data for output upon success, or provide an alternative for when the session variable is absent


if( isset( $_SESSION[ ‘user’ ] ) )


$user = $_SESSION[ ‘user’ ] ;

echo “<h1>Welcome $user !</h1><hr>” ;

echo ‘<a href=” session_data.php ”>View Session</a>’ ;



{ echo ‘Please <a href=” session_form.html ”>Log In</a>’ ; }


image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as session_get.php

image Now, open the HTML form session_form.html (created here ) via HTTP and push the submit button to see the login attempt fail validation


image Return to the HTML form and submit a valid username, to see the login attempt fail validation again


image Return to the HTML form once more and enter a valid username and password to see validation succeed



image See overleaf how to view data stored in session variables, using the session_data.php target of the link seen above


You can also return to the HTML form and enter a password below the minimum length or containing invalid characters to see validation fail again.


Notice that the user in this example has added leading spaces before their name, but that’s okay – these will be removed by the trim() function used in the session_set.php script.

Viewing session data

The special PHP $_SESSION global array variable stores names and values in an associative array of keys and values. Stored content can be viewed by looping through the array to see all names and values, or using the PHP var_dump() function. Additionally, each session has a unique session ID number, which can be seen using the PHP session_id() function.


The uniqueness of each session allows variables to exist without conflict.

Set session variables can be removed by specifying their element name to the PHP unset() function, and a session can be completely terminated by calling the session_destroy() function:



image Add an initial PHP script to make sessions available

<?php session_start(); ?>

image Now, begin a PHP script to remove session variables, terminate a session, and confirm termination


function kill_session()


unset( $_SESSION[ ‘user’ ] ) ;
$_SESSION[ ‘pass’ ] ) ;
session_destroy() ;

echo ‘<hr>Session Destroyed<br>’ ;
‘Session ID : ‘ .session_id(). ’<br>’ ;


image Now, add a test to find if any session variables are set and retrieve all stored names and values

if( count( $_SESSION ) > 0 )


echo ‘<dl> ‘ ;

foreach( $_SESSION as $key => $value )


echo “<dt>Key: $key ; echo “<dd>Value: $value ;


echo ‘</dl><hr>’ ;

// Statements to be inserted here (step 4).


image Insert statements to display the session ID and array, then call the function to terminate the session

echo ‘Session ID : ‘ .session_id(). ’<br>’ ;

var_dump( $_SESSION ) ;

kill_session() ;


You can assign a new value to a session variable at any time to overwrite an existing stored value.

image Add alternative output for when a session is absent

e lse

{ echo ‘Please <a href=” session_form.html ”>Log In</a>’ ; }


image Save the document in your web server’s /htdocs directory as session_data.php

image Now, open the HTML form session_form.html (here ) via HTTP and enter valid login data, then follow the link on session_get.php (here ) to see session data



image Use the image Refresh button in your browser to reload this page to see the alternative “Please Log In” content


Notice that the password adheres to the permissible pattern.


The PHP set_cookie() function can be used to store user data on the client machine for use across the pages of a website

There should be at least three arguments supplied to the set_cookie() function to specify name, value and expiry time

HTML form submissions via the POST method automatically assign field data to the PHP $_POST global array variable

The isset() function can seek an element of a specified HTML field name within the $_POST global array

The ctype_alnum() function can be used to confirm a value only contains alphanumeric data for validation

A hash conversion can be made of a password value using the md5() function for encryption

The PHP header() function can specify a Location:URL to relocate the browser

Once cookies are set, they are automatically assigned to the special PHP $_COOKIE global array variable

User data can be stored on the server in the PHP $_SESSION global array variable as an alternative to cookie storage

To use sessions, each PHP page must call the session_start() function at the top of the page before any HTML tags

HTML field data submitted to the $_POST global array can be assigned to a $_SESSION global variable array element

The ctype_alpha() function can be used to confirm a value only contains alphabetic letter data for validation

The preg_match() function can be used to confirm a value matches a specified pattern for validation

Each session has a unique session ID number, which can be seen using the PHP session_id() function

Session variables can be removed using the unset() function and a session can be terminated using the session_destroy() function

Stored content can be viewed using the var_dump() function and by looping through the $_COOKIE or $_SESSION arrays