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Atrial Fibrillation


At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:

  1. Define atrial fibrillation, and list the diagnostic criteria of this rhythm. (p 280)
  2. Compare P, F, and f waves. (p 280)
  3. Discuss how f waves are formed. (pp 280282)
  4. Discuss the formation of the irregularly irregular rhythm in atrial fibrillation. (p 283)
  5. Define controlled atrial fibrillation. (p 283)
  6. Define uncontrolled atrial fibrillation, and discuss its clinical implications. (p 283)
  7. Describe the situations in which atrial fibrillation could be regular. (pp 283284)
  8. Discuss the concept of Ashman’s phenomenon. (p 285)
  9. Define the digitalis effect. (p 286)
  10. List some clinical conditions or circumstances that are associated with the formation of an atrial fibrillation. (p 286)
  11. Accurately identify atrial fibrillation on a rhythm strip or ECG. (pp 287291)