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Wide-Complex Tachycardia: The Basics


At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:

  1. Describe the umbrella term wide-complex tachycardias (WCTs), and list the five groups that comprise them using the five-finger analogy. (pp 544, 545, 547)
  2. List some factors that create the wide morphology of the QRS complexes in the WCTs. (p 546)
  3. Discuss the concept of rate-related aberrancy and how the aberrancy is created. (pp 548549)
  4. Discuss the diagnosis when examining a patient with preexisting bundle branch block or the presence of an intraventricular conduction delay. (pp 549550)
  5. Discuss some of the entities and mechanisms related to the metabolic, physiologic, paced rhythm, or pharmacologic causes in the supraventricular tachycardias with aberrancy. (pp 550552)
  6. Summarize the basic concepts involved in diagnosing and identifying ventricular tachycardias on a rhythm strip or ECG. (p 552)