The Five Groups Comprising the Wide-Complex Tachycardias

As we have seen, the WCTs can be broken down into two main groups: the ventricular arrhythmias and the SVTs with aberrancy. The ventricular arrhythmias can be broken down into the monomorphic, polymorphic, and bidirectional VTachs, and torsade de pointes. (Bidirectional VTach is beyond the scope of this text and will not be covered.)

Thinking about the WCTs as five groups (VTach and the four wide-complex SVTs) instead of two (VTach and SVTs-A) has many advantages. The main one is to remind us that VTach makes up the majority of the WCTs, over 80% to be more exact,1-5 and the remainder is shared between the four groups of SVTs-A. Another advantage is to remind us of the mechanisms that create the individual SVT-A groups. Keeping these mechanisms in mind will greatly improve our chances of arriving at the correct diagnosis.

The SVTs-A together make up the second largest group after VTach, accounting for approximately 10% to 20% of all the WCTs. We covered the basics of how the aberrancy comes about and the mechanisms involved in Chapter 6, Electrocardiography and Arrhythmia Recognition, starting on page 87. The SVTs-A can be broken down into four groups based on the underlying mechanisms that lead to their formation. They are listed here as part of the rhythms that make up WCTs.

The five main groups that comprise the WCTs include (in descending order of frequency):

  1. VTachs and other related ventricular rhythms
  2. SVT with aberrancy caused by a rapid rate dependency (rate-related aberrancy)
  3. SVT with preexisting BBB or IVCD
  4. SVT with aberrancy secondary to metabolic, physiologic, paced rhythm, or pharmacologic causes (MP3s)
  5. SVT with aberrancy due to conduction over an accessory pathway (antidromic AV reentry tachycardia [AVRT])

Additional Information

To honor Dr. Harvey6 (see the previous Additional Information box), we have created a five-finger mnemonic to help you recall the various groups that are found under the WCT umbrella term. The five fingers are assigned as shown in Table 34-1.

Table 34-1 Five-Finger Approach to the WCTs



Thumb: VTach

Ventricular tachycardia


SVT-A due to preexisting IVCD or BBB

Middle: MP3s

SVT-A due to metabolic, physiologic, paced, or pharmacologic causes

Ring: Rate-Related

SVT-A due to rate-related aberrancy

Pinky (or A Pinky): Accessory Pathway

SVT-A due to transmission through an accessory pathway

Note: The order in this table does not follow the order of decreasing frequency used in the main text.

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Our five-finger approach to the WCTs (Figure 34-2) starts with the thumb. The thumb is the most important digit and is responsible for opposition. Opposition is a complex combination of abduction, flexion, and internal rotation that allows the thumb to reach across the palm and allows us to grip and hold objects, like calipers! If you ever want to see how important opposition is, try to hammer a nail or cut something with a knife without using your thumb. Since VTach is the most common and deadliest of the WCTs, making up more than 80% of cases,1-5 we are assigning the thumb the honor of representing VTach.

The illustration of a palm shows the five fingers of WCT.

Figure 34-2 The five-fingers of WCT: Thumb = VTach, Index = IVCD and preexisting BBB, Middle = MP3s, Ring = Rate-Related, and A Pinky = Accessory Pathway.

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The other four fingers represent the SVTs-A. Unfortunately, we could not come up with a mnemonic that used the descending order of frequency in our list. However, it is still a great memory aid.

1. Ventricular Tachycardia

In Chapter 32, Ventricular Tachycardia, we took an in-depth view of VTach from beginning to end. In Chapter 36, Wide-Complex Tachycardia: Criteria, we will look at the various morphologic criteria and algorithms available to us in order to help identify this rhythm in a bit more depth. This will allow us a deeper level of understanding of the rhythm and why it is so different from the SVTs-A. To avoid redundancy of this material, the reader is referred to those chapters for further reading.

2. Supraventricular Tachycardias with Rate-Related Aberrancy

Rate-related aberrancy is all about the refractoriness of the conduction system. Normally, the right bundle branch has the longest refractory period and is the cause of most aberrant conduction. The long refractory period creates a longer interval during which the impulse cannot be conducted normally. As we saw in Chapter 6, Electrocardiography and Arrhythmia Recognition, electricity will always find its way around an obstacle and the spread of the depolarization wave will continue outside of the HPS via direct cell-to-cell conduction. This slow, atypical conduction is what gives the aberrantly conducted complexes their bizarre shape.

So far, we’ve mostly concentrated on individual complexes. You need to keep in mind, however, that the same principles hold for rhythms as well. In general, the longer refractory periods provide us with an upper threshold rate for normal conduction. In other words, when a rhythm exceeds a specific rate for that patient, the complexes will continue to fall during the refractory period and an aberrantly conducted rhythm is established. This is what we mean when we say “rate-related aberrancy.” The rate that distinguishes normal conduction from aberrant conduction is known as the critical rate.

Keep in mind that the electrical conduction system’s critical rate is different for each person, but for most of us with a normally functioning system, the bar is set pretty high and we typically never reach that number. Internal and external influences, however, will manipulate the critical rate up or down. A partial list of the factors that decrease the rate threshold by increasing refractoriness include the following:

Aberrancy can take the shape of either a right bundle branch block (RBBB) or a left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern. An RBBB pattern is more common, accounting for approximately 80% of the cases. The LBBB pattern is found in approximately 20% but can be higher when there is structural heart disease present. In addition, the width of the QRS intervals will vary depending on the point where the aberrancy takes off due to the underlying process involved.

You should always try to compare your ECGs or strips to old ones found in the chart or elsewhere. If you are lucky enough to find an old ECG with a morphologically similar rhythm, you may have just won the arrhythmia lottery, because prior workups could easily allow you to identify the present arrhythmia and evaluate the prior treatment strategies that were used. This could save you a lot of time or at least demonstrate the chronicity of the rhythm abnormality.


One of the most important signs to look for when evaluating for a possible aberrancy is the initial deflection (either positive or negative) of the QRS complex (Figure 34-3). If the initial deflection from the baseline is identical in orientation and morphology compared to the native beat, aberrancy is almost guaranteed as the mechanism for QRS widening. Why is this?

The illustration shows the occurrence of supraventricular and ventricular complexes.

Figure 34-3 Septal depolarization is triggered from a small septal branch that breaks off the left bundle branch. Septal depolarization typically occurs from left to right, forming a vector that travels rightward. Note that the initial component (septal depolarization) is identical in all three cases because they all use the same pathway. Note that the ventricular complex on the right has a sharper onset and is negative. The onset of the QRS complex is in the opposite direction of the supraventricular-conducted one.

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In contrast, when a ventricular pacer fires, it creates a depolarization wave that travels through the ventricles by direct cell-to-cell contact (Figure 34-3). The septal depolarization occurs as part of that wave but does not create its own vector. Typically, this creates an initial deflection of the QRS complex that is the opposite of one created using the HPS. Note, however, that the initial deflection can still mimic the supraventricular complexes depending on the site of origin and route of transmission taken by the depolarization wave.

Let’s take a closer look at the HPS. The bundle of His immediately breaks up after leaving the AV nodal area. Here, it branches into the left bundle and right bundle branches. At the start of the left bundle, a small hairlike fiber breaks off, the sole purpose of which is to depolarize the septal wall. Since aberrancy typically occurs distally in the bundle branches, both the native complex and the aberrant one depolarize the septum exactly the same. Likewise, the depolarization waves at that level will be identical, leading to identical morphology.

Ventricular complexes, on the other hand, originate in an ectopic ventricular focus and travel by direct cell-to-cell contact, taking a completely different depolarization route. This causes the appearance of the initial deflection to be broader and grossly different from the native beat.

A final note: The refractory period of the bundle branches of the electrical conduction system are always proportional to the length of the previous cardiac cycle. In other words, if you have a long P-P interval preceding a complex, then the subsequent refractory period is long. Any beat that arrives early will find the system “napping” and the transmission of the impulse cannot proceed normally. The result is that the following complex will conduct aberrantly. This mechanism is responsible for the frequently observed sequence of a long–short P-P intervals leading to an aberrantly conducted complex frequently seen in atrial fibrillation and known as the Ashman’s phenomenon (see the Additional Information box titled Ashman’s Phenomenon in Chapter 20, Atrial Fibrillation, page 285).

3. SVT-A with Preexisting BBB or IVCD

Patients with RBBB, LBBB, or IVCD problems during sinus rhythm will exhibit the same morphologic presentation when they are in any tachycardic rhythm, including sinus tachycardia. The conduction of the wide appearance is, therefore, not related to the rhythm but to the underlying pathology of the preexisting BBB. Luckily, most patients will be able to inform you of their block or an old ECG or rhythm strip.

Additional Information

Aberrant Conduction

One day, I was sitting on a bench at a nearby mall and happened to be watching as a line of people used a handicapped door. You know the kind—the one with the big button on the wall that you press to open the door. People were going through it at a normal pace without incident. Maintaining his place in the established order, a man opened the door and stepped through it normally. The door started to close behind him when suddenly another guy rushed the door early. He slammed his hand on the button but the door continued to close. After the man splattered on the closing door, causing some physical damage to his face, he realized his mistake. The door just can’t swing back open that fast.

After the shock wore off, the first thought that came to my head was that the man had received a valuable life lesson on the mechanics of aberrant conduction. In this scenario, the part of the refractory area of the right bundle branch was played by the normally closing door. The part of the aberrantly conducted premature complex was played by his face. The moral of the story: Never try to run through an automatic door during its refractory period!

However, you need to keep in mind that patients with old BBBs can also have new rhythm disturbances that can present with a different morphology or may be due to different mechanisms (Figure 34-4). For example, a patient with known RBBB may develop a VTach that has a different QRS morphology or even an LBBB-like morphology. That is why comparing the present rhythm to an old ECG or strip is critical. You should always be suspicious of this possibility and not assume that the new rhythm’s appearance is the same as the old one.

The rhythm strip from lead 2 illustrates three types of arrhythmias.

Figure 34-4 In this figure, strip 1 shows an underlying right bundle branch block (RBBB). When the rate speeds up to over 100 beats per minute in strip 2, a sinus tachycardia exists in the same patient. In this case, the wide-complex tachycardia (WCT) is sinus tachycardia with aberrancy secondary to an underlying RBBB. In strip 3, a WCT exists in the same patient. However, the morphology of the complexes is quite different. This patient is presently in ventricular tachycardia.

From Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation, Second Edition, courtesy of Tomas B. Garcia, MD.


4. SVT-A Due to Metabolic, Physiologic, Pharmacologic, or Paced Causes (MP3s)

We touched upon external influences influencing the rate threshold in the previous section. In this section, we will continue on this theme.

Metabolic causes that can increase aberrancy include electrolyte disorders (especially hyperkalemia and hypomagnesemia), acidosis, and hormonal influences. Hyperkalemia can be your worst clinical nightmare. Contrary to popular opinion, the serious and life-threatening complications can develop at any time and can worsen over very short time frames—seconds, in fact. Many people feel that peaked T waves are reassuring, reflecting that the potassium level is high in these cases but still within the safe zone. These perceptions cannot be farther from the truth. Please don’t fall into that trap!

To top it off, patients with hyperkalemic complications may not respond to typical therapeutic agents or even to cardioversion/defibrillation. In many of these cases, you need to simultaneously treat the hyperkalemia in order to let the drugs or electricity become effective again. We cannot stress enough the need for you to truly understand the dangers of hyperkalemia. However, in this short space we cannot do the topic justice. Instead, we refer you to 12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation, our sister publication, that covers the topic in greater detail. The most sound approach to a hyperkalemic patient is, Never underestimate a hyperkalemic patient!



Never underestimate a hyperkalemic patient!


Pharmaceutical agents (both legal and illegal) and toxins can influence the functioning of the myocardial cells and cellular transmission at the molecular level. There are hundreds of culprit compounds that can lead to cardiotoxicity at various levels.


For example, let’s take a closer look at the tricyclic drugs. Tricyclic antidepressants are a type of drug commonly ingested in excess quantity in an effort to commit suicide. Patients on psychiatric medication, especially tricyclic antidepressants, deserve some special attention when they present with possible adverse or toxic effects. Toxic electrocardiographic effects of these drugs are mainly due to the sodium channel blocking effects and include QRS widening over 100 ms, prolongation of the QTc over 430 ms, right axis deviation of the terminal 0.04 seconds of the QRS complex, R wave in lead aVR of over 3 mm, and an R/S ratio of over 0.7 in lead aVR.

Sinus tachycardia is commonly seen in these patients and is usually well tolerated. VTach or ventricular fibrillation does occur, especially at higher blood levels, and is a life-threatening complication. Despite the QTc prolongation effects, torsade de pointes has been seen in rare cases, typically associated with elevated levels of the drug from chronic use, but is not seen as often in the acute setting.

Pacemakers lead to wide QRS complexes on the ECG due to their focal contact points on the right ventricular myocardium (Figure 34-5). The insertion of the pacer leads on the surface of the right endocardial surface means transmission typically occurs by direct cell-to-cell transmission from right to left, giving an LBBB appearance on the ECG.

Then illustration shows a wire passing through the atrium and touching the base of the right ventricle. The text reads, “The tip is typically placed in the apex of the right ventricle.”

Figure 34-5 The insertion of the ventricular pacing wires in the right ventricle. Note the formation of the depolarization wave starting from this point, bypassing the HPS.

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In addition to the morphologic differences, sinus tachycardia or any other supraventricular rhythm sensed by an atrial sensor may trigger a pacemaker-induced WCT to develop. In these cases, the aberrancy develops since the HPS is bypassed by the atrial sensing–ventricular pacing loop.

Further pacemaker-induced tachyarrhythmias are beyond the scope of this text, and interested students should consult more advanced material as needed.

5. SVT-A Due to Conduction Over an Accessory Pathway

It is basically impossible in most cases to clearly identify the differences between an antidromic AVRT and VTach on a surface ECG. This is the main takeaway message you need from this section. As such, you should always think about the possibility of an accessory pathway–mediated tachycardia when evaluating any WCT.

Evidence of preexcitation should always be diligently pursued in the history and medical records of the patient. The presence of preexcitation is highly predictive of an SVT-A. Once again, however, you need to keep in mind that VTach can occur in patients with accessory pathways. In addition, keep in mind that other supraventricular rhythms besides AVRT can use the accessory pathway. These include most SVTs, including sinus tachycardia, focal atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation. Correctly diagnosing these presentations requires tremendous attention to detail. Unfortunately, this humbling loop of “What rhythm is it?” is a clinical reality that we must continue to face on a daily basis.