Ventricular Tachycardia
At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Define ventricular tachycardia (VTach), and list the diagnostic criteria of this rhythm. (p 512)
- Expand on the statement “A wide-complex tachycardia is always VTach until proven otherwise!” (p 512)
- Compare between nonsustained, sustained, and incessant VTach. (pp 512, 513)
- List the three requirements to the formation of a reentry circuit. (p 513)
- List the two main mechanisms for the initiation and propagation of a VTach. (p 513)
- Discuss how ischemic events and ventricular scarring affect the formation of a ventricular reentry circuit. (pp 513–514)
- Discuss the direct and indirect evidence of AV dissociation in a VTach. (pp 518–519)
- Define ventricular flutter, and list the diagnostic criteria and clinical significance of this rhythm. (p 522)
- List some clinical conditions or circumstances that are associated with the formation of a VTach. (p 523)
- Accurately identify VTach on a rhythm strip or ECG. (pp 523–528)