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Wide-Complex Tachycardia: Criteria


At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:

  1. Define and discuss the nonurgent period of the clinical evaluation of patients with wide-complex tachycardia (WCT). (pp 566567)
  2. Discuss the following concept: When approaching a WCT, we need to focus primarily on identifying the presence of a ventricular tachycardia (VTach) and not on whether it is an SVT with aberrancy. (p 567)
  3. List the factor(s) in the history and physical examination that points us in the direction that a WCT is VTach. (p 567)
  4. Predict how evaluating the QRS interval width can help increase your chance of diagnosing a VTach. (pp 568570)
  5. Discuss how the warm-up period can lead to an erroneous diagnosis when evaluating a WCT. (p 570)
  6. List some of the morphologic features present in leads V1-2 and V6 in a WCT that can assist you in isolating the correct causative arrhythmia. (pp 572576)
  7. Describe how the presence of premature ventricular contractions with morphology similar to that found in the WCT rhythm will help you isolate the correct causative rhythm. (pp 576577)
  8. Define atrioventricular (AV) dissociation, and discuss the clinical and diagnostic importance of this finding. (pp 577579)
  9. Discuss why AV dissociation can never occur in an SVT-A. (pp 577, 579)
  10. Compare the direct and indirect evidence of AV dissociation. (p 579)
  11. Define the concept of concordance of the QRS complexes in the precordial leads. (p 581)
  12. Discuss the hemodynamic status and compromise that can occur as a result of a rapid VTach. (p 583)
  13. Defend the position that you could or could not predict the probability that a VTach is the culprit arrhythmia in a WCT using only the hemodynamic status of the patient. (p 583)


  1. Exhibit proficiency in the use of the Brugada algorithm in performing your differential diagnosis of a WCT. (pp 584586)
  2. Exhibit proficiency in the use of the Vereckei aVR algorithm in performing your differential diagnosis of a WCT. (pp 587588)