abadengo, 175
ʿ Abd Allāh, 231
Abraham ibn Shoshan, 240
adelantados, 16, 20, 49–50, 93, 104–6, 116, 130, 131, 143, 144, 182
Afonso III of Portugal, 28, 34
Afonso IV of Portugal, 246
Afonso V of Portugal, Ordenações, 246
African crusade, 5, 33, 35, 48, 193, 199
Agustín, bishop of Osma, 72
Aimery, viscount of Narbonne, 34
alcaides, 90
Alcalá, Ordinance of (1348), 9, 15, 216
Alexander the Great, 31, 47, 48
alfaqueques, 97
alférez, 49
Alfonsine law codes, 3–4, 8–22; adjustment to new legal regime, 20–21; common body of law, effort to produce, 21–22, 244; composition of, 8, 9–10; description of, 9–16; historical roots of, 8–9; on ignorance of the law, 17–18, 114, 158; influence of, 245–49; lessons of, 249–56; promulgation of, 8, 11, 15; purposes and philosophy of, 16–21; sources for, 14–15; terms used for law, 18–19; usage, custom, and fuero, 19. See also crime and criminals; judicial process; judicial system; king and kingship; military and war; non-Christians; persons, law of; property, law of; religion and the church; royal family; trade, commerce, and the economy; specific works
Alfonso VII of Castile and León, 13, 25, 36
Alfonso VIII of Castile, 2, 9, 36, 37, 100, 164
Alfonso IX of León, 2, 28, 36, 100, 164
Alfonso X of Castile and León, 1–7; accession of, 23–28; African crusade, plans for, 5, 33, 35, 48, 193, 199; bishops, contentious royal relationship with, 69–73; blasphemy, accused of, 220; code of law (Libro de las leyes) instigated by, 3–4, 8–22 (see also Alfonsine law codes); coinage of, 203–5; effigy of, cathedral of Seville, 28; Holy Roman Emperor elect, seeking recognition as, 5, 10–11, 13, 42, 63, 193; illness and erratic behavior of, 6, 50, 56, 241, 242, 256; as lawgiver, 16–21, 256–57; legal revival of eleventh-thirteenth centuries and, 1–3; marriage and children of, 28–29 (see also royal family); non-Christians and, 227, 239–41, 253; number seven, fascination with, 14; personal religious faith of, 67, 220; reign, accomplishments, and challenges of, 4–6, 244–45; succession crisis, 6, 37–39; will of, 153, 162
Alfonso XI of Castile and León, 9, 15, 24, 233
Alfonso de la Cerda (grandson of Alfonso X), 6, 37–39, 57
Alfonso Díaz, alcalde of Seville, 112
Alfonso Durant, royal alcalde, 212, 217
Alfonso Fernández (Alfonso el Niño; illegitimate son of Alfonso X), 10, 28, 45, 225
Alfonso Martínez, royal alcalde, 131
Alfonso de Molina (uncle of Alfonso X), 34, 72, 73
Alfonso Téllez, 180
Algeciras, siege of, 6, 89, 93, 241
alguacil/justicia mayor, 49–50, 104
almocadén, 89
almogávares, 89
Álvar Peréz, 148
Álvaro Núñez de Lara, 37
animals: burial with, 144; as property, 176–77; sexual relations with, 220
anointing of kings, 2
Antolín Fernández, 212
appeals, 104–5, 116, 119, 129–31
Arabic, translations from, 6, 41
Arabic and Latin studies, studium generale for, 239, 242, 253
arbiters and arbitration, 110–11, 133–35
Aristotle, 14, 41–42, 47, 48, 165–66; Politics, 41, 43, 59, 275n16
Arnau de Ebrau, 179
arras (dower or bride-price), 141, 142–43
asonadas, 160
asylum/sanctuary for criminals, 220–21, 226
Augustine of Hippo, 166; De Civitate Dei, 82
Ballesteros, Antonio, 24
barraganía or concubinage, 143–45, 154
Bartolomeo Ammanati, 179
Beatriz (illegitimate daughter of Alfonso X), 28, 34, 144
Beatriz (legitimate daughter of Alfonso X), 28, 34
Berenguela (daughter of Alfonso VIII), 36, 37
Berenguela (illegitimate daughter of Alfonso X), 28
Berenguela (legitimate daughter of Alfonso X), 11, 28, 34, 36–37, 113
Berenguela López (daughter of Lope Díaz de Haro), 143
bishops: contentious royal relationship with, 69–71, 77, 80; election of, 71–73; Sancho’s rebellion supported by, 80–81; taxation, of and by the church, 77–78
Black Lives Matter, 250
Blanche (daughter of Louis IX of France and wife of Fernando de la Cerda), 6, 34, 138, 141–42
blood libel (murder of Christian children by Jews), 238
Bocados de oro, 41
Bonagiunta de Portovenere, 94
boundary disputes, 132
Bravo Lira, Bernardino, 247
Burns, Robert I., 7, 150, 245, 248
Calpurnia, 115
canon law: on crime and criminals, 210; development of, 1–2, 14, 156; inheritance law influenced by, 150; on Jews, 230; marital law influenced by, 137–38
Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM), 6; on crime and criminals, 218, 223; on king and kingship, 47, 56; on marriage, family, and inheritance, 138, 139, 141, 144; on military and war, 91, 94; on non-Christians, 228, 231, 232, 233, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241; on royal family, 26, 27; ships in, 200
captives, prisoners of war, and ransoms, 96–97
Carlé, María del Carmen, 195
Carlos I (king of Spain), 246
cemeteries, in law of property, 176
Cerdá Ruiz-Funes, Joaquín, 159
Chancery, 12, 26, 51–53, 104; fees, 11, 53; formulas, 107, 126, 128, 131, 148, 150, 170, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 199, 202, 224; registers, 23
Charles of Anjou, 35
children. See marriage, family, and inheritance; royal family
Christianity. See religion and the church
Chronicle of Alfonso X, 9, 15, 61, 88, 93, 195, 203, 241
the church. See religion and the church
the Cid, 94, 164, 214, 218, 228
city walls and gates, 187
civil death, 149, 159, 173, 202
St. Clement, Alfonso X’s devotion to, 67
Clement IV (pope), 72
clergy. See bishops; religion and the church
commerce. See trade, commerce, and the economy
common good, promotion of, 7, 15, 18, 19, 21, 39, 42, 44, 45, 59, 62, 86, 93, 97, 110, 160, 174, 200, 208, 226, 245, 249–50, 251, 254
common or public property, 176, 191–92
communal property, limited concept of, 143
compensatio, 190
concubinage or barraganía, 143–45
Constanza (daughter of Alfonso X), 28
contracts, 178–89; buying and selling real and personal property, 182–84; contractus innominati, 184; deposits (condesijos), 180–81; donations, 181–82; emphyteusis, 185–86; fulfillment of, 187–89; hiring of services/rental of property, 184–88; Leonine, 202; loans, 179–80, 192; of marriage, 140–41; permutatio (exchange), 184; pledges, 188–89; Roman law of, 179; stipulations or promises, 186–87; sureties, 187–88
conversion: to Christianity, 140, 161, 168, 229, 230, 238–39, 243; to Judaism or Islam, 96, 152, 231, 237; naturaleza between convert and converter, 162; of slaves, 168, 237
corsairs, 201
Cortes: Burgos 1269, 87, 202, 207; Burgos 1272, 5, 20, 28, 49, 69, 105, 106, 134, 165, 198, 207, 209; Burgos 1274, 21, 38, 107; Burgos 1276, 6, 16, 38, 78; Burgos 1277, 78, 204; Segovia 1278, 38, 56; Seville 1250, 18, 59, 62, 89, 141, 194; Seville 1252, 12, 17, 24, 30, 59, 68, 79, 87, 107, 113, 119, 121, 141, 194, 195, 196, 197, 205, 206, 232, 234, 235, 237; Seville 1253, 17, 105, 106, 129; Seville 1261, 17, 59, 78, 141, 195, 197, 206, 217; Seville 1281, 6, 39, 57, 113, 126, 204, 256; Toledo 1254, 12, 14, 21, 25, 79; Valladolid 1258, 46, 51, 85, 86, 102, 112, 203; Valladolid 1312, 235; Zamora 1301, 76
courts, 101–2, 107–8, 120–27. See also judicial process; judicial system
Craddock, Jerry, 10, 13–14, 37, 38, 305n54
crime and criminals, 210–26; arrest and incarceration, 220–22; charging and trying criminals, 211–12; juridical capacity of criminals, 159; nobles, trials by battle between, 213–14; pardons, 224–25; penalties and punishments, 216, 217, 219–20, 222–24, 226; sanctuary/asylum, 220–21, 226; types of crime, 213–20
crossbowmen, 88
cuadernos, 68
Cuenca, Fuero of, 9, 21, 223, 234
custom or usage, 10
deceit, falsification, and fraud, 214, 217–18
deviso, 163
Diago Abad, 219
Diago Pérez, alcalde, 20
Díaz de Montalvo, Alfonso, 13, 246
Diego Aparicio, 149
Diego López de Haro, 56, 143, 223
Diego Martínez, bishop of Cartagena, 72
Diego Pérez, adelantado del rey, 104, 133
Dinis (king of Portugal and grandson of Alfonso X), 28, 71, 86, 246
disabled persons: the blind, 103, 114, 139, 150, 158, 173, 245, 253; deaf/deaf mutes, 103, 112, 114, 147, 150, 152, 158, 186; in judicial system/process, 103, 112, 114; juridical capacity of, 158; marriage, family, and inheritance, 139, 146, 147, 150, 152, 156; mentally disabled, 17, 66, 103, 112, 114, 152, 158, 215, 245
disturbances of the peace, 216
divorce and separation, 142, 145
Domingo González, personero of Frías, 134
Domingo Ruiz, 147
Domingo Vicente, will of, 150
Domingo Yuañes (Ibáñez), 131
Domingues, José, 246
Dotrinal que fabla delos juyzios/Dotrinal de pleitos, 10
easements, 178
Echevarría, Ana, 239
economy. See trade, commerce, and the economy
education: Arabic and Latin studies, studium generale for, 239, 242, 253; juridical capacity and, 158; of royal children, 30–34
Edward (prince of England, husband of Alfonso X’s sister), 11, 33, 53, 86
Elvira Fernández de Villada, 28
emancipation: of children, 149; of slaves, 127, 151, 170–72
Enrique (brother of Alfonso X), 34–35, 36, 56, 84, 181
environmental protections, 194, 251–52
escaped/fugitive slaves, 170, 171
Espéculo, 10–12, 244; on adoption, 147–48; on chancellors, 51; on Christian faith, 65, 66, 67, 68; composition of, 8; on crime and criminals, 210, 222; on ecclesiastical versus secular jurisdiction, 75; on emancipation of slaves, 171; on judicial system and process, 100, 102, 104, 115, 125, 126; on king and kingship, 41, 53, 62, 63; on marriage, 138, 144; on military and war, 82, 93; on non-Christians, 227; on oaths, 122; prólogo, v, 11–12; property, on law of, 175, 176, 179; on royal family, 25, 29; Siete Partidas, relationship to, 11, 15; terms used for law in, 19; on wills and inheritance, 150
Esteban Domingo, royal alcalde of Ávila, 153
Esteban Fernández, will of, 150
Esteban Pérez, 120
executors, 143, 150, 152, 153, 154
Extremadura, Ordinance of, 88
Fadrique (brother of Alfonso X), 35, 36, 56, 57, 59, 220, 256, 257
family. See marriage, family, and inheritance; royal family
fazañas, 8, 19, 21, 68, 129, 143, 214, 215
Felipe (brother of Alfonso X), 35, 72, 147, 225
Fernán Matheos/Fernando Mateos, royal alcalde, 104, 109, 120, 128, 132
Fernán Sánchez de Valladolid, 15
Fernando II of Léon, 37
Fernando III of Castile and Léon (father of Alfonso X): Alfonsine law codes and, 5, 9, 14, 18; Cathars punished by, 67; church, royal relationship with, 72, 75; coinage of, 203; crime and criminals under, 214, 219, 221; household of, 51; judicial system under, 104, 105; as knight, 86; loans solicited to cover siege of Seville, 179; on mercantile guilds or confraternities, 59, 194; naval fleet under, 92; non-Christians and, 232, 236; on responsibility for state, 62; reunion of León and Castile crowns under, 36; royal family of, 24, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36; seal of, 127; second marriage to Jeanne of Ponthieu, 142; wedding celebrations/gifts, limits placed on, 141
Fernando IV of Castile and Léon, 16, 25–26, 35, 76
Fernando VII (king of Spain), 246
Fernando de la Cerda (oldest son of Alfonso X), 28; adoption by Mencía López de Haro, 147; betrothal and marriage of, 34, 138, 141–42; church, royal relationship with, 69, 74, 75, 77–78; crime and criminals under, 216; death of, 5–6, 37, 40; judicial system/process and, 131, 132–34; knighting of, 87; as mayordomo mayor, 49; as military leader, 5, 37, 91; royal succession and, 6, 32, 37–38, 40
Fernando, bishop of Coria, 72
Fernando de Covarrubias, 72
Fernando Fernández, alcalde del rey, 128–29
Fernando Martínez of Zamora, 10
Fernando de Mesa, bishop of Córdoba, 72
Fernando, bishop of Palencia, 52, 72
Fernando Velázquez, bishop of Segovia, 72
Fernando Yuañes (Ibáñez) el Gallego, 131
Ferrand García, 112
Ferrand Velásquez, 147
foreigners, legal capacity of, 159
Fourth Lateran Council, 66, 71, 119, 138, 232–33
Frederick Barbarossa (Holy Roman emperor), 13
Frías and monastery of San Salvador de Oña, dispute between, 111, 126, 127, 131, 133–34
Fuero antiguo de España, 14
Fuero de los castellanos, 109
Fuero Juzgo, 8–9, 12, 14, 22, 75, 109, 114, 131, 144, 227, 247
Fuero real, 12–13, 244; adjustment to new legal regime, 20–21; on Christian faith, 65, 67, 68; composition of, 8; on crime and criminals, 210, 212, 224; on ecclesiastical versus secular jurisdiction, 74; on guardians of minor children, 148; on judicial system and process, 108, 115, 130, 134; jurisdictional issues solved by, 109; on kings and kingship, 42; Leyes nuevas on application of, 15; on marital law, 137, 140, 142, 143; in Mexico, 247; on non-Christians, 227, 228; persons, law of, 156, 158; property, on law of, 178; purposes of, 16; on tercias, 79; on trade, commerce, and the economy, 195, 205; on wills and inheritance, 147, 149–53, 151
Fuero viejo de Castilla, 8–9, 21, 107, 163, 215
fugitive/escaped slaves, 170, 171
gambling, 218
Garcí Guillén (commander of convent of San Clemente of Toledo), 132
García Álvarez, 148
García Gallo, Alfonso, 12, 15, 100, 155
García Martínez, 72
Gastón VII, viscount of Béarn, 34
Gautier-Dalché, Jean, 203
Gil Pérez Conde, 25
Giralt of Belorado, 219
Giralt Bernalt, 217
Gómez Díaz, D. Rafael, 68
González Jiménez, Manuel, 38, 56, 231
Gonzalo García de Gudiel, successively bishop of Cuenca, Burgos, and archbishop of Toleda, 52, 72
Gonzalo Gómez of Compostela, 70, 72, 75
Gonzalo Ruiz, 131
Gonzalo Ruyz, alcalde of Toledo, 147
Gonzalo Vicente, royal alcalde, 132, 179, 188, 231
Gonzalo Yuañez, alcalde of Toledo, 120, 148, 149, 151, 171
Gregorian Reform, 2
Gregory IX (pope), 2, 236; Decretales, 65, 137
Gregory X (pope), 5, 69, 78, 79
guardians: of minor children, 146, 147–48; in royal minorities, 37
Guillerma de Moncada, 34
heretics and heresy, 66–67, 150, 152, 159, 220
Hippocrates, 146
hiring of services/rental of property, 184–88
Holy Roman Empire: Alfonso X seeking recognition as emperor elect, 5, 10–11, 13, 42, 63, 193; Justinian’s Code as law of, 2; Spain’s legal independence from, 3, 44
homes, security of, 160
homicide/murder, 214–15, 220, 234
Honorius III (pope), 232
Hugo Vento, 94
Ibn Khaldūn, 28
Ibn Maḥfūt, 239
Ibn Sabah, 231
Iglesia Ferreirós, Aquilino, 10, 11, 266n54
ignorance of the law, 17–18, 114, 158
infamy, as punishment, 55, 98, 116, 148, 150, 159, 166, 173, 180, 181, 212, 214, 216, 223, 224, 226, 237
infantrymen and foot soldiers, 88–89
Innocent III (pope), 44
Innocent IV (pope), 236
inventories of estates, 151
Isaac ibn Zadok (Zag de la Maleha), 50, 88, 240–41
Isabel (daughter of Alfonso X), 28
Islam and Muslims: aljamas or communities, 229–30, 232; Berenguela (daughter of Alfonso C), Egyptian sultan asking for marriage with, 34; captives, prisoners of war, and ransoms, 96–97; conversion to Islam or Judaism, 237; disinheritance of converts to, 152; Eucharist, behavior on passage of, 68; hair and dress requirements, 232; inheritance law and, 150; in judicial system/process, 115, 233–34; juridical capacity of Muslims, 159; Marinids, 5–6, 28, 37, 38, 48, 88, 92, 198, 205, 253; marriages between Christians and, 140; Moors and Saracens, as terms for, 228; mosques, 236–37; Mozarabic Christians under Islamic rule, 6, 109; Mudéjar life, 229, 230, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239–40; Mudéjar revolt, 5, 28, 48, 79, 82–83, 91, 92, 199, 203, 225, 231, 233, 235, 239–40; oaths, 121–22; polytheism attributed to Christian faith by, 66; reconquest of Spain from, 5, 71, 82, 193, 230; religious liberty of, 65, 161, 236–39; separate legal governance for, 65; tithing and tribute, 79, 234–35; understanding and identification of, 228–29; urged to accept Christianity, 67, 80; Visigothic kingdom destroyed by, 8. See also conversion; non-Christians
Jacobo de las leyes, 9–10, 45, 225; Flores de derecho/Flores de las leyes, 10, 225
Jaime I of Aragón, 28, 72, 82–83, 87, 237, 239, 240
Jaime (son of Alfonso X), 28, 39
Jeanne of Ponthieu (second wife/widow of Fernando III), 142, 180–81
Jerez, Assembly of, 1268, 17, 88, 141, 196, 198, 203, 205, 232
Jews: advocates for Christians, prohibited as, 115; aljamas or communities of, 229–30; blood libel (murder of Christian children), 238; books and synagogues of, 236; Christian servants of, 232; Eucharist, behavior on passage of, 68; inheritance law and, 150; interest, allowed to lend money at, 180, 205; judicial system/process and, 233–34; juridical capacity of, 159; marriages between Christians and non-Christians, 140; naming and clothing requirements, 232–33; oaths of, 121–22; public, court, and royal household positions held by, 50, 230, 240–41; religious liberty of, 65, 161, 235–39; separate legal governance allowed to, 65; sexual contact between Christians and, 231–32; tithing and tribute, 79, 234–35; understanding and identification of, 228; urged to accept Christianity, 67, 80. See also conversion; non-Christians
Juan (son of Alfonso X), 28, 34, 49, 233
Juan Alfonso, bishop of Palencia, 52, 72
Juan Arias, archbishop of Compostela, 72, 73
Juan García, arras of, 142
Juan García de Villamayor, 93
Juan Gil de Zamora, 6; on character of king, 47; on concept of state, 60, 61, 62; Liber de preconiis Hispanie, 31; on military and war, 82; on Sancho’s joint reign with Alfonso X, 38; on treason and tyranny, 56–57; as tutor of Sancho IV, 3, 31
Juan Iñíguez, royal alcalde, 126, 133, 134
Juan Manuel (nephew of Alfonso X), 6–7, 153, 229, 238–39
Juan Martínez, capellan mayor, 49
Juan de Montpellier, 142
Juan Ruiz, archpriest of Hita, 145
Judaism. See Jews
judicial process, 118–36; admissions and confessions, 122–23; appeals, 104–5, 116, 119, 129–31; arbitration, 133–35; court procedure, 120–27; document presentation and authentication, 126–27; eligibility to bring suit, 121; exebçion or defensión, 120–21; ffazer derecho as aim of, 118–19, 135; inquests or inquisitions, 124–26; interrogatories, 122; judgments, 127–29; libellus, 101, 120; litis contestatio, 120, 121; non-Christians and, 233–34; oaths, 121–22; proofs, presentation of, 122; in records of actual lawsuits, 131–33; summons, 119–20; witness testimony, 123–24. See also crime and criminals
judicial system, 99–117; alguacil/justicia mayor, 49–50, 104; arbiters, 110–11; courts, 101–2, 107–8; ecclesiastical versus secular jurisdiction, 74–77, 106–9, 133, 140, 153; judges, 100, 102–6, 108–10; jurisdictional problems created by variety of laws, 109; nobility and, 106–7; non-Christians and, 233–34; personeros, procurators, and advocates, 111–16, 131–32, 156; plaintiffs and defendants, 100–101; royal responsibility for justice, 99, 100; scribes, 104, 109; settlements, 108; special judges, 109–10
jurisdiction: ecclesiastical versus secular, 74–77, 106–9, 133, 140, 153; over wills, 153; problems created by variety of laws, 109
jus spolii, 73
justicia mayor/alguacil, 49–50, 104
Justinian (Roman emperor): on adornment of imperial majesty by arms and laws, 27; Alfonso X compared to, ii, 1, 3–4; Institutes, 2, 155, 176; law codes of (Corpus Iuris Civilis), 1–2, 4, 14, 111, 244; “lex est sancio iustiniana,” 57
Kantorowicz, Ernst, 45
king and kingship, 41–64, 253–56; accession, 23–28; authority of, 41–45; character and conduct of, 45–47; court and household of, 29, 47–53; death of king, 23; as defender of the faith, 65–66; duty of king to observe laws, 18, 56, 256–57; as God’s representative on earth, 41, 42, 43, 44, 63; guardians in royal minorities, 37; justice, royal responsibility for, 99, 100; knighting of new king, 24, 86; papacy, rejection of temporal subordination to, 44; people, relationship to, 43, 53–55, 99; secular character of Spanish monarchy, 24–26; state, emerging concept of, 60–63; succession to throne, 6, 35–39, 40; treason toward, 55–60; tyrannous kings, 43, 55, 58–60, 64. See also royal family
Klein, Julius, 207
knights and knighthood: ceremony of knighting, 24, 86–87; code of conduct, 87; lawyers claiming equivalency with, 111; military duties, 85–86; new king, knighting of, 24, 86
Kristin of Norway, 35
Latin America, influence of Siete Partidas in, 247
Laurentius Hispanus, 3
law and law codes: legal revival of eleventh-thirteenth centuries, 1–3; Visigothic law, 8, 9, 160, 220, 227. See also Alfonsine law codes; canon law; Justinian; Roman law; specific books
legitimation of children, 145–46
Leonine contracts, 202
Leonor (daughter of Alfonso X), 28
Leonor (sister of Alfonso X), 11, 33, 53
Leonor Ruiz de Castro, 147
Leyes de Toro (1505), 245
Leyes del estilo, 16, 21, 74, 135, 212
Leyes nuevas, 15
Leyes para los adelantados mayores, 16
Liber iudiciorum. See Fuero Juzgo
Liber scale Machumeti, 229
Libri feudorum, 163
Libro de Alexandre, 228
Libro de las leyes. See Espéculo; Siete Partidas
Libro de los fueros de Castiella, 8, 107, 144
Libro del fuero de las leyes, 13
Lobingier, Charles Sumner, 246
locatio conductio, 184
Lope Pérez, bishop of Córdoba, 72
López, Gregorio, 13, 246, 266n52
Louis of France (son of Louis IX), 11, 34
Lucas of Túy, 3, 24, 44, 67, 229
MacDonald, Robert A., 10, 11, 16, 104
magister or master, 52
Manuel (brother of Alfonso X), 35, 38, 40, 49, 57, 153, 169
manuscripts: London, British Library, Additional MS 20787, ii, 4, 13; Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 10, 123, 10; New York City, Hispanic Society of America, HC 397 /573, 13
Margarita de los pleitos, 10
Margarita of Montferrat, 28, 34
Marguerite of Narbonne, 34
Mari García (madam), 219
Maria Alfonso (illegitimate daughter of Alfonso IX), 28
María de Molina, 34
María Gutiérrez, 180
Marín Pérez, alcalde of Burgos, 126, 131, 133, 134, 135
Marinids, 5–6, 28, 37, 38, 48, 88, 92, 198, 205, 253
maritime trade and maritime law, 199–201
Márquez Villanueva, Francisco, 7, 249
marriage, family, and inheritance: adoption, 146–47; adultery, 218–19; Alfonso X, marriage and children of, 28–29 (see also royal family); arras (dower or bride-price), 141, 142–43; barraganía or concubinage, 143–45, 154; betrothal, marriage, and marriage law, 137–45; Christians and non-Christians, marriages between, 140; church control over marriages, 137–38, 140, 143–44; communal property, limited concept of, 143; consanguinity rules, 138, 140; contracts of marriage, 140–41; disinheritance, 151–52; divorce and separation, 142, 145; dowries, 141–42; emancipation of children, 149; executors, 152; guardians of minor children, 146, 147–48; homes, security of, 160; homicide and manslaughter, intrafamilial, 215; incest, 123, 149, 151, 219; intestate persons, 152–53; inventories of estates, 151; legitimate and illegitimate children, 144–49; majority, age of, 156–57; paraphernalia of bride, 143; patria potestas/paterfamilias, 148–49, 156, 173; pilgrims, wills made by, 150–51; refusal to accept inheritance, 151; rings, exchange of, 138, 142; royal children, marriages of, 33–34; secret/clandestine marriages, 140, 143–44; slaves, marriage of, 168–69, 171; unborn children, 146, 156; wedding celebrations/gifts, 141; widows, 139–40; wills and inheritance, 147, 149–53; witnesses to marriage, 141
Martín Alfonso (illegitimate child of Alfonso X), 28
Martín Amador, alcalde del rey, 131, 132
Martín Fernández of León, 70, 72
Martín Gómez, bishop of Sigüenza, 72
Martin, Georges, 41, 85–86, 162–63
Martínez Díez, Gonzalo, 11
Mateo Sanz, will of, 153
Mathe García of Oña, 134
Mauricio, bishop of Burgos, 67
Mayor Guillén de Guzmán, 28, 144
mayordomo, 29, 49, 52, 95, 213
McKnight, Joseph W., 248
medical malpractice, 215
Mencía López de Haro, 147
merchants. See trade, commerce, and the economy
merinos mayores, 20–21, 105, 182
merum imperium, 163
Mesta (sheepowners’ guild), 206–8
military and war, 82–98, 251; booty, spoils, and rewards, 94–96; castles and fortresses, 90–91; clerical duties in, 84–90; composition and organization of armed forces, 84–90; duty to defend/die for one’s country, 83–84, 98; naval actions, 92–94; pitched battles, 92; prisoners, captives, and ransoms, 96–97; raids, 91; sieges, 91–92; slavery resulting from war, 94, 96, 97, 139, 167; standards and banners, 89–90; wounds and loss of life, 96
military orders, 85, 89, 96, 207
Miranda de Ebro, 20
monarchy. See king and kingship
moneda, 163
moneda forera, 77
moneylending, interest, and usury, 180, 205
Mozarabic Christians under Islamic rule, 6, 109
Mudéjar life, 229, 230, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239–40
Mudéjar revolt, 5, 28, 48, 79, 82–83, 91, 92, 199, 203, 225, 231, 233, 235, 239–40
municipal courts, 75, 106, 107, 109
municipal military forces, 87–88
murder/homicide, 214–15, 220, 234
Muslims. See Islam and Muslims
Nájera, Ordinance of (1185), 163, 216
naturaleza (natural relationships), 161–62, 173
Nicholas III (pope), 65, 69–73, 75–77, 79, 80
Nicholas of Antioch, 229
Nicolás (personal physician of Alfonso X), 50
nobility: ennoblement of children by concubines, 144; friendship between nobles, 166, 213; judicial system and, 106–7; military duties, 85; persons, in law of, 157–58; Sancho’s rebellion joined by, 107; trials by battle between, 213–14; vassals and vassalage, 161, 162, 163–65
non-Christians, 227–43, 252–53; aljamas or communities of, 229–31; Christian slaves forbidden to, 168; inherent nonpluralism of medieval society and, 242–43; judicial system/process and, 233–34; juridical capacity of, 159; marriages between Christians and, 140; religious liberty of, 65, 161, 236–39; social and legal constraints on, 231–34; tributes paid by, 234–35; understanding and identification of, 228–29; urged to accept Christianity, 67, 80. See also conversion; Islam and Muslims; Jews
notaries, 52
Novísima Recopilación (1805), 245
Nueva Recopilación or Recopilación de Leyes de estos reinos (1567), 245
Nuño González de Lara, 60–61, 91, 92, 225
Oña, monastery of San Salvador de, and town of Frías, dispute between, 111, 126, 127, 131, 133–34
Order of Alcántara, 85, 132, 133
Order of Calatrava, 73–74, 85, 181
Order of Santa María de España, 70, 85, 103
Palencia, University of (Castile), 2–3
papacy: election of bishops, contention over, 71–73; legitimation rights, 145; Memoriale secretum on royal relations with bishops, 70; rejection of temporal subordination to, 44. See also specific popes
paraphernalia of bride, 143
Paris Climate Agreement, 251–52
Partidas. See Siete Partidas
patria potestas/paterfamilias, 148–49, 156, 173
peculium castrense, 181
Pedro III of Aragón, 6, 28, 241, 252
Pedro IV of Aragón, 246–47; Tractat de cavalleria, 247
Pedro (son of Alfonso X), 28, 34, 89
Pedro Afonso, count of Barcelos, 220
Pedro Fernández, bishop of Astorga, 72
Pedro Gallego, bishop of Cartagena, 72
Pedro Lorenzo, bishop of Cuenca, 72, 179
Pedro Núñez, master of military orders, 85
Pedro Pérez of Oña, 134
Pedro de la Rochela, 202
Pedro Sarracín II, 142
Peñafiel: Assembly of, 1275, 69, 75; council of, 1302, 239
Pence, Mike, 250
Pere of Cardona, 3
Pérez Embid, Florentino, 94
Pérez Martín, Antonio, 10
permutatio (exchange), 184
personeros, 111–13, 131–32, 156
persons, law of, 155–74; civil death, 159; defined, 155; friendship, 165–67; human rights, 159–61; juridical capacity, 155–59; legal persons, 155–56; naturaleza (natural relationships), 161–62, 173; three conditions of (freedom, servitude, or emancipation), 156; three estates of (clergy, nobility, and workers), 157–58; vassals and vassalage, 161, 162, 163–65. See also slaves
pesquisas and pesquisidores, 124–26
Petrus Hispanus, Ordo iudiciarius ad summariam notitiam, 10
Philip III of France, 6, 26, 34, 38
Pietro of Rieti, 70
pilgrims, 68–69, 150–51, 159, 252
Poema de Fernán González, 83, 228
prescription, 177
prisoners of war, captives, and ransoms, 96–97
Procter, Evelyn, 9
promises or stipulations, 186–87
property, law of, 175–92; animals, 176–77; buying and selling real and personal property, 182–84; churches, cemeteries, relics, and religious objects, 176; city walls and gates, 176; debts, payment of, 189–91; easements, 178; new structures, 178; ownership and possession, 175–78, 192; prescription, 177; public or common property, 176, 191–92; raw materials, 177; rental of property/hiring of services, 184–88; rivers and streams, property altered by, 177; slaves as property, 101, 176; slaves not able to own property, 168; treasure and abandoned property, 177; usufruct, 178. See also contracts
prostitution, 219
Pseudo-Aristotle, Secreto de los secretos, 41, 54
Pseudo-Ordenamiento II de Nájera, 9
public or common property, 176, 191–92
punishment of criminals. See crime and criminals
raids, 91
Raimon Vidal de Bezaudon, 25
Raimundo Danza di Vintimiglia, 94
Ramón Bonifaz of Burgos, 92
Ramon de Penyafort, 2, 137, 227, 228
Ramon Llull, 246
Ramoneta, daughter of Ramon de Belloc, 140–41
ransoms, captives, and prisoners of war, 96–97
rape, 218
realengo, 175
Recopilación de Leyes de estos reinos or Nueva Recopilación (1567), 245
Rehnquist, William, 248
Reilly, Bernard, 51
religion and the church, 65–81; advocates against laypersons, clerics prohibited from acting as, 114; barraganas or concubines, clergy living with, 144–45; blasphemy, as crime, 220, 237–38; canon law incorporated into Siete Partidas, 80; church property, 73–74; excommunication, power of, 76–77; heretics and heresy, 66–67, 150, 152, 159, 220; jurisdiction, ecclesiastical versus secular, 74–77, 106–9, 133, 140, 153; king as defender of the faith, 65–66; king as God’s representative on earth, 41, 42, 43, 44, 63; legitimation rights, 145–46; marital law and, 137–38, 140, 143–44; marriages between Christians and non-Christians, 140; natural duty to love and fear God, 162; oaths of Christians, Jews, and Muslims, 121–22; personal religious faith of Alfonso X, 67, 220; personeros for, 112; persons, clergy in law of, 157; pilgrims, 68–69; property laws regarding churches, cemeteries, relics, and religious objects, 176; sacraments, 67–68; salvation, 66, 80; sanctuary/asylum for criminals, 220–21, 226; secular character of Spanish monarchy, 24–26; slaves as clergy, 171; slaves’ conversion to Christianity, 168; taxation, of and by the church, 77–79; tithing and tercias, 78–79; Trinity, doctrine of, 66, 67; war, clerical duties in, 84–85. See also bishops; conversion; Islam and Muslims; Jews; non-Christians; papacy
religious liberty of non-Christians, 65, 161, 236–39
Remondo, bishop of Segovia, later archbishop of Seville, 72, 132
rental of property/hiring of services, 184–88
Rodrigo Esteban, alcalde of Seville, 112, 148
Rodrigo Gonzálvez Girón, 143
Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada, History of the Arabs, 228–29
Roldán, Libro de las Tafurerías, 16
Roman law: on crime and criminals, 210; on Jews, 230; judicial system and, 106, 111, 114; on kingship, 42; on marriage, family, and inheritance, 137, 142, 146, 148, 150, 151; persons, law of, 156, 157; property, law of, 179, 181, 184, 186, 190, 191; revival of, 1–2, 14, 156; on torture, 222
Roy Díaz, 188
Roy Fernández of Sahagún, 240
Roy Pérez, ballestero of Infante Sancho, 135
royal family, 23–40; accession, 23–28; brothers of Alfonso X, 34–35, 36; guardians in royal minorities, 37; households of, 29–30; illegitimate children, 28, 29, 46, 144, 148; legitimate children, 28, 30–34; queens and queenly conduct, 28–30; succession to throne, 6, 35–39, 40. See also specific members
royal touch, Alfonso X’s rejection of, 26
rule of law, preservation of, 250
Ruy Pérez, 147
Sainte Marie de Rocamadour, Languedoc, 69
Salamanca, University of (León), 2–3
Sánchez Albornoz, Claudio, 193
Sancho III of Castile, 37
Sancho (son of Alfonso X, later Sancho IV of Castile and Léon), 28; accession of, 25; advice to son, 29; church, royal relationship with, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80–81; crime and criminals under, 212, 217; cursed by Alfonso X, 60, 68; dissuaded from receiving knighthood from older brother, 87; Juan Gil de Zamora as tutor of, 3, 31; judicial system/process and, 109, 126, 134–35, 233; in Marinid invasions, 6, 37; marriage of, 34; as military leader, 89, 92; non-Christians and, 233, 235, 239, 241; Order of Santa María de España and, 85; picture of king by, 27; rebellion of, 6, 28, 35, 56–60, 64, 80–81, 107, 149; state, emerging concept of, 60–62; succession struggles, 6, 37–39, 40; in will of Infante Manuel (uncle), 153
Sancho I of Toledo (archbishop and brother of Alfonso X), 35, 72, 180, 182
Sancho II of Toledo (archbishop), 72, 92, 179
sanctuary/asylum for criminals, 220–21, 226
Santiago de Compostela and camino de Santiago, 24, 66, 68, 69, 75, 106, 150, 194, 252
Scott, Samuel Parsons, 13
secret/clandestine marriages, 140, 143–44
separation and divorce, 142, 145
servicios, 77, 78, 79, 88, 199, 206–9, 241
servitude. See easements; slaves
sexual crimes, 171, 216, 218–20
sheepowners’ guild (Mesta), 206–8
shell souvenirs for pilgrims, 69
sieges and siege engines, 91–92
Siete Partidas, 13–14, 244–45; canon law incorporated into, 80; on chancellor, 51; on Christian faith, 65–66, 67–68, 69; composition of, 8, 10, 13; on crime and criminals, 210–11, 212, 213, 222; on ecclesiastical versus secular jurisdiction, 75, 76; editions of, 13, 246; on emancipation of slaves, 171; Espéculo, relationship to, 11, 15; on guardians of minor children, 147, 148; influence of, 245–49; on inheritance, 147; on judicial system and process, 100, 102, 103, 105, 125, 126; on king and kingship, 41, 53, 56, 63; legal definitions in, 161; on marriage and family, 137–38, 142, 145, 154; on military and war, 82, 85, 91, 93; on non-Christians, 227, 228, 230, 233, 237, 238; persons, law of, 157, 158; prologue (A Dios deue), 13, 16; property, on law of, 175–76, 178, 191–92; purposes of, 16–17; on royal family, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 37–39; second prologue (Dios es comienço), 9, 13, 16; state, emerging concept of, 60; on tithing, 78; on trade, commerce, and the economy, 195; on vassals and vassalage, 163; on wills and inheritance, 150, 151
Simón Ruiz de los Cameros, 56, 57, 59, 100, 220, 256, 257
slaves, 167–70; as clergy, 171; as concubines, 144; conversion of, 168, 237; emancipation of, 127, 151, 170–72; entitlements of, 170; escaped/fugitive, 170, 171; female slaves, sexual abuse of, 171; freemen sold into, 167, 169; human rights and, 160; in judicial system/process, 100, 103, 110, 112, 123, 130; marriage of, 168–69, 171; non-Christians, Christian slaves forbidden to, 168; property, not able to own, 168; as property, 101, 176; sale of, 169; three conditions of persons (freedom, servitude, or emancipation), 156; vassalage of, 163; war and, 94, 96, 97, 139, 167; in wills and inheritances, 150, 151, 152; wives of husbands sold into slavery, 139
Solomon ibn Zadok (Don Çulema), 50, 240
sorcerers, sooth-sayers, fortune tellers, and diviners, 220
Spain: adjustment to new legal regime in, 20–21; civilian and canon lawyers in, 3; divisions, partitions, and reunifications of, 36–37, 39, 61; legal independence from Holy Roman Empire, 3, 44; reconquest of, 5, 71, 82, 193, 230; state, emerging concept of, 60–63. See also military and war
Speculum regum, 41
state, emerging concept of, 60–63
stipulations or promises, 186–87
Suero Pérez, bishop of Zamora, 52, 72
suicide, 220
Summa aurea de ordine iudiciario/Suma del orden judicial, 10
Summa de los nove tienpos delos pleitos, 9–10
sureties for contracts, 187–88
taxation, 77–79, 234–35, 240. See also specific types
Tello, bishop of Palencia, 67
tercias, 79
Teresa, daughter of Martín Esteban, 142
Thomas Aquinas: On Kingship, 42; Summa Theologica, 15
Todesca, James, 203
Todros ben Judah ha-Levi, 241
Toledo, multiplicity of laws in, 109
torture, 87, 96, 104, 123, 157, 170, 211, 212, 216, 222, 223, 226
trade, commerce, and the economy, 193–209, 252; coinage, xiii, 203–5, 214, 217; environmental protections and conservation efforts, 194; foreign trade, 196, 197–99; guilds and confraternities, 59, 194–95; inflation, 141, 193, 195, 205; maritime
trade and maritime law, 199–201; markets and fairs, 196–97; mercantile companies, 201–3; Mesta (sheepowners’ guild), 206–8; moneylending, interest, and usury, 180, 205; price and wage controls, 195; regulation of, 194–96; Spanish reconquest and, 193; tolls on goods in transit, 197, 206–8; weights and measures, 195–96
treason and traitors, 55–60, 84, 159, 213–14
trebuchets, 92
tributes paid by non-Christians, 234–35
tyrannous kings, 43, 55, 58–60, 64
United States: influence of Siete Partidas in, 101, 115, 143, 146, 176, 247–49; lessons of Alfonsine law codes for, 249–56
Urraca (queen of León-Castile), 36
Doña Urraca, as guardian of her minor son, 148
Urraca Alfonso (illegitimate child of Alfonso X), 28
usage or custom, 10
usufruct, 178
Valdeón, Julio, 163
Valladolid, Assembly of, 1282, 6, 57, 59, 80, 205, 256, 257
Valladolid, Council of (1228), 144–45
vassals and vassalage, 161, 162, 163–65
Vegetius, 82
Vincentius Hispanus, 3
Violante (daughter of Alfonso X), 28
Violante (queen of Alfonso X), 21, 28–30, 40, 57, 83, 88, 144, 241
Virgin Mary, Alfonso X’s devotion to, 67, 220
Visigoths: accession of kings of, 24, 25, 26; law codes of, 8, 9, 160, 220, 227
Wamba (Visigothic ruler), 25
war. See military and war
William, marquess of Montferrat, 34
wills and inheritance, 147, 149–53
witnesses: to emancipation of slaves, 170150; to marriage, 141; non-Christians as, 234; testifying in judicial procedures, 123–24; to wills, 150
women: advocates, prohibited as, 114–15; defamation of, 216; executors, prohibited as, 152; as guardians of minor children, 147, 148; imprisonment of, 221; limits on juridical capacity of, 157; paid less than men, 195; as personeros for aged and infirm family members, 112; sexual crimes by or against, 171, 216, 218–20; as sureties for contracts, 187; as widows, 139–40; wills, banned as witnesses to, 150. See also marriage, family, and inheritance
written versus unwritten law, 19–20
Yusuf Pimintiella, 241
Zag de la Maleha (Isaac ibn Zadok), 50, 88, 240–41
Zamora, Ordinance of (1274), 11, 15–16, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 115, 131