
Useful numbers and websites

Height conversion

Weight conversion

Body mass index (BMI)

Driving regulations (2016)

Interesting cases

Telephone numbers 1

Your firm’s timetable 1

Telephone numbers 2

Your firm’s timetable 2

Telephone numbers 3

Your firm’s timetable 3

Useful numbers and websites

Medical organizations

General Medical Council (GMC)

0161 923 6602 image

British Medical Association (BMA)

020 7387 4499 image

Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA)

01256 771 777 image

Medical Defence Union (MDU)

0800 716 376 image

24h help 0800 716 646

Medical Protection Society (MPS)

0800 136 759 image

24h help 0800 561 9090

Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS)

0333 043 4444 image

24h help 0333 043 4444

Counselling lines

BMA Counselling Service

24h help 0330 123 1245 (NB you do not need to be a BMA member to call)

Doctors’ Support Network (mental illness)


Sick Doctor’s Trust (alcohol and drug addiction)

24h help 0370 444 5163 image

Financial organizations

BMA Services



Association of LGBT Doctors and Dentists (GLADD)


National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD)


Medical Research Council (MRC)

01793 416 200 image

Medical Women’s Federation

0207 387 7765 image

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

0207 404 6600 image

Voluntary Services Overseas

0208 780 7500 image

Wellcome Trust

0207 611 8888 image

(Royal) College of

Anaesthetists 020 7092 1500 image
Emergency Medicine 020 7404 1999 image
General Practitioners 020 3188 7400 image
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 020 7772 6200 image
Ophthalmologists 020 7935 0702 image
Paediatrics and Child Health 020 7092 6000 image
Pathologists 020 7451 6700 image
Physicians of London 020 7935 1174 image
Physicians of Edinburgh 0131 225 7324 image
Physicians of Ireland 0035318639700 image
Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow 0141 221 6072 image
Psychiatrists 020 7235 2351 image
Radiologists 020 7636 4432 image
Surgeons of Edinburgh 0131 527 1600 image
Surgeons of England 020 7405 3474 image
Surgeons of Ireland 0035314022100 image

Selected learned bodies

Online reference sources

Height conversion

Metres (m) to inches (inch), multiply by 39.37 (12 inches to the foot). Inches to metres, multiply by 0.0254.

m inch feet inch
1.36 53.5 4 5.5
1.37 54 4 6
1.38 54.5 4 6.5
1.40 55 4 7
1.41 55.5 4 7.5
1.42 56 4 8
1.43 56.5 4 8.5
1.45 57 4 9
1.46 57.5 4 9.5
1.47 58 4 10
1.48 58.5 4 10.5
1.50 59 4 11
1.51 59.5 4 11.5
1.52 60 5 0
1.54 60.5 5 0.5
1.55 61 5 1
1.56 61.5 5 1.5
1.57 62 5 2
1.59 62.5 5 2.5
1.60 63 5 3
1.61 63.5 5 3.5
1.62 64 5 4
1.64 64.5 5 4.5
1.65 65 5 5
1.66 65.5 5 5.5
1.67 66 5 6
1.69 66.5 5 6.5
1.70 67 5 7
1.71 67.5 5 7.5
1.73 68 5 8
1.74 68.5 5 8.5
1.75 69 5 9
1.76 69.5 5 9.5
1.78 70 5 10
1.79 70.5 5 10.5
1.80 71 5 11
1.81 71.5 5 11.5
1.83 72 6 0
1.84 72.5 6 0.5
1.85 73 6 1
1.87 73.5 6 1.5
1.88 74 6 2
1.89 74.5 6 2.5
1.90 75 6 3
1.92 75.5 6 3.5
1.93 76 6 4
1.94 76.5 6 4.5
1.95 77 6 5
1.97 77.5 6 5.5
1.98 78 6 6


Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to degrees Celsius (centigrade °C)


Degrees Celsius (centigrade °C) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F)



Millimetres of mercury (mmHg) to kilopascals (kPa)


Kilopascals (kPa) to millimetres of mercury (mmHg)


Weight conversion

kg to pounds (lbs), multiply by 2.2046 (14lb to the stone; 16oz per lb) Pounds to kg, multiply by 0.4536.

kg St lbs kg St lbs kg St lbs
1 0 2lb 3oz 43 6 11 85 13 5
2 0 4lb 7oz 44 6 13 86 13 8
3 0 6lb 10oz 45 7 1 87 13 10
4 0 8lb 13oz 46 7 3 88 13 12
5 0 11 47 7 6 89 14 0
6 0 13 48 7 8 90 14 2
7 1 1 49 7 10 91 14 5
8 1 4 50 7 12 92 14 7
9 1 6 51 8 0 93 14 9
10 1 8 52 8 3 94 14 11
11 1 10 53 8 5 95 14 13
12 1 12 54 8 7 96 15 2
13 2 1 55 8 9 97 15 4
14 2 3 56 8 11 98 15 6
15 2 5 57 9 0 99 15 8
16 2 7 58 9 2 100 15 10
17 2 9 59 9 4 101 15 13
18 2 12 60 9 6 102 16 1
19 3 0 61 9 8 103 16 3
20 3 2 62 9 11 104 16 5
21 3 4 63 9 13 105 16 7
22 3 7 64 10 1 106 16 10
23 3 9 65 10 3 107 16 12
24 3 11 66 10 6 108 17 0
25 3 13 67 10 8 109 17 2
26 4 1 68 10 10 110 17 5
27 4 4 69 10 12 111 17 7
28 4 6 70 11 0 112 17 9
29 4 8 71 11 3 113 17 11
30 4 10 72 11 5 114 17 13
31 4 12 73 11 7 115 18 2
32 5 1 74 11 9 116 18 4
33 5 3 75 11 11 117 18 6
34 5 5 76 12 0 118 18 8
35 5 7 77 12 2 119 18 10
36 5 9 78 12 4 120 18 13
37 5 12 79 12 6 125 19 10
38 6 0 80 12 8 130 20 7
39 6 2 81 12 11 135 21 4
40 6 4 82 12 13 140 22 1
41 6 6 83 13 1 145 22 12
42 6 9 84 13 3 150 23 9

Body mass index (BMI)

BMI calculation BMI Weight status

BMI= weight (kg)/height2 (m2)

eg: 77kg, 1.83m

77/(1.83 × 1.83) = 23 (normal)

18.5–24.9 Normal
<18.5 Underweight
25.0–29.9 Overweight
≥30 Obese
≥40 Morbidly obese

Body mass index chart for adults


Fig. A1 Body mass index ranges. Plotting weight against height helps categorise weight status.

Driving regulations (2016)

The DVLA issues strict regulations about which medical conditions affect your ability to drive. A summary of this information for holders of standard Group 1 licences is shown here; the full guidelines are available on the DVLA website (image This list is not exhaustive and a patient should stop driving if they, or their doctor, believe they are incapacitated.

Stroke Cease for 1mth; resume only if minimal residual deficit
TIA Cease for 1mth
Chronic neuro disorder Variable*
Meningitis Drive if well
First seizure (or suspected) Cease for 6mth*
Epilepsy Cease until 1yr since last seizure (continue if seizures during sleep only for >3yr)*
Severe head injury/intra-cranial bleed Cease for 6–12mth*
Brain tumours and mets Variable*
Neurosurgery Variable*
Visual field defects and diplopia Cease driving (may be allowed if stable)
Visual acuity Better than 6/12 corrected with both eyes
Unexplained syncope Cease 4wk if low risk or cause found; else cease for 6mth*
Recurrent severe vertigo Once attacks controlled*
Diabetes on insulin or oral hypoglycaemic agents Must be able to recognize hypo and not had >1 hypo requiring assistance in past 12mth*
Diabetes on diet only Drive if well
Recurrent hypoglycaemia Cease until controlled
Angina If symptoms at rest, at wheel or with emotion, cease until stabilized
MI/ACS Cease for 1wk if successful angioplasty, else cease for 4wk
Angioplasty Cease for 1wk
Pacemaker Cease for 1wk*
ICD (if inserted for incapacitation) Cease 6mth after insertion/shock*
ICD (if inserted prophylactically) Cease for 1mth*
CABG Cease for 4wk
Incapacitating arrhythmia Cease for 4wk after controlled*
Stable arrhythmia Drive if well
AAA ≥6cm Annual review required if 6–6.5cm*; if ≥6.5cm, cease until repaired*
Aortic stenosis Cease if symptomatic*
Psychiatry and substance abuse
Severe psychiatric illness Cease until stable for 3mth*
Alcohol dependence Cease until 1yr abstinence*
Opioid, benzo + cocaine dependence Cease for 1yr after previous use*
Other recreational drugs Cease for 6mth after previous use*
COPD Drive if well
Sleep apnoea + narcolepsy Cease until symptoms controlled*
Chronic renal failure Drive if well
HIV Drive if well
Temporary medical conditions/post-surgical recovery Drive if well; notify DVLA only if >3mth recovery required

*Patient must notify the DVLA.

If a patient refuses to notify the DVLA about a medical condition you have a duty to break confidentiality and inform the DVLA on their behalf. Seek advice from senior colleagues.

Interesting cases

Note down any interesting or unusual cases which could be used for a teaching or a Grand Round case presentation. Do not include personally identifiable patient information.

Hospital number

Hospital number

Hospital number

Hospital number

Hospital number

Hospital number

Hospital number

Hospital number

Telephone numbers 1

Hospital: Telephone:
Extension Bleep

Your firm’s timetable 1

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Telephone numbers 2

Hospital: Telephone:
Extension Bleep

Your firm’s timetable 2

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Telephone numbers 3

Hospital: Telephone:
Extension Bleep

Your firm’s timetable 3

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday