112 discards through the path of seeing, 277
414 discards through the path of cultivation, 278
84,000 Dharma sections, 154, 220
84,000 Dharma teachings, 29
84,000 entrances to the Dharma, 281
abandonment and realization (spangs rtogs), xvii, 151, 188; expl., 284
Abbot, the Master, and the Dharma King, 186; expl., 284
Abhidharma (chos mngon pa), 240, 269, 281, 285; Pitaka, 281
Abhidharma Sutra (chos mngon pa’i mdo), 70, 82, 256
Abhisamaya Lamkara. See Ornament of Realization
abhisambodhikaya (mngon par byang chub pa’i sku), 238, 239
absolute (yongs grub), 199; unchanging (’gyur med yongs grub), 200; unmistaken (phyin ci ma log pa’i yongs grub), 200
Accomplishment of Means and Knowledge (thabs shes grub pa), 27, 218
Accomplishment of Nonduality (gnyis med grub pa), 218
Accomplishment of Secrets (gsang ba grub pa), 218
Accomplishment of Thatness to Clearly Encompass Reality (dngos po gsal ba’i rjes su ’gro ba’i de kho na nyid grub pa), 218
Accomplishment of the Great Secret Thatness (gsang ba chen po de nyid grub pa), 218
Accomplishment of the Innate (lhan skyes grub pa), 218
Accomplishment of Wisdon (ye shes grub pa), 112, 218
Acharya Tubten Chöphel, xxxiii
Action Tantra (bya ba’i rgyud), 258. See also Kriya Tantra
Adhi Rinpoche (a dhih rin po che), xxxviii
Aeon of Strife (rtsod dus), 285
affliction (kun nyon), 203; expl., 218; state of, 168
aggregate (phung po): five undefiled, 203; of conceptions (’du shes kyi phung po), 183, 184; of consciousnesses (rnam shes kyi phung po), 183; of formations (’du byed kyi phung po), 183, 184; of forms (gzugs kyi phung po), 183, 185; of sensations (tshor ba’i phung po), 183, 184. See also aggregates, elements, and sense bases
aggregates, elements, and sense bases (phung khams skye mched), 44, 57, 219, 230, 249; natural purity of, 232
Aishvara, 215
Ajita (ma pham pa). See Maitreya
Akanishtha (’og min): dharmadhatu palace of, 220; ultimate (don gyi ’og min), 247
alaya-vijnana (kun gzhi’i rnam shes). See all-ground consciousness
Ali Kali, 59, 162; listing of, 243
All-Encompassing Knowledge (shes bya kun khyab), 212, 230, 286
all-ground (kun gzhi), 61, 79, 145, 178, 253, 280; as basis for both confusion and liberation, 252; cognizant quality of, 253; expl., 184; for manifold tendencies (bag chags sna tshogs pa’i kun gzhi), 254; for true application (sbyor ba don gyi kun gzhi), 253; in relation to disturbed-mind consciousness, 79; pure (dag pa’i kun gzhi), 221; wisdom (kun gzhi’i ye shes), 178
all-ground consciousness (kun gzhi’i rnam shes), 70, 79, 253, 254; def., 183, 253; expl., 184, 253, 254; in relation to ignorance, 253
All-Holding Lotus, 46
All-Holding Lotus (padma kun tu ’chang), 46. See also Padmasambhava
all-pervasive suffering of formations (khyab pa ’du byed kyi sdug bsngal), 107
Amitabha. See Buddha Amitabha
Amitayus (tshe dpag med), xiii, 179
Amrita Medicine (bdud rtsi sman): transmission of, 231
Angulimala Sutra (sor phreng gi mdo), 74
Anu Yoga (rjes su rnal ’byor), 31, 222, 230, 247, 248; as Mother Tantra, 212; Completion, 212; meaning of, 213
Anuttara. See Unexcelled
Anuttara Yoga (rnal ’byor bla med), 258
appearance and existence (snang srid), 233
appearance, increase, and attainment (snang mched thob gsum), 165, 243, 281, 282
application of the activities (las sbyor), 216
approach and accomplishment (bsnyen sgrub): expl., 210; explaining the four aspects of Guru Dragpo, 193; four aspects of, 7, 62, 245
Approaching the Ultimate (don dam bsnyen pa), 91, 257
arhat (dgra bcom pa): as Sangha, 261; attainment of, 259; suchness of, 71
Aro Yeshe Jungney (a ro ye shes ’byung gnas), 34, 225
Arrangement of the Three Samayas (dam tshig gsum bkod), 164
Arya Ratnamegha Sutra (’phags pa dkon mchog sprin gyi mdo). See Clouds of Precious Jewels
Asanga (thogs med), 226, 249, 264, 265, 281; on bodhichitta training, 266; system of bodhichitta, 264
Assemblage (’dus pa), 90
Assemblage of Realization (dgongs ’dus): Body Tantra of 38, 228, 230; quote from, 40
Assemblage of Sugatas (bde gshegs ’dus pa), 225, 230
asura, 285
Ati Yoga (shin tu rnal ’byor), xii, xl, 212, 247; as Nondual Tantra, 212; meaning of, 213; threefold wisdom of, 222
Atisha (jo bo rje), 34, 213, 225, 262; quote by, 111
attention (yid byed): of discernment (dpyod pa yid byed), 171; of taking delight (dga’ ba sdud pa’i yid byed), 171; of the basis of application (sbyor ba’i mtha’ yid la byed pa), 171; of the result of the basis of application (sbyor ba’i mtha’i ’bras bu yid byed), 171; resulting from interest (mos pa las byung ba’i yid byed), 170; resulting from total seclusion (rab tu dben pa las byung ba’i yid byed), 170; that fully discriminates characteristics (mtshan nyid rab tu ’byed pa’i yid byed), 170
Auspicious Melody, 210
Avalokiteshvara (spyan ras gzigs), xiv, 48, 281, 283; his entrustment of Tibet, 237; pure realm, 237
Avatamsaka Sutra (phal po che), 204
Baratani, 181
Barchey Künsel (bar chad kun sel), xxi, xxxix, xl, xli, 216, 234; outer sadhana, 215; root tantra of, 217
Barchey Lamsel, 233
Bhikshu Bodhisattva Shantarakshita, 236
bhumi (sa): expl., 201; seven impure, 263; ten, 277; three pure, 263, 264
Bhumi Sections (sa sde), 118; expl., 264
bindu (thig le), 29, 30, 59, 220, 221. See also channels, winds, and essences
bliss, clarity, and nonthought (bde gsal mi rtog pa): as the three kayas, 246
Blissful Realm (bde ba can), 247
Bodhgaya, 238
Bodhicharya Avatara (spyod ’jug): quotes from, 93, 108, 117, 146
bodhichitta (byang chub kyi sems): arousing the bodhichitta of application, 121; aspiration and application, 264; benefits of, 120; conventional, 134; expl., 115; essence of generating, 116; five definitive precepts for a minister, 266; focus of, 117; four black deeds, 264; four conditions for, 118; four different types of, 117; four principles of, 116; generating according to Mantrayana, 264; listing of four different types of, 263; listing two kinds, 117; manner of generating, 118; of abandoning all obscuration, 263; of application, 117; listing of the four precepts, 266; of aspiration, 115, 117; of devoted engagement, 263; of maturation, 263; of pure superior intention, 263; ritual for taking the vow, 119; seven points of, 116; trainings, 119; twenty-two analogies, 263; twenty-two types of, 117; two types of, 117; ultimate, 135; meditation, 147; resolving the view, 135
bodhi-factors, seven (byang chub kyi yan lag bdun), 150, 227; listing of, 278
Bodhisattva Bhumi (byang sa), 123; expl., 264; quotes from, 117, 266, 267
Bodhisattva Collections, 281
Body Tantra of the Assemblage of Realization (dgongs ’dus sku rgyud): expl., 228; quote from, 38
body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities (sku gsung thugs yon tan phrin las), xvi, 6, 50, 191, 233, 238, 239
Bönpo, xxxvi
Brahma, 12, 109, 138, 195, 196, 238
Buddha. See Precious Buddha
Buddha Amitabha, 44, 45, 235, 247
Buddha Avatamsaka (sangs rgyas phal po che), 226
buddha nature, 77
Buddha Nature (Thrangu Rinpoche), 249, 257; quote from 232
Buddha Shakyamuni: King of the Shakyas, 45, 48; Matchless King of the Shakyas, 44, 231; Victorious One, 48; why he was matchless, 237
Buddhadharma. See Dharma
Buddhaguhya (sangs rgyas gsang ba), 232, 236, 247
capable preparatory stage (nyer bsdogs mi lcogs med), 172
causal (rgyu’i): refuge, 111, 262; teachings, 279
causal and resultant vehicles (rgyu ’bras kyi theg pa), xii, 8, 66, 67; difference between, 153; expl., 152, 212
causal vehicles (rgyu’i theg pa), 66, 212, 225; def., 279; expl., 152; listing, 212, 248
causal vehicle of the paramitas, 15; expl., 149
Central Tibet, xxxi, xxxvi, xxxvii, 239, 286
cessation: truth of, 261
Chagmey Rinpoche (chags med rin po che), 166, 257
Chamara (mga gyab), xv
Chandragomin: expl., 259; quote by, 100
Changeless Light (’od mi ’gyur ba): expl., 234; Samantabhadra, 46
Changeless Nature, 249
channels, winds, and essences (rtsa rlung thig le), 165, 245, 281; expl., 233; Padmasambhava’s mastery, 44
Chariot of the Profound View (zab mo lta ba’i shing rta), expl. of bodhichitta training, 265–266. See also Lineage of the Profound View
Chariot of the Vast Conduct (rgya chen spyod pa’i shing rta), expl. of bodhichitta training, 266. See also Lineage of the Vast Conduct
Charya Tantra (spyod rgyud), 163, 164, 212, 281
Chemchok (che mchog), 233
Chetsün Nyingtig (lce btsun snying thig), xxxvii, 211
Chetsün Senge Wangchuk (lce btsun seng ge dbang phyug), xxxvii
Chimey Taktsang: place where Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo was revealed, xxiii
Chimey Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa (’chi med bstan gnyis g.yung drung gling pa). See Jamgön Kongtrül
Chimphu Phuk (mchims phu phug), 240
Chö (Cutting) (gcod), 210
Chokgyur Lingpa (mchog gyur gling pa): biographical details, xxxviii; Body Seat, 286; consort, 209; description by H. H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, xvii; emanation of Damdzin, 159; Life and Teaching of, 286; meaning of Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, 211; Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa, xvii; seats of, 286; Speech Seat, 286; terma teachings of, 216
Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje, xxvi
Chokling Tersar (mchog gling gter gsar), xiv, xxiv, xxvi, xxxi, 209, 210; expl. of lineage, xxiv
Chok-ro Lui Gyaltsen, 213, 240
Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, xxvi, xxxi, xxxiii
Chöwang Tulku, 209
Chronicles of Padma (padma bka’ thang), 235, 240, 241
Chuwori (chu bo ri), 240
Clarifying the Aspects of the Auspicious Melody, xxii; expl., 209
Clearing the Obstacles of the Path, 233
Cloud of Dharma (chos kyi sprin): bhumi, 202, 214, 277, 281
Cloudless Light (sprin med ’od), 173
Clouds of Precious Jewels (dkon mchog sprin) (Ratnamegha): expl., 261; quote from, 105
coemergent ignorance (lhan cig skyes pa’i ma rig pa), 9, 78, 79, 252; as synonym for the all-ground, 254; expl., 78, 80, 253; expl. as in Dzogchen, 81
cognition, ensuing cognition, acceptance, and ensuing acceptance of the Dharma (chos rjes shes bzod), 150
cognitive act (sems), 198
cognitive obscuration (shes sgrib), 203, 229, 253, 276; as synonym for the all-ground, 254; at the time of the ground, 252; explanation of the subtle aspect, 282; in relation to the seven vajra qualities, 229; ten types, 204. See also obscuration
Collections (sde snod), 279; Bodhisattva, 281. See also Tripitaka, 155; Shravaka, 281; Three, 181, 237, 269; Three, expl., 281; three or four, 154
Commentary on the Essence Manual of Instructions, xvi, xvii
Commentary on the Vajra Heart (rdo rje snying ’grel), 273
Compendium (sdud pa): quote from, 71, 89, 148, 149
Completion Anu Yoga. See Anu Yoga
completion stage (rdzogs rim), xviii; expl., 280; in relation to the definitive meaning, 161; luminosity, 165; meaning of mandala, 219. See also development and completion; channels, winds, and essences, 165
concealed teachings on passion, 29, 164, 165
concealment of the relative, 165
concentration (bsam gtan): expl. of three types of the fifth paramita, 126
concept of a self-entity: as the cause of samsara, 79
conceptionless god (’du shes med pa’i lha), 174
conceptionless serenity (’du shes med pa’i snyoms ’jug), 174, 185
conceptual ignorance (kun brtags kyi ma rig pa), 9, 78, 252, 253; expl., 78, 80; explanation as in Dzogchen, 81; in relation to the mind consciousness, 79
Concise Practice Way of the Vajra Recitation (rdo rje’i bzlas pa lam du byed tshul ’dus pa), 61
concurrent cause (mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu): in terms of ignorance, 253
concurrent formations (ldan pa’i ’du byed): listing of fifty-one within the aggregate of formations, 184
Condensed Tantra (bsdus rgyud), 214
conditioned virtues (zag med bcas kyi dge ba), 123
confusion: arising from indivisibility, 252; arising from no presence, 252
continuity (rgyud): as sugata essence, 72, 250; expl., 250; def. of tantra, 251; of cause, 161; of ground, 250
continuous instant of deluded thinking (’khrul rtog rgyun gyi skad cig ma): creator of samsara, 80; expl., 254
continuous wheel of eternity (rtag pa rgyun gyi ’khor lo), 234
conventional bodhichitta (kun rdzob byang chub kyi sems): application, 121; aspiration, 115
conventional truth (kun rdzob kyi bden pa), 138, 165; expl., 273; hidden, 29; karma, 273; Middle Way, 200. See also two truths
correct discrimination (so so yang dag rig pa), 204. See also four correct discriminations
courageous eloquence (spobs pa), xxxvii, 149, 264, 279; expl. of eight great treasure mines, 276
Cow Utilizing (ba glang spyod): Continent, 240
Crystal Cave Chronicles (bka’ thang shel brag ma), 235
Curd Drinker, the rishi (drang srong zho ’thung), 230
Cutting Through of primordial purity (ka dag khregs chod). See Trekchö
dakas and dakinis, 3, 43, 45, 179, 233
dakini (mkha’ ’gro ma), 5, 233; expl., 112, 216, 228; literal meaning of, 45; object of refuge, 111; root of activity, 37; Vajrayana Sangha, 38. See also Three Roots; Yeshe Tsogyal
dakini script, xxv; sign script, 36, 37; using symbols, 226
Dakpo Tashi Namgyal (dvags po bkra shis rnam rgyal), 236
Dakpo Tulku Rinpoche, 215
Damdzin (dam ’dzin), 159. See Murub Tseypo
Damngak Dzö (gdams ngag mdzod), xxxi; expl., 210
Danasamskrita (nor gyi legs sbyar), 232
Darikapa, 218
death and impermanence, 102
Dechen Chödrön (bde chen chos sgron), xx, 209
Declarations (gleng gzhi): aspect of excellent speech, 281
Deer Park, 283
defilement, 218
definitive meaning (nges don), 129, 161, 214, 217; expl., 161; of homage, 38, 228; sutras of, 176
Densely Arrayed Akanishtha (’og min stug po bkod), 234
dependent (phenomena): impure (ma dag gzhan dbang), 199; mistaken (’khrul pa’i gzhan dbang), 199; pure (dag pa gzhan dbang), 200
dependent origination (rten ’brel): inner, 80; interdependence, 141; outer, 80; twelve links, 60; twelve related causes, 254
Derge, xxi, xxxv, xxxviii, 209; Kangyur, 221
Deshek Düpey Phodrang, xxxvii
designations, 242
Devadatta, 187
developed potential (rgyas ’gyur rigs), 251. See also potential
development and completion (bskyed rdzogs), 32, 154, 162, 165, 215, 219; expl., 280; in relation to E and VAM, 250
Development Mahayoga. See Mahayoga
development stage (bskyed rim), 29, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 221, 230, 245, 258; expl., 280; in relation to the definitive meaning, 161; in termas, xviii; with marks, 62
Dhanakosha, xiii, 47; expl., 235
dharani (gzungs), 203; eight types, 276; expl., 276, 286; mantras, 59, 190, 244; recall, 15, 148; retention, 203
Dharma (chos): 84,000 entrances, 281; banquet of, 264; doors, 52, 57, 132; ripening and liberating, 186; establishing in Tibet, 48; guardians, 111; in relation to the Three Jewels, 28; in relation to the Three Roots, 38; of lesser vehicles, 261; protectors, 38, 45, 112, 233; qualities, 112; refuge precepts, 262; sixty aspects of sound, 195; two aspects and six qualities, 261. See also 84,000 Dharma sections, Dharma of Statement and Realization, Dharma Wheels
Dharma kings: three ancestral, 48
Dharma of Realization. See Dharma of Statement and Realization
Dharma of Statement. See Dharma of Statement and Realization
Dharma of Statement and Realization (lung dang rtogs pa’i chos), 49, 192; expl., 51, 112, 181, 237
Dharma seal (chos kyi phyag rgya), 29, 55, 220, 227, 242
Dharma treasures. See terma
Dharma Wheels (chos ’khor), 3, 49, 50, 63, 66, 67, 152, 223, 264; causal teachings, 279; Final, 175, 177; Final, about sugata essence, 72; First Turning, 283; Intermediate, 71; of Maha, Anu, and Ati, 51; Second Turning, 177, 223, 283; the First, 175, 177; the Middle, 175; Third Turning, 223, 283; Three Turnings, 175, 283
dharmadhatu (chos kyi dbyings), 7, 44, 56, 193, 204, 217, 238; all-ground, 200; buddhafield, 65, 220, 234; expl., 232; five kayas, 238; space, 248, 249; synonym for sugata essence, 176; three characteristics of space, 71; time of ground, 81; ultimate syllables, 58; wisdom, 224, 246
dharmakaya (chos kyi sku): expl., 223; in relation to sugata essence, 71; of the indivisible two truths, 31, 222, 230; realm of the Luminous Vajra Essence, 234. See also three kayas; rupakaya
Dharmakaya Amitabha: sadhana name, 216
Dharmakirti, 226
dharmata (chos nyid), 70, 119, 204, 253; bardo, 246; buddha-nature, 250; expl., 264; manifest, 245; natural sound of, xiii, 23, 26, 246; vajra voice, 8, 194, 285
Dharmatrata, 259
Dharmavajra (rdo rje chos). See Vajrapani
dhatu (dbyings). See dharmadhatu
Dhatvishvari (dbyings phyug ma), xv
dhyana (bsam gtan), 126, 129, 172; actual state of, 126; eight aspects of the main stage, 173; common to the mundane paths, 127; first state of, 127; four, 254, 269; four, detailed expl., 170; main part of first, 127; mundane, 13, 126; of abiding blissfully in this life, 126; of rebirth, 173; of serenity, 173; ordinary and special main part (dngos gzhi tsam khyad), 172; prerequisites for, 126; special stage of, 173; that delights the tathagatas, 127; the samadhi of the first, 170; undefiled, 127
Dhyana Realms (bsam gtan gyi gnas ris): 173, 272
Dignaga, 226; details of, 226; quote by, 35
Dilgo, clan, xxxvi
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, xvi, xvii, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi, xxxiii, 272; his lineage for Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xxiv
diligence, 129, 130; three types, 125
Direct Crossing of spontaneous presence (lhun grub thod rgal). See Tögal
Discerning Dharmas and Dharmata (chos dang chos nyid rnam ’byed), 223
Discerning the Middle and the Extremes (dbus mtha’ rnam ’byed), 204, 223; quote from, 267
disciple (slob ma): characteristics of, 91; expl. of qualities, 257; six principal virtues of, 92
discipline (tshul khrims): expl., 123; four aspects of taking, observing, purity, and restoring, 265; four qualities, 265; three types of, 123
discriminating knowledge (shes rab), 97, 123, 142, 147, 150, 203, 248, 256, 257, 263, 266, 279
Display of Great Secret (gsang chen rol pa): charnel ground, 283
distraction (’du ’dzi), 96, 258
disturbed-mind consciousness (nyon yid), 61, 184, 253, 254; def., 183; expl., 79, 184, 253; of formation (’du byed kyi nyon yid), 254
Dodrub Chen Rinpoche, xxvi
Dokham (mdo khams), 50; details of places in, 239
Dombi Heruka, 218; quote by, 280
Döndrub Tulku, 209
Do-ngak Lingpa. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Dorje Drag (rdo rje brag), xxxvi
Dorje Drakpo Tsal (rdo rje drag po rtsal), xxi, 7, 8, 37, 63, 217, 231, 234; details of revelation, xxiii; Innermost Cycle, xix; innermost sadhana (yang gsang sgrub pa rdo rje drag rtsal), 215; Padmasambhava’s manifestation, 193; Powerful Vajra Wrath, xxii, 40, 229; secret cycle, xxiii; ultimate meaning of, 64
Dorje Draktsal. See Dorje Drakpo Tsal
Dorje Drolö (rdo rje gro lod), xxii, 234; one of the eight manifestations, 45; thirteen Tiger’s Nests, 209
Dorje Düdjom, 189
Dorje Lobpön, xxxix
Dorje Ziji Tsal. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Dremo Valley (’bras mo ljong), 241
Drichu, 239
Droma land of Kyi (skyid kyi gro ma lung), 241
Dru Jamyang Drakpa. See Jamyang Drakpa
Dudjom Rinpoche, 225
Dusum Sangye prayer, xxii
Dza Chukha, xxxvii
Dzachu, 239
Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche, xxv, xxvi
Dzogchen: See Great Perfection
Dzogchen Monastery, xxxvi
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse. See Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Dzongsar Monastery, xxi, xxxvii, 210
Dzongshö (rdzong shod), xxxvii
E and VAM, 29, 250; as synonym for sugata essence, 72; expl., 219, 220
Early Translation School (snga ’gyur). See Nyingma School
Earth Treasure (sa gter), 211
eight aspects of the main stage of the dhyanas, 173
eight aspects of the preparatory stage, 173
Eight Chariots of the Practice Lineage (sgrub brgyud shing rta brgyad), xix; listing, 210
eight charnel grounds (dur khrod brgyad), 179, 233; listing, 283
eight classes of gods and demons (lha srin sde brgyad), 285
eight classes of Mahadevas (lha chen brgyad), 233
Eight Close Sons (nye ba’i sras brgyad), main bodhisattvas, 281
eight collections (tshogs brgyad), of consciousnesses, 81, 153, 255; expl., 79, 254; listing, 280
eight freedoms (dal ba brgyad), 98
eight gates (sgo brgyad), 81, 255
eight great caves (brag phug chen po brgyad), 51; listing, 240
eight great treasure mines of courageous eloquence (spobs pa’i gter chen brgyad), 276
eight great vidyadhara receivers of the transmissions (bka’ babs rig ’dzin chen po brgyad), 44; listing, 231
eight limits of constructs (spros pa’i mtha’ brgyad), 146, 200; expl., 275
Eight Lokla Dey (logs la sde brgyad), 236
eight major and minor classes of haughty spirits, 230
eight manifestations (gu ru mtshan brgyad), 46, 234; expl., 45; listing, 234
eight masteries (zil gnon brgyad), 127; expl., 269
Eight Maya Sections (sgyu ’phrul sde brgyad). See Eight Sections of Magical Net; Magical Net
Eight Sadhana Teachings (sgrub pa bka’ brgyad), xiv, 214, 225, 230; expl., 208; listing of vidyadharas, 231
Eight Sections of Magical Net (sgyu ’phrul sde brgyad), 216
eight sufferings of human beings, 107; expl., 261
Eight Thousand Verses, 148
eight tramen goddesses (phra men brgyad), 233
eight types of application (’du byed brgyad), 126; listing, 268; that discard the five shortcomings (nyes pa lnga), 267
eight unfree states (mi khoms brgyad), 98; due to an unfortunate frame of mind, 259; due to temporary conditions, 259; listing, 99
eight vidyadharas (rig ’dzin brgyad), 44, 231
eight worldly concerns (’jig rten chos brgyad), 256; listing of, 256
eight yoginis (rnal ’byor ma brgyad), 233
Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras, 217, 229, 230, 282
eightfold path of noble beings (’phags lam yan lag brgyad), 150; listing, 278
elements (khams). See five elements. See aggregates, elements, and sense bases
eleven special qualities of Mantrayana, 280
eleven virtuous mental states (sems byung bcu gcig): listing, 184
eleven ways of benefiting others: expl., 266
Eliminating the Two Extremes (mtha’ gnyis sel ba): quotation from, 152
emancipation (thar pa), 12, 104, 108, 168, 241; and omniscience, 132; expl., 259, 271; listing of three, 260; three types of, 104; unexcelled, 106
emancipations (rnam par thar pa): eight, 127, 269; four, 62; of cessation, 269; three, 242, 247; three gates of, 65
empowerment (dbang). See four empowerments
emptiness (stong pa nyid): endowed with the supreme of all aspects, 217, 219, 252; of perceived objects, 135; of perceiver and individual self, 141; of the examining mind, 144
engaging consciousnesses (’jug pa’i rnam shes), 61, 245
Entering the Middle Way (Madhyamakavatara) (’jug pa, dbu ma la ’jug pa), 143
Entering the Path of Wisdom, xxvii, xxx, xxxi, xxxii; colophon 206; expl., xxx; opening verses, 159
Essence of Secrets. See Guhyagarbha Tantra
essence, nature, and capacity (ngo bo rang bzhin thugs rie), 262; as object of refuge, 112; as the three kayas, 246; Three Roots and three kayas, 39
essences, white and red, 233. See also channels, winds, and essences
Established Doctrines (gtan la dbab pa): aspect of excellent speech, 281
EVAM MAYA: meaning of, 220
evam maya shrutam ekasmin samaye (di skad bdag gis thos pa dus gcig na), 245
excellent speech (gsung rab), twelve aspects, 281
expedient meaning (drang don), 128, 161, 214, 217; expl., 161; of homage, 38, 228
Exposition Tantra (bshad rgyud), quote from, 155
Exposition Tantra of Guhyasamaja (gsang ba ’dus pa’i bshad rgyud): quote from, 29; synonym for Tantra That Prophesies Realization, 221; synonyms for, 219
Exposition Tantra of the Two Segments (brtag gnyis bshad rgyud). See Sambhuti, 221
expression of awareness (rig pa’i rtsal), 4, 45, 76, 188, 223, 232
Extensive Sayings (shin tu rgyas pa’i sde): aspect of excellent speech, 281
eyes (spyan): as accomplishment, 15, 148. See also five eyes
faculties, six (dbang po drug), 233
Father Tantra (pha rgyud), 221, 244, 281; Mahayoga, 212
Ferocious Lady (rab gtum ma), 233
Fierce Mantra (drag sngags), 232
Fifth Guide (rnam ’dren lnga pa), Maitreya, 241
fifty-eight herukas (khrag ’thung lnga bcu nga brgyad), 233
Final Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels
Final Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. See Dharma Wheels
finality: material, 138; of consciousness, 139; of time (dus mtha’i skad cig), 275
First Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels
first dhyana, main part of, 127
First Dhyana Realm (bsam gtan dang po). See Dhyana Realms
First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. See Dharma Wheels
five activities (phrin las lnga), 239
five aggregates (phung po lnga), 14, 55, 80, 107, 141, 185, 255; as basis for egoclinging, 143; as basis for suffering, 107; expl., 183; in relation to a self, 142; listing, 261; natural purity of, 232. See also aggregates, elements, and sense bases.
Five Bhikshus (dge slong mi lnga), 236
five buddha families (rgyal ba rigs lnga), 46, 232, 234, 235
five certainties (nges pa lnga), 46, 234. See also five perfections, 234
five definitive precepts for a minister, 266
five degenerations (snyigs ma lnga), 191, 192, 224; expl., 284
Five Doctrines of Maitreya. See Five Teachings of Lord Maitreya
five elements (’byung ba lnga), 232
Five Eminent Ones (drva ma lnga), 247; expl., 247
five ever-present mental states, 184
five eyes (spyan lnga), 149; listing, 276
five families (rigs lnga), 165, 219, 234, 282; of Great Purity, realms of (tshangs chen rigs lnga’i zhing), 235
five heruka families, 230
five herukas, 233
Five Hundred Thousand Scripture (’bum lnga): medium version of the Hevajra Tantra, 218; quote from, 28
five kayas (sku lnga), 33. See also kayas and wisdoms, 238
five kinds of fear, 151; expl., 279
five lands (lung lnga), 51; listing, 240
five minor sciences, 270
Five Never-Ending Adornment Wheels (mi zad rgyan ’khor lnga), 191; expl. of twenty-five qualities of fruition, 238
five object-determining mental states, 184
five paths (lam lnga), 149, 251, 256; in terms of bodhichitta, 263; listing, 277. See also path
five perfections (phum sum tshogs pa lnga), xxix, 186, 247; detailed expl., 63; synonym for, 234; three subdivisions of, 64; two aspects of, 63. See also five certainties
five perpetuating aggregates (nye bar len pa’i phung po lnga). See five aggregates
five powers (stobs lnga): listing, 278; of the path of joining, 150
Five Pure Abodes (gnas gtsang ma lnga), 173; in the Realm of Form, 273
five riches from oneself (rang ’byor lnga), 99
five riches from others (gzhan ’byor lnga), 99
five ruling faculties (dbang po lnga), 190, 248; listing, 278, 284; of perfection (rnam byang), 248; of the path of joining, 150
five sciences, 269
five sense consciousnesses (sgo lnga’i rnam shes), 184, 253, 254; as synonym for engaging consciousnesses, 245; def., 183; expl., 184
five sense faculties (dbang po lnga), 185
five sense objects (yul lnga), 185
five shortcomings (nyes pa lnga): expl., 267; regarding dhyana, 126
Five Sophistic Schools (tarka sde Inga), 215
five special qualities of Mantrayana, 280
Five Stages (rim lnga), 221; expl. of Father Tantra, 221; quote from, 151
five syllables of great emptiness, 243
Five Teachings of Lord Maitreya (byams chos sde lnga), 223
five tertön kings (gter ston rgyal po lnga), xix, 225; listing, 208
Five Treasuries (mdzod lnga) of Jamgön Kongtrül, xx, 210
Five Tsigla Tsen (tshig la btsan lnga), 236
five undefiled aggregates (zag med kyi phung po lnga), 203, 278
five vehicles, 238
five wisdoms (ye shes lnga), 57, 112, 193, 216; expl., 224, 239. See also kayas and wisdoms
fivefold great emptiness, 59; expl., 243
five bases of knowables (shes bya’i gzhi lnga), 197
Formless Realm. See Realms
formless states, 130. See also four formless states
forty-two peaceful deities (zhi ba bzhi bcu zhe gnyis), 233
four applications of mindfulness (dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi), 150; listing, 278
four aspects of approach and accomplishment (bsnyen sgrub kyi yan lag bzhi), 245; expl., 211
four aspects of ascertainment (nges ’byed yan lag bzhi), 150; expl., 150
four attributes of a virtuous practitioner (dge sbyong gi chos bzhi), 130; expl., 271
Four Brahma Abodes (tshangs pa’i gnas pa bzhi), 118
four causal forms, 185
four continents (gling bzhi), 50; listing, 240
four correct discriminations (so so yang dag rig pa bzhi), 151, 203; listing, 279
Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana (bla sgrub skor bzhi), xviii, xx, xxiii, 24, 27, 215, 234; details of lineage by Jamgön Kongtrül, xxi
Four Dhyana Realms (bsam gtan gyi gnas ris bzhi), 173, 272
four dhyanas (bsam gtan bzhi), 254, 269; expl., 170; listing, 172
four districts of Ü and Tsang, 239
four empowerments (dbang bzhi), 194; expl., 245; listing, 62
four female gatekeepers, 233
four formless states (gzugs med bzhi), 269, 273; karmic cause and effect, 254. See also four states of formless spheres
four grand snow mountains (bod kyi gangs chen bzhi), 51; listing, 240
four immeasurables (tshad med bzhi), 12, 115, 118, 119; Dhyana Realms, 173; expl., 116, 118; four samadhis, 262; identity of, 118; listing, 62
four joys (dga’ ba bzhi), 245; listing, 62
four kayas (sku bzhi). See also kayas and wisdoms
four kinds of verbal nonvirtues. See ten nonvirtues
four legs of miraculous action (rdzu ’phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi), 150; listing, 278
four liberating paths, 62
four liberations (grol ba bzhi), 49; listing, 237
four limits of impermanence, 103
four masters of Padmasambhava, 232
four means of attraction (bsdu ba’i dngos po bzhi), 119; expl., 131, 271
four modes (tshul bzhi), 23, 88, 166, 214, 217, 256; concerning Wisdom Essence, 27; expl., 162; listing, 214; summary, 166
four nadi-wheels, 57
four obscurations (sgrib bzhi), 203
Four Philosophical Schools (grub mtha’ bzhi): expl., 273; viewpoints regarding sugata essence, 175
Four Profound Cycles of Guru Sadhana (zab mo’i bla sgrub skor bzhi). See Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana
Four Profound Cyles of Heart Practice. See Four Cyles of Guru Sadhana
four renowned lakes (grags pa’i mtsho chen brgyad), 51; listing, 240
four right endeavors (yang dag par spong ba bzhi), 150; listing, 278
four ripening empowerments (smin byed kyi dbang bzhi). See four empowerments
Four Rivers of Empowerment (dbang gi chu bo bzhi), received by Padmasambhava, 232
Four Rivers of Lower Dokham, 239
four samadhis. See four immeasurables
four seals (phyag rgya bzhi), 221, 242; listing, 220
Four Spheres. See four states of formless spheres, four formless states
four states of formless spheres (gzugs med kyi skye mched bzhi), 174; expl., 172
four syllables (yi ge bzhi), 245; essence of, 59; expl., 54; fourfold qualities, 61; in relation to the twelve links of dependent origination, 244; reason for, 59; source of origin, 58; special teachings of the meaning, 58; symbolism and function, 60; vajra syllables of the Great Secret, 58
four truths (bden pa bzhi), 261, 277; expl., 167; functions of, 167; sixteen aspects, 168; realization of, 150; sixteen moments, 277; twelve aspects, 167
Four Vajra Syllables, 245; expl., 54. See also syllables; four syllables
four vajras (rdo rje bzhi), 60, 216, 243; combined with the three kayas, 244; listing, 244
four variable mental states, 185
four vidyadhara levels, 231; expl., 179
four visions (snang ba bzhi), xv; listing, 245
four white deeds, 265
four yogas (rnal ’byor bzhi): expl., 245; listing, 62, 245
Fourth Dhyana Realm. See Dhyana Realms
fourth empowerment (dbang bzhi pa): nature of, 155; practices of, 282
Fourth Guide: Buddha Shakyamuni, 241
fourth time of equality (dus bzhi mnyam pa nyid), 66; expl., 248
freedom, qualities of (bral ba’i yon tan), 33
freedom and maturation, qualities of (bral smin gyi yon tan), 33
freedoms and riches (dal ’byor), 10, 110; expl., 98; syn., 259; taking advantage of, 101
Galpo Tantra (gal po): quotes from, 161, 162. See also Heruka Galpo Tantra
ganachakra (tshogs kyi ’khor lo), 45
Gandavyuha (sdong po bkod pa), 89
gandharva, 14, 136, 141, 195, 285
Ganga Devi, xv
Garab Dorje (dga’ rab rdo rje), xiii, 232
Garab Wangchuk, 187
garbha, 218; expl. of the word, 218; meaning of, 28
Garland of Jewels: expl., 210; quote from third Neten Chokling, xxiii
garuda, 285
Gayagori Sutra (ga ya go ri’i mdo), 226
Geluk (dge lugs), xviii
General Discourses (mdo sde), aspect of excellent speech, 281
general meaning (spyi don): according to the development stage, 164; among the four modes, 163; for people of dull faculties (dbang brtul la spyi don), 164; for people of sharp faculties (dbang mon la spyi don), 164
generosity (sbyin pa): expl., 121; four impure aspects, 265; four objects, 265; four pure aspects, 265; of bestowing fearlessness, 122; of giving Dharma teachings, 122; of giving material things, 122
Geru, 239
ging, 285
Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain (zangs mdog dpal ri), 247
Glorious Garland Sutra (dpal phreng gi mdo), 75
Glorious Samye. See Samye
Goddess of Eloquence (dbyangs can lha mo). See Sarasvati
Golden Garland Chronicles (bka’ thang gser phreng), 235
Golden Orphan Temple (pu tshab gser khang gling), 5, 189
Golok, xxxvii
Gönchen, xxxvii
Gongpa Kundü (dgongs pa kun ’dus), 216
gongter (dgongs gter), xxxix
Good Intelligence (legs pa’i blo gros), bhumi, 202, 277
grasping and fixation, 9. See also perceiver and perceived
Great Blazing Heruka (’bar ba chen po he ru ka), 45
Great Compassionate One, 48, 241; realm of, 3. See also Avalokiteshvara
Great Fruit (’bras bu che ba), 174
Great King of the Wrathful Ones, 40
great master nirmanakaya. See Padmasambhava
great master of Uddiyana (o rgyan gyi slob dpon chen po). See Padmasambhava
Great Middle (dbu ma chen po). See Middle Way
Great Perfection (rdzogs chen), xiv, xv, xxix, 225, 241, 282; as one of the four yogas, 62; Ati Yoga, 212, 247; dharmakaya realm, 247; four visions, 245; meaning of Wisdom Essence, 31; of natural luminosity, 66; origin of confusion and liberation, 81; syn. for Vajra Essence, 286
Great Purity (gtsang chen), 46; expl. of the realm, 235
great purity and equality (dag mnyam chen po), 154
Great Regent (rgyal tshab chen po): expl., 281; stage of, 155
great seal, 220
Great Secret. See Vajrayana
Great Sphere, 65; expl. of the dharmakaya realm, 247
Great Treasury of Detailed Exposition (bye brag bshad mdzod chen mo), 197, 270; expl., 285
Greater Vehicle. See Mahayana
ground (gzhi): of confusion, 78; of the essence, 69; two aspects, 69
ground, path, and fruition (gzhi lam ’bras bu), 23; expl. in regard to the four syllables, 244
Gugey, 239
Guhyachandra (gsang ba’i zla ba), 232
Guhyagarbha Tantra (rgyud gsang snying), xxxi, 34, 162; quotes from, 55, 56, 59, 76, 79, 81, 82, 92, 155; styles of exposition, 215; syn., 226
Guhyasamaja (gsang ba ’dus pa), 221, 222, 226
guru, 228
Guru’s Heart Practice: Barchey Künsel, 217; meaning of, 26; of Dorje Drakpo Tsal, 25
Guru Chökyi Wangchuk, 208. See also Guru Chöwang
Guru Chöwang, 225
Guru Drakpo, 194
Guru Rinpoche. See Padmasambhava
Guru Rinpoche of Uddiyana. See Padmasambhava
Guru Vidyadhara (bla ma rig ’dzin), 230
guru, yidam, and dakini. See Three Roots
gurus of the six classes (gu ru rigs drug), 235
gurus of the three lineages (brgyud gsum gyi bla ma), 216
Gyalwang Karmapa, 209. See also Karmapa
habitual tendency of transference (’pho ba’i bag chags). See transference
Hard to Conquer (sbyang dka’ ba), bhumi, 202, 277
Hayagriva. See Mighty Padma
Hearing Lineage (snyan brgyud), 211
Hearing Lineage of Great Individuals (gang zag snyan brgyud), 216
heart essence, 215
Heart Practice of the Vidyadhara Guru, xix
heruka (khrag ’thung): expl., 247; meaning, 64
Heruka Galpo Tantra (he ru ka gal po): expl., 282; quote from, 212
Hevajra Tantra, 245; listing of sections, 218; quotes from, 72, 73, 250
hidden conventional truth. See conventional truth
hidden meaning (sbas don), 165
Hidden Teachings of Tibet, 241
homage, ultimate meaning of, 228
hridaya, 28
Hundred Thousand (’bum), 226
Hungchen-kara (hung mdzad), 214, 231
Hutuktu, xxxviii
ignorance, three types, 79
Illuminating Sunlight, xxxii
illusory body (sgyu lus), 221
imagined (phenomena) (kun brtags), 199; enumerated (rnam grangs pa’i kun brtags), expl., 199; lacking attributes (mtshan nyid chad pa’i kun brtags), 286
imagined, dependent, and absolute (kun brtags gzhan dbang yongs grub), 199, 283
Immaculate Light (dri med ’od), 58, 214; quote from, 60
immature being, 236
immeasurable, 118
Immense Ocean (gangs chen mtsho), 46, 234, 235; five families of (rigs Inga), 234; Vajra Guru, 46
Immense Vista (shin tu mthong), 174
imperceptible form (rnam par rig byed ma yin pa’i gzugs), five types, 185
implied exposition (dgongs bshad), among the six limits, 161
Individual Liberation (so thar), 266; seven types, 123, 265
Indra (brgya byin), 12, 109, 138, 195; expl. his vajra, 40; four assurances of his vajra, 230
Indrabhuti, 218, 280; example for type of realization, 241
Indrabodhi, King, 235
Inner Mantrayana, 163
instant of completed action (bya rdzogs kyi skad cig), 275
instruction: expl., 214; expl. of word, 217
Instruction Section, 246
Instruction Tantra of the Two Segments (brtag gnyis man ngag rgyud), 252
instructions. See tantras, statements, and instructions
interdependence. See dependent origination
Intermediate Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels
ishvaris (dbang phyug ma), 233
Jain ascetics (gcer bu pa), 265
Jaina school, 215
Jambu Continent (’dzam bu gling), xi, xiii, 47, 226, 240; expl., 235
Jambubriksha, 235
Jamdrak. See Jamyang Drakpa
Jamdrak Rinpoche. See Jamyang Drakpa
Jamgön Kongtrül (’jam mgon kong sprul), xix–xx, xxi, xxiii; biography, xxxvi; Chimey Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa, xxi, xxiii, xxxvi, 282; on Mahayoga, 230; Padma Garwang, xxiv; Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa, 159; Yönten Gyatso, xviii
Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye (’jam mgon kong sprul lo gros mtha’ yas). See Jamgön Kongtrül
Jamgön Kongtrül the Great. See Jamgön Kongtrül
Jamgön Lama Rinpoche (’jam mgon bla ma rin po che). See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Jamgön Palden Khyentse Öser. See Karsey Kongtrül
Jamgön Rinpoche (’jam mgon rin po che). See Jamgön Kongtrül
Jamyang Drakpa (’jam dbyangs grags pa), xxx, xxxi, 206, 217, 284; biographical details by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, xxx; Jamdrak Rinpoche, 217, 224, 229, 250, 252, 255, 257, 262
Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö. See Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo: Do-ngak Lingpa, 159
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (’jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse’i dbang po), xxiii; decoding the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xxiii; description by Jamgön Kongtrül, xix; Dongak Lingpa, 208, 282; Dorje Ziji, xl, 210; Dorje Ziji Tsal, xxiv; first teacher of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xxii; Jamgön Lama Rinpoche, xx; Padma Ösel Dongak Lingpa, xxi, xxiii, 21, 211, 217; Shabdrung Rinpoche, xxxix; short biography, xxxv; terma teachings of, 216; tertön name, 211
Jewel Garland (rin chen phreng ba), 259; quote from, 61, 104
Jewel Mound Sutra (dkon brtsegs, mdo dkon mchog brtsegs pa), 101
Jigme Norbu Rinpoche, xxvi
Jigmey Lingpa (’jigs med gling pa), xxxvi
Jinamitra, 213
jnana, 27
Jnana Shri, 280
Jokhang Temple, 238
Jokyab Rinpoche (jo skyabs rin po che), xxvi, xxvii, 242; details of, xxx; Khenpo Pema Trinley Nyingpo, 159, 206; transmission of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xxxi
Jomo Gangkar (jo mo gangs dkar), 240
Jonpa land (ljon pa lung), 241
Jordrug (Six Unions) (sbyor drug), 210
Jowo Shakyamuni, 238
Joyous (rab tu dga’ ba), 151, 236, 279; bhumi, 201, 214, 277
Kabgye Deshek Düpa (bka’ brgyad bde gshegs ’dus pa), 225
Kadam (bka’ gdams), 210
Kadey Zurpa (bka’ sde zur pa), 215
Kagyü (bka’ brgyud), xviii, xxxvii, 210
Kalachakra Tantra, 214; quote from, 244
Kalu Rinpoche, xxvi
Kama (bka’ gter), 34
Kama (bka’ ma), 23, 211, 225; among the seven transmissions, 211; Oral Transmission, xviii
Kama, Terma, and Pure Vision (bka’ gter dag snang gsum), 23, 213
Kamalashila, 236
Kamtsang, xx
Kangyur, xxxv
Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling Monastery, xxvi
karma(las): expl., 103; four black deeds, 119, 264; four factors of a misdeed, 260; four types of impelling and completing, performed, and accumulated, 105, 261; four types of verbal misdeeds, 260; four white deeds, 119; ten nonvirtues, 260; ten virtuous actions, 260; three kinds of karmic action, 79; three types of mental misdeeds, 260; three types of physical misdeeds, 260; white or black karmic deeds, 138
Karma Chagmey. See Chagmey Rinpoche
Karma Kagyü (karma bka’ brgyud), xxvi
karma krodha, 230
karma-mudra, 165
Karmapa (karma pa): Khakhyab Dorje, xxv, xxxi, xli, 235; Rangjung Rigpey Dorje, xli; Tekchok Dorje, 209, 235
Karmo Taktsang, xxii, xxiii, xxiv; expl., 209
Karsey Kongtrül (kar sras kong sprul), xli; Jamgön Palden Khyentse Öser, xxvi
Kathang Sertreng (bka’ thang gser phreng). See Golden Garland Chronicles
Kathang Sheldragma (bka’ thang shel brag ma). See Crystal Cave Chronicles
Katok, xxxvi
Katok Situ Pandita Orgyen Chökyi Gyatso, xxv
kayas. See kayas and wisdoms
kayas and wisdoms (sku dang ye shes), 74; expl., 33, 224, 238; five wisdoms, 112, 261; four kayas, 112, 261, 280; kayas expl., 222; pure dependent phenomena, 200
Kela Chokling, xxvi
Key That Opens One Hundred Doors to Accomplishment, xxi, xxii, 209
Khakhyab Dorje. See Karmapa
Khala Rong-go, xxxix
Kham (khams), xxxv, xxxvi, xxxix, xl, 5, 7, 8, 194, 209, 210. See also Tibet and Kham
Kharchen, clan, xv
Kharchu Phuk (mkhar chu phug), 240
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. See Thrangu Rinpoche
Khenpa Valley (mkhan pa ljong), 241
Khenpo Bodhisattva. See Shantarakshita
Khenpo Pema Sherab, xxxiii
Khenpo Pema Trinley Nyingpo. See Jokyab Rinpoche
Khenpo Rinchen Namgyal, xxxii
Khewang Loten Chögyal, xxiv
Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, xxv, 210
Khyentse Öser. See Karsey Kongtrül
Kyentse Wangpo. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Khyungpo, clan, xxxvi
Khyungpo Naljor, xxxvi
Khyungtrül Karjam Rinpoche, xxxi, xlii; teacher of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, xxxvi
Kilaya (phur pa), transmission of, 231
Kilaya Activity (phur pa phrin las), 208
King Ja (rgyal po dza), 232
King Namri Songtsen (gnam ri srong btsan), 236
King Nyatri Tsenpo. See Nyatri Tsenpo
King of Consciousness, 220
King of Supreme Joy, 271
King of the Shakyas. See Buddha Shakyamuni
King of Victorious Ones, Padmasambhava, 44
king, subject, and companion (rje ’bangs grogs gsum), 51; expl., 240
King Tenpa Tsering, xxxvi
King Triral (rgyal po khri ral), 213
King Trisong Deutsen (khri srong lde’u btsan), xvii, xviii, xxxvi, 213, 225, 240; details of, 236; great deeds, 48
King Vajra Bearer (dbang po rdo rje ’chang ba), 233
kinnara, 285
knowledge (shes rab), 271; resulting from learning, 128; resulting from meditation, 129, 170; resulting from reflection, 128, 166; that does not conceptualize the three spheres, 127, 270; three kinds, 128; three types of the sixth paramita, 128. See also discriminating knowledge
knowledge empowerment (sher dbang), four aspects, 245. See also wisdom-knowledge empowerment; four empowerments
knowledge mantra (rig sngags), 45, 46, 59, 190, 232, 244; expl., 244
knowledge-holder: lit. meaning of vidyadhara, 232
Könchok Gyurmey Tenpey Gyaltsen, xxv; expl. 209; quote by, xxii
Kongpo, 241
Kriya Tantra (bya rgyud), 163, 164, 212, 258, 281
Krodha, three types of, 231
Kulika, 257
Kulika Manjushrikirti, 214
Kulika Pundarika, 214
kunda, 282
Künga Tenpey Gyaltsen. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Künga Tenpey Gyaltsen Pal Sangpo, 215. See also Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Kuntugyu Naglha Putra, 187
Kusum Rikdü Zabtig (sku gsum rigs ’dus zab tig), 211
labeling-basis for confusion, as syn. for the all-ground, 253
Lake-Born Vajra Holder (mtsho skyes rdo rje ’chang). See Padmasambhava
Lakshmikara, 218
Lalitavistara, 276
Lama Chimey: possibly Chimey Dorje, father of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, xxiv
Lama Gongdü (bla ma dgongs ’dus), 228, 230
Lama Ngödrub Gyatso (bla ma dngos grub rgya mtsho), 216
Lama Tendzin Chögyal, xxv
Lama Tennyi Korsum (bla ma bstan gnyis skor gsum), 216; terma treasure by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, 211
Lamdrey (lam ’bras), 264
Lamey Tukdrub Dorje Draktsal, 17. See also Dorje Drakpo Tsal, xxiii
Lamp for the Path of Enlightenment (lam sgron, byang chub lam sgron), 32, 152
Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo (lam rim ye shes snying po), 34; defining the scope of the scripture from the title, 34; details of first revelation, xxii; details of revelation by Tekchok Tenphel, xxiii; details of revelation by the second Chokgyur Lingpa, xxiii; details of the first propagation by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, xxiv; existence in major collections of Vajrayana scriptures, xiv; Jamgön Kongtrül’s reason for writing the commentary, xx; Jamgön Kongtrül’s summary, 22; Padmasambhava’s entrustment to his disciples, xvi; placement among the Dharma treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa, xix; story of its revelation by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, xxi; summary by Padmasambhava, xii; three major summations, 68
Land of Snows, (Tibet), 22, 50
Lanka Mound (lan ka brtsegs), charnel ground, 283
Lankavatara Sutra. See Sutra of the Descent to Lanka
learning, reflection, and meditation (thos bsam sgom gsum), 88, 170, 206, 263; expl., 128
Legden (legs ldan), 233
Legend of the Great Stupa, 235
Lekdrub of Tsang, 236
Lelag (le lag): expl., 255; quote from, 82
lesser and greater vehicles. See Hinayana; Mahayana; vehicles
Letter to a Friend (bshes spring), 101
Leulag Magical Net (sgyu ’phrul le’u lag), 255
Lhagong Lupal, 186
Lharu, 239
Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities (ma mo rbod gtong), 208
Liberating Sorcery, Bötong (ma mo rbod gtong), transmission of, 232
liberation of the upper gate (steng sgo rnam grol): as E and VAM, 30; reference, 221
Licchavi, 236
Life and Teaching of Chokgyur Lingpa, xxi, 209, 286
life-faculty (srog gi dbang po), 260
life-pillars, 57
light-body (’od kyi sku), 7, 193
Lineage of the Profound View (zab mo lta brgyud), 119. See also Chariot of the Profound View
Lineage of the Vast Conduct (rgya chen spyod brgyud), 119. See also Chariot of the Vast Conduct
Lingtso Ngönmo (ling mtsho sngon mo), 240
literal (sgra ji bzhin pa), among the six limits, 162
literal meaning (tshig gi don), among the four modes, 162
Lochen Dharma Shri, 215
Lochen Rinchen Sangpo, 213
Loden Choksey, 234; one of the eight manifestations, 45
Lodrö Thaye. See Jamgön Kongtrül
Loka (’jig rten mchod bstod), transmission of, 232
loka krodhas, 230
Longchen Rabjam (klong chen rab ’byams), xxxvi, 215; Omniscient Lord of Dharma, 56; on the nature of syllables, 242; quote explaining the causal and resultant vehicles, 152
Longchenpa. See Longchen Rabjam
look truly into the true (yang dag nyid la yang dag blta): quote by Maitreya, 77, 148; expl., 275
Lord of the Circle (’khor lo’i mgon po), 23, 228; expl., 38
Lord of the Snow Mountains. See Avalokiteshvara
Lord Who Pervades an Ocean of Mandalas (dkyil ’khor rgya mtsho’i khyab bdag), 234
lords of the ten bhumis (sa bcu’i dbang phyug), 23, 46
Lords of the Three Families (rigs gsum mgon po), 180, 283
lotsawa, 51, 213, 236, 240; expl., 284; lit. meaning of, 236
Lotus Essence Tantra (padma snying po’i rgyud), 238
lotus family of supreme speech (gsung mchog pad ma’i rigs), 234
Lotus Mound (pad ma brtsegs), charnel ground, 283
Lotus Mound (pad ma spungs pa), 132
Lotus Source. See Padmasambhava
Lotus Speech (pad ma gsung), 208
Lotus-Born. See Padmasambhava
Lotus-Born Master. See Padmasambhava
Lower Dokham, 239
luminosity (’od gsal): as one of the Five Stages, 221; as syn. for sugata essence, 72; expl., 250
Luminous Vajra Essence (’od gsal rdo rje snying po): dharmakaya realm, 46, 234, 247
Lungsum Valley (lung gsum ljong), 241
Machu, 239
Madhyamaka (dbu ma). See Middle Way
magical display of the fourfold conversion (’dul ba bzhi’i cho ’phrul), 50; expl., 238
Magical Net, Eight Sections, 255
magical net (sgyu ’phrul drva ba), 21, 214
Magical Net of Manjushri (’jam dpal sgyu ’phrul drva ba), 45, 59
Magical Net of the Vidyadharas (rig ’dzin sgyu ’phrul drva ba), 26; expl., 216
Maha, Anu, and Ati, xii, 240, 281; lit. meaning of, 213. See also Three Inner Tantras
Maha Shri Heruka (dpal chen he ru ka), xiii
Mahabodhi (byang chub chen po), statue of the Buddha, 240
Mahadevas, 233
Mahaguru Padmakara. See Padmasambhava
Mahaguru Padmasambhava. See Padmasambhava
Mahamudra (phyag rgya chen po), 77, 228; expl., 252
Mahamudra vidyadhara level. See vidyadhara level
Mahaparinirvana Sutra (myang ’das chen po), 76
Mahasukha Natha (dgon po bde ba chen po), 218
Mahasukha Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born of Great Bliss. See Padmasambhava
Mahayana (theg pa chen po), 261; difference from Hinayana, 199; listing the sevenfold greatness, 212; the result, 148; two divisions of, 199
Mahayoga (chen po’i rnal ’byor), 212, 216, 222; approach and accomplishment, 210; details, 215; expl., 230; Father Tantra, 212; listing of Eight Sadhana Teachings, 208; lit. meaning, 213; meaning of Wisdom Essence, 31
Mahayoga (rnal ’byor chen po), 248
mahoraga, 285
Maitreya (byams pa), 52, 176, 258; quotes by, 28, 31, 69, 70, 74, 109, 248
Malaya, Peak of, 47
Maledictory Fierce Mantra (dmod pa drag sngags), 208; transmission of, 232
Mamo Bötong, 232
mandala (dkyil ’khor), 44; expl., 233; lit. meaning of, 219; special meaning of, 219
mandala-circle (dkyil ’khor gyi ’khor lo), 60, 62; expl., 246
Mandarava, 179
Ma-ning (ma ning), 233
Manjugosha. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Manjushri (’jam dpal dbyangs), xxxvii, 3, 48, 187, 281, 282, 283
Manjushri Body (’jam dpal sku), 208
Manjushri Yamantaka (’jam dpal gshin rje), transmission of, 231
Manjushrimitra (’jam dpal bshes gnyen), 231
Mansion of Secret Mantra (gsang sngags pho brang), 286
Mantra. See Mantrayana; Sutra and Mantra
mantras (sngags): expl., 244; three types, 59, 190
Mantrayana (sngags kyi theg pa), 30, 38, 88, 93, 153, 163, 212, 236, 280; common (sngags thun mong), 222; comparison with the Sutra system, 153; eleven special qualities, 280; explanation of cognitive obscuration, 282; five special qualities of, 280; meaning of Wisdom Essence, 28; outer and inner sections, 212; scriptures for the stages of the path, 225; seven special qualities of; listing, 280; special version of the Three Jewels, 112; superiority of, 280; tantras of (sngags rgyud), 228; tradition of bodhichitta vow, 119; uncommon (thun min sngags), 222
mara, 285
Mara (bdud), 4, 5, 6, 96, 189, 192; of the Realm of Desire, 187
Mardza Ridge, 239
Margyenma. See Queen Margyenma
Markham Ridge, 239
Marvels (rmad du byung ba), aspects of excellent speech, 281
master (slob dpon, bla ma): characteristics of, 87; expl. qualities, 256; how to follow, 90
Master of Uddiyana. See Padmasambhava
Master Padmakara. See Padmasambhava
Matchless King of the Shakyas. See Buddha Shakyamuni
material finality, 138
maturation, qualities of (rnam smin yon tan), 33
Maya (sgyu ’phrul). See also Magical Net
Maya Sections, Eight (sgyu ’phrul sde brgyad), 229
Maya Tantra (sgyu ’phrul), 56
Mayajala (sgyu ’phrul drva ba), 255
Mayajala Tantras (sgyu ’phrul gyi rgyud), 229
Meaningful to Behold (mthong ba don ldan), 236
means and knowledge (thabs dang shes rab), 32, 38, 222; as terma signs, 227; E and VAM, 219, 220; expl., 32; in Vajrayana, 280; union of, 40; unity of, 149, 153, 219, 220, 230; vowels and consonants, 57
means and liberation (thabs grol), of Mahayoga, 215
meditation state of the solitude of mind (yid dben mnyam bzhag), 221
Medium Prajnaparamita (yum bar ma), 119
mental cognition (yid kyi rnam shes), 253. See also mind consciousness
Menyag-rab Ridge, 239
Meyshö, 209
Middle Dharma Wheel. See Dharma Wheels
Middle Way (dbu ma), 140, 175, 226, 269, 272; as the sugata essence, 76; expl., 200; Great Middle, 146; Padmasambhava’s definition, 15; view of, 219; viewpoint of the noble potential, 176
Mighty Padma (pad ma dbang), transmission of, 231
Miarepa, xxxvi
Milky Lake (’o ma can gyi rgya mtsho), 179
mind consciousness (yid kyi rnam shes), 61, 184, 245, 254; conceptual (yid shes rtog bcas), 79, 253; def., 183; expl., 184; two aspects, 79, 184
Mind Lineage of the Victorious Ones (rgyal ba dgongs brgyud), 216
Mind Only School (sems tsam pa), 175; def. of name, 199; expl., 199; view, 140; viewpoint of the noble potential, 175
Mind Seat, of Chokgyur Lingpa, 207
Mind Section (sems sde), of Dzogchen, 225
mind training (blo sbyong): expl., 95; tong-len practice, 132
Mind Treasure (dgongs gter): among the seven transmissions, 211
Mindröl Ling, xxxvi, 227; expl., 227
Mindröl Ling Monastery, 215
Mipham Rinpoche, xxxii
miraculous power of mastery over wind and mind, 277
Mirror of Magical Display (sgyu ’phrul me long), 229; quote from, 39
misdeeds (sdig pa), 260. See also karma
mistaken cognition (’khrul pa’i sems): as syn. for the all-ground, 254
Monkey Meditator (sprel sgom), 237
Moons of Speech. See Precious Buddha
Mother Scripture (Prajnaparamita) (yum), 89
Mother Tantra (ma rgyud), 218, 220, 221, 244, 245, 281; Anu Yoga, 212
Mount Potala. See Potala
Mount Tisey, 239
Mukhale, 233
mundane dhyanas (’jig rten pa’i bsam gtan), 13, 126
mundane wisdom resulting from meditation (sgom byung ’jig rten pa’i ye shes), 150
Mundane Worship (’jig rten mchod bstod), 208, 232
Murub Tseypo, xvii; background information on past life of Chokgyur Lingpa by H. H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, xvi; Prince Damdzin, 282; Prince Translator, xvii
Mutri Tseypo, xvi. See Murub Tseypo
mutually cooperating cause (lhan cig byed pa’i rgyu), in terms of ignorance, 253
nada, 244
nadi (rtsa). See channels
nadi-element (rtsa khams), 61
nadi syllables (rtsa yig), 57, 243
nadi-wheels (rtsa ’khor), 30, 57
Nagarjuna, 226, 259, 265; expl. of quote, 272; on bodhichitta training, 265; quotes by, 30, 70, 74, 128, 137, 138, 140; system of bodhichitta, 264; system of Phakshab, 221
Nagarjuna(garbha) (klu sgrub snying po), 231
Namkha Dingphuk (nam mkha’ lding phyug), 240
Namtso (byang gi gnam mtsho), 240
Nangchen (nang chen), province in East Tibet, xxxviii
Nangchen Tsechu Monastery (nang chen tshe chu dgon pa), xxxviii
Narratives (rtogs pa brjod pa), aspect of excellent speech, 281
natural nirmanakaya (rang bzhin sprul sku): expl., 235; realm, 246, 259; semi-apparent, 46
naturally present potential (rang bzhin gnas rigs), 118, 263; expl., 177, 251
nature, faculty, and thought (khams dbang po bsam pa): in the context of the threefold ripening, 248
Nectar Quality (bdud rtsi yon tan), 208
Neten, 286
Neten, Chokling, xxiii
Neten Gompa, xxv
never-ending adornment wheels (mi zad rgyan ’khor), 239; of body, speech, mind, qualities, and activities, 50, 238. See also Five Never-Ending Adornment Wheels
New Schools (gsar ma), 211, 281; chief tantra of, 226; of Later Translations (phyi ’gyur gsar ma); expl., 213; of Secret Mantra, 250; first masters, 213; systems of explanation, 214
New Treasures (gter gsar), 47; expl., 235
ngakpa (sngags pa), 285
Ngakso (sngags gso), xli, 210; expl., xl
Ngari (mnga’ ris), 50; details of places in, 239
Ngari Panchen, 262
Ngulchu, 239
Nihilists, 215
Nine Glorious Ones (dpal dgu), 230; expl., 230
nine gradual vehicles (theg pa rim pa dgu), 154; listing, 281
nine means of mental stillness (sems gnas pa’i thabs dgu), 126, 172, 173; expl. 268
nine regions of Tibet and Kham (bod khams gling dgu), 284
nine serene states of successive abiding (mthar gyis gnas pa’i snyoms par ’jug pa dgu), 269
nine stages of the path of cultivation (sgom lam gyi sa dgu), 263
nirmanakaya (sprul sku): dakini, 39; expl., 224, 238, 246; Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, xix; Padmasambhava, 44; realms, 255; retinue, 65; semi-apparent, 234; syllables, 57, 62, 227; teachings, 66, 248; treasure letters, 37; two types of, 235; wisdom, 222; Yeshe Tsogyal, xv, yidams, 38, 228. See also three kayas
nirmanakaya realms, semi-apparent natural, 46
nirmanakayas who tame beings (’gro ’dul sprul sku), 8, 46, 65, 235; expl., 235
Nirvana Sutra (mdo myang ’das), 96
Noble Land. See India
noble potential (’phags pa’i rigs), 175
Nöjin Gangsang (gnod sbyin gangs bzang), 240
nonarising (skye ba med pa), 15, 145, 146, 148; acceptance of, 204, 276, 277; expl., 275; the letter A, 242
non-Buddhist philosophers, five types, 215
nonconcurrent formations (ldan min ’du byed), 55, 185, 197, 198; expl., 185, 242
Nondual Tantra (gnysis med), 221, 244, 281; Ati Yoga, 212
nontransferring karmic action (mi gyo ba’i las), 254
not implied exposition (dgongs min), among the six limits, 162
not literal (sgra ji bzhin ma yin pa), among the six limits, 162
Notes on the Seven Chapters (le’u bdun zin bris) (Chagmey Rinpoche), 257
Nyang Ral Nyima Öser, 208, 225
Nyasang of Shang, 236
Nyatri Tsenpo (gnya’ khri btsan po), 236
Nyendrub (Approach and Accomplishment) (bsnyen sgrub), 210
Nyima Öser, 234; one of the eight manifestations, 45
Nyingma Gyübum (rnying ma rgyud ’bum), 216, 282
Nyingma School (rnying ma), xviii, xxxvi, 22, 23, 61, 208, 210, 211, 213, 227, 250, 281, 285; chief tantra, 226; expl., 213; of Early Translations, 213; six superior qualities, 213; special qualities of, 22; system of explanation, 214; three great transmissions, 23, 213
Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism (Dudjom Rinpoche), xvii, 225
nyingpo, 28
object-condition (yul rkyen), 253
obscuration (sgrib pa): four types, 61; of disturbing emotions, 229, 253, 276; of mental fabrications, 249; of transference (’pho sgrib), 62, 245, 281–282; of union (synoms ’jug gi sgrib pa), 282; temporary, 33, 249
Ocean of Magical Display (sgyu ’phrul rgya mtsho), 29
Old Mantra School. See Nyingma School
Old School. See Nyingma School
Old School of the Early Translations (snga ’gyur mying ma). See Nyingma School
omniscience (rnam mkhyen, thams cad mkhyen pa), 132, 269; expl., 271
Omniscient King of the Victorious Ones. See Karmapa
Omniscient Lord of Dharma. See Longchen Rabjam
Oral History of Kilaya (phur pa bka’ ma), 47, 236
oral instruction, 34
Oral Instructions in the Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence (lam rim ye shes snying po). See Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xx
Oral Transmission (bka’ ma). See Kama
Orgyen. See Uddiyana
Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. See Chokgyur Lingpa
Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa. See Chokgyur Lingpa
Orgyen Lingpa, 235
Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, xxv, xxvi, xxxiii; quote by, 286; story of revelation of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xxi
Original Protector (gdod ma’i mgon po). See Samantabhadra
Ornament of Realization (mngon rtogs rgyan), 130, 223; quote from, 77, 116, 148, 263
Ornament of the Sutras (mdo sde rgyan), 118, 129, 151, 201, 204, 212, 223; expl., 222; expl. of quote, 271; quote from, 32, 90, 130, 131, 148, 263
Ösel Trülpey Dorje. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Outline for Teaching the Light of Wisdom, xxxii
Padma Gargyi Wangpo. See Jamgön Kongtrül
Padma Garwang. See Jamgön Kongtrül
Padma Garwang Lodrö Thaye. See Jamgön Kongtrül
Padma Gyalpo, 234; one of the eight manifestations, 45
Padma Kathang (pad ma bka’ thang). See Chronicles of Padma
Padma Ling (pad-ma gling), 241
Padma Ösel Do-ngak Lingpa. See Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
Padma Tennyi Yungdrung Lingpa. See Jamgön Kongtrül
Padmakara, 34, 45, 48, 188, 213, 234; meaning of name, 231. See also Padmasambhava
Padmakara’s Stages of the Path, 225
Padmasambhava (pad-ma ’byung gnas): as one of the eight manifestations, 45; biography and instructions, 225; expl., 44; great master of Uddiyana, 24, 37, 217; Lake-Born Vajra Holder, xi; names, 233; Second Buddha, xii, 24, 37, 45, 179; Victorious One of Uddiyana, 22
palace of dharmadhatu (chos kyi dbyings kyi pho brang), 220; expl., 247
Palace of Lotus Light (pho brang pad ma ’od), xv, 180
Palgye. See Paltrül Rinpoche
Palgyi Senge of Shubu, 236
Palpung Monastery, xxxvii, xxxix
Palpung Shri Devi Koti, xxi
Paltrül Rinpoche, biographical details, xxxvi
Palyül, xxxvi
pandita (mkhas pa), lit. meaning, 236
Parables (de Ita bu byung ba), aspect of excellent speech, 281
Paramartha Seva. See Approaching the Ultimate
paramita vehicle. See vehicle
paramitas (phar phyin), 263, 271; thirty-six types, 130, 270; expl., 130; Mahayana, 93; ten, 202. See also six paramitas
painlessness (cha med), 14, 136, 139, 274
path (lam): beyond training, 151; expl., 86; five aspects of the path in Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, 86; of accumulation, 127, 149; of consummation (mthar phyin pa’i lam), 44, 151; in relation to the four vidyadhara levels, 180; of cultivation (sgom lam), 44, 150, 179; of joining (sbyor lam), 127, 150, 171; of liberation, in regard to the dhyanas, 171; of seeing (mthong lam), 127, 150, 179; of training, 150; special, in regard to the dhyanas, 171; summary of, 85; uninterrupted (bar chad med lam), in regard to the dhyanas, 171. See also five paths
patience (bzod pa): five notions (’du shes Inga), 124, 267; nine considerations (brtags pa dgu), 124, 267; three types, 124
peaceful and wrathful yidams, 3
Peak of Malaya, 47
Peak of Meteoric Iron, 47
Peak Scripture (rtse mo): details of, 229; quote from, 40
Pema Chögyal of Me-nyag, 238
Pema Gungtsen of Gö (’gos pad ma gung btsan), 189
Pema Gyurmey Tekchog Tenphel, xxv
Pema Künkyab Yeshe Dorje Nyingpo. See Könchok Gyurmey Tenpey Gyaltsen
Pema Lingpa, 208
Pema Trinley Nyingpo. See Jokyab Rinpoche
Penor Rinpoche, xxvi
perceiver and perceived (gzung ’dzin), 15, 81, 145, 154, 226, 229
perfect (phun sum tshogs pa): place, realms of the three kayas, 65; retinue, 65; teacher, 64; teaching, teaching systems of the three kayas, 66; time, 66
Perfected in Body (sku la rdzogs), charnel ground, 283
perfection (rnam byang), 218
perpetuating aggregates (nye bar len pa’i phung po). See five aggregates
perpetuating cause (nyer len gyi rgyu), 253
perpetuating consciousness (len pa’i rnam shes), 254
Pervasive Great Joy (he chen brdal ba), charnel ground, 283
Phagma Nyingtig (’phags ma snying tig), 211
Phagri land of Gö (’gos kyi phag ri lung), 241
Phakshab (’phags zhabs). See Nagaijuna
philosophical schools (grub mtha’), 183; expl., 197; four, 175, 273; four types in relation to the Three Dharma Wheels, 175. See also Four Philosophical Schools
Philosophical Vehicles (mtshan nyid theg pa), 22, 51; comparison with the Vajra Vehicles, 279. See also vehicle
Phurpey Döntig (phur pa’i don tig), 211
Pitaka (sde snod), 281
pleasing actions, three types (mnyes pa gsum), 248
Pobor Ridge, 239
Poetic Pronouncements (tshigs su bcad pa), aspect of excellent speech, 281
pointing-out instruction (ngo sprod kyi gdams pa), 34, 193, 228; expl., 224
postmeditation (rjes thob), 127, 148; like magical illusion, 273; vipashyana, 127, 172
Potala, 49, 241; expl., 237, 247
potential (rigs): developed, 33; expl., 250, 251; in relation to sugata essence, 71; noble (’phags pa’i rigs), 175; syn., 249; two types, 74
Powerful Vajra Wrath. See Dorje Drakpo Tsal
Prabhahasti (’od kyi glang po), 231
Praises of Chakrasamvara, 214
prajna (shes rab), 31, 136, 230; expl., 270. See also knowledge
Prajamula (rtsa ba shes rab), quotes from, 72, 143, 145
Prajnaparamita (shes rab phar phyin), xv, 226, 269; expl., 35, 226
parmana (tshad ma), 226
pratyekabuddha (rang rgyal), 218, 238, 239, 247, 248; as noble Sangha, 112; classification of view, 273; enlightenment, 270; relation to Mahayana, 154; vehicle as First Dharma Wheel, 175
Precious Buddha (sangs rgyas dkon mchog), 228; qualities, 112; two aspects and six qualities, 261
Precious Garland (rin chen phreng ba) (Ratnavali): expl., 275; quote from, 144
precious human body (mi lus rin po che), 259; expl. of freedoms and riches, 98
Precious Ones, 39
Precious Tala Sutra (dkon mchog ta la’i mdo), 226
Precious Treasury of Termas. See Rinchen Terdzö
preliminaries (sngon ’gro): expl. of close preliminaries, 97; for the instructions, 98; for the session, 95
preparatory stage (nyer bsdogs), for the dhyanas, 170
primary acts of cognition (gtso sems), 197
Prince Damdzin. See Murub Tseypo
Prince Translator. See Murub Tseypo
Proclamations in Song (dbyangs su bsnyad pa), aspect of excellent speech, 281
Prophecies (lung du bstan pa), aspects of excellent speech, 281
Proponents of Concrete Existence (dngos por smra ba’i lugs), 175
Pundarika, 257; Pema Karpo, second King of Shambhala, 214
Pure Vision (dag snag), 23, 213; among the seven transmissions, 211
Purgyal, 237
Putsi Pema Tashi, Lama, xxv, xxxiii
qualities (yon tan): expl. of five types of enlightened qualities, 239; of freedom (bral ba’i yon tan), 223; of freedom and maturation (bral smin gyi yon tan), 275; in regards to the two types of potential, 251; sixty-four (drug cu rtsa bzhi), 223; of maturation (rnam smin yon tan), 223
Radiant Lamp (sgron gsal), 222; quote from, 31
Radiant Lamp of Jewels, 238
rahula, 285
rainbow body (’ja’ lus): Padmasambhava, 4, 188; sixteenth bhumi, 193; Yeshe Tsogyal, xv
rakshasa (srin po), 179, 247, 284, 285
Ramochey Temple, 238
Rangjung Rigpey Dorje, his lineage for Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, xxiv
Ratna Karanda Sutra (dkon mchog za ma tog), 97
Ratna’s History of the Dharma (rat-na’i chos ’byung), 213
Ratnakuta (dkon brtsegs), 259
Ratnamegha (dkon mchog sprin). See Clouds of Precious Jewels
Ratnavali. See Precious Garland
Realms (khams), of Desire, 170, 272; of Form, 254, 272; of Formlessness, 188, 273; seventeen abodes, 173
recall (gzungs), 263; expl., 276. See also dharani
Recollection (rjes dran), among the seven transmissions, 211
Rediscovered Treasure (yang gter), among the seven transmissions, 211
refuge (skyabs ’gro): benefits of, 114; causal and resultant objects, 111; expl., 110; manner of, 113; measure and four special qualities of, 113; of fruition, 262; reason for, 111; seven points of, 111; six categories of what should be avoided and adopted, 114, 262; trainings of, 114; way of protection, 113
Refutation of Criticism (rtsod bzlog), 226
Regent of Vajradhara (rdo rje ’chang gi rgyal tshab), level of, 180
Regions of Four Sogdian Areas (ru bzhi sog pa’i gling), 284
Regions of Jewel Light (rin chen ’od kyi gling), 284
Regions of Peacocks Below (rma bya ’og gling), 284
relative self-consecration (kun rdzob rang byin brlab pa), 245
renunciation (nges ’byung), 91, 97, 104, 109, 110, 163, 225; expl., 106
Repeating the Words of the Buddha, 254
representations (rten): expl., 240; of body, speech, and mind, 50
result (’bras bu): dominant (bdag po’i ’bras bu), 260; of action resembling the cause (byed pa rgyu mthun gyi ’bras bu), 260; of experience resembling the cause (myong ba rgyu mthun gyi ’bras bu), 260; of the acting person (skyes bu byed pa’i ’bras bu), 260; resembling the cause (rgyu mthun gyi ’bras bu), 260; ripened (rnam smin gyi ’bras bu), 260
resultant vehicles (’bras bu’i theg pa), 66, 152, 212; def., 279; four special qualities, 212; of Mantra (’bras bu sngags kyi theg pa), 212
retention. See dharani
Rigden Jampal Drakpa, 214. See also Kulika Manjushrikirti
Rigden Pema Karpo, 214, 257. See also Kulika Pundarika
Rigdzin Gödem (rig ’dzin rgod kyi Idem phru can), 209
Rimey (ris med), xix
Rinchen Drönmey, 34
Rinchen Terdzö (rin chen gter mdzod), xiv, xx, xli; details of its inception, xli; expl., 210; expl. of lineage, xxiv
ripened result (rnam smin gyi ’bras bu). See result
ripening and liberation (smin grol), 153; expl., 280
ripening empowerment (smin byed kyi dbang). See four empowerments
Riwo Dru-dzin, 237
Riwoche, 286
Rongmey. See Rongmey Kaxmo Taktsang
Rongmey Karmo Taktsang (rong me dkar mo stag tshang), xxii. See Karmo Taktsang
Rongzom Pandita, 34, 215; Chökyi Sangpo, 213
Root Tantra of Manjushri (’jam dpal rtsa rgyud), 48
Root Tantra of the Assemblage of Vidyadharas (rig ’dzin ’dus pa’i rtsa rgyud), 26; expl., 216
rudras, 230
rupakaya (gzugs sku), 33, 178; types, 224
Sabbu land of Shang (shangs kyi zab bu lung), 241
sacred places and countries (gnas yul), 45; expl., 233
sadhana centers for practice (nyams len gyi sgrub grva), 237
Sadhana Section (sgrub sde), xviii; of Mahayoga, 215, 230; expl., 230
Saha (mi mjed), 46, 234; expl., 235
Sakya, Monastery, xxxvii
Sakya Pandita, xxxvi
Sakya School, xviii, xxxvii, xxxix, 210, 264
Salnang of Ba, 236
Salu Sprout Sutra (sa lu ljang ba’i mdo), 226, 254
samadhi (ting nge ’dzin), 13, 126, 148, 202, 204, 205, 268; doors, 127, 269; four, 116, 262; mundane, 150; of dhyana, 170; of noble beings, 127; of the stream of Dharma, 149, 277; of united means and knowledge, 153; supreme training, 130; that tames the hordes of Mara, 5, 189; unconditioned virtue, 123; undefiled aggregate of, 203, 279; vajralike, 151
Samaja (’dus pa), 72
Samaja Root Tantra (’dus pa rtsa rgyud), 61
Samantabhadra (kun tu bzang po), xiii, 8, 63, 233; enlightenment in the original ground of liberation, 81; expl., 64; Original Protector, 30, 45, 46, 234; bodhisattva, 48
Samantabhadri (kun tu bzang mo), xv, 233
samaya (dam tshig), xxxiv, xli, 4, 8, 9, 47, 50. 53, 87, 88, 210, 227, 241, 250, 257, 259; expl. of use at the end of an instruction, 194; retaining empowerment, xl; seal, 220; vajra, 45