II. Puer Apuliae

Innocent III becomes Pope—Theories of the Papacy

—The Priest-State—Murder of Philip of Swabia—

Otto of Brunswick crowned in Rome, 1209—Revolt of

Apulian nobles—Otto deposed—Frederick sets out for

Rome, March 1212—Genoa, Cremona, Chur, Constance

—The Children’s Crusade—Alliance with French—

Re-elected German King, Dec. 1212—Crowned in

Mainz, 1212—The regia stirps of the Hohenstaufen—

The Welf-Waibling feud—Guelf and Ghibelline in Italy

—The Ghibelline spirit—Bouvines, 1214—Golden

Bull of Eger—Lateran Council, 1216—Innocent’s

death, 1216—Frederick’s entry into Aix; coronation

—Barbarossa’s re-interment of Charlemagne, 1165—

Frederick takes the Cross