VII. Caesar and Rome

The magic of Rome—Renovatio imperii—Identification

with Caesar—Spolia opima from Cortenuova—

Lust for personal glorification—Frederick’s wooing of

the Romans—Cardinals and Pope—Progress in Lombardy—

Diets of Pavia and Turin, 1238—Siege of

Brescia; Calamandrinus—Coalition against Frederick

—Enzio—Imperial Court at Padua—Frederick’s

appeal to the Cardinals—Frederick excommunicated—

Death of Hermann of Salza—Reorganisation and defence

of Sicily—Destruction of Benevento (1241)—Reorganisation of

Italy—War of manifestos and propaganda—Brother Elias—

Brother Jordan and the Pope—Christmas in Pisa—

Frederick invades the PapalStates—Letter to Jesi—

At the gates of Rome—Gregory turns the multitude