Dual interpretation of Frederick’s life—Frederick’s posterity—
Satellite giants: Eccelino, Guido of Sessa,
Hubert Pallavicini—“Labour of Love”: to purge the
Church—Reform manifestos—Pope’s counter-activities—
Increasing savagery of Frederick—Lure of the
East—Conspiracy of intimates, 1246—Distrust of
subordinates—Punishment of conspirators—Complicity
of Pope—Henry Raspe—Italy partitioned
amongst the Hohenstaufen—March on Germany;
threat to Lyons—Defection of Parma—“The
Cardinal”—Siege of Parma—Saracens as executioners—
Victoria—Defeat before Parma—Money
shortage—German knights in Italy—German influence
on Renaissance art—Renewed threat to Lyons
—Fall of Piero della Vigna—Attempt to poison
Frederick—Piero della Vigna’s suicide—Enzio taken
prisoner—Manfred’s rise and fall—Conradin’s coronation—
Tagliacozzo; Conradin’s execution—Death of Enzio—
Curse on the Hohenstaufen—Parma avenged—
Death of Frederick, December 13, 1250—
Burial at Palermo—The Frederick myth