Numbers in italics indicate images.
- Abellan, Carlos, 85, 85, 85–90
- Abstract thinking, 34, 35
- Aspect, Alain, 79–82, 80, 85, 93
- Atomic bomb, 66, 104
- “Aunt Martha’s Coffin,” 105
- Bank transfers, 102–106
- Bell, John, 2–7, 58, 101, 117
- background of, 57–58
- combination of mathematical quantities by, 61–62
- GHZ theorem and, 121–122
- Greenstein’s meeting with, 59–60
- indifference over work of, 65–66
- passion and commitment of, 60–61
- pioneering work of, 61
- work of, 55–62
- Bell, Mary, 58
- Bell’s Theorem, 2–3, 26, 81
- Alain Aspect and, 79–82, 85
- Anton Zeilinger and, 82–85
- experiments based on, 63–64
- George Greenstein’s early understanding of, 45–46, 113–117
- as hidden variable theory, 46–53
- hidden variable theory and (See Hidden variable theory)
- John Bell’s work and, 55–62
- John Clauser and, 71–79
- locality assumption in, 94–96
- nature violating, 93
- nonlocality and, 97–100
- other forms of, 127
- randomness and, 85–90
- scientists’ desire to close loopholes in, 90–91
- Bennett, Charles, 104–105, 106
- Bohm, David, 98
- Bohr, Niels, 22–26, 25, 37, 40, 66, 101, 121
- Brassard, Gilles, 104–105, 106
- Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?,” 37
- Clauser, John, 71–79, 72
- desire to discredit quantum theory, 93
- CNN, 98
- Cold War, the, 66–67, 101
- Computers, quantum, 109–111
- Defense Intelligence Agency, 110
- Einstein, Albert, 6, 17–19, 18, 25, 30, 35, 101, 117, 121, 122
- attack on Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 21–27
- EPR paradox and, 37–40
- theory of relativity of, 99
- thought experiments by, 22, 24, 26
- Electromagnetism, 17
- Electrons, nature of, 22
- Electron spin, 29–31
- EPR paradox and, 37–38
- hidden variable theory, 46–53
- locality assumption, 94
- matrix of, 33–34
- transfering information, 102–105
- Encryption, 104–105
- “Enigma” machine, 104
- EPR paradox, 37–40
- hidden variable theory, 46–53
- nonlocality and, 97
- Esalen Institute, 77
- ESP phenomena, 110
- Experimental metaphysics, 5–6
- encryption in, 104–105
- new age of, 101–102
- quantum teleportation, 106–111
- Feynman, Richard, 118, 120
- Freedom of choice experiment, 82–85, 105–106
- Fundamental Fysiks Group, 76
- Gell-Mann, Murray, 40
- GHZ theorem, 121–124
- Google, 101
- Gravitation, theory of, 17
- Great Predictor, 1, 3–5, 21, 35
- EPR paradox and, 37–40, 46–53
- Greenstein’s first encounter with, 45, 113
- hidden variables and, 41–42
- silence of, 11–12, 14, 116
- See also Quantum mechanics
- Greenberger, Daniel, 121
- Greenstein, George
- early understanding of Bell’s Theorem, 45–46, 113–117
- fascination with Bell’s Theorem, 2–3, 15, 115–116
- first encounter with the Great Predictor, 45, 113
- meeting with John Bell, 59–60
- on scientific view of reality, 117–119
- Half-life, 41–42
- Heisenberg, Werner, 21, 22
- Hidden variable theory, 41–42, 46–53, 71, 116
- Alain Aspect and, 79–82, 85
- Anton Zeilinger and, 82–85
- freedom of choice and, 81–82
- John Bell’s work and, 55–62
- John Clauser and, 71–79
- locality assumption in, 94
- radioactive decay and, 41–42, 116–117
- randomness and, 85–90
- things in, 94–96
- Horne, Michael, 121
- Hubble Space Telescope, 7
- Language of quantum mechanics, 33–35
- Large Hadron Collider, 7
- Locality assumption, 94–96
- Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, 65
- Matrix, 33–34
- McCarthyism, 78
- Metaphysics. See Experimental metaphysics
- Micus Satellite, 107, 109
- Mitchell, Morgan, 85, 85, 85–90
- Moore, Gordon, 109
- Moore’s Law, 109–110
- Quantum computers, 109–111
- Quantum machines
- information transfer with, 102–105
- philosophical differences and, 101–102
- quantum computers, 109–111
- quantum teleportation and, 106–109
- research milestones in, 105–106
- Quantum mechanics
- as abbreviated language, 33–35
- in the Cold War, 66–67
- electron spin and (See Electron spin)
- freedom of choice experiment, 82–85, 105–106
- GHZ theorem, 121–124
- as Great Predictor, 1, 3–5, 113
- Greenstein’s fascination with, 2–3, 15, 115–116
- as half a theory, 17–19, 27, 34
- hidden variables theory, 46–53, 71
- John Bell and, 2–7
- John Clauser and, 71–79
- locality assumption, 94–96
- measurements creating a property of the microworld, 96
- Moore’s Law and d, 109–110
- new experimental metaphysics and, 101–102
- nonlocality in, 97–100, 101, 108
- non-technical works on, 125–126
- physicists’ arguments about, 13
- popular books on, 26–27
- questions not answered by, 12–13
- scientists’ desire to close loopholes in, 90–91
- semitechnical books on, 126
- significance of, 1
- transfering information, 102–105
- uncertainty theory in, 21–27
- von Neumann’s work on, 64–65
- See also Great Predictor
- Quantum teleportation, 106–111
- Teleportation, quantum, 106–111
- Theory of relativity, 99
- Things, 94–96
- Thought experiments, 22, 24, 26
- Uncertainty principle, 21