Acupoint Name Reference Guide
Following are English translations of the names of all the acupoints on the twelve regular channels as used in the HeartMind Shiatsu school of Asian Bodywork Therapy. Correlate these names with the images presented in Chapters 2 through Chapter 7 in order to develop a more clear picture of the meridian line functions and specific point qualities.
The nomenclature of acupuncture has been developed over thousands of years. I include here a list of translations from the Chinese drawn from a variety of trusted sources and my own clinical applications. The names are true to the original Chinese characters but as with all such translations are subject to great interpretation. In the bibliography, I have listed various sources both on- and offline where you can take your study of point nomenclature deeper if that is your interest. To me, the names are windows into a deep awareness and appreciation for the body’s rich, complex, and beautiful functionality.
The names often evoke and describe the point’s clinical usage. There are many sources and various translations of the points’ names that have appeared in various schools over many years. In addition, many of the points are known to have multiple names. There is an art to the science of the point names, and just reading through the lists can give you a sense for the range and depth of meaning of this powerful system.
By calling to mind the point names as you practice qigong, meditation, or touch therapy you can activate the energy of the point for greater effectiveness. An acupuncturist may use needles, an acupressurist their fingers and thumbs, a shiatsu therapist palms and elbows, knees and feet, as well as thumbs. In all cases, as is true of qigong, we need to use our mind to guide the qi to and through the points and ultimately our spirit to guide the mind. Deep in the work is the understanding that where the mind goes, qi flows.
As you study these point names and correlate them to the place on the body where they are found, bring your mind and imagination to bear upon the discovery of the usefulness of the point. In this way, you exponentially enhance the effectiveness and scope of your self-discovery and healing practice.
Lung—Hand Tai Yin
Large Intestine—Hand Yang Ming
Stomach—Foot Yang Ming
Spleen—Foot Tai Yin
Heart—Hand Shao Yin
Small Intestine—Hand Tai Yang
Bladder—Foot Tai Yang
Kidney—Foot Shao Yin
Pericardium—Hand Jue Yin
Triple Warmer—Hand Shao Yang
Gall Bladder—Foot Shao Yang
Liver—Foot Jue Yin
Major Acupoint Quick
Reference Names and Applications
Here is a compendium of the major points and a shorthand reference to how they might be used in treatment. There are some alternate names in this list. Do not be thrown by that. There are many traditions and lineages that have worked with these points, and different names can give you additional information on how they might be used.
1 Center of Gathering |
Respiratory Health |
2 Cloud Gate |
Moistening |
5 In the Groove |
Holding on Too Tightly |
9 Great Abyss |
Letting Go |
11 Little Merchant |
Energy Exchange |
Large Intestine
1 Yang Merchant |
Material Exchange |
4 Joining Valleys |
Elimination, Well-Being |
10 Arm Three Miles |
Keeping your Grip |
15 Corner of the Shoulder |
Shoulder Pain |
20 Welcome Fragrance |
Sinus Congestion |
8 Head Band |
Mental Faculties |
9 Man’s Prognosis |
General Health |
25 Celestial Pivot |
Intestinal Health |
30 Qi Thoroughfare |
Energy to Lower Extremities |
36 Leg Three Miles |
Endurance, Well-Being |
40 Bountiful Bulge |
Clearing Excesses |
41 Shoelace |
Ankle Strength |
4 Yellow Emperor |
Digestive Health |
6 Three Yin Meeting |
Menstrual Cycle |
9 Yin Mound Spring |
Bodily Dampness |
10 Sea of Blood |
Vital Energy |
11 Winnower’s Gate |
Separating Pure from Impure |
20 Great Embracement |
Harmonizing Energy |
1 Highest Spring |
Relieving Heart Congestion |
2 Cyan Spirit |
Opening Circulation |
3 Lesser Sea |
Calming Nerves |
7 Gate of God |
Soothing Spirit |
9 Lesser Surge |
Steady the Heart |
Small Intestine
4 Wrist Bone |
Balance the Opposites |
6 Curing the Aged |
Steady the Hand |
11 Center of Heaven |
Clear the Mind |
12 Grasping the Wind |
Common Cold |
19 Palace of Hearing |
Opening the Ears |
1 Bright Eyes |
Open and Close the Eyes |
10 Pillar of Heaven |
Occipital Headache |
13 Lung associated |
Breathing |
14 Pericardium associated |
Circulation |
15 Heart associated |
Communication |
18 Liver associated |
Addictions |
19 Gall Bladder associated |
Responsibility |
20 Spleen associated |
Digestion |
21 Stomach associated |
Appetite |
22 Triple Warmer associated |
Immune System |
23 Kidney associated |
Vitality |
25 Large Intestine associated |
Elimination |
27 Small Intestine associated |
Assimilation |
28 Bladder associated |
Drive |
57 In the Mountains |
Frustration, Fatigue |
67 Extreme Yin |
Labor Pains |
1 Gushing Spring |
Revitalize |
3 Great Ravine |
Trauma |
10 Yin Valley |
Constitutional Issues |
13 Infant’s Door |
Fertility |
21 Dark Gate |
Inner Resources |
27 Elegant Mansion |
Vital Reserves |
1 Heaven’s Pond |
Lactation |
3 Marsh at the Bend |
“Tennis” Elbow |
6 Inner Gate |
Self-Love |
8 Palace of Anxiety |
Easing Nerves |
9 Central Nexus |
Developing Strategy |
Triple Warmer
5 Outer Gate |
Love of Others |
10 Heaven’s Well |
Cooling Tempers |
15 Heaven’s Bone |
Burdens |
23 Silk Bamboo Hollow |
Heat Strain Headache |
Gall Bladder
20 Pond of Wind |
Whirlwind Headache |
21 Well in the Shoulder |
Responsibility |
24 Sun and Moon |
Gall Bladder Illness |
25 Capital Gate |
Kidney Illness |
30 Jumping Pivot |
Hip Challenges, Sciatica |
31 Market of Wind |
Over-Responsibility |
34 Yang Mound Spring |
Sinews, Muscles |
41 Foot Overlooking Tears |
Releasing Excess Holding |
3 Excessive Rush |
Slowing Down |
4 Middle Seal |
Muscle Relaxer |
10 Leg Five Miles |
Stamina |
13 Camphorwood Gate |
Digestive Issues |
14 Gate of the Cycle |
Completion |