Chapter 6

Protection and Circulation

In this chapter we explore the Pericardium and Triple Warmer channels of qi and their functions in body, heartmind, and spirit. Note that these lines constitute the Jue Yin and Shao Yang aspects of the supplemental Fire force. They are located in the body along the sides of the arms.

Pericardium Meridian

Hand Jue Yin

The Pericardium channel correlates to the muscle of the heart. As it surrounds the heart, it is not as “deep” as the heart itself. Where the Heart holds the space of Shao Yin (deepest yin), Pericardium holds the space of Jue Yin, middle yin. And we see this also in relation to the Lung, the Tai Yin (greater yin) or most superficial of the yin organs. The Lung is indeed on the surface, interfacing directly with incoming air. The Pericardium is deeper in the body than this, though not as deep as the Heart. And so we find Jue Yin, middle yin, as the energy quality of the Pericardium function. The channel itself runs a course from the torso, out the arm, to the third finger.

Supplemental Fire Element

Supplemental Fire is a conceptualization of a secondary aspect of the Fire element as it expresses itself in the human form. If absolute Fire is equated to the attribute of being warm-blooded (an optimal body temperature of 37º C/98.6º F), then supplemental Fire is the warm coat we wear to keep that body temperature regulated when the thermometer outside drops below freezing. Supplemental Fire is the “extra” fire we need to keep the inner fire protected and burning brightly. It is not a principle that plays out only with clothing; it also plays out in our diets, housing, and a social environment that supports warm and loving human connections.

7 to 9 pm

This time of day is often considered the most social: “Dinner at 8 and don’t be late.” Traditionally at this time the day’s work has been finished, and we gather around the hearth to share stories, comfort, food, sustenance, libations, and simply human care.

Key Functions

Circulation, emotions


I open my heart with compassion for all life has to offer.

The Pericardium channel of Hand Jue Yin is the yin channel of the supplemental Fire in the body, heartmind, and spirit. As was said above like its yang partner, Triple Warmer, it is not named after an organ western anatomical science has identified, and this aspect of these channels teaches us much about what meridian systems are. Consider the body as wrapped in an energic exoskeleton, the channel system’s energy matrix.

Roughly parallel to the body’s musculo-skeletal, circulatory, and nervous, channels of qi are considered the governing system over all these physical functions. The qi in the channels and throughout body tissues harmonizes and coordinates all the parts of the body, heartmind, and spirit, linking and connecting, while simultaneously fueling and inspiring the system in its daily and seasonal cycles.

The energy of life is one single force. It passes throughout the body, heartmind, and spirit, taking on all the various tasks of life on its journey. One cannot truly look at the system as separate functioning systems unless this singular life energy concept and all its interactive aspects is taken into account.

One action does not happen independent of any other. One action comes from the whole and goes back to the whole, moving the organism forward, backward, upward, downward, and from side to side.

The energy of life is not constrained to the functioning of physical organs alone but rather to the overall functioning of life on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. To this end, the Pericardium and Triple Warmer channels assist us in making the leap of awareness from physical organ function to the comprehensive, holistic functioning of qi energy.

Truly the energy of life itself flows throughout the body, heartmind, and spirit as long as we are alive. An autopsy will not yield evidence of meridian pathways or channels of living qi, for once the physical vessel has passed from life to death, life energy leaves behind no traces.

The key functions of the Pericardium channel are related to circulation and emotionality. It is said to be the chief minister in charge of the defense of the Heart. If all the buffets and blows of life were directly impact the heart, it would fail much sooner. A healthy Pericardium, on the other hand, can absorb the shocks and keep the heart protected. The effects of emotional trauma, crimes of passion, mood, and affect are all related to and governed by the quality of the Pericardium channel’s energy.

Key Characteristics of the Functional Range of the
Pericardium Channel


The Pericardium is responsible for the health of blood vessels. Blood pressure, high or low, can be attributed to and treated through the Pericardium system.

Pericardial tissue is the muscle that surrounds the heart. Its health is vital to the overall function of circulation throughout the body.

Psychological, Emotional

As the muscle tissue surrounding the heart, we can see that the pericardium exists in service to the heart itself and its protection. It is charged with the noble duty as the first line of contact with the world around us, and it keeps an eye on that contact to ensure it is safe for the Heart and us.

This place—emotions, feelings, our moods, and all affect—is the realm of the Pericardium. It relates to our ability to “read” or “check the temperature” of an emotional environment, critical to our survival and protection.

It can be seen from this that the nature and quality of our human relationships is central to the Pericardium’s function. The give and take of love, care, and concern are central to this vital function. Many sentimental song lyrics immortalize this aspect of human life.

The notions of sentimentality and love are related to the emotional aspects of sexual experience. It’s not just the physical sexual drive at stake here. That is the realm of the Kidney and the procreative function.

Here we are speaking of the feelings of love themselves; care, concern, shared warmth, affection, vulnerability, sensitivity, spontaneity of loving expression, and excitement or the lack of any of these human aspects of lovemaking are at the core of the Pericardium’s service in our lives.


At the highest level, the spiritual teaching of Pericardium is that love is the answer. And the virtues of kindness and care and safe holding of all that is precious is the spiritual imperative of the Pericardium function.


Figure 11: Pericardium Meridian—Hand Jue Yin.

1. Heaven’s Pond

6. Inner Frontier Gate

2. Heavenly Spring

7. Great Mound

3. Marsh at the Crook

8. Palace of Toil

4. Xi-Cleft Gate

9. Central Rushing

5. Intermediate Messenger


Trajectory of the Pericardium Channel

From Kidney 27 our one meridian once again drops into the inner body to travel to a point just an inch lateral to the nipple. Here the energy of the Pericardium channel emerges. Spoken of as the energy that protects the Heart from the buffets and blows of life, the location of this channel speaks for itself. Its very first point Pericardium 1, Heaven’s Pond, refers with great reverence to the reservoir of breast milk that nourishes humans in infancy and early childhood. One has but to notice the beatific contentment on the face of a child just after nursing to grasp the significance of this name. And in this simple act, the infant is being reassured that it is safe, loved, and well cared for as it begins its journey in this strange land of life.

From the breast, the Pericardium channel rises through the pectorals and out into the arm. It courses through the trough-like structure between the two muscle bundles from which the biceps derive their name. It then passes through the inner crease of the elbow and through the center of the forearm on a pathway parallel to and in between the ulna and radius. Three fingers before it reaches the wrist lies Pericardium 6, Inner Frontier Gate, a point known to cure motion sickness and to help smokers to kick the habit. As the Inner Gate, it also has much to do with introspection and one’s relationship with oneself. Much protection for the Heart can be derived from knowing oneself. Great danger lies ahead for those who are unaware on an internal level of their own true nature and preciousness.

Crossing the wrist fold, the Pericardium channel rests at the center of the palm at Pericardium 8, Palace of Toil. The image of toiling in the fields, at the office, or at home to provide for the family or the village is reflected in the hardworking hands. Likewise, to grasp and caress are actions of the hand that reflect the function of the Pericardium opening and closing in like measure, like the muscle of the heart. A psychologist working with a group of hardened alcoholics captured this image perfectly: “You’ve all learned to do this really well,” he said, making a fist. “Now all you have to do, is learn to do this,” and he opened his palm, holding out his hand in an offer of service. Alternately known as the Palace of Anxiety, Pericardium 8 is the site of our nervous hand wringing and sweating. To soothe stage fright and jitters, we rub this spot.

Finally, the meridian comes to a close at the pad at the end of the middle finger, Pericardium 9, Central Rushing. The strongest and longest finger of the hand, it was known in the ancient world as the finger of wisdom. Indeed, it takes great wisdom to know the courage of the Heart and live by it, just as it is important to surround yourself with others who care about you and would stand by you through good times and bad. Here at the tip of the middle finger, the yin energies of the Pericardium represent the farthest reach of the hand. We recognize here the yin reaching the yang, just as the yang reached the yin at Bladder 67.

Triple Warmer Meridian

Hand Shao Yang

The Shao Yang quality is called the “lesser yang,” “weakest yang,” or “younger yang.” If Tai Yang of Small Intestine is the greatest, and Yang Ming of Large Intestine is the sunlight, then here we find Shao Yang as the slightest of the yang factors. Shao Yang resides in the side of the body, the most lateral aspect of our being. To illustrate, consider the following “courtroom” or legal drama that plays out in the arms. There are three characters in any courtroom procedural drama: the prosecuting attorney, the defense attorney, and the judge/jury. The Large Intestine, Hand Yang Ming, expressing itself through the pointer finger is our prosecuting attorney. The Small Intestine, the Hand Tai Yang, is the judge/jury expressing through the pinky finger and the falling of the gavel that calls for order in the courtroom and reads out the sentence. And the Triple Warmer, Hand Shao Yang, is the defense attorney, flowing expressively through the fourth finger, the back of the hand the outside of the wrist, used for blocking the oncoming blows in any bout.

Supplemental Fire Element

As we explored the supplemental Fire and its relationship to absolute Fire above, the same applies here with Triple Warmer. The gradation to consider here is that this is the yang expression of supplemental Fire. Where Pericardium governs the yin expression and the inward focus of protection and emotions and concerns for the heart’s continued beating, the yang aspect refers more to protections from external influences, and we find the Triple Warmer deeply involved in all manner of immune response. The safety of the body, heartmind, and spirit as a whole from the smallest invasion of bacteria in a minor cut to the invasion of tumorous, cancerous growths is where Triple Warmer is called to action.

9 to 11 pm

This exquisite time of day is the time when Triple Warmer runs highest. At night clubs, things are just beginning to warm up. On television, the more “adult programming” begins. In the bedroom, the wise are retiring and snuggling under the comforter.

Key Functions

Immune system, protective mechanisms


I protect the precious life that is given to me.

The Triple Warmer channel of Hand Shao Yang is the yang aspect of supplemental Fire in the body, heartmind, and spirit. It has no physical organ correlative, thus giving us insight into the nature of the energetic channel system. Its range of functions is wide. Known as the Great Regulator channel, it is in charge of regulating body temperature and the smooth communication of energy throughout the being, smoothly disseminating qi throughout the entire network of meridian functions. A primary focus of its functionality can be seen in its relationship to protection. Triple Warmer provides a line of defense as it maintains an even temperature throughout the system. The name itself is derived from the understanding of the three burning spaces, the upper, middle, and lower aspects of the body that correlate to circulation and respiration, digestion and assimilation, and reproduction and elimination. Triple Warmer is charged with the duty of making sure an optimal temperature is maintained for all of these functions. An understanding of Triple Warmer’s role can be seen when studying its elemental nature. As the yang aspect of supplemental Fire, the emphasis is not on core fire but rather the mechanisms that protect it; it’s extra fire we need to maintain our core fire. In winter it is a warm blanket, a fireplace, an overcoat; in summer it is a cool dip in the lake, cooling foods and beverages, bug repellant, sunscreen, and mosquito netting.

Triple Warmer also relates to the people with whom we surround ourselves to provide the support we need to live full, healthy, and satisfying lives. Important self-protection is derived from our significant personal relationships.

Masunaga in Zen Shiatsu beautifully describes these critical interpersonal aspects of Triple Warmer function, giving a brilliant snapshot of its role in social relationships, preparedness, and protection when he speaks of being “overprotected as a child, thrown out into the world unprepared,” a definitive symptom of deficient qi in the Triple Warmer. More details about its functional range can be found in the descriptions that follow.

Key Characteristics of the Functional Range of the
Triple Warmer Channel


On the physical level, Triple Warmer governs and regulates body temperature taking care to maintain 37ºC/98.6ºF throughout the body. When in the presence of foreign invaders, it will invoke a fever to drive out the invasion. A clear expression of this immune response, the lymphatic system and all the T-cells designed to fight off pathogenic invasion are related to the Triple Warmer.

Psychological, Emotional

When we take the physical into the psychological realm, we are bound to explore the entire range of interpersonal interaction. Of main concern in our psychological environment is our relationship with our social group, beginning with our family of origin, our parents, and the culture in which we are raised.

It is generally our primary caregivers who first teach us the prescribed way of dealing with the world and its conditions. They button up our coats, pull on our boots, and otherwise teach us how to be prepared and ready for the outside world. Any issues we have or have had with our parents resonate here in the Triple Warmer, where the ways in which we protect ourselves emotionally and interpersonally are all interwoven.

Whether we are friendly, personable, and gregarious, or distant, introverted, and isolated all correlate to this function. In short, all the psycho-emotional components of life are reflected in this channel.


At the spiritual level, Triple Warmer speaks to our longing for connection; indeed, it is our very sense of love and belonging.


Figure 12: Triple Warmer Meridian—Hand Shao Yang.

1. Rushing Pass

13. Upper Arm Meeting

2. Fluid Gate

14. Shoulder Crevice

3. Central Islet

15. Heavenly Crevice

4. Yang Pool

16. Window of Heaven

5. Outer Frontier Gate

17. Wind Screen

6. Branch Ditch

18. Spasm Vessel

7. Ancestral Meeting

19. Skull’s Rest

8. Three Yang Meeting

20. Minute Angle

9. Four Rivers

21. Ear Gate

10. Heavenly Will

22. Ear Harmony Crevice

11. Clear Cold Abyss

23. Silk Bamboo Hollow

12. Dispersing River


Triple Warmer Channel Trajectory

The powerful middle finger represents the terminus point for Pericardium energies; the one meridian goes inward once again to reemerge at the tip of the fourth, or ring finger, where the Triple Warmer energies rise to the surface. Triple Warmer governs the functions of shared warmth, protection, and overall distribution and regulation of life energy. Just as with the Pericardium, there is no direct physical organ correlate to the Triple Warmer, rather it provides an overa ll regulatory function for the entire system. The “triple” in its name refers to the Chinese understanding of the division of the body, heartmind, and spirit into three burning spaces: upper, middle, and lower. The upper burner encompasses intellectuality, respiration, and circulation. The middle burner governs digestion and assimilation. The lower burner supplies the necessary warmth for elimination and reproduction. The image of a burner or a warmer refers to the fact that we are warm-blooded creatures and as such, temperature regulation is critical in the maintenance of our optimal functioning. Reading your overall body temperature is fundamental to health assessment. Triple Warmer is the channel system directly responsible for maintaining our thermal nature.

As to the functional aspects of the Triple Warmer that help us to grasp an understanding of why the surface trajectory is located where it is, we need to focus on the understanding of protection and shared warmth. As the meridian begins its surface manifestation, we are struck by its location on the fourth finger, the ring finger. This finger symbolizes marriage, bonding for life in pledge of mutual support and sharing. And our marriage is the place where ideally we create the protective home life through relationship, partnership, and shared warmth. Our marital partner knows us most intimately and can provide for us a safe haven and a place where we can be ourselves. It is of course interesting to note that at the same time that we are most protected here, it is also the place where we are most vulnerable, an aspect of yin and yang that is most revealing. If we were not vulnerable there would be nothing to protect, and yet through sharing that vulnerability within the safe ring of a marital confidant, we actually increase our sense of protection.

This Triple Warmer protective quality continues on through the back of the hand to the backhand of the forearm. This area is used for blocking punches in martial arts practice, and in the sport of tennis it provides a powerful swing angle that preserve’s a player’s ability to remain in the volley. Four fingers proximal to the wrist fold we find Triple Warmer 5, the Outer Frontier Gate. This is directly opposite Pericardium 6, Inner Frontier Gate. As the Inner Gate has to do with introversion, conversely the Outer Gate has to do with extroversion. With the yin meridian, we look inward, with the yang meridian we face outward. How do we face the world that surrounds us, interfacing with it and also protecting ourselves from the world’s more threatening aspects? The alternate name Flying Tiger is given to this point, a reference to the mythical beast who, when your ally, becomes a strong protective force for you. A tiger is of course dangerous enough on land; when it is flying, you want to make sure it is on your side! During World War II, a US Air Force squadron stationed in mainland China to defend against the Japanese invasion was named the Flying Tigers to evoke public confidence in the Allied efforts. This strong name is also given to this auspicious point located on the Triple Warmer on the back of the forearm, demonstrating this strong aspect of our being, seen as the front line of our defense against the buffets and blows of life.

Another way to see the relationship between the channel’s location and its function is to notice that this it is found on the “sunny side” of the arm. This side of the arm catches the most sun, and manifests our suntan, sunburn, and freckles. It’s literally the aspect of our body which takes the heat.

Over the back corner of the elbow, the Triple Warmer passes through 10, Heavenly Will, and then passes up through the triceps. This is the area of the arm where you rub warmth back into yourself on a chilly evening. Or you may find yourself wrapping your arms around another as they wrap theirs around you to keep warm and snug. On that same evening, you may find your shoulders rising to your ears to protect your neck and ears from the cold. The large muscles of the upper trapezius are responsible for this action, and the Triple Warmer passes right through the middle of this muscle.

The channel continues up into the sides of the neck to meet the skull just under the ear, and then tracks around behind the ear at the hairline. The names of 17, Wind Screen, and 19, Skull Rest, really capture the quality of the energy behind the ear. It then circles around to the “sideburns” and cuts across the temples to its final point 23, Silk Bamboo Hollow, just off the end of the eyebrow. The image of laying your head upon your pillow and snuggling up beneath the comforter directly evokes both the location and the function of the Triple Warmer energy channel. A gentle circular rubbing or stroking of the temple at 23 will soothe your overworked, stressed out mind.
