
Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables.


Abbott, Arnold, 61–62


creation of, 13

to equipment, 72–74

member worker programs and, 46

as new ownership, 13

ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act

advances, cash, 36–38

aesthetic standards, 9, 61

“The Agricultural Ladder” (1919 article), 103

agricultural subsidies, 43

agri-terrorism, 9, 89, 90

Airbnb, 5

Airdine app, 118–122

Aldi, 9

Alger, Horatio, 109

Allen (hacker foodie), 99–101

American Seed Trade association, 86

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 52

Anastasia (butcher), 113

Apna Beej, 95

Arlene (peer-to-peer lender), 144–146

Arudino boards, 100–101

Assembly Bill 1810 (California), 89–90

associations, volunteer labor and, 45

authorization, equipment repair and, 32

autonomy, 152f, 153–155


banks, 135–137

Bart (Kansas farmer), 71–74

Becky and Lois (Vermont farmers), 57–60

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, 57

Ben (Cookapp client), 80–84

Berk, Adam, 118, 130

Big Data, 97–98

Bobilin v. Board of Education, State of Hawaii, 45

Botsman, Rachel, 67, 117–118

Bowman v. Monsanto Co., 90

Bread and Stuff, 133–135

Brice (seed saver), 92–93

Brown, David, 139

butchers, 112–113


California Farm Bureau Federation, 108

Camila (Airdine host), 118–122

carcass shrinkage, 24

car-munities, 139

cash advances, 36–38

Catherine (Denver food cooperative member), 123–129

Chesky, Brian, 117–118

Chhabria, Vince Girdhari, 51

children, community service and, 45

circular economy, 110–111

Climate Corporation, 97

Climate Pro sensors, 98

collaboration, labor laws and, 39–42

collaborative consumption, 5–6, 117–118

Colleen (cooperative member), 155–156

colleges, 105

Colpaart, Ashley, 15–16, 68

commissions, Uber and, 12–13

commodification of relationships, 74

Community Sourced Capital (CSC), 135–137

community-based trusts, overview of, 10

community-building, 14, 129

competition, 26–27, 43

competitive injury, 26–27

composting, 108–109

concentration of markets, 20–22, 21f, 22t

conservation easements, 58

contract farming, 4, 23–25

conventional foodscapes, 20, 21f

Cookapp (meal-sharing platform), 80–84


challenges of, 123–130

circular economy and, 111–116

reasons for, 1–2, 6–8

corn, 86–88

cosmetic food standards, 9, 61

Cottage Foods Act, 15

CR4 (four firm concentration ratio), 20–22, 22t

Craig (ice cream parlor owner), 140

credit, 36–38, 134–135

Cross, Barbara, 89

crowdfunding, 10, 59–60

crushing, volunteers, labor laws and, 41–42

CSC. See Community Sourced Capital

cultural barriers, 120, 125

culture shock, 130


data, generation and ownership of, 97–102

Dawb (California family farmer), 48–50

debt, 135–136

deed restrictions, 58

default rates, 141

diagnostic equipment, 35

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 31–36, 98–99

discrimination, private individuals and, 53

DMCA. See Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Doris (Farmers Guild member), 106–108

Dorothy (Bread and Stuff owner), 133–135


easements, 58

Eatwith (meal-sharing platform), 76

economic survival, 46

ecosystem services, 16

education, 104–105

Ellsworth, Henry, 85

employees, defining, 40


contract farming and, 24–26

increasing consumption of, 78

repairing, 31–36

sharing of, 8

short-term renting of, 72–74

exploitation, incentivizing, 39–40


Facebook, 15–16, 69

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 40, 45, 46

Fair Repair Act, 31, 35

Farm Bureau Federation, 108

Farm Service Agency of USDA, 57, 106–107

farmbots, 99–101

Farmer Fair Practices Rules, 26

Farmers Guild, 106–110

Faye’s Place, 36–38

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

fear, 122

Feastly (online meal-sharing platform), 68, 76–78

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 110–111

FLSA. See Fair Labor Standards Act

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 65

food banks, 62–63

food cooperatives

challenges of, 123–130

circular economy and, 111–116

reasons for, 1–2, 6–8

Food Corridor, 15–17, 65–69

food deserts, 38, 112

food safety, 3, 16, 51–52

food sovereignty, 14–16, 148–150

Food Standards Agency, 63–64

food trucks, 64

FoodCloud, 8–9, 62–64

foodscape, loss of individual ownership of, 4

Fort Collins, Colorado, 65–69

four firm concentration ratio (CR4), 20–22, 22t

friendships, 75–79, 81–82


Gates, Bill and Melinda, 63

Gersen, Jacob, 61

gestation crates, 24–26

Gilchrist, Cullen, 156

GIPSA rules, 26

Goetz, Stephan, 139

Good Samaritan Laws, 61

Google ethos, 96

Grab, 12

Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) rules, 26

The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 104

guilds, 106–110


hacker clubs, 96–102

hacktivists, 34

Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, 60–61

Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann § 421C-33 and, 45, 47

Hawaii Board of Education, Bobilin v., 45

Heritage Farm (Iowa), 92–93 hierarchies, 157

hierarchy of entitlements, 66–67

Hmong refugees, 48–50

homeless, sharing food with, 61–62

homelessness, 134

Homestead Act of 1862, 2–3, 105

horizontal concentration, 21

hybrid corn, 86–88


immigrant laborers, 147

incentives, 43, 47, 61

incomes, dropping, 3, 20, 73

independence, 109

individualism, ideology of, 109

inequality, 147

inflation rates, 3, 56

infrastructure, waste and, 61

insurance, 16, 41, 49–50

integrated pest management, 7

intellectual property, 4, 40

interest rates, 37, 136

Iu Mien refugees, 48–50


Jack (farmer), 27–30

Jack (Feastly user), 76–78

jam companies, 64–69

Jeb (Nebraska farmer), 31–36

Jeff (chef), 64–69

Jeffersonian ideal of ownership, 2–3, 4, 85, 104

John Deere, 33–34, 73

John Deere Electronic Data Link drivers, 34

John Deere Payload files, 34

John Deere Service Advisor, 34

Josephine (online meal-sharing platform), 50–53, 67–68, 76

Josh (Massachusetts dairy farmer), 1–2, 6–8, 129–132

Joy (attorney), 45–46

Julia (Chicago community activist), 111–114, 116

Julie (hacker club member), 101–102


Keywords (Williams), 148

kitchen space

regulation of, 64–65

sharing unused, 15–17, 65–69


acquiring, 103–105

cooperatives and, 111–116

creating and exchanging, 14

data and, 98–99

knowledge commons, 99

Kreiczer-Levy, Shelly, 67


label printing, 16

labels, seed libraries and, 88

labor laws, 39–42

ladder, agricultural, 103–105

land cooperatives, overview of, 10

land ownership, 2–4, 55–60, 130–132. See also Jeffersonian ideal of ownership

land transfers, 55–60, 105–106

Lao refugees, 48–50

leasing, 9–10, 56

legal issues

Bobilin v. Board of Education, State of Hawaii and, 45

of data generation and ownership, 97–102

Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann § 421C-33 and, 45, 47

labor laws and, 39–42

seed libraries and, 88–91

volunteer labor and, 45

waste and, 61

lending. See Loans

leverage, 7–8, 25

liability, 16, 61. See also Legal issues

liability insurance, 16

Librarian of Congress, 33

libraries, seeds and, 88–91

licensing agreements, 29, 33–34


government and, 107

peer-to-peer, 10, 135–137, 140–143

lobbying, 86

Lois and Becky (Vermont farmers), 57–60

Lyft, 12

Lyle (NY State Department of Labor retiree), 47–48


MachineryLink Sharing, 72–74

Maggie (Foodcloud inspector), 62–64

Maine Center for Economics Policy, 138

Marcela (peer-to-peer borrower and lender), 140–143

Marcie (cook), 50–53

Marcus (Washington winery owner), 41–44

market concentration, 4

market power, 97

market speculation, 98

Marvin (Ohio farmer), 19–27

Marvin (seed-sharing activist), 90–91

Mary (Farmers Guild member), 108–109

Mauss, Marcel, 52

McLuhan, Marshall, 158

medium is the message, 158

merchant cash advances, 36–38

Michael (cooperative member), 153

mimicry, 105

minorities, 37–38, 107–108

money, psychological consequences of, 144–145

Monsanto, 27–30, 90, 97–98

Monsanto Co., Bowman v., 90

moral economy, 10


Nathan (college student), 75–79

negotiation power. See Leverage

Network for Incubator and Commissary Kitchens Facebook group, 15–16

New Zealand, conventional foodscape of, 20, 21f

Newton, Casey, 12

NICK (Network for Incubator and

Commissary Kitchens), 69 Nicole (Chicago cooperative member), 114–116

Noelle (labor attorney), 39–41

nondisclosure agreements, 29


O’Brien, Aoibheann, 63 oikonomika, 142

Ola, 12

Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI), 95

Open Source Seed System India (OSSSI), 95

Operation SLOG, 12

organic methods, 7, 58

OSSI. See Open Source Seed Initiative

OSSSI. See Open Source Seed System India

overproduction, 61


access as, 13

changing concepts of, 2–4, 130–132

Jeffersonian ideal of, 2–3, 4, 104

of seed, 27–30

transfer of, 55–60


patent exhaustion doctrine, 90

patents, 4, 40, 95–96

peer-to-peer experiential learning, 107–108

peer-to-peer lending, 10, 135–137, 140–143

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 88

Peter (food truck owner), 64

pigs, contract farming and, 23–25 piracy, 31

platform cooperativism. See Sharing economy

positional power, 157

Postal Service, 86

precision agriculture, 97

property ownership, 2–4, 55–60, 130–132. See also Jeffersonian ideal of ownership

property values, 3, 56

“Psychological Consequences of Money” (Vohs), 144–145

public universities, 105


racism, 82–83

Radin, Margaret Jane, 66

regulations, food safety, 3

renting of farmland, 9–10, 56

repairs, 31–36, 72

restaurants, failing, 3

revenues, dropping, 3, 20, 73

rice milling, 20–21

Riceland Foods, 43

robber barons, 12

Rogers, Roo, 67

rotational grazing, 7

Roundup, 29

Rupasingha, Anil, 139


Sarah (seed-sharing activist), 93–96

scale, 7, 43–44

scaling out, 8

Scott (Kansas farmer), 73–74

seed, ownership of, 4

Seed Act of 2004 (Pennsylvania), 88

seed acts, 88–89

seed banks, 92–93

Seed Exchange Democracy Act, 89–90

seed industry, commercialization of, 86–88

seed libraries, 9

Seed Savers Exchange (SSE), 92–93

seed swap events, 89


concentrated markets and, 21

saving of, 92–96

sharing of, 85–89

self-driving cars, 13

sharing economy, 5–6, 117–118

shipping, meat processing and, 23–24

Singer, Jonas, 156

SLOG, 12

Slow Food NC, 141

Slow Money NC, 141

small businesses, 3, 137–139

social contact, 75

social distance, 120–122

social justice, 151f, 153–154

societies, 85

Southeast Asian family farmers, 48–49

sovereignty, 14–16, 148–150

sow stalls, 24–26

speculation, 98

SSE. See Seed Savers Exchange

Stephan (former Federal Reserve System research officer), 136–137

Stokes Seeds, 86

storage facilities, waste and, 61


agricultural, 43

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and, 57

rented lands and, 56

waste and, 61

succession, 2–4, 55–60, 130–132

sugar refining, 20–21

suggested donations, 81

supply chains, concentration in, 20–21

surge rates, 13


tampering, 34

technology, 5–6, 99–100

terrorism, 9, 89, 90

Tesco Ireland, 9, 62

timing, importance of, 23, 32–33

Toffler, Alvin, 142

tractor alley, 71–74

tractors, repairing, 4

trusts, community-based, overview of, 10


Uber, 5, 11–13, 75, 158

Union Kitchen, 156–158

universities, 105

U.S. Copyright Office, 33

U.S. Postal Service, 86

U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA), 26, 57, 86


vertical concentration, 21

La Vía Campesina, 14

Vohs, Kathleen, 144–145

volunteers, 41–48, 124–125


wages, 113–114

walkability, 139

Walmart, 111, 137, 139

Walton, Sam, 137

Ward, Iseult, 63

Washington State, 41–42

waste, 8–9, 60–61

Westover Winery, 41–44

What’s Mine Is Yours (Botsman and Rogers), 67, 117–118

Williams, Raymond, 148

word cloud exercise, 151–152f

workers’ compensation insurance, 41, 49–50


Zipcar, 75