Chapter Two

Minor Combinations... Yi Fortunes

"Heaven" Combinations

1. Ken-I-Ten Extreme Happiness is Close to Sorrow.

BOOK OF CHANGES: A dragon ascending to Heaven is your symbol. You are extremely lucky. But remember, a full moon is bound to wane. Don't count too much on your luck.

COMMENTS: This combination is all positive, very virile and manly. After long staying underground, the dragon is now rising energetically to reach Heaven. Your luck is tremendous. In seasonal terms, it symbolizes April.

If you get this combination but are not doing well right now, you may be sure that you have a bright future before you, with all past worries and sufferings quickly diminishing. You are right at the turning point. Don't be impatient, for soon everything will start going well.

Being the first combination listed, it is taken as supreme and paramount, symbolic of a beginning, a good beginning for people in noble or high status and for diligent workers. But it is "too good" for lazy, insincere, or conceited persons. They may be faring well at the present moment, but their luck may expire quickly and start declining sharply like a stock that has been too high. After reaching the summit, the only way you can go is downward. Beware of a complete reversal of your luck.

If you are a woman, you are rather masculine, spirited and aggressive—good qualities in a businesswoman— but a little too argumentative and conscious of your intelligence. You may not be a good housewife, but you have an aptitude for money-making. You are well-to-do. But always try to save. You tend to spend as much as you earn. You may have a major change in six months.

GENERAL: Everything begins now. It is a good time to start a business or a project. You will make a name first, and get material gains later.

WISHES: Reasonable wishes will come true. Talk to a superior for best results. You will have success in getting a job or in an examination.

MARRIAGE: Good for a woman, but generally not very favorable for a man unless he is marrying into the woman's family. She tends to be aggressive in everything.

BIRTH: You will have a son.

HEALTH: Beware of brain and nerve diseases. You are under a mental stress.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Get an intermediary and give him a free hand.

TRAVELING: Generally favorable. But don't be reckless. You might get hurt.

MISSING PROPERTY: Look southwest.

AWAITED PERSONS: Coming, though late.

MONEY: Things look so grand that you tend to go too far. You might lose money that way. Be careful.

MARKET: It will rise, reach a peak, then start down.


*Note: You will see from these variations that if the index is 1, the last element in the combination becomes negative; if it is 2, the second element from the last; etc. In any case, the variation you get represents what will happen to you in a more distant future.

2. Ten-Taku-Ri Select a Good Partner in a Crisis.

BOOK OF CHANGES: YOU are running the risk of stepping on a tiger's tail. But proceed in good form, and you will succeed.

COMMENTS: Ri means courtesy. Be courteous, pay respect to your superiors and do everything in your limited power.

With modesty, proceed behind other people if you want to succeed. But there is always a risk. A venture started in a half-hearted manner will bring you considerable worries later on.

The combination also symbolizes female nudity with a tendency to nymphomania. Beware of men!

Fatalists talk about your destiny, which means the lot you were born with. For instance, if three office girls try to tell their own fortunes on the same proposition and get the same Yi combination (which almost never happens in practice), it does not follow that they will follow similar courses in life. Even if the combination promises "good luck", the first girl may have, say, 80 percent of the potential luck; the second girl, 70 percent; and the third girl, 50 percent. The percentage will be limited by your capacity for luck. A pint bottle cannot hold more than a pint of milk. Therefore, know your limitations, and be modest.

GENERAL: A surprise will be followed by a joy. Be careful not to lose courtesy in dealing with seniors and superiors.

WISHES: Wishes out of proportion to your status will not be granted.

MARRIAGE: After a tentative hitch, you will hear the wedding bells. A little anxiety remains, however.

BIRTH: You will have a daughter in a safe delivery.

HEALTH: YOU will be generally fine, but if you contract a disease, it will last. Beware of respiratory and venereal diseases.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Courtesy is most important. Private negotiations concerning future consequences are preferable to legal action.

TRAVELING: There will be a surprise. Don't flirt.

MISSING PROPERTY: Ask a woman, though you have a slim chance of finding it.

AWAITED PERSONS: You will hear from him (her) soon.

MONEY: The situation looks promising, but it will not amount to much. If you are dazzled by a prospect of immediate gains and lose courtesy, you will suffer a heavy loss.

MARKET: After a lull, there will be an unfavorable turn. Don't venture, or you will smart from it.


3. Ten-Ka-Do-Jin Agreement Will Be Reached.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Symbolic of a light emerging in darkness, this combination gives you hope of eventual success.

COMMENTS: Do-jin signifies friendliness. You are healthy, wise, gifted with a talent for writing, and sociable. The combination is one of hope, the kind of hope that occurs in the heart of a lone traveler who, after walking hours in darkness, has found a clear light in the distance. Now you can proceed with confidence. With past hardships and worries gone, you will receive unexpected assistance, and everything will go well. You will be favored by your superiors, and your joint undertakings with associates will go a long way.

You tend to be impatient from habit, but what you need most is persistence. However, there may be some complications in your relations with kith and kin.

If you are a woman, you tend to be unfaithful, though not to the point of flirting, creating a little gulf between you and your husband or fiance. Beware.

GENERAL: Proceeding with hope, you will have assistance from a good friend.

WISHES: With the assistance of a superior or an old woman, your wish will come true sooner. Don't proceed alone. You need someone to help you.

MARRIAGE: YOU will succeed if you are marrying for the second time or have proper arrangements worked out directly with your prospective spouse, though you may still be interested in someone else.

BIRTH: The delivery will be safe.

HEALTH: You are under a little stress. Take care of yourself. Beware of fevers and epidemics.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You can achieve a settlement by showing modesty. Conciliation with the help of a person of high status is advisable.

TRAVELING: You will be lucky on a trip with a companion, but traveling with a member of the opposite sex might entail unfavorable consequences.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found if you look for it at once.

AWAITED PERSONS: Coming without fail.

MONEY: You will have your share. But don't seek both money and carnal pleasures at the same time. You will lose a good friend that way.


4. Ten-Rai-Bu-Mo Leave it to Heaven.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Thunder is rolling in summer and everything is swaying, unsettled. Don't take action in haste.

COMMENTS: You may be anxious about many things at the moment, but the time is not ripe for you to take any action. Relax and wait. Leave everything to Heaven, and don't over-reach yourself. Since your luck is not as yet high enough, let things go without interfering. If you count on your brain and make a move, you are bound to fail. So, stop being impatient and mark time. Things will turn in your favor pretty soon as luck comes back to you.

If you are expecting to marry, let things take their own course, and don't count too much on marrying. If you have a lover, there will be some complication.

GENERAL: Everything depends on chance. You are in an unstable situation.

WISHES: It will not be granted until the time comes.

MARRIAGE: You will find it hard to marry him (her), with disagreements cropping up. However, you will have success if you are marrying for the second time.

BIRTH: A boy will be delivered safe and sound.

HEALTH: You will be sleepless, and might fall ill suddenly. Be careful.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You are generally at a disadvantage.

TRAVELING: You will be lucky if you follow others' advice. But business trips are not commendable.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will not be found. Someone has misappropriated it.

AWAITED PERSONS OR MESSAGES: Not coming due to a mistake on the way.

MONEY: You will be disappointed,

MARKET: Generally unchanged, with minor ups and downs. Buying as others do will bring you immediate gains, but a heavy loss will be in store for you if you go too far.


5. Ten-Pu-Ko Things Will Just Happen.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The fruit is ripe on the tree, ready to be picked or fall. Stay alert, or you might have an unpleasant surprise.

COMMENTS: Ko means an accident. By accident you may meet an unexpected disaster. Beware of traffic accidents and frauds. If you are an office girl, you are in a position to be embarrassed by a superior's special kindness for you, and the man in your heart unfortunately has evil intentions about you. You had better not try to get married at this moment. Talk to people you can really trust. Trying to have your own way in everything will merely bring you disaster.

Generally, problems tend to crop up where they have been least expected, making seemingly simple things difficult for you. So, stay on guard, and continue to do your best.

However, this combination symbolizes a state of things quickly coming and going, and is good for gay trades. In seasonal terms, it represents May.

GENERAL: Your luck is turning down. Stay on guard.

WISHES: It will not be granted easily, with problems cropping up.

MARRIAGE: You will not be able to marry him (her) due to interference from above.

BIRTH: There may be a little trouble. Take balanced nourishment, and take good care of yourself after the confinement.

HEALTH: A slight illness may linger on. Beware of constipation.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You will be at a considerable disadvantage. Seek conciliation through an intermediary.

TRAVELING: You are likely to have trouble with the opposite sex. Seek no carnal pleasures away from home, or you will be in a mess.

MISSING PROPERTY: A woman is involved, and it will be found quite unexpectedly.


MONEY: You need to economize now, though you will get a little money now and then.

MARKET: Tensely balanced with considerable fluctuations.


6. Ten-Sui-Sho It's No Use to Argue.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Sho means suing. There will be a dispute.

COMMENTS: This combination symbolizes disharmony between Heaven and Man. In a company, there will be a lack of unity, or even an open rift. You are not of harmony with your superiors, and find everything going against your will. But don't be impatient, or you will fall into an adverse situation from which it will be very hard for you to emerge. Counting on your brain and forcing your way will bring you disaster due to miscalculations. But you will find a way out if you talk to a proper superior or friend and follow his advice. Bear in mind that your luck is very low at this moment, and act accordingly with modesty. You may be involved in a fraud or a suit, and cannot expect much success in marrying. If you are a woman, you may find yourself in an awkward position between two parties.

Like a willow bowing to the wind, keep your head low and try to get along with others.

GENERAL: Your luck is on the wane. Refrain from new undertakings, and wait until your luck recovers.

BIRTH: A boy will be born safe.

HEALTH: You tend to have circulatory disturbance, complaints due to exposure to cold, rheumatism, neuralgia; if you are a man, early impotence; if you are a woman, suppressed desires.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: There will be considerable discrepancies between the two parties. In the case of a suit, you had better seek a private settlement.

TRAVELING: Generally you had better not go on any trip, unless you are going alone for pleasure.

MISSING PROPERTY: No use looking for it; someone has it.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming due to a misunderstanding. There may be a little chance, however, if you send word with modesty.

MONEY: You are likely to be disappointed, but you will be helped by a woman or an inferior. Keep an eye on your locker or desk. Beware of thieves.

MARKET: You are likely to lose. Whether you buy or sell, the market will turn against your expectations. Don't borrow money for market investment, or you will be sued later. There are times when you should do nothing in the market. The general trend will be downward, if you insist on having an answer.


7. Ten-Zan-Ton Flying is the Best Tactic.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Ton means flying or retreating. The combination symbolizes a wise man retreating into the woods. You will be lucky if you turn back. If you are an entertainer or an educator, you will have much luck by going forward.

COMMENTS: You will lose by advancing and gain by retreating. Since your luck is declining, move back to reduce your battle front and consolidate your defenses. Think hard. You have a lot of problems at this time and are faced with malice from envious people and slanderers. Everything has gone wrong and is in a mess. If you stand absent-minded, moreover, you are likely to meet with an accident, possibly a truck rushing upon you.

Generally, you will be unlucky at first and then find yourself luckier with the lapse of time. If you are in difficulty or adversity now, you may assume that you will soon be out of the trouble. Perhaps you should make a positive move if you see a chance. But you might court more trouble that way unless you keep in mind the general state of things around you. Now is the time to think hard and take a resolute action. This combination is essentially a hard one spelling difficulties, but it is very lucky for people in service trades or in motion picture, theater and entertainment fields. You may expect to make a hit production.

GENERAL: Your luck is going down. But you will have much luck if you are operating in entertainment, night club, and other gay businesses.

WISHES: It will not come true due to interference.

MARRIAGE: Your chances of marrying are generally low.

BIRTH: Beware of miscarriage.

HEALTH: A seemingly slight ailment will tend to linger. You are losing energy and getting weaker.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Your opponent will be at an advantage. There will be meddlers working against you.

TRAVELING: A pilgrimage to a shrine or church may be commendable. Ordinary trips had better be canceled.

MISSING PROPERTY: Someone has taken it away. It will not be recovered unless you take action at once.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming for the moment due to certain problems.

MONEY: With considerable internal costs and expenses, you will not have much money as yet.

MARKET: Balanced at a high level.


8. Ten-Chi-Hi Man and Wife Sleep Back to Back.

BOOK OF CHANGES: There are clouds over the moon, screening its light and creating a gloom.

COMMENTS: Hi means negation and lack of communication. Look at the combination: the two halves are opposite to each other in polarity. In seasonal terms, it is centered around July. You are apt to be suspected by others, have a break with an old friend, or suffer from a domestic disharmony, a prospect of divorce, or other such unfortunate developments which will also affect your business. At the office, you tend to be frustrated, seeing your reasonable opinion rejected and your honest efforts ignored. But contain yourself and persevere until your luck returns. Losing your patience at this time will serve no purpose. You will merely bog down further and fall into a serious predicament. So, be patient until the gloomy mist clears up. If the index is 2, you will have to wait two months; if it is 4, four months. After that, your current problems will turn into factors for prosperity.

In any case, it is most inadvisable to take action now. Since all doors are closed, making a move will not get you anywhere. Your lover, or even your spouse, is thinking of leaving you, not sharing your joys and sorrows any more. In the worst case, you might have a divorce.

If you are expecting to enter a school or a company, or going to employ someone or sign a contract, you had better give it up. A better opportunity will present itself soon. With respect to health, beware of brain hemorrhage due to constipation. If you are a woman, you may have skin eruptions and other such troubles.

GENERAL: Though unhappy at present, you may look forward to much happiness in the future.

WISHES: It will not come true immediately, but seventy or eighty percent of it will be realized later.

MARRIAGE: There will be some problems, but you will be able to marry if you or the other party make a few concessions.

BIRTH: There will be worries, but the baby will be born safely if you keep in touch with the doctors. The husband's cooperation is essential.

HEALTH: A brain hemorrhage or circulatory trouble may be quite dangerous. Refer to your index variation.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: No favorable settlement will be made. With impatience, you are bound to fail.

TRAVELING: Don't go on a trip unless it is a short one.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be hard to find.

AWAITED PERSONS, MASSAGES: Not coming due to trouble, or coming unexpectedly without warning.

MONEY: At this moment it is difficult even to borrow money. Beware of thieves. Keep an eye on your seal, deeds, etc.

MARKET: Will stay balanced despite new factors. Whichever way you act, the market will turn exactly in the opposite way.


"Lake" Combinations

9. Taku-Ten-Kai Dangerous Isolation.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Superiors will be overpowered by inferiors in a bloodless revolution. The old state of things will change.

COMMENTS: Kai means forcing your way successfully by displacing your superiors. Your luck is high. But you are apt to stumble due to stubborness—venturing forward without prudence and falling into a serious predicament.

If your standing is high, your subordinates or sub-contractors will tend to rebel against you, leaving you in isolation. Since you are a man (woman) of caliber with a resolute mind and considerable ability, you can afford to be more gentle and flexible.

When you are faring well, a sudden misfortune may befall you. A serious argument or dispute may develop over a trivial matter, and problems may occur from such things as bonds and houses. In love affairs, you tend to love someone who does not think much of you, and consequently overstrain yourself. There is disharmony between you and your spouse, and both may be thinking of divorce. A cooling period would permit both of you to reflect upon yourselves.

GENERAL: You will do very well when things are going well. But look out for a stumbling block. If you are not doing well, you should not make any move. Refer to your index variation. The present combination represents March.

WISHES: Frustration will await you halfway to the goal. Obstacles will crop up.

MARRIAGE: The proposition is sound, but investigate the other party thoroughly.

BIRTH: Generally safe.

HEALTH: The condition needs close watching.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Positive action will bring you luck. Be honest.

TRAVELING: There will be a costly surprise.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will not be recovered.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: If you are waiting for a woman, she will come. She is trying to make up her mind now.

MONEY: A fortune will be made after a period of abject poverty. But don't count on a lottery or the like. Your past plans and ideas will bring you money.

MARKET: A spurt will be followed by a temporary fall.


10. Da-I-Taku A Double Chance.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The combination symbolizes a new moon reflected in a lake. Da means happiness, which, however, is potential at present and will be realized later.

COMMENTS: Though glowing with hope, your situation is also fraught with unsettled problems. There are worries behind an appearance of well-being.

Currently you are anxious about things which are beyond your control. Admired by some and accused by others, you are nervous and touchy. If these are coupled with carnal desires and greed for money, you will simply destroy yourself.

Da also signifies the mouth. Perhaps it would help to confide your problems to a trusted superior or friend and ask his advice. Once told, the problems will weigh less heavily on your mind. But remember, you can court trouble by talking too much. Refrain from slandering or telling on other people. It will backfire. With the help of hidden supporters, you will do increasingly well as time goes on. For the moment, try some diversion and mark time. Moreover, this combination promises you much in the pecuniary way.

You will have much luck if you are a salesman, an entertainer, a radio or television artist, a singer, a newspaperman, or anything else specially related to da (mouth). You are on the right track. You will be starting on a new undertaking before long.

If you are a woman, people naturally talk behind your back since you are charming and appealing. Never mind them and relax. Wait a little while and you will be exactly what you want to be. But the man you are dealing with now is not very dependable.

GENERAL: After a period of mental and physical striving, your luck will swing upward.

WISHES: It seems almost within your reach but you cannot get hold of it easily. Perhaps more explanation is needed. Try to be more persuasive.

MARRIAGE: There will be a little difficulty. Make thorough investigations. If both of you are in the entertainment field, you may expect to marry with fair success. Especially, you will have good luck if you are marrying for the second time.

BIRTH: A girl will be born safely, though she may be a little undergrown.

HEALTH: Beware of troubles affecting the stomach, duodenum, the colon, and of food poisoning. Haven't you bad teeth?

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: A settlement will be made if you show sincerity.

TRAVELING: It will be costly, but there will be no misfortunes or accidents.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found if you look for it immediately. You will have a hint from a woman.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Word will come quick from the West. In any case, you will not wait in vain.

MONEY: Money is one thing that seems abundant but is scarce in reality. It will come to you little by little.

MARKET: The upward trend is in check. Wait for new factors.


11. Taku-Ka-Kaku It's Time for a Major Change.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Spelling good luck for a change, the combination symbolizes a firefly emerging from dying grass to glow beautifully.

COMMENTS: The grass is sodden and the insect emerging from it might be expected to look ugly. But, lo, it glows with exquisite beauty! Things will turn out much better than expected, and there will be a joyous change from old to new.

At this moment you may not be in a very happy state, but with effort you will recover your luck and be admired by one and all. With increasing luck, you will be heading for success. But don't be impatient.

You will be lucky, and are already beginning to be lucky, in carrying out a reform, remodeling your house, moving to a new residence, or taking a new job. Try to take all circumstances into account and evaluate them carefully so that your change will not be one for the worse.

Whether you are a man or a woman, beware of the opposite sex. A woman might find herself with an illegitimate child. Generally, things will tend to change. An old contract may be changed, but there will be hope of future improvement.

GENERAL: Your luck is good and may be counted on. You are, as it were, coming into the limelight. In a game or battle, you will be the winner.

WISHES: After a slow start, it will quickly come true. A new plan or idea will be very fruitful.

MARRIAGE: Don't hurry. You will not be very lucky if you are marrying for the first time. Otherwise, you will have a successful marriage.

BIRTH: A boy will be born. The mother may have a little trouble after her confinement.

HEALTH: A lingering ailment might come to an unexpected change, possibly for the worse. Your life may be in danger. There will be a chance of survival if you change the doctor or enter a hospital and receive the best treatment from a specialist. Beware of traffic accidents involving your family.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Things will turn in your favor, though with a little delay.

TRAVELING: Your itinerary may be changed. You will be lucky if you are going West or South.

MISSING PROPERTY: You left it somewhere. Someone has misappropriated it.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming due to a change of mind. There may be a little chance, however, if you are waiting for a woman.

MONEY: Even with care, you will find yourself spending too much. But you will be lucky in a game.

MARKET: There will be a turn—down from a high level or up from a low level.


12. Taku-Rai-Zui Float with the Stream.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Zui means willingness to follow. You have the luck of a follower, which may not be capital but will be reasonably good.

COMMENTS: The combination symbolizes a little girl following her big brother. You will find a good advisor, whose assistance will enable you to achieve a lot of success. But there may be others approaching you with deceptive intentions. Prudence and good judgment are essential in any case. If you are young, you may fall into trouble due to a love affair, acting in defiance of a superior's advice and courting failure. Try to see if the party you are dealing with has evil or kind intentions. If anyone tells you to stop, stop and wait until the signal turns green. You may change your residence, or leave your home town, or quit your job, but you will be safe so long as you float with the stream.

If you are a man, you may have an attractive woman before you, and you may be tempted to switch your allegiance from your present wife or lover. The chances are that the stream will carry you in that direction, whether it will be good for you or not. If you are a product or insurance salesman, you should be contented with small orders or contracts for the moment, for they will bring you better results in the future.

This combination spells a happy marriage. The other party is anxious to marry you. As man and wife, you will get along with each other.

GENERAL: You will be busy with affairs that essentially concern other people. Your luck is moderately good, and will be better in the future.

WISHES: It is likely to come true. You may ask others' help. If you want to borrow money, ask for a small sum to begin with.

MARRIAGE: The other party is eager to marry you. The wedding bells will ring very soon.

BIRTH: Safe.

HEALTH: A seemingly slight complaint could be dangerous. You had better undergo a close checkup.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You may be winning in name and losing in reality. The net result will be a loss.

TRAVELING: You will have no trouble.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found before long.


MONEY: You tend to make much and spend much. You may borrow a little money.

MARKET: You will earn a lot—-the market falling after you sell and rising after you buy. Whether rising or falling, it will be subject to considerable fluctuations.


13. Taku-Fu-Tai-Ka Retreat a Step Before Advancing Two Steps.

BOOK OF CHANGES: On horseback you are riding into a crowded town. Don't go too fast if you want to avoid accidents.

COMMENTS: At present your luck seems capital. But since you are riding through a crowd, you should not hurry, otherwise, you might hurt pedestrians and even yourself. You have warnings in all directions. Tai-ka means going too far. An over-inflated balloon may seem impressive but it may burst at any time, and it is likely to shrink in time.

You are apt to be involved in a trouble which will be beyond your control. In your business, you have expanded too much and are running short of funds.

Instead of relying too much on your own judgment, listen to the opinion of others, though you may not be in a frame of mind to do so. In a love affair, you tend to go all the way to the very end, knowing you are ruining yourself that way. You have both carnal and platonic desires.

This combination warns you to retreat a step and reduce your burden, for you tend to overwork and over-exert yourself. Until all dangers pass, stay like a prudent fox calmly watching a hunter go by. Time will solve your problem, and you will soon find an open way before you. Wait a little longer with patience.

GENERAL: You will have a hard time trying to make both ends meet.

WISHES: It seems almost coming true but will never be realized.

MARRIAGE: Complications will keep you from marrying. Forcible action for marriage will cause misfortune to one of the parties.

BIRTH: The baby is overgrown and will have a hard time before it is born.

HEALTH: A man tends to be overworked and a woman, to fall ill.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Agreement will be hard to reach. You will be at a disadvantage if you assert yourself too much.

TRAVELING: An unexpected trouble will happen.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will not be recovered.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming, but you will not be there to receive him (her, them, it).

MONEY: You will have difficulty in raising enough money to meet immediate needs.

MARKET: It has gone out of reasonable limits. If it is at a high level, a sharp decline is forthcoming.


14. Taku-Sui-Kon Stay Low.

BOOK OF CHANGES: This is one of the four hardest combinations in Yi augury. Kon means trouble or suffering. Whatever happens, stay low. Things will improve.

COMMENTS: You are gloomily watchings things get worse minute by minute. Both physically and mentally, you are unsettled and suffering considerably, and your heart is troubled too. Possibly you are thinking of leaving home or flying by night. You may feel that you are the most unhappy creature in the world, but there are people in worse circumstances. You are somewhere between the luckiest and the unluckiest. Think of people who are worse off than yourself. Aren't many of them striving bravely to overcome their tremendous difficulties? You can carry a still heavier burden if you try. Since you must be at least partly responsible for your present situation, reflect upon yourself and try to find what is wrong with your way of doing things. The combination also suggests a possibility of a helping hand being extended from above. You should never give up hope.

If you are a woman, you may be troubled by what other people are saying about you. But remember, it all started from a little lie you told before. In a love affair, you may be faced with a difficult situation which is apt to make you desperate, but what you need now is self-criticism. Reflect on your own faults, and don't act desperately and ruin yourself. Avoid solitude, try to smile, and do your best to emerge gradually from your unhappy position. You may count on assistance from your seniors. If you are a man, you are considered a little frivolous and unreliable though agreeable on the surface. Avoid irresponsible talk and try to be sincere. With respect to your health, you tend to drink too much and commit excesses. You need rest rather than medicine.

Although all doors are closed at present, you may be able to improve the situation soon with enough effort, and with assistance from other people. Refer to your index variation to see what is in store for you in a more distant future.

GENERAL: Your efforts are not producing much effect, and you are not trusted by others. Ask a reliable senior or superior for proper advice.

WISHES: It will not be realized immediately. You need the help of a high personage.

MARRIAGE: After a temporary break, you will marry him (her) through the medium of a superior. It will be a good match.

BIRTH: Safe. But imprudence might result in a premature rupture of the fetal membrane.

HEALTH: Be temperate in drinking and eating. You might have a fish bone stuck in your throat, or a toothache.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You will be annoyed by prolonged negotiations.

TRAVELING: Wherever you go, you will be in trouble. Cancel the trip.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be hard to find.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Your interest is not shared by the other party.

MONEY: You will be disappointed. Any speculation will bring you disaster. Don't gamble. You will never win.

MARKET: After staying at a low level for some time, it will fall further.


15. Taku-Zan-Kan A Loving Heart.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Kan means sensitivity or flair. Your sixth sense is active, and you are in the right frame of mind for whatever you intend to do. Your luck is capital.

COMMENTS: Whatever you wish will come true. An unexpected happy development is forthcoming. You will be successful in business, in conducting negotiations, in making sales, in everything, especially with the help of superiors.

If you are a man, approach the woman of your heart with sincerity, and she will respond gladly. You may look forward to a happy marriage, and your new home will be warm and constructive. You will be successful in getting a job or entering a school. With a good flair, you will do well in games as well as in business regardless of your normal limitations. But don't wish for things disproportionate with your standing.

If you are a woman, you may be a sensitive dreamer, a buxom, fair-skinned, sweet girl—the type that arouses mens' protective instinct. If you are expecting to marry, don't waste time. If you hesitate, inconveniences may occur.

GENERAL: You will fare well with assistance and protection from others but may be faced with some malice from envious people. Be careful in dealing with the opposite sex.

WISHES: You will get far better results than you expected.

MARRIAGE: It will be an ideal match. Ask a superior for assistance if you want to facilitate the wedding.

BIRTH: Safe.

HEALTH: You have a little mental strain and are overworked.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: A settlement will be made easily. As the other party is rather compromising, a little leadership on your part will help.

TRAVELING: You will have a wonderful companion. You may be on your honeymoon.

MISSING PROPERTY: Ask a child or a woman.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming if you send word or make a call.

MONEY: You will make much and spend much. Your earnings will be greater if you follow a superior's advice. You will be able to borrow money with a superior's guarantee.

MARKET: A little bearish but with promise of an upswing. Start your market operations.


16. Taku-Chi-Sui Success in Business.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Symbolizing an energetic carp rising to the Dragon Gate, this combination promises promotion, a pay raise, successful admission to a school, etc.

COMMENTS: You have the strong luck of a carp swimming energetically up stream. The combination also stands for convergence, spelling success in business or successful audience mobilization for radio or television programs or other shows.

Before approaching the Dragon Gate, the carp has traveled through numerous hardships including rapids and cascades. The good luck you have now is no accident but the fruit of your past efforts, for which you are beginning to be rewarded. If you are a company employee, you may expect promotion or a pay raise. Pay more attention to your family and home, and be pious. If you are single, you may look forward to a happy marriage. You may have so many offers that you find it hard to make up your mind, but early action will produce better results. In many ways you are active, sociable and attractive, and some people may call you a sweet talker. Keep this criticism in mind.

The combination also stands for reunion, or meeting someone you have not seen for a long time; and you are likely to visit a hot spring, a beach, or other places associated with water.

GENERAL: With the assistance or protection of a superior or a senior, you are likely to achieve unexpected success. Perhaps you are a little bothered by affection from members of the opposite sex.

WISHES: It is likely to be granted, though there may be some interference from a woman.

MARRIAGE: You will be successful in marrying, but there may be interruptions if you take too much time. You will need a mediator. An arrangement made between you and your prospective spouse is apt to fail later.

BIRTH: A girl will be born safe.

HEALTH: You are healthy at present, but beware of food poisoning, stomach troubles and other complaints from eating and drinking.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You are slightly at a disadvantage. Seek an early settlement. A new trouble seems to be forthcoming.

TRAVELING: You are likely to go off the beaten track away from home.

MISSING PROPERTY: It may have fallen into someone's hands but will be recovered eventually.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming, though late.

MONEY: You will make enough money. A little speculation will be safe, bringing you profits by and by. What would you say to a game of bridge tonight?

MARKET: After much trading, there will be a rise.


"Fire" Combinations

17. Ka-Ten-Tai-Yu The Queen.

BOOK OF CHANGES: You will have the luck of finding a beautiful lily in a deep valley.

COMMENTS: Tai-yu means generosity and fairness, which are among the essential qualities of a wise man respected by the public. The combination stands for freedom, and also symbolizes the sun shining brightly in the firmament. You will be very lucky in spiritual rather than material fields. You will be successful in entering a school, getting a job, or starting a new project. If you have not been doing very well, trust in your ability and brace up. Act aggressively to find your way to success. Leave details to others and put yourself in the position of a commander, who gives orders. But you are likely to lose friends by thinking light of them, and you may have some trouble with close relations, colleagues, or women. If you act too aggressively on the strength of your good luck, you will smart for it later.

If you are a woman, you may have an aptitude for business and be smarter than most men. As an office girl, you may be regarded with some awe by young men working in the same office because you are so smart. Never mind them and relax. Soon a worthy man will ask your hand.

If you are a man, you have caliber, and will be promoted to a responsible position before long.

GENERAL: You will be very successful in spiritual or academic fields. You will be lucky in other fields, too, but you may tend to go too far in seeking an objective.

WISHES: It will not come true if your aim is too high. Wish for things proportionate to your standing.

MARRIAGE: Wedding bells will ring after a little delay. If you are a woman, remember that impatience will undo everything.

BIRTH: See your doctor at an early date.

HEALTH: Beware of fevers, which could be dangerous.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You will succeed if you act aggressively.

TRAVELING: You will have a successful trip if you follow the advice of a senior.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found at a high place, or near a shrine or a church.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming upon another appeal from you.

MONEY: You will spend a lot. A small sum may be borrowed.

MARKET: A temporary halt will be followed by a rise.


18. Ka-Taku-Kei Opposition Without Reason.

BOOK OF CHANGES: You have opposition everywhere. Kei means to rebel or disagree. Be careful of what you say and do if you want to stay out of trouble.

COMMENTS: The combination symbolizes two women glaring at each other with hostility. The situation is fraught with dark passion, as in a triangle. Teamwork is impossible, and an argument develops over the slightest issue. When you say yes, the other party invariably says no, and vice versa. New plans and marriage proposals stand no chance of success. Well-meant advice is regarded with suspicion, and you cannot concentrate on whatever you are doing, vaguely imagining that your superior may have some prejudice against you. You have had many mistakes and troubles, and you have tended to spend carelessly. You are likely to be worked up into an argument and may even hurt someone.

If a man obtains this combination with respect to a woman, his luck cannot be worse. Unless he is extremely careful, he is likely to suffer a great deal on her account, getting something much worse than a mere broken heart.

However, this combination is a lucky one so far as small matters are concerned. Arguments over trivial issues often lead to harmony, as between a man and wife who are always quarreling but actually loving each other.

In any case, try to be modest and listen to your seniors and superiors. There will be a change for the better in three months.

GENERAL: You will suffer much, seeing everything go against your will. Be careful of what you say and do.

WISHES: It is unlikely to come true due to interference.

MARRIAGE: You had better not accept the offer.

BIRTH: Safe, but with disturbing hitches in the schedule.

HEALTH: You had better undergo a close checkup. If you are suffering now, you will do better by changing your doctor. Beware of traffic accidents.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Flexibility will bring you success in making sales or in such other business. If you have a traffic accident with another motorist, talk peacefully. Unnecessary provocation will make the matter worse.

MISSING PROPERTY: It may be found if you look for it in a hurry.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Your suspicion is dampening the enthusiasm of the other party (parties).

MONEY: Save now to provide for the future. You will tend to spend more than you make.

MARKET: There will be an abnormal soar, which will not last.


19. Ri-I-Ka Overflowing Passion.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The pheasant caught in a net is getting away. Don't rejoice in vain.

COMMENTS: Ri means beauty. Your situation is attractive on the surface but poor inside. Happiness seems to be almost here but never comes as troubles occur at the last minute. Also, you might be separated from dear friends or be tricked by others.

In any case, you will see things change frequently and will have to act accordingly, now advancing, now retreating. Conduct yourself with prudence whatever happens. If you receive tempting proposals, regard them with reservations, leaving yourself room for turning back, for you may be disappointed or cheated. Before accepting a seemingly nice proposition, study the proposal objectively, and ask a third party for advice.

If you are a woman, you may be pretty and tend to seek splendor. You may be a little frivolous and vulnerable to tricks. You need a good advisor. A mistress may have a break with her master.

GENERAL: You will be successful in carrying out things handed over from others. Your luck is strong, but often so strong that you lose prudence, resulting in dangerous turns in your fortune. Over-reliance on your brain may bring you disaster.

WISHES: It will be realized with the help of a senior. You will be successful in anything related to letters, such as literature, academic papers, examinations, printing, and journalism.

MARRIAGE: You had better not marry for the moment. There will be more than one proposal and you will find it hard to make up your mind.

BIRTH: Safe. You might have female twins.

HEALTH: You may have an acute illness, and your condition may deteriorate quickly.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You are likely to end up with no settlement worked out. Ask a friend to mediate.

TRAVELING: Put off the trip if you can.

MISSING PROPERTY: It may be in a beautiful place. Or it may be found unexpectedly if you ask a woman without delay.


MONEY: You will lose a little money. If you want to borrow money, ask a friend.

MARKET: There will be a double rise.


20. Ka-Rai-Zei-Go A Started Engine.

BOOK OF CHANGES: You are bothered by something between your teeth. Crunch it down, and you will feel fine.

COMMENTS: With something weighing on your mind, you feel unhappy day after day. Take resolute action, and you will see things improve gradually. Don't be impatient but proceed with moderation. You will find the bluebird just within your reach.

This combination, like No. 19 (Ri-I-Ka), spells strong luck but without the latter's ominous implications. You will be especially lucky in business. A newly-launched business will go well after some initial difficulties.

If you are a woman, you may be the masculine type and probably tend to talk too much. You may be a group leader who likes to take action. But you may lack tenderness and romantic qualities and may not be liked by men. You are likely to have difficulty in marrying.

GENERAL: You are a little impatient now as things are not exactly as you wish them to be. But resolute action will remove all obstacles. Whatever happens, proceed bravely.

WISHES: It will not come true immediately due to interference from someone.

MARRIAGE: There will be troubles between you and your prospective spouse, plus unfriendly relatives on the latter's side or hidden enemies, making things generally go wrong.

BIRTH: The child will be born without difficulty, but the mother will suffer from morning sickness. It will be a boy. A balanced diet will be important.

HEALTH: A nervous breakdown or hysteria will linger. You may have a bad tooth. If you have a car of your own, drive carefully. There may be an accident, though it will not be a serious one.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: There will be more complication if you have a mediator. Be careful not to be sued.

TRAVELING: You will be safe if you return home quickly, though you may have a minor unpleasantness like an argument.

MISSING PROPERTY: You will find it between or beneath certain things.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming due to difficulties. But you may have some chance if you send word.

MONEY: Money will come and go, never staying in your hands.

MARKET: Some amount of selling will keep the prices down for the moment, but they will gradually go up despite, or just because of, the selling.


21. Ka-Fu-Tei Three Arrows.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The tripod (tei) is a noble object in China, symbolizing the Imperial Throne. You will be lucky as a leader.

COMMENTS: To maximize your luck, you should abandon the old and adopt the new. With prudence, you will see all your efforts bringing you proper rewards. You will find new friends, and you will succeed if you start anew with new plans. You will be favored by your superiors and achieve prominence. Form a trio with others, for things you cannot do single-handed may be done by the combined effort of three. You have affinity to the number "3." If you are expecting to marry, a step-mother will help. If you insist on living alone with your spouse, a third person may appear to form a triangle with you two, unless you have a baby pretty soon.

Since the combination promises you leadership, you should take the lead in anything. If you are a company employee, you will soon be promoted to a responsible position. If you are a businessman, you may achieve unexpected success on something new. Your residence may be changed.

GENERAL: Wait a little while until the time comes. Soon you will be prosperous on a steady basis.

WISHES: It will come true—but possibly with a result somewhat different from what you wanted at first. Cooperation from others will be essential for your success.

MARRIAGE: He (she) is eager, and waiting for your answer. You will marry successfully.

BIRTH: Be careful after the confinement. If the child is your first, it will be a boy; if second, a girl.

HEALTH: You will be in an unsteady state. Beware of fevers and brain diseases.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Use an intermediary for an amicable settlement.

TRAVELING: Don't go on a showy trip. Something unfortunate may happen back home.

MISSING PROPERTY: It is somewhere high and hard to find.


MONEY: You will spend a lot of money on a hobby or a pleasure. You will be able to borrow money, but not as much as you want.

MARKET: Balanced.


22. Ka-Sui-Bi-Sai The Wife is an Heiress.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Bi-Sai means "not yet accomplished," which is another way of saying your wish will be fulfilled when the time comes. Whereas Sui-Ka-Ki-Sai (No. 43) augurs an end, the present combination promises a beginning.

COMMENTS: Your future is full of promise, and you are heading for success. But you are just starting on your way to happiness. Since it is still premature to take aggressive action, proceed slowly and carefully without losing patience. Things will turn increasingly favorable for you.

Perhaps you wish to say something but are not sure whether you should or not.

If you are a woman, you may look forward to a happy event. Youth is the keynote of this combination. An aging man may be attracted to a young woman, a Lolita, a green fruit. But aren't you too old for her? And she isn't a nice girl at that.

GENERAL: Your luck will snowball in time, getting increasingly better as you go on.

WISHES: It will come true, but not immediately.

MARRIAGE: It is a good match. Get married without delay.

BIRTH: A girl will be born safe.

HEALTH: The patient will get better day by day.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You will be at a disadvantage. If you are involved in a dispute, you had better give in.

TRAVELING: A long trip had better be canceled.

MISSING PROPERTY: You left it somewhere. It will not be recovered.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming due to a difficulty.

MONEY: With a lot of spending, your position will be insecure.

MARKET: An upturn will follow minor fluctuations,


23. Ka-Zan-Ryo A Lone Traveler.

BOOK OF CHANGES: A traveler on a long journey is unsettled, weary, and lonely.

COMMENTS: Ryo means traveling. You are a belated traveler, weary both physically and mentally after a long day's journey, looking for a place to lodge for the night. The lucky spell you have had is coming to an end, leaving you in a somewhat insecure state. Perhaps you are sullen, unsociable, and solitary—a disposition suited for academic or literary pursuits. You will have trouble with your residence (beware of fire), and tend to be out of home.

The combination spells good luck for businessmen and students going abroad. In any case, it is important for you to be passive at all times. Aggressive action will bring you misfortune. A seemingly attractive proposition will turn out to be disappointing, much to your frustration. You will be lonely, proceeding alone, and you may be separated from your spouse against your will. Marriage will be difficult for you as you frequently move from one residence to another and switch from one job to another. Refer to your index variation to see what will happen in the more distant future.

Incidentally, the author got this combination with respect to Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. She is likely to take a job outside the U.S.

GENERAL: You are haunted by an irritating sensation that something unfortunate is following you, threatening to catch up, as you continue to trudge along. Stop worrying. What will happen will happen. But remember to be passive at all times.

You will be successful in academic pursuits or in seeking admission to a school.

WISHES: It will be partly fulfilled. But don't ask too much, or you will lose all.

MARRIAGE: You will marry, but the marriage will not last long.

BIRTH: There will be troubles.

HEALTH: There will be a lull, but the condition is serious.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You will get a better settlement by putting it off.

TRAVELING: You will be lucky on an overseas trip. Other trips had better be canceled.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found if you look for it at once. It is in a high place, or in the South.


MONEY: You will spend much on a hobby or in relations with the opposite sex. A little money may be made.

MARKET: The trend is upward, but there will be a fall at a later time.


24. Ka-Chi-Shin Fight for Success.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The sun is up above the horizon. With the patronage of a senior or a superior, you will grab a chance for success. Your luck is rising.

COMMENTS: The combination symbolizes the rising sun above the horizon, casting more and more light on everything around you. You will be increasingly lucky and enjoy general prosperity. You will be favored by your superior and stand a good chance of promotion. You will meet with an old friend, old lover, or make up with an old enemy.

Since Shin means advance, you should go ahead counting on your luck. The signal has turned green. But don't be conceited or idle, or Fortune will turn away from you. As the combination may also be interpreted to indicate a state magnificent outside and empty inside, try to be moderate and industrious. That is how you can make capital of your luck. Also, you should be prepared for considerable jealousy and obstruction from others.

GENERAL: Proceed with confidence to achieve your objectives. Your luck is on the rise.

WISHES: With a little delay, it will come true to your satisfaction.

MARRIAGE: The proposition is sound. About your new home and wedding, consult your mother or aunt.

BIRTH: Safe.

HEALTH: You will have a slight ailment, which might be dangerous if you are old.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Positive action on your part will facilitate a settlement.

TRAVELING: You will have no trouble.

MISSING PROPERTY: It has been carried far away.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Good news will be brought to you.

MONEY: You will spend much, but it will pay off handsomely.

MARKET: There will be a rise. As the market is at a turning point, consider all factors carefully and act accordingly. You will earn a lot.


"Thunder" Combinations

25. Rai-Ten-Tai-So Use the Brakes Too.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The thunder rumbles loudly across the sky. It sounds grand, but does not always bring rain.

COMMENTS: The mid-summer sun beats fiercely on the ground and everything seems heaving heavily, when suddenly you hear a clap of thunder promising long-awaited rain. But rain never comes.

In a way the thunder symbolizes you, loud, overpowering, virile—Indeed so powerful that you are oppressing everyone around you. Don't be too wilful if you want to stay lucky. Don't venture forward recklessly. To be sure, your luck is on the rise. Fortune will smile on you if you behave properly. But if you rely too much on your smartness or money and make light of others, you may draw the wrath of a superior or otherwise bring misfortune on yourself. Be ambitious, but proceed with modesty. If you do, you will be successful in business.

If you are a woman, you may hold a good position in business. You are rather masculine, open-minded and cheerful, calculative and sharp, but unfortunately, a little stubborn and coarse, which is why you have not been very lucky in finding a good husband. Within six months, however, you will receive an acceptable proposal. In seasonal terms, this combination represents February.

GENERAL: Don't go too far if you want to avoid misfortune. Use the brakes properly. You will be lucky in gambling. You are likely to have a traffic accident. You will not be hurt much, but your car will be heavily damaged.

WISHES: It will be granted if you are modest.

MARRIAGE: The match-maker's information may be unreliable. There is some possibility of an unfavorable extramarital relationship.

BIRTH: Stay on guard, or you will have a surprise. More likely than not, it will be safe.

HEALTH: You may have a sudden attack of illness. If your blood pressure is high, avoid sleeplessness, heavy drinking, and constipation.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: The other party is likely to get away unhurt. Try not to be stubborn.

TRAVELING: Misfortune may await you where you are going. It would be wise to cancel the trip.

MISSING PROPERTY: It has been carried far away. It will not be recovered.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming, possibly with a companion.

MONEY: You will spend much outside. You will hear of possible loans, but you will not be able to borrow any money.

MARKET: Bullish.


26. Rai-Taku-Ki-Mai The Forbidden Fruit.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Heaven and Earth, positive and negative, man and woman, are locked in an esctatic embrace. Your love will be consummated. But remember, you have to begin well.

COMMENTS: This combination symbolizes a girl chasing a man. The picture looks happy, but having made the wrong start, you are likely to be disappointed in your expectations and suffer. You will be irritated and frustrated on many occasions. Whatever you do, proceed with care.

If you are a man, you are liable to fall in trouble with a woman. Keep away from women for the moment. Nothing in the world are more dangerous than women. You may also have trouble with your wife.

The situation is not so unfavorable if you are a woman, although you have to remember that the relationship you may have with a man is likely to be carnal rather than legal—you may not be marrying formally. If you want marriage, you should go right ahead if you are marrying for the second time, but had better wait a little more if it is going to be your first marriage. There is a high possibility of your becoming a sort of mistress. Unless you are prepared to accept such status, don't plunge into anything emotionally. It is most important for you to start well. The signal is not red but amber. Proceed with caution, whether in business or in dealing with a person. You should be passive rather than active, and always act carefully.

GENERAL: Things look favorable at first but may become less so as you go on. Be passive. You may suffer injustice, be frustrated, or have an unpleasant surprise.

WISHES: It will take time, due to some hindrance.

MARRIAGE: Be careful in dealing with the opposite sex. You may be in a triangle. Perhaps you may have already stepped across the last line. The prospect is unfavorable if you are marrying for the first time, but favorable if it is going to be your second marriage.

BIRTH: A boy will be born safe.

HEALTH: An old illness may return.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: There may be a breach of promise or an unfortunate development.

TRAVELING: Cancel the trip unless you are going on business. A trip with your lover is likely to bring about unhappy consequences.

MISSING PROPERTY: A woman is involved.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming soon. But you will get response if you send word.

MONEY: You will earn much less than you spend. You may be able to borrow money from a woman, but there will be trouble later on.

MARKET: The rise will be checked by new unfavorable factors, and the market will turn somewhat bearish.


27. Rai-Ka-Ho Harvest Time.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Opulence is the keynote of your strongly lucky state.

COMMENTS: Your luck is as strong as a bolt cracking across the sky, although behind the prosperous appearance there may be hidden troubles. In Yi augury, strength is not all that you require for success. Despite your strong luck, carelessness or imprudence may bring you into trouble with other people, possibly resulting in unhappy situations.

You may look forward to succeed in the electrical business. If you are a farmer, you will have a bumper crop.

If you are doing well right now, you will go a long way further. But remember, a full moon is bound to wane. Don't expand too much, but try to save and seek internal improvement.

If you are in the entertainment or cultural field, you will get along very well. Proceed without hesitation. Perhaps you will have additional success in some side-line.

If you are a woman, you may be a voluptuous beauty, but you may also be prolific.

GENERAL: You appear to be in a grand state but seem to be a little impatient. There may be troubles in store for you.

WISHES: It looks promising but may not be very fruitful.

MARRIAGE: The proposal is attractive on the surface but may not bring you much in practice. Make thorough investigations lest you should be sorry later.

BIRTH: Best care is required after the confinement. The baby will be born without trouble.

HEALTH: A slight ailment, without proper care, may develop into a chronic disease.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You will win if you think quick and decide quick. Don't ask too much. If you are a salesman in an electrical business, you may land a big order.

TRAVELING: You may go if you expect to return soon.
But the best thing to do is not to go.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will not be recovered.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Not coming immediately.
There will be a delay.

MONEY: You will do well.

MARKET: It will hit the peak pretty soon, and a decline will follow.


28. Shin-I-Rai Promise Without Substance.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Two mighty dragons are contending for a single jewel. You see it almost within your reach, but never get it.

COMMENTS: The situation looks most favorable, promising you success. But you have a competitor, and the competition keeps you from getting hold of what you are after. Moreover, it may turn out to be insubstantial when you finally get it.

Your plans and ambitions will bring you nothing unless you follow the advice of your seniors and superiors.

But proper judgement, decision, and effort, coupled with assistance from superiors, will enable you to achieve prominence. Perhaps you may succeed to the headship of a prestigious group. Anger may cause you to lose something.

There will be a surprising development around you shortly, but it will not harm you much. Remember that good advice is often unpalatable.

If you are expecting to marry, you are likely to have a rival, another dragon trying to grab the same jewel. If it is going to be your first marriage, don't count too much on it.

GENERAL: With a good cooperator, you will go a very long way.

WISHES: It looks almost coming true but never does.

MARRIAGE: It will not be a very good match if you are marrying for the first time. Otherwise, you can expect to be happily married.

BIRTH: There will be a little trouble.

HEALTH: An old illness is likely to recur. Beware of hypertension.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: You are at an advantage. Be patient.

TRAVELING: There will be a surprise away from home.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will not be recovered for the time being.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: The one closer to you will come later than the more distant one.

MONEY: You will lose more than you make. You will be luckier later.

MARKET: A double rise will be followed by a sharp decline. You will lose heavily if you go too far.


29. Rai-Fu-Ko Suppressed Desires.

BOOK OF CHANGES: Two forces are in line but working in opposite directions. There will be opposition to anything new.

COMMENTS: Everything will go well so long as you live as you have always been. To escape boredom, however, you are tempted to seek something new or exciting.

But don't venture on anything new at this moment, whether it is a new project, a new business operation, or new negotiations; and don't try to hurry with whatever you are doing right now, for you will soon be out of breath and compelled to give it up. Wait until the signal turns green. Stay where you are.

In matrimonial relations, your spouse may be irritable with suppressed desires. Don't think you don't have to feed the fish you have already hooked. A storm will be forthcoming unless you are nice to your spouse as well as to every one else. A common-law marriage may fail.

Whether you are lucky or unlucky at this moment, the trend is likely to be reversed after a while. By seeking a change, you will be asking for trouble.

GENERAL: You will get along if you stay passive, refraining from acting on your own initiative. Be imaginative and ingenious in dealing with others.

WISHES: It will be granted if you don't hurry.

MARRIAGE: Neither you nor the other party is very enthusiastic, but it would not be a bad match. But a common-law marriage may fail.

BIRTH: A girl will be born safe.

HEALTH: Beware of chronic ailments, such as gout, neuralgia, and indigestion.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: It will take time to achieve a settlement. You would be better off if you gave it up for the moment.

TRAVELING: You had better not go on a long trip.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found very close to you.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming late due to an interruption on the way.

MONEY: You will be rather lucky in making money.

MARKET: There will be a departure from the balanced state. Get ready now.


30. Rai-Sui-Kai A Thaw.

BOOK OF CHANGES: With the cold ice melting, everything is coming to life again. Old problems and worries will be solved.

COMMENTS: After a long period of hardship, you are now heading for success. Your problems will be solved, and happiness will be yours if you grab this chance and venture forward. But you need quick decision and action. You will miss the chance if you are slow as you have often been in the past. Though things are generally in your favor, don't squander money or spare effort. If you are indulgent, the tables may be turned on you once again.

This combination foretells separation as well as solution and liberation. Try to be cooperative. If you are engaged, you had better marry without delay.

It also symbolizes "sailing far," or a couple of followers cooperating to help their master out of a mess. You will be successful in trade business, and you will benefit from encouragement or good ideas from your subordinates or colleagues.

GENERAL: Grabbing a chance, you will make a great advance. You may look forward to going abroad. WISHES: Old wishes will come true. New wishes will take time.

MARRIAGE: With more time lost, the proposal will be dropped.

BIRTH: A boy will be born safe.

HEALTH: The patient will be safe. If you are a woman, you may have skin eruptions.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Be honest, and hurry. Bargaining will do you more harm than good.

TRAVELING: You will have some happy development on the trip, such as meeting an old friend who will help you expand your business.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found at a high place unless it was stolen.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: Coming if you call.

MONEY: You will have a chance to make a fortune.

MARKET: After staying low, the market is looking up again.


31. Rai-San-Sho-Ka The Chance is Gone.

BOOK OF CHANGES: There will be a little excess, a minor error.

COMMENTS: You are like the hunter chasing a flying bird, eyes skyward, eager, impatient, unaware of the bog at your feet. Hot after the game, you will soon be lost in the woods. Careful preparations and discreet action are essential for success. If someone asks a favor of you, don't say "yes" carelessly, or you will be in trouble later. Some people will turn against you, and you will have a lot of things to worry about.

This combination also foretells "departure from home."

A small man will have a temptation to do something wrong. Heedless of the dangers involved, he may be blinded by the prospect of fabulous gains and ruin himself.

Even you will do well if you try to be conservative, modest, and conciliatory with others.

On a date, don't be impatient if she (he) does not share what you feel. She (he) is not thinking of you right now. Perhaps both of you have been a little too self-assertive. A cooling off period will do much good. If you hurry to win her (his) heart back, you will end up losing it.

You will have some marriage proposals, but they will amount to little.

GENERAL: You may be doing badly now, but a chance is forthcoming. Grab it with a cool head.

WISHES: It seems almost coming true but will not be realized easily. You have lost the best chance for it.

MARRIAGE: You will have no luck, with problems cropping up over trivial matters. After a lot of talk, you will be no closer to the goal.

BIRTH: There will be a little delay, and the baby may be sickly.

HEALTH: The ailment will not be dangerous but may linger without proper care. There may be some tendency to impotence, due to excesses.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: With both parties staying adamant, settlement seems far off. Perhaps you should make some concessions.

TRAVELING: You may fall a victim to illness or robbery on the trip. You had better not go. Also, there may be loss of virginity.

MISSING PROPERTY: It will be found near water, or somewhere north in the house, though your chance of finding it is not very high.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: You will hear from him (her), but he (she) is not ready to come.

MONEY: Perhaps you should economize a little at home. There is a glowing prospect of making money, but you are likely to end up losing some. Beware of seemingly attractive propositions.

MARKET: Generally there will be little change, but you will make some immediate gains by clever buying or selling. Don't stay long in the game.


32. Rai-Chi-Yo Ready to Start.

BOOK OF CHANGES: The Thunder Deity now ascends to Heaven. Spring is coming to bring everything back to life.

COMMENTS: Happiness and joy will be yours if you seek success with adequate preparations. Your luck is vigorously on the rise. After staying low for a long time, you are going to fare well. But don't go too far, counting too much on your luck, or misfortune may take you by surprise. Watch your step lest you stumble. Be careful of what you say. Now you have a keen sense of what is forthcoming. Perhaps you will be able to work out successful business plans. You are sure to win in poker and other games. You will be successful in a new business venture, provided you make sufficient preliminary research and preparations. Once on your way to success, straighten out your agreements, contracts, and other arrangements to avoid future trouble.

Marriage will make you happy. The family you are marrying into is a little untidy, but you will set things right. If you are a woman, probably you are sweet and bright.

GENERAL: Following your objectives in good order, you will be very successful. Indulgence in leisure pursuits will not do you good. Even with best luck, you will eventually lose if you stay too long in the game. Beware of temptations to spend too much time on something besides your main business.

WISHES: It will come true with some delay. It may seem almost lost at times, but will be realized eventually. Be persistent.

MARRIAGE: Positive action will bring you luck. There may be a little complication in the family of your prospective spouse, but it will be nothing serious.

BIRTH: Safe.

HEALTH: A long illness will be cured gradually, but a sudden illness may be dangerous. Consult the doctor at once.

NEGOTIATIONS, DISPUTES: Stay cool if you want to avoid failure.

TRAVELING: You will have a little difficulty in climbing a mountain. You had better go with an older companion or follow a good leader.

MISSING PROPERTY: Give it up. It will not be recovered.

AWAITED PERSONS, MESSAGES: You have to wait awhile. There has been an interruption on the way.

MONEY: You tend to spend more than you make.

MARKET: A rise carried too far will be followed by a fall.


"Wind" Combinations

33. Fu-Ten-Sho-Chiku Just Drift.