General bibliography

Cramp, S. & Simmons, K. E. L. (eds) (1977–88) The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vols 1–5. Oxford university Press, Oxford. (BWP)

Grant, P. J. (1986) Gulls: A Guide to Identification. Second edn. T. & A. D. Poyser, calton.

Harrison, P. (1983) Seabirds: An Identification Guide. Croom Helm, Beckenham.

Hayman, P., Marchant, J. & Prater, T. (1986) Shorebirds: An Identification Guide to the Waders of the World. Croom Helm, London & Sydney.

Madge, S. c. & Burn, H. (1987) Wildfowl: An Identification Guide to the Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World. Christopher Helm, London.

Porter, R. F., Willis, I., Christensen, S. & Nielsen, B. P. (1976) Flight Identification of European Raptors. Second edn. T. & A. D. Poyser, calton.

Svensson, L. (1992) Identification Guide to European Passerines. Fourth edn. Privately published, Stockholm.

Svensson, L., Mullarney, K. & Zetterström, D. (2009) Collins Bird Guide. Second edn. Harpercollins, London.


Rare bird statistics are taken from the ‘Report on rare birds in Great Britain’, scarce migrant totals are taken from the ‘Report on scarce migrant birds in Britain’, and data on rare breeding birds are taken from the annual report ‘Rare breeding birds in the UK’. All of these reports are published annually in British Birds.

Specific bibliography

British Birds is the monthly journal for the keen birdwatcher and, over the years, it has made a unique contribution to bird identification. Those papers marked with an asterisk were also published in Frontiers of Bird Identification edited by J. T. R. Sharrock (Macmillan, 1980).

Andrews, R. M., Higgins, R. J. & Martin, J. P. (2006) American Black Tern at Weston-super-Mare: new to Britain. Brit. Birds 99: 450–459.

Appleby, R. H., Madge, S. c. & Mullarney, K. (1986) Identification of divers in immature and winter plumages. Brit. Birds 79: 365–391.

Baker, K. (1988) Identification of Siberian and other forms of Lesser Whitethroat. Brit. Birds 81: 382–390.

Batty, c. & Lowe, T. (2001) Vagrant Canada Geese in Britain and Ireland. Birding World 14: 57–61.

Beaman, M. & Madge, S. (1998) The Handbook of Bird Identification for Europe and the Western Palearctic. Christopher Helm, London.

van den Berg, A. (2004) Population growth and vagrancy potential of Ross’s Goose. Dutch Birding 26: 107–111.

van den Berg, A. & Blankert, J. J. (1980) crossbills with prominent double wing-bar. Dutch Birding 2: 33–36.

Bowey, K. & Westerberg, S. S. (1994) Identification of Parrot crossbill. Brit. Birds 87: 398–401.

Bradshaw, c. (1994) Blyth’s Pipit identification. Brit. Birds 87: 136–142.

Bradshaw, c., Kehoe, c. & Pitches, A. (2004) The Carl Zeiss Award 2004. Brit. Birds 97: 542–544.

Broome, A. (1987) Identification of juvenile Pomarine Skua. Brit. Birds 80: 426–427.

Broughton, R. K. (2009) Separation of Willow Tit and Marsh Tit in Britain: a review. Brit. Birds 102: 604–616.

Burn, D. M. & Mather, J. R. (1974) The White-billed Diver in Britain.Brit. Birds 67: 257–296.

Burton, J. F. & Johnson, E. D. H. (1984) Insect, amphibian or bird? Brit. Birds 77: 87–104. Callahan, D. (2012) Back-crossed butcherbirds. Birdwatch 238: 31. Campbell, O. (2012) The status of Isabelline Shrike taxa in the united Arab Emirates. Brit. Birds 105: 417–420.

Catley, G. P. & Hursthouse, D. (1985) Parrot crossbills in Britain. Brit. Birds 78: 482–505. Chapman, M. S. (1984) Identification of Short-toed Treecreeper. Brit. Birds 77: 262–263. Charlwood, R. H. (1973) Hybrid Swallow × House Martin. Brit. Birds 66: 398–400.

Collinson, J. M., Smith, A., Waite, S. & McGowan, R. y. (2013) British records of ‘Eastern yellow Wagtail’. Brit. Birds 106: 36–41.

Davenport, D. L. (1987) Behaviour of Arctic and Pomarine Skuas and identification of immatures. Brit. Birds 80: 167–168.

Davis, A. H. (1982) Mystery photographs 66: cirl Bunting. Brit. Birds 75: 283–285.

Davis, A. H. & Prytherch, R. J. (1976) Field identification of Long-eared and Short-eared Owls. Brit. Birds 69: 281–287.

Dawson, J. (1994) Ageing and sexing of King Eiders. Brit. Birds 87: 37–40.

Dean, A. R. (1985) Review of British status and identification of Greenish Warbler. Brit. Birds 78: 437–451.

Dean, A., Bradshaw, c., Martin, J., Stoddart, A. & Walbridge, G. (2010) The status in Britain of ‘Siberian chiffchaff ‘. Brit. Birds 103: 320–338.

De Knijff, P., van der Spek, V. & Fischer, J. (2012) Genetic identity of grey chiffchaffs trapped in the Netherlands in autumns of 2009–11. Dutch Birding 34: 386–392.

Dennis, R. H. & Wallace, D. I. M. (1975) Field identification of Short-toed and Lesser Short-toed Larks. Brit. Birds 68: 238–241.*

Dickinson. E. c. (2008) The name of the easternmost population of common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 128: 141–142.

Dubois, P. J. & yésou, P. (1984) Identification of juvenile yellow-legged Herring Gulls. Brit. Birds 77: 344–348.

van Duivendijk, N. (2011) Advanced Bird ID Handbook. The Western Palearctic. New Holland, London.

Ekins, G. (unpubl.) The separation of carbo and sinensis races of cormorant in the field.

Ellis, P. (1994) Ageing and sexing of King Eiders. Brit. Birds 87: 36–37.

Fisher, E. A. & Flood, R. L. (2010) Scopoli’s Shearwater off Scilly: new to Britain. Brit. Birds 103: 712–717.

Flood, R. L. (2010) Storm-petrels. Birdwatch 217: 29–32.

Flood, R. L., Hudson, N. & Thomas, B. (2007) Essential Guide to Birds of the Isles of Scilly. Privately published.

Forsman, D. (1999) The Raptors of Europe and the Middle East. A Handbook of Field Identification. T. & A. D. Poyser, London. Fraser, P. A. & Ryan, J. F. (1994) Scarce migrants in Britain and Ireland. Part 2. Numbers during 1986–92: gulls to passerines. Brit. Birds 87: 605–612. Fraser, P. A., Rogers, M. J. & the Rarities committee (2007) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2005. Part 1: non-passerines. Brit. Birds 100: 16–61.

Garner, M. (2008) Frontiers in Birding. BirdGuides Ltd., Sheffield.

Gibbins, c., Small, B. J. & Sweeney, J. (2010) From the Rarities committee’s files. Identification of Caspian Gull. Part 1: typical birds. Brit. Birds 103: 142–183.

Gibbins, c., Neubauer, G. & Small, B. J. (2011) From the Rarities committee’s files. Identification of Caspian Gull. Part 2: phenotypic variability and the field characteristics of hybrids. Brit. Birds 104: 702–742.

Glass, T., Lauder, A. W., Oksien, M. & Shaw, K. D. (2006) Masked Shrike: new to Britain. Brit. Birds 99: 67–70.

Grant, P. J. (1972) Field identification of Richard’s and Tawny Pipits. Brit. Birds 65: 287–290.

Grant, P. J. (1981) Mystery photographs 51: Brünnich’s Guillemot. Brit. Birds 74: 144–145.

Grant. P. J. (1983) The ‘Marsh Hawk’ problem. Brit. Birds 76: 373–376.

Grant, P. J. (1987) Wing shape of chough and Alpine chough. Brit. Birds 80: 116–117.

Grant, P. J. & Jonsson, L. (1984) The identification of stints and peeps. Brit. Birds 77: 293–315.

Grant, P. J. & Scott, R. E. (1969) Field identification of juvenile common, Arctic and Roseate Terns. Brit. Birds 62: 297–299.*

Grant, P. J., Scott, R. E. & Wallace, D. I. M. (1971) Further notes on the ‘portlandica’ phase of terns. Brit. Birds 64: 19–22.*

van Grouw, H. (2013) What colour is that bird? The causes and recognition of common colour aberrations in birds. Brit. Birds 106: 17–29.

Hanson, H. c. (2006) The White-cheeked Geese: Taxonomy, Ecophysiographic Relationships,

Biogeography, and Evolutionary Considerations. Vol. 1. Avvar Books, Blythe, California.

Hanson, H. c. (2007) The White-cheeked Geese: Taxonomy, Ecophysiographic Relationships, Biogeography, and Evolutionary Considerations. Vol. 2. Avvar Books, Blythe, California.

Harrison, J. M. & Harrison, J. G. (1966) Hybrid Grey Lag × Canada Goose suggesting influence of Giant canada Goose in Britain. Brit. Birds 59: 547–550.

Harrison, J. M. & Harrison, J. G. (1968) Wigeon × Chilöe Wigeon hybrid resembling American Wigeon. Brit. Birds 61: 169–171.

Harrop, H. R., Mavor, R. & Ellis, P. M. (2008) Olive-tree Warbler in Shetland: new to Britain. Brit. Birds 101: 82–88.

Harvey, P. V. & Heubeck, M. (2012) changes in the wintering population and distribution of Slavonian Grebes in Shetland. Brit. Birds 105: 704–715.

Harvey, W. G. (1981) Pallid Swift in Kent. Brit. Birds 74: 170–178.

Heard, C. D. R. (1995) unravelling the mystery. Birdwatch 41: 20–24.

Hellström, M. & Wærn, M. (2011) Field identification and ageing of Siberian Stonechats in spring and summer. Brit. Birds 104: 236–254.

Hirschfeld, E. (1985) Further comments on treecreeper identification. Brit. Birds 78: 300–302.

Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (2010) Rare breeding birds in the united Kingdom in 2008. Brit. Birds 103: 482–538.

Holling, M. & the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (2012) Rare breeding birds in the united Kingdom in 2010. Brit. Birds 105: 352–416.

Holt, c., Austin, G., Calbrade, N., Hearn, R., Mellan, H., Stroud, D., Wotton, S. & Musgrove, A. (2012) Waterbirds in the UK 2010/11. The Wetland Bird Survey. British Trust for Ornithology, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Joint Nature conservation committee and Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Thetford.

Howell, S. N. G. & Dunn, J. (2007) A Reference Guide to Gulls of the Americas. Houghton Mifflin, New york.

Hudson, N. & the Rarities committee (2008) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2007.Brit. Birds 101: 516–577.

Hudson, N. & the Rarities committee (2009) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2008.Brit. Birds 102: 528–601.

Hudson, N. & the Rarities committee (2012) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2011.Brit. Birds 105: 556–625.

Hume, R. A. & Grant, P. J. (1974) The upperwing pattern of adult common and Arctic Terns. Brit. Birds 67: 133–136.*

Jännes, H. (2003) Calls of Eastern Vagrants. Hannu Jännes/Earlybird Tours, Helsinki.

Johnson, I. G. (1970) The Water Pipit as a winter visitor to the British Isles. Bird Study 17: 297–319.

Jonsson, L. (1984) Identification of juvenile Pomarine and Arctic Skuas. Brit. Birds 77: 443–446.

Kemp, J. B. (1982) Field identification of Long-eared and Short-eared Owls. Brit. Birds 75: 227.

Knox, A. (1988) Taxonomy of the Rock/Water Pipit superspecies. Brit. Birds 81: 206–211.

Lidster, J. A. (2009) From the Rarities committee’s files. The Green Farm Booted Warbler. Brit. Birds 102: 617–621.

Madge, S. & Quinn, D. (1997) Identification of Hume’s Warbler. Brit. Birds 90: 571–575.

Martin, J. (2008) Northern Harrier on Scilly: new to Britain. Brit. Birds 101: 394–407.

Mather, J. R. (1981) Mystery photographs 54: Long-tailed Skua. Brit. Birds 74: 257–259.

Mather, J. R. (1991) Guillemots with dark neck bands. Brit. Birds 84: 439–441.

Mather, J. R. (2010) Pacific Diver: new to Britain and the Western Palearctic. Brit. Birds 103: 539–545.

Mitchell, D., & Vinicombe, K. (2011) Birds of Britain: The Complete Checklist. 4th ed. Warners Group Publications, Lincolnshire.

Morova, I. M., Federov, V. V., Shipilina, D. A. & Alekseev, V. N. (2009) Genetic and vocal differentiation in hybrid zones of passerine birds: Siberian and European chiffchaffs (Phylloscopus [collybita] tristis and Ph. [c.] abietinus) in the Southern Urals. Doklady Biol. Sci. 427: 384–386.

Mullarney, K. (1987) Mystery photographs 124: Tree Pipit. Brit. Birds 80: 158–160.

Musgrove, A. J., Austin, G. E., Hearn, R. D., Holt, c. A., Stroud, D. A. & Wotton, S. R.(2011) Overwinter population estimates of British waterbirds. Brit. Birds 104: 364–397.

O’Brien, M., Crossley, R. & Karlson, K. (2006) The Shorebird Guide. Houghton Mifflin, Newyork.

Oddie, W. E. (1980) Leg colour and calls of Spotted Sandpiper. Brit. Birds 73: 185–186.

Ogilvie, M. A. & Wallace, D. I. M. (1975) Identification of grey geese. Brit. Birds 68: 57–67.

Olsen, K. M. & Christensen, S. (1984) Field identification of juvenile skuas. Brit. Birds 77: 448–450.

Olsen, K. M. & Larsson, H. (2003) Gulls of North America, Europe and, Asia. Christopher Helm, London.

Panov, E. N. (2009) On the nomenclature of the so-called Isabelline Shrike. Sandgrouse 31: 163–170.

Pearson, D. J., Svensson, L. & Frahnert, S. (2012) Further on the type series and nomenclature of the Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 132: 270–276.

Pennington, M. G., Riddington, R. & Miles, W. T. S. (2012) The Lapland Bunting influx in Britain and Ireland in 2010/11. Brit. Birds 105: 654–673.

Pym, A. (1982) Identification of Lesser Golden Plover in Britain and Ireland. Brit. Birds 75: 112–124.

Pym, A. (1985) Bill coloration of treecreepers. Brit. Birds 78: 303.

Robertson, I. S. (1977) Identification and European status of eastern Stonechats. Brit. Birds 70: 237–245.*

Robertson, I. S. (1982) Field identification of Long-eared and Short-eared Owls. Brit. Birds 75: 227–229.

Rodriguez de los Santos,M.(1985) Notes on Short-toed Treecreepers from southern Spain.Brit. Birds 78: 298–299.

Rogers, M. J. & the Rarities committee (2004) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2003.Brit. Birds 97: 558–625.

Rowlands, A. (2010) From the Rarities committee’s files. Identification of eastern Woodchat Shrike. Brit. Birds 103: 385–395.

Rowlands, A. (2012) The Carl zeiss Award 2012. Brit. Birds 105: 474–478.

Rumsey, S. J. R. (1984) Identification pitfalls: Aquatic Warbler. Brit. Birds 77: 377.

Scott. R. E. & Grant, P. J. (1969) uncompleted moult in Sterna terns and the problems of identification. Brit. Birds 62: 93–97.*

Sharrock, J. T. R. (ed.) (1980) Frontiers of Bird Identification. Macmillan, London.

Sharrock, J. T. R. & Nightingale, B. (2010) Identification of Willow Tit and Marsh Tit. Brit. Birds 103: 121–122.

Sibley, D. (2003) Field Guide to the Birds of Eastern North America.Christopher Helm, London. Sibley, D. (2004) Distinguishing cackling and canada Geese.

Slack, R. (2009) Rare Birds Where and When. Vol. 1. Rare Birds Books, york.

Stoddart, A. (2008) Dark-bellied and Pale-bellied Brent Geese. Birdwatch 197: 26–27.

Stoddart, A. (2009) Mealy and Arctic Redpolls. Birdwatch 201: 31–33.

Stoddart, A. (2009) Arctic and Greenish Warblers. Birdwatch 206: 29–31.

Stoddart, A. (2011) Redpolls photo guide. Birdwatch 234: 41–46.

Stoddart, A. (2012) Juvenile Pomarine, Arctic and Long-tailed Skuas. Birdwatch 242: 45–50.

Stoddart, A. (2012) Juvenile harriers photo guide. Birdwatch 244: 37–42.

Summers, R. W. & Buckland, S.T. (2011) A first survey of the global population size and distribution of the Scottish crossbill Loxia scotica. Bird Conserv. Intern. 21: 186–198.

Svensson, L., Shirihai, H., Frahnert, S. & Dickinson, E. c. (2012) Taxonomy and nomenclature of the Stonechat complex Saxicola torquatus sensu lato in the Caspian region. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 132: 260–269.

Thorpe, J. P. (1988) Juvenile Hen Harriers showing ‘Marsh Hawk’ characters. Brit. Birds 81: 377–382.

Tucker, L. A. (1984) Possible use of bill colour in separating Short-toed Treecreeper and Treecreeper. Brit. Birds 77: 263–264.

Ullman, M. (1984) Field identification of juvenile Pomarine Skua. Brit. Birds 77: 446–448.

Vinicombe, K. E. (1980) Tern showing mixed characters of Black Tern and White-winged Black Tern. Brit. Birds 73: 223–225.

Vinicombe, K. E. (1988) unspecific Golden Plover in Avon. Birding World 1: 54–56.

Vinicombe, K. (2008) The Scilly shrike. Birdwatch 200: 29–32.

Votier, S. c., Steele, J., Shaw, K. D. & Stoddart, A. M. (2000) Arctic Redpoll Carduelis hornemanni exilipes: an identification review based on the 1995/96 influx. Brit. Birds 93: 68–84.

Wallace, D. I. M. (1970) Identification of Spotted Sandpipers out of breeding plumage. Brit. Birds 63: 168–173.*

Wallace, D. I. M. (1976) Distinguishing Little and Reed Buntings. Brit. Birds 69: 465–473.*

Williamson, K. (1963) The identification of the larger pipits. Brit. Birds 56: 285–292.*

Williamson, K. (1965) Moult and its relation to taxonomy in Rock and Water Pipits. Brit. Birds 58: 493–504.

yésou, P., Paterson, A. M., Mackrill, E. J. & Bourne, W. R. P. (1990) Plumage variation and identification of the ‘Yelkouan Shearwater’. Brit. Birds 83: 299–319.