Basic probability
Definition 2-3a
A probability system (or probability space) consists of the triple
1. A basic space S of elementary outcomes (elements)
2. A class of events (a sigma field of subsets of S)
3. A probability measure P(·) defined for each event A in the class and having the following properties:
(P1) P(S) =1 (probability of the sure event is unity)
(P2) P(A) ≥ 0 (probability of an event is nonnegative)
(P3) If = {Ai: i ∈ J} is a countable partition of A (i.e., a mutually exclusive class whose union is A), then
Further properties
(P8) Let = {Bi: i ∈ J} be any countable class of mutually exclusive events. If the occurrence of the event A implies the occurrence of one of the Bi (i.e., if A ⊂
Bi), then
(P9) If {An: 1 ≤ n < ∞} is a decreasing or an increasing sequence of events whose limit is the event A, then .
(P10) Let = {Ai: i ∈ J} be any countable class of events, and let A be the union of the class. Then
Conditional probability
Definition 2-5a
If E is an event with positive probability, the conditional probability of the event A, given E, written P(A|E), is defined by the relation
(CP1) Product rule for conditional probability
(CP2) Let = {Bi: i ∈ J} be any countable class of mutually exclusive events, each with positive probability. If the occurrence of the event A implies the occurrence of one of the Bi (i.e., if
), then
(CP3) Bayes’ rule. Let = {Bi: i ∈ J} be any countable class of mutually exclusive events, each with positive probability. Let A be any event with positive probability such that
. Then
(CP4) P(A1A2 … An|E) = P(A1|E)P(A2|A1E) … P(An|A1 … An − 1E)
(CP5) Let = {Bi i ∈ J} be any finite or countably infinite class of mutually exclusive events, each with positive probability. If the occurrence of the event A implies the occurrence of one of the Bi (i.e., if
), then
Stochastic independence
Definition 2-6a
Two events A and B are said to be (stochastically) independent iffi the following product rule holds:
Definition 2-6b
A class of events = {Ai: i ∈ J}, where J is a finite or an infinite index set, is said to be an independent class iffi the product rule holds for every finite subclass of
Theorem 2-6E
Suppose = {Ai: i ∈ I} is any class of events. Let {
j: j ∈ J} be a family of finite subclasses of
such that no two have any member event Ai in common. Let Bj be the intersection of all the sets in
j. Put
= {Bj: j ∈ J}. Then
is an independent class iffi every class
so formed is an independent class.
Theorem 2-6F
If = {Ai: i ∈ J} is an independent class, so also is the class
′ obtained by replacing the Ai in any subclass of
by either
, S, or Aic. The particular substitution for any given Ai may be made arbitrarily, without reference to the substitution for any other member of the subclass.
Theorem 2-6G
Suppose = {Ai: i ∈ I} and
= {Bi: j ∈ J) are countable disjoint classes whose members have the property that any Ai is independent of any Bi; that is, P(AiBj) = P(Ai)P(Bi) for any i ∈ I and j ∈ J. Then the events
Theorem, 2-8A
Suppose {A1, A2, … An, B1, B2, …, Bm} is an independent class, and let
be boolean functions of the indicated events. Then F and G are independent events.
Boolean functions of events
Definition 2-7d
A boolean function F = f(A, B, …) of a finite class of sets is a set obtained by a finite number of applications of the operations of union, intersection, and complementation to the members of the class.
Theorem 2-7A Minterm Expansion Theorem
Any boolean function F = f(AN−1, AN−2, …, A1, A0) may be expressed as the disjoint union of an appropriate subclass of the minterms mi generated by the class {AN−1, AN−2, … A1, A0}. In symbols, , where JF is a suitable index set.
Random variables and events
Theorem 3-1A
Suppose X(·) is a mapping carrying elements of the domain S into elements t in the range T. Then
1. The inverse image of the union (intersection) of a class of the t sets is the union (intersection) of the class of inverse images of the separate t sets.
2. The inverse image of the complement of a t set is the complement of the inverse image of the t set.
3. If a class of t sets is a disjoint class, the class of the inverse images is a disjoint class.
4. The relation of inclusion is preserved by the inverse mapping.
Theorem 3-1B
If the function X(·) is such that {: X(
) ≤ t} is an event for each real t, then X−1(M) is an event for each Borel set M.
Definition 3-1a
A real-valued function X(·) from the basic space S to the real line R is called a (real-valued) random variable iffi for each real t it is true that {: X(
) ≤ t} is an event.
The probability measure PX(·) defined on the class of Borel sets R by
is called the probability measure induced by the random variable X(·).
Discrete random variables
Definition 3-3a
A random variable X(·) whose range T consists of a finite set of values is called a simple random variable. If the range T consists of a countably infinite set of distinct values, the function is referred to as an elementary random variable. The term discrete random variable is used to indicate the fact that the random variable is either simple or elementary.
Definition 3-3b
The discrete random variable X(·) is said to be in canonical form iffi it is written
where T = {ti: i ∈ J} is a set of distinct constants and {Ai: i ∈ J} is a partition.
Definition 3-3c
The discrete random variable X(·) is said to be in reduced canonical form iffi it is written
where T′ = {ti: i ∈ J} is a set of distinct, nonzero constants and {Bi: i ∈ J) is a disjoint class.
Theorem 3-3A
A bounded, nonnegative random variable X(·) can be represented as the limit of a nondecreasing sequence of simple functions. The convergence of this sequence is uniform in over the whole basic space S.
Probability distribution functions
Definition 3-4a
For any real-valued random variable X(·), we define the distribution function FX(·) by the expression
for each real t.
The function
is called the unit step function. The function has been left undefined at t = 0. If we define the function to be continuous from the right, we use the symbol u+(·).
(F1) FX(t) is monotonically increasing with increasing t.
(F3) P(a < X ≤ b) = P(X ∈ (a, b]) = FX(b) − FX(a)
(F4) FX(·) has a jump discontinuity of magnitude δ > 0 at t = a iffi P(X = a) = δ. FX(·) is continuous at t = a iffi P(X = a) = 0.
(F5) FX(·) is continuous from the right.
Definition 3-4b
If the probability measure PX(·) induced by the real-valued random variable X(·) is such that it assigns zero probability to any point set of Lebesgue measure (generalized length) zero, the probability measure and the probability distribution are said to be absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure). In this case, the random variable is also said to be absolutely continuous.
Definition 3-4c
If the probability measure PX(·) induced by the real-valued random variable X(·) is absolutely continuous, the function fX(·) defined on the real line such that
is called the probability density function for X(·).
Definition 3-5a
The probability measure PXY(·) defined on the Borel sets in the plane is called the joint probability measure induced by the joint mapping (t, u) = Z() = [X, Y](
). The probability mass distribution is called the joint distribution. The probability measures PXY(· × R2) = PX(·) and PXY(R1 × ·) = PY(·) are called the marginal probability measures induced by X(·) and Y(·), respectively. The corresponding probability mass distributions are called the marginal distributions.
Definition 3-6a
The function FXY(·, ·) defined by
FXY(t, u) = P(X ≤ t, Y ≤ u)
is called the joint distribution function for X(·) and Y(·). The special cases FXY(·, ∞) and FXY(∞, ·) are called the marginal distribution functions for X(·) and for Y(·), respectively.
Definition 3-6b
If the joint probability measure PXY(·) induced by X(·) and Y(·) is absolutely continuous, a function fXY(·, ·) exists such that for each Borel set Q on the plane. The function fXY(·, ·) is called a joint probability density function for X(·) and Y(·).
Independent random variables
Definition 3-7a
The random variables X(·) and Y(·) are said to be (stochastically) independent iffi, for each choice of Borel sets M and N, the events X−1(M) and Y−1(N) are independent events.
Definition 3-7b
A class {Xi(·): ∈ J} of random variables is said to be an independent class iffi, for each class {Mi: i ∈ J} of Borel sets, arbitrarily chosen, the class of events {Xi−1(Mi): i ∈ J} is an independent class.
Theorem 3-7 A
Random variables X(·) and Y(·) are independent iffi
for each Borel set M in R1, and N in R2.
Theorem 3-7B
Any two real-valued random variables X(·) and Y(·) are independent iffi, for all semi-infinite, half-open intervals Mt and Nu, defined by Mt = {: X(
) ≤ t} and Nu = {
: Y(
) ≤ u},
By definition, the latter condition is equivalent to the condition
for all such half-open intervals,
Two random variables X(·) and Y(·) are independent iffi their distribution functions satisfy the product rule
If the density functions exist, then independence of the random variables is equivalent to the product rule fXY(t, u) = fX(t)fY(u) for the density functions.
Theorem 3-7 D
Suppose X(·) and Y(·) are independent random variables, each of which is non-negative. Then there exist nondecreasing sequences of nonnegative simple random variables {Xn(·): 1 ≤ n < ∞ } and {Ym(·): 1 ≤ m < ∞} such that
and. {Xn(·), Ym(·)} is an independent pair for any choice of m, n.
Functions of random variables
Definition 3-8a
If g(·) is a real-valued function of a single real variable t, the function Z(·) = g[X(·)} is defined to be the function on the basic space S which has the value v = g(t) when X() = t.
Definition 3-8b
Let g(·) be a real-valued function, mapping points in the real line R1 into points in the real line R2. The function g(·) is called a Borel function iffi, for every Borel set M in R2, the inverse image N = g−1(M) is a Borel set in R1. An exactly similar definition holds for a Borel function h(·, ·), mapping points in the plane R1 × R2 into points on the real line R3.
Theorem 3-8A
If W(·) is a random vector and g(·) is a Borel function of the appropriate number of variables, then Z(·) = g[W(·)] is a random variable measurable (W).
Theorem 3-8B
If {Xi(·): i ∈ J} is an independent class of random variables and if, for each i ∈ J, Wi(·) is (Xi) measurable, then {Wi(·): i ∈ J} is an independent class of random variables.
Almost-sure relationships
Definition 3-10a
Two events A and B are said to be equal with probability 1, designated in symbols by
We also say A and B are almost surely equal.
Two classes of events and
are said to be equal with probability 1 or almost surely equal, designated
[P], iffi their members may be put into a one-to-one correspondence such that Ai = Bi [P] for each corresponding pair.
Definition 3-10d
A property of a random variable or a relationship between two or more random variables is said to hold with probability 1 (indicated by the symbol [P] after the appropriate expression) iffi the elements for which the property or relationship fails to hold belong to a set D having 0 probability. In this case we may also say that the property or the relationship holds almost surely.
A property or relationship is said to hold with probability 1 on (event) E (indicated by “[P] on E”) iffi the points of E for which the property or relationship fails to hold belong to a set having 0 probability. We also use the expression “almost surely on E.”
Mathematical expectation
Definition 5-1a
If X(·) is a real-valued random variable and g(·) a Borel function, the mathematical expectation E[g(X)] = E[Z] of the random variable Z(·) = g[X(·)] is given by
(E1) E[a IA] = aP(A), where a is a real or complex constant.
(E2) Linearity. If a and b are real or complex constants, E[aX + bY] = aE[X] + bE[Y].
(E3) Positivity. If X(·) ≥ 0 [P], then E[X] ≥ 0. If X(·) ≥ 0 [P], then E[X] = 0 iffi X(·) = 0 [P]. If X(·) ≥ Y(·) [P], then E[X] ≥ E[Y].
(E4) E[X] exists iffi E[|X|] does, and |E[X]| ≤ E[|X|].
(E5) Schwarz inequality. |E[XY]|2 ≤ E[|X|2]E[|Y|2]
In the real case, equality holds iffi there is a real constant λ such that
(E6) Product rule for independent random variables. If X(·) and Y(·) are independent, integrable random variables, then E[XY] = E[X]E[Y].
(E7) If g(·) is a nonnegative Borel function and if A = {: g(X) ≥ a}, then E[g(X)] ≥ aP(A).
(E8) If g(·) is a nonnegative, strictly increasing, Borel function of a single real variable and c is a nonnegative constant, then
(E9) Jensen’s inequality. If g(·) is a convex Borel function and X(·) is a real random variable whose expectation exists, then
Definition 5-3a
If X(·) is a real-valued random variable, its mean value, denoted by one of the symbols ,
X, or
[X], is defined by
[X] = E[X].
Definition 5-4a
Consider a real-valued random variable X(·) whose square is integrable. The variance of X(·), denoted σ2[X], is given by
where =
[X] is the mean value of X(·).
(V1) σ2[X] = E[X2] − E2[X] = E[X2] – (X)2
(V2) σ2[aX] = a2σ2[X]
(V3) σ2[X + a] = σ2[X]
(V4) σ2[X ± Y] = σ2[X] + σ2[Y] ± 2{E[XY] – E[X]E[Y]}
(V5) If {Xi(·): 1 ≤ i ≤ n) is a class of pairwise independent random variables and , where each δi has one of the values +1 or – 1, then
(V6) Consider the random variable X(·), with mean [X] =
and standard deviation
[X] =
. Then the random variable
has mean [Y] = 0 and standard deviation
[Y] = 1.
Theorem 5-4B Chebyshev Inequality
Let X(·) be any random variable whose mean and standard deviation σ exist. Then
or equivalently,
Moment-generating function
Definition 5-7a
If X(·) is a random variable and s is a parameter, real or complex, the function of s defined by
is called the moment-generating function for X(·). If s = iu, where i is the imaginary unit having the formal properties of the square root of – 1, the function X(·) defined by
is called the characteristic function for X(·).
(M1) Consider two random variables X(·) and Y(·) with distribution functions FX(·) and FY(·), respectively. Let MX(·) and MY(·) be the corresponding moment-generating functions for the two variables. Then MX(iu) = MY(iu) for all real u iffi FX(t) = FY (t) for all real t.
(M2) If E[|X|n] exists, the nth-order derivative of the characteristic function exists and
(M3) If the region of convergence for MX(·) is a proper strip in the s plane (which will include the imaginary axis), derivatives of all orders exist and
(M4) If Z(·) = aX(·) + b, then MZ(s) = eb8MX(as).
(M5) If X(·) and Y(·) are independent random variables and if Z(·) = X(·) + Y(·), then MZ(s) = MX(s)MY(s) for all s.
Types of convergence
Definition 6-3a
The sequence is said to converge with probability 1 to X(·), indicated
iffi there is a set E with P(Ec) = 0 such that Xn() → X(
) for each
∈ E.
Definition 6-3b
The sequence is said to converge almost uniformly to X(·), indicated
iffi, to each > 0, there corresponds a set E with P(Ec) <
such that Xn(
) converges uniformly to X(
) for all
Definition 6-3c
The sequence is said to converge in probability to X(·), indicated
The sequence is said to converge in the mean of order p (p ≥ 1), indicated
Theorem 6-SD
Theorem 6-3E
If Y(·) is a nonnegative random variable such that Yp(·) is integrable (p ≥ 1) and | Xn(·) | ≤ Y(·) [P], then, for p = 1, [P] ⇒ [a. unif], and for p ≥ 1, [in prob] ⇒ [meanp], so that in this case
Theorem 6-3F
A sequence of random variables {Xn(·): 1 ≤ n < ∞} satisfies the condition
(B) Each subsequence has a further subsequence which converges to X(·) with probability 1.
Expectations for random processes
Definition 7-6a
A process X is said to be of order p if, for each t ∈ T, E[|X(t)|p] ≤ ∞ (p is a positive integer).
Definition 7-6b
The mean-value function for a process is the first moment
Definition 7-6e
The covariance function KX(·, ·) of a process X, if it exists, is the function defined by
The bar denotes the complex conjugate. The autocorrelation function XX(·, ·) of a process, if it exists, is the function defined by
The cross-correlation functions for two random processes X and Y are defined by
Properties of correlation functions
Definition 7-6g
A function g{·, ·) defined on T × T is positive semidefinite (or nonnegative definite) iffi, for every finite subset Tn contained in T and every function h(·) defined on Tn, it follows that
(3) The autocorrelation function
XX(·, ·) is positive semidefinite.
(4) The random process X is continuous [mean2] at t iffi the autocorrelation function
XX(·, ·) is continuous at the point t, t.
(5) If
XX(s, t) is continuous at all points t, t, it is continuous for all s, t.
(6) If
exists for all points t, t, then X′(·, t) exists for all i.
(7) If X′(·, s) exists for all s and Y′(·, t) exists for all t, then the following correlation functions and partial derivatives exist and the equalities indicated hold:
Stationary random processes
Definition 7-7a
A random process X is said to be stationary iffi, for every choice of any finite number n of elements t1, t2, …, tn from the parameter set T and of any h such that t1 + h, t2 + h, …, tn + h all belong to T, we have the shift property F(·, t1; ·, t2) · · ·; ·, tn) = F(·, t1 + h; ·, t2 + h; · · ·; ·, tn + h)
Definition 7-7b
A random process X is said to be second-order stationary if it is of second order and if its first and second distribution functions have the shift property
If the process is of second order and XX{t, t + τ) =
XX(0, τ) for all t, τ, the process is said to be stationary in the wide sense.