Table of Contents

Title Page
Bibliographical Note
Copyright Page
The Story of a Hunter and his Antelope Wife
The Tortoise and the Leopard
An Elephant, a Bush Dog, and the Villagers
The Story of a Farmer and Four Hyenas
The Greedy but Cunning Tortoise
The One-legged Man and the Tortoise
A She-goat and her Children
How the Hyena’s Fur became Striped
The Boy in the Drum
Adamu’s Mountain
The Man with Seven Dogs
The Story of Muhammadu
A Hunter, when the World began
The Son with a Big Head
Koba, the Hunter who stopped Hunting
A Rich Man and his Goat
The Boy who had to choose his Father
A Boastful Man who was not Brave
The Story of Ja’afaru and his Mother’s Sons
The Story of Mullum the Soldier
The Story of a Princess and Two Princes
The Marriage of the Hunter’s Sister
How the Cat destroyed the Rats
A Good Fortune in Camels
The Fisherman and the Ring
The Magic Crocodile
The Contest between Fire and Rain
The Wise Old Man and the Ferocious Leopard
A Father’s Warning
The Lion is not the King of Men
The Hare and the Crownbird
The Forgiving Wife
The Medicine for Getting a Son
The Present is the Most Important Time
Wiser than a King
The Lion, the Monkey and the Clever Bird
The Rivalry for the Lizard King’s Daughters
The Superiority of a Man Twenty-five Years Old
The Magic Cooking Pot
The Tortoise is not as clever as he sometimes thinks
The Greedy Hare
The Tortoise and his Broken Shell
The Cricket and the Toad
The Pig’s search for a Grinding Stone
The Poor Man who became King
Another Cause of Enmity between the Cat and the Rat
The Singing Bird and the Dancing Farmer