Book 2

The Lowdown on Poker

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Warming Up with Poker Basics
    1. Establishing the Groundwork: Before You Put on Your Poker Face
    2. Understanding the Basics of Play
    3. Grasping Who Wins: Hand Rankings
    4. The Lowdown on Betting
    5. Comprehending the Rules of the Road
    6. Identifying What Your Opponents Will Be Like
    7. Playing in a Casino
    8. Distinguishing Casino Poker from Home Games
  2. Chapter 2: Applying Essential Strategies
    1. Knowing That Everyone Was a Beginner Once
    2. Keeping Track of Basic Poker Concepts
    3. Keeping Some Poker Perspective
    4. Coping When All Goes Wrong
  3. Chapter 3: Succeeding at Seven-Card Stud
    1. What to Do If You’ve Never Played Seven-Card Stud Poker
    2. Antes, the Deal, and the Betting Structure, Oh My
    3. Identifying Winning Hands
    4. Comprehending the Importance of Live Cards
    5. Going Deeper into Seven-Card Stud
  4. Chapter 4: Tackling Texas Hold’em
    1. Understanding the Basic Rules
    2. Looking at Blind Bets
    3. Getting to Know Hold’em in General
    4. Considering Starting Card Combinations
    5. Mastering the Art of Raising
  5. Chapter 5: Becoming an Expert at Omaha
    1. Playing Omaha/8 for the First Time
    2. Knowing When to Hold ’em and When to Fold ’em
    3. Going Deeper in Omaha/8
    4. What to Do When You’ve Been Raised
    5. Flopping a Draw
    6. Playing the Turn
    7. Playing the River
  6. Chapter 6: Trying Some Home Poker Games
    1. Setting Up a Home Game
    2. Selecting What You Want to Play: Your Game Options
    3. Poker Etiquette in Home Games