Chapter 3
Getting the most out of your lower honor cards
Squeezing extra tricks from your small cards
Winning at Bridge is a breeze if you always have enough sure tricks to make your contract. The sad news is that you seldom have enough. You must come up with other ways of taking tricks, ways that may mean temporarily giving up the lead to your opponents. In this chapter, we show you clever techniques to win those extra tricks that you may need to make your contract in notrump play. Specifically, we explain how to establish tricks with lower honor cards and take tricks with small cards.
Throughout this chapter, you may notice that many figures show cards in only one suit. Sometimes we want you to focus on one suit at a time, so in the following figures, you see suits that are ideal for creating extra tricks. Don’t forget: We always put you in the hot seat by making you South, where the action is! (Your partner is North, and your opponents are West and East. See Book 5, Chapter 1 for more details about positions in Bridge.)
When you don’t have the ace in a suit, you’re in bad shape as far as sure tricks are concerned (see Book 5, Chapter 2 for more about sure tricks). Not to worry. Your new friend, establishing tricks, can see you through the tough times and help you win extra tricks you may need to make your contract. Check out the following sections for surefire techniques on establishing tricks.
Establishing tricks is about sacrificing one of your honor cards to drive out one of your opponents’ higher honor cards. You can then swoop in with your remaining honor cards and take a bundle of tricks.
The all-powerful ace wins a trick for you every time. But no matter how hard you pray for aces, sometimes you just don’t get any, and you can’t count any sure tricks in a suit with no aces. Sometimes you get tons of honor cards but no ace, and you still can’t count even one sure trick in that suit. Ah, the inhumanity!
Cheer up — you can still create winning tricks in such a suit. When you have a number of equal honors in a suit but not the ace, you can attack that suit early and drive out the ace from your opponent’s hand. Here’s what you do:
Lead the highest honor card in the suit in which you’re missing the ace.
To get rid of the ace when you have a number of equal honors, lead the highest honor. So if you have the KQJ6, lead the king to drive out the ace. If they don’t take the trick with the ace, play the queen. One way or another you must take two tricks with the KQJ. If you lead a low card, like the 6, 7, or 8, your opponents won’t have to play the ace to take the trick. They can simply take the trick with a lower card, such as the 9 or 10, and they still have the ace! Not good.
When you have equal honors in your hand (where they can’t be seen), such as the KQJ, and want to lead one, use the higher or highest equal to do your dirty work. It is more deceptive. Trust us.
If the equal honors are in the dummy where everyone can see them, you have the option of which one to play. It doesn’t matter, but to be uniform in this book, we have you play the lower or lowest equal.
Driving out the ace is a great way of setting up extra tricks. The cards in Figure 3-1 provide an example of a suit you can attack to drive out the ace.
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FIGURE 3-1: You can drive out an ace to create winning tricks.
In Figure 3-1, you can’t count a single sure spade trick because your opponent (East) has the ♠A. Yet the four spades in the dummy — ♠KQJ10 — are extremely powerful. (Any suit that contains four honor cards is considered powerful.)
Suppose that the lead is in your hand from the preceding trick, and you lead a low spade (the lowest spade you have — in this case, the ♠3). West, seeing the dummy has very strong spades, plays her lowest card, the ♠2; you play the ♠10 from the dummy; and East decides to win the trick with the ♠A. You may have lost the lead, but you have also driven out the ♠A. The dummy remains with the ♠KQJ, all winning tricks. You have established three sure spade tricks where none existed.
When you’re missing just the ace, you can establish the suit easily by just leading one equal honor after another until an opponent takes the ace. However, if you’re missing both the ace and the king, you will have to give up the lead twice to take later tricks.
Figure 3-2 shows a suit where you have to swallow your pride twice before you can establish your lower honor cards.
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FIGURE 3-2: Flushing out the ace and the king.
Notice that the dummy in Figure 3-2 has a sequence of cards headed by three equal honors — the ♠QJ10. The ♠9, though not considered an honor card, is equal to the ♠QJ10 and has the same value. When you have a sequence of equals, all the cards have equal power to take tricks — or to drive out opposing honor cards. For example, you can use the ♠9 or the ♠Q to drive out your opponent’s ♠K or ♠A.
In Figure 3-2, your opponents hold the ♠AK. To compensate, you have the ♠QJ109, four equals headed by three honors — a very good sign. You lead a low spade, the ♠2; West plays the ♠5; you play the ♠9 from the dummy; and East takes the trick with the ♠K. You’ve driven out one spade honor. One more to go. Your spades still aren’t established, but you’re halfway home! The next time you have the lead, lead a low spade, the ♠3, and then play the ♠10 from the dummy, driving out the ♠A. Guess what? You started with zero sure spade tricks, but now you have two: the ♠Q and ♠J.
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FIGURE 3-3: The partner with fewer honor cards should lead the highest or equal honor cards.
Liberation time! As you see in Figure 3-3, the short hand (your hand) has two equal honor cards, the ♠KQ. Start by playing the ♠K, the higher honor on the short side, and a low spade from the dummy, the ♠5. As it happens, East must take the trick with the ♠A because she doesn’t have any other spades.
You’ve established your spades because the ♠A is gone, but you still need to remember the five-star tip of playing the high remaining equal honor from the short side next. When you or dummy next regains the lead in another suit, play the ♠Q, which takes the trick, and then lead the ♠4. The dummy remains with the ♠J109, all winning tricks. You have established four spade tricks by playing the high card from the short side twice.
In this section, you hit the jackpot — we show you how to establish tricks in a suit where you have the J1098 but you’re missing the ace, king, and queen!
If you don’t have any of the three top dogs but you have four or more cards in the suit, you can still scrape a trick or two out of the suit. When you have length (usually four or more cards of the same suit), you know that even after your opponents win tricks with the ace, king, and queen, you still hold smaller cards in that suit, which become — voilà! — winners.
When you look at the dummy and see a suit such as the one in Figure 3-4, try not to shriek in horror.
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FIGURE 3-4: You can establish tricks even if you don’t have the ace, king, and queen.
True, the spades in Figure 3-4 don’t look like the most appetizing suit you’ll ever have to deal with, but don’t judge a book by its cover. You can get some tricks out of this suit because you have the advantage of length: You have a total of eight spades between the two hands. The strength you get from numbers helps you after you drive out the ace, king, and queen.
Suppose you need to develop two tricks from this hopeless-looking, forsaken suit. You start with a low spade, the ♠2, which is taken by West’s ♠Q (the dummy and East each play their lowest spade, the ♠7 and ♠5, respectively). After you regain the lead in some other suit, lead another low spade, the ♠3, which is taken by West’s ♠K (the dummy plays the ♠8, and East plays her last spade, the ♠6). After you gain the lead again in another suit, lead your last spade, the ♠4, which loses to West’s ♠A (the dummy plays the ♠9). You have lost the lead again, but you have accomplished your ultimate goal: The dummy now holds two winning spades — the ♠J10. Nobody at the table holds any more spades; if the dummy can win a trick in another suit, you can go right ahead and cash those two spade tricks. You had to work, but you did it!
Practice makes perfect, they say, so we want you to practice making your contract by establishing tricks. In this section, you hold the entire hand shown in Figure 3-5. Your final contract is for 12 tricks. West leads the ♠J. Now you need to do your thing and establish some tricks.
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FIGURE 3-5: Establish the three extra tricks you need from that powerful diamond suit.
Before you even think of playing a card from the dummy, count your sure tricks (see Book 5, Chapter 2 if you need some help counting sure tricks):
You have nine sure tricks, but you need 12 tricks to make your contract. You must establish three more tricks. Look no further than the dummy’s magnificent diamond suit. If you drive out the ♦A, you can establish three diamond tricks and have 12 just like that. Piece of cake.
First you need to deal with West’s opening lead, the ♠J. You have a choice: You can win the trick in either your hand with the ♠A or in the dummy with the ♠Q. In general, with equal length on both sides, you want to leave a high spade in each hand. Leaving the king in the dummy and the ace in your hand gives you an easier time going back and forth if necessary. However, on this hand it really doesn’t matter where you win the trick; you have three spade tricks regardless. But to keep in practice, say you take it with the queen.
Remember, your objective is to establish tricks in your target suit: diamonds. Following your game plan, you lead the ♦K from the dummy. West takes the trick with the ♦A and then leads the ♠10. Presto — your three remaining diamonds in the dummy, ♦QJ10, have just become three sure tricks because you successfully drove out the ace. Your sure-trick count has just ballooned to 12. Don’t look now, but you have the rest of the tricks and have just made your contract.
Next comes the best part: the mop-up, taking your winning tricks. You capture West’s return of the ♠10 with the ♠K. Then you take your three established diamonds, your three winning hearts, your three winning clubs, and finally your ♠A. You now have 12 tricks, three in each suit. Ah, the thrill of victory.
Establishing extra needed tricks is all about giving up the lead. Sometimes you need to drive out an ace, a king, or an ace and a king. Giving up the lead to establish tricks can be painful for a beginner, but you must steel yourself to do it.
We know you’d never commit such a grievous error as taking sure tricks before you establish other needed tricks. But just for the fun of it, take a look at Figure 3-6 to see what happens when you make this mistake. This isn’t going to be pretty, so clear out the children.
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FIGURE 3-6: Beware of taking sure tricks before establishing needed tricks.
In this hand (showing all the cards from the hand in Figure 3-5), the opening lead is the ♠J, and you need to take 12 tricks. Suppose you take the first three spade tricks with the ♠AKQ, and then the next three heart tricks with the ♥AKQ, and finally the next three club tricks with the ♣AKQ. Figure 3-7 shows what’s left after you take the first nine tricks. (Remember: You need to take 12 tricks.)
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FIGURE 3-7: You can’t win the three extra tricks you need after taking your sure tricks first.
You lead a low diamond. But guess what — West takes the trick with the ♦A. The hairs standing up on the back of your neck may tell you what I’m going to say next: West has all the rest of the tricks! West remains with a winning spade, a winning heart, and a winning club. Nobody else at the table has any of those suits, so all the other players are forced to discard. West’s three cards are all winning tricks, and those great diamonds in the dummy are nothing but dead weight, totally worthless.
Grab a man off the street, and he can take tricks with aces and kings. But can that same man take tricks with 2s and 3s? Probably not, but you can!
Small cards frequently take tricks when attached to long suits (four or more cards in the suit). Eventually, after all the high honors in a suit have been played, the little guys start making appearances. They may be bit actors when the play begins, but before the final curtain is drawn, they’re out there taking the final bows — and taking tricks.
In the following sections, we give you the scoop on using small cards to your great advantage.
Deuces (and other small cards for that matter) can take tricks for you when you have seven cards or more in a suit between the two hands. You may then have the length to outlast all your opponents’ cards in the suit. Figure 3-8 shows a hand where this incredible feat of staying power takes place.
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FIGURE 3-8: Small cards attached to honor cards can become winners.
You choose to attack spades in the hand in Figure 3-8. Because the ♠AKQ in the dummy are all equals, the suit can be started from either your hand or the dummy. Pretend that the lead is in your hand. You begin by leading a low spade, the ♠3, to the ♠Q in the dummy, and both opponents follow suit. With the lead in the dummy, continue by leading the ♠K and then the ♠A from the dummy. The opponents both started with three spades, meaning that neither opponent has any more spades. That tiny ♠2 in the dummy is a winning trick. It has the power of an ace! The frog has turned into a prince.
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FIGURE 3-9: You may not be able to use small cards to your advantage when your opponents’ cards are split 4-2.
When you play the ♠AKQ as you do in Figure 3-9, East turns up with four spades, so your ♠2 won’t be a trick. After you play the ♠AKQ, East remains with the ♠J, a higher spade than your ♠2. Live with it.
Sometimes you have to drive out an opponent’s high honor card (could be an ace, a king, or a queen) before you can turn your frogs into princes (or turn your deuces into tricks). Figure 3-10 shows you how (with a little luck) you can turn a deuce into a winner.
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FIGURE 3-10: Drive out your opponents’ high cards to use your low cards successfully.
With the cards shown in Figure 3-10, your plan is to develop (or establish) as many spade tricks as possible, keeping a wary eye on turning that ♠2 in the dummy into a winner. Suppose you begin by leading a low spade, the ♠3, and West follows with a low spade, the ♠4. You play the ♠J from the dummy, which loses to East’s ♠A. At this point, you note the following points:
After regaining the lead by winning a trick in another suit, lead another low spade, the ♠5, to the ♠Q in the dummy (with both opponents following suit). Your opponents now have two spades left between them. When you continue with the ♠K, both opponents follow suit again. They now have zero spades left — triumph! The ♠2 in the dummy is now a sure trick. Deuces love to take tricks — doing so makes them feel wanted.
Suits that have seven or eight cards between your hand and the dummy, including the ace and the king, lend themselves to taking extra tricks with lower cards, even though you have to lose a trick in the suit. Why do you have to lose a trick in the suit? Because the opponents have the queen, the jack, and the 10 between them. After you play the ace and the king, the opponent with the queen is looking at a winning trick.
Ducking a trick is a necessary evil when playing Bridge. A ducking play in a suit that has an inevitable loser allows you to keep your controlling cards (the ace and the king) so you can use them in a late rush of tricks.
When you duck a trick and then play the ace and king, you wind up in the hand where the small cards are — just where you want to be. In the following sections, we present two situations in which you can duck a trick successfully.
The cards in Figure 3-11 show how successful ducking a trick can be. You have seven cards between the two hands with ♠AK in the dummy — a perfect setup for ducking a trick. You can only hope that your opponents’ six cards are divided 3-3 so they’ll run out of spades before you do. To find out, you have to play the suit three times.
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FIGURE 3-11: Ducking a trick leaves you in control of the suit.
You know you have to lose at least one spade trick because your opponents hold ♠QJ10 between them. Because you have to lose at least one spade trick, your best bet is to lose the trick right away, keeping control (the high cards) of the suit for later.
After you concede the trick with the ♠2 from your hand and the ♠4 from the dummy, you can come roaring back with your big guns, the ♠K and the ♠A, when you regain the lead. Notice that because your opponents’ spades are divided 3-3, that little ♠6 in the dummy takes a third trick in the suit — neither opponent has any more spades.
If the dummy has a five-card suit headed by the ace and the king facing three small cards, you can usually take two extra tricks with a ducking play. See Figure 3-12, where you make a ducking play, and then watch the tricks come rolling in.
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FIGURE 3-12: Setting up an avalanche of tricks via a ducking play.
In Figure 3-12, the opponents have five spades between the two hands, including the ♠QJ1098. You have to lose a spade trick no matter what, so lose it right away by making one of your patented ducking plays. Lead the ♠2. West plays the ♠9, you play the ♠3 from the dummy, and East plays the ♠8. West wins the trick. Not to worry — you’ll soon show them who’s boss!
The next time either you or the dummy regains the lead, play the ♠K and ♠A, removing all of your opponents’ remaining spades. The lead is in the dummy, and the dummy remains with ♠64, both winning tricks.
Having any seven cards between the two hands may mean an extra trick for you — if your opponents’ cards are divided 3-3. The hand in Figure 3-13 shows you how any small card(s) can morph into a winner when your opponents’ cards are split evenly. You have seven cards between your hand and the dummy, the signal that something good may happen for your small cards. Of course, you’d be a little happier if you had some higher cards in the suit (such as an honor or two), but beggars can’t be choosers.
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FIGURE 3-13: You hold no honor cards, but you have length in one hand to help you win tricks.
Remember Cinderella and how her stepsisters dressed her up to look ugly even though she was beautiful? Well, those five tiny spades in the South hand are like Cinderella — you just have to cast off the rags to see the beauty underneath.
Suppose you lead the ♠2, and West takes the trick with the ♠J. Later, you lead the ♠3, and West takes that trick with the ♠Q. You’ve played spades twice, and because you’ve been counting those spades, you know that your opponents have two spades left.
After you regain the lead, you again lead a rag (low card) — in this case, the ♠5. Crash, bang! West plays the ♠A, and East plays the ♠K. Now they have no more spades, and the two remaining spades in your hand, the ♠7 and ♠6, are winning tricks. You conceded three spade tricks (tricks they had coming anyway) but established two tricks of your own by sheer persistence.
Figure 3-14 shows you a suit that’s blocked from the very start. It’s a Bridge tragedy: seeing the dummy come down with a strong suit, only to realize that it’s blocked and you can’t use it. You have five spade tricks but may be able to take only two. After you play ♠AK, you’re fresh out of spades, and the dummy remains with the ♠QJ10. Without an entry to the dummy, the ♠QJ10 are stranded never to be used. Yes, it’s very sad.
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FIGURE 3-14: Some suits are born blocked.
If you don’t have an entry (a winning card) in another suit to get the lead over to the dummy (called a dummy entry), dummy’s three winning spades will die on the vine. A side-suit ace is a certain dummy entry, and a side-suit king or queen may turn out to be a dummy entry.