


Green, 1

paste, 1

Paste, Red, 1

Rice, 1

adobo, 1

Agua(s) Fresca(s): about, 1

Cantaloupe, 1

Horchata, 1

Mango Lime, 1

Pineapple, 1

Watermelon Cactus Fruit, with Tequila Añejo Shots, 1

alcoholic drinks, see Bebidas, 1

ale, for cooking, 1

Ancho Garlic Beans, 1

Arabic Tacos, 1


how to choose, 1

how to cut, 1

working with, 1


Baja-Style Tacos with Lobster Mushrooms, 1

Baja-Style Tempeh Tacos, 1

Barbecue, Tacos with Yucatecan-Style, 1

Basket Tacos: also see Tacos de Canasta, 1

with Cascabel Seitan, 1

with Chipotle Coconut Beans, 1

with Potatoes and Chorizo, 1

BBQ Sweet Potato and Chile Peanut Tacos, 1

Bebidas (drinks): 1

alcoholic drinks, 1

aguas frescas, 1

beer, 1

Blackberry Atole, 1

Cantaloupe Agua Fresca, 1

Desert Sage Spritzer, 1

Grilled Lime Margarita with Mesquite Smoked Salt, 1

Guajillo Chile Tawny Port, 1

Hibiscus Tea, 1

Horchata, 1

Mango Lime Agua Fresca, 1

mezcal, 1

Piloncillo Water, 1

Pineapple Agua Fresca, 1

Sangrita, 1

Spicy Cinnamon Almond Coffee, 1

Sweet Tamarind Tea, 1

tequila, 1

Watermelon Cactus Fruit Agua Fresca with Tequila Añejo Shots, 1

beer, for cooking, 1; about, 1

Bell, Glen, 1

beverages, see Bebidas Blackberry Atole, 1

Breakfast tacos, about, 1, 2

breakfast Tacos with Poblano Strips, Mojo Scramble, and Pinto Beans, 1

Bricklayer Tacos, 1


cactus fruit:

how to peel, 1

Agua Fresca with Tequila Añejo Shots, Watermelon, 1

Cactus Tacos, 1

cal (calcium hydroxide), 1

Cantaloupe Agua Fresca, 1

capsaicin, health and, 1

Carnitas, Michoacan-Style, 1

Carrots Escabeche, Taquería-Style, 1

Carrots Escabeche, Quick, 1

cazuela(s), about, 1; for tacos guisados, 1

“Cecina” Tacos, 1

Chard in Mojo de Ajo, Wilted, 1

Charred Chayote Tacos, 1

chayote squash, 1

cheese(s), 1; see also quesos

Chile(s): about, 1; 2

-Lime Peanuts, 1

and their heat, 1, 2

sauce and powder from dried, 1

de Árbol, Fried, 1

de Árbol Salsa, 1

dried, 1

chiles, eye and skin protection from, 1

chiles, fire-roasting, 1

fresh, 1

Pickled, 1

Powder, Rough-Salted, 1

Rellenos Tacos, 1

Tawny Port, Guajillo, 1

working with, 1


Hot Sauce, 1

in Adobo, 1

Tomato Chutney, Dosa Tacos with, 1

Chopped Guacamole, 1

chorizo, about, 1; 2

Chorizo, Vegan, 1

Chutney, Chipotle Tomato, 1

Coffee, Spicy Cinnamon Almond, 1

comal, 1

Crema, 1

Crushed Red Salsa, 1


Desert Sage Spritzer, 1

dessert nachos, 1

dessert tacos, 1; see also Tacos Dulces

Dog Nose Salsa, 1

Dosa Tacos with Chipotle Tomato Chutney, 1

drinks, see Bebidas, 1

Drunken Salsa, 1


enchiladas, convert tacos into, 1

Enchilada-Style Tacos, 1

epazote, 1

equipment, 1

Escabeche, Taquería-Style Carrots, 1


fire-roasting, how to, 1

Flattened Seitan, 1

ƒlautas, see Tacos Dorados, 1

Fried Chiles de Árbol, 1

Fruit with Chile, Lime, and Salt, 1

Fusion Tacos, 1

BBQ Sweet Potato and Chile Peanut Tacos, 1

Dosa Tacos with Chipotle Tomato Chutney, 1

Jerk Tempeh Tacos, 1

Kimchi Tacos, 1

Tacos with Yuca and Chimichurri, 1

Tempura Tacos, 1


Garlic Sauce, 1

Green Achiote, 1

Green Salsa with Avocado, 1

Green Salsa with Chiles de Árbol, 1

Grilled Lime Margarita with Mesquite Smoked Salt, 1

Grilled Spring Onions, 1


on a gas stove, 1

over a wood fire, 1

Guacamole(s): 1, 2

Chopped, 1

Roasted Poblano, 1

Salsa, 1

Tacos, 1

Toasted Pepita Sun-Dried Tomato, 1

Guajillo Chile Salsa, 1

Guajillo Chile Tawny Port, 1


Habanero Tequila Hot Sauce, 1

hard shell tacos, 1

Hash Brown and Black Bean Tacos with Tomatillo Avocado Salsa, 1

heat, index for this book, 1; adjusting, 1

Hen-of-the-Woods Tacos with Coconut Milk and Poblano Strips, 1

herbs, preparing as toppings, 1

Hibiscus Tea, 1

hominy and nixtamal, about, 1

Hominy and Seitan Tacos in Roasted Garlic Cascabel Sauce, 1

Horchata, 1

Hot Sauce(s): 1

Chipotle, 1

Garlic Sauce, 1

Habanero Tequila, 1

Roasted Garlic Pequin Chile Sauce, 1

huitlacoche, about, 1

Huitlacoche and Fresh Corn, Tacos with, 1


jackfruit, about, 1

jackfruit, as seitan substitute, 1

jalapeños, roasted, 1

Jerk Tempeh Tacos, 1


Kimchi Tacos, 1

king trumpet mushrooms, 1


Mango Lime Agua Fresca, 1

Mango Salsa, 1

Margarita, Grilled Lime, with Mesquite Smoked Salt, 1

masa: 1, 2

how to make, 1

from nixtamal, 1

how to store, 1

measurements used in this book, about, 1

meat alternatives, 1

Mexican food in the U.S., 1

mezcal, 1

Michoacan-Style Carnitas, 1

Miners Tacos, 1

Mixiote Tacos with Mushrooms and Squash, 1

Mojo de Ajo, 1, 2

how to make, 1

Potatoes with Fried Guajillos, 1

molcajete, 1; how to use 1

Mole Tacos with Seared Zucchini, Wilted Chard, and Pepitas, 1

molino, 1

Mule Driver Salsa, 1

Mushroom(s): 1

Chorizo Tacos with Black Beans and Chayote, 1

hen-of-the-woods, 1

king trumpet, 1

shiitake, 1

lobster, 1

oyster, 1

Tacos, 1

My Family Tacos, 1


nachos, dessert, 1

nixtamal, how to make, 1

nixtamalization, about, 1

nopales, about 1; 2


Oaxacan Peanuts, 1


for Tacos de Canasta, 1

Grilled Spring, 1

Pickled Red, 1

oregano, Mexican, 1

oyster mushrooms, 1


Pancho Villa, 1

pan-roasting, how to, 1

Peanut Chile Salsa, 1

Peanuts, Oaxacan, 1

Pickled Chiles, 1

Pickled Red Onions, 1

Pico de Gallo, 1

Piloncillo Water, 1

Pineapple Agua Fresca, 1

Pineapple and Banana Dessert Tacos, 1

plancha, 1

plantains, 1

puesto, 1


Queso Fresco, 1

Queso Oaxaca, 1

Quick Carrots Escabeche, 1


rajas, 1

Red Achiote Paste, 1

Roasted Garlic Pequin Chile Sauce, 1

Roasted Poblano Guacamole, 1

Rough-Salted Chile Poweder, 1


sage, how to muddle, 1

Salsa(s): 1

Chiles de Árbol, 1

Crushed Red, 1

Dog Nose, 1

Drunken, 1

for the Brave, 1

Green, with Avocado, 1

Green, with Chiles de Árbol, 1

Guacamole, 1

Guajillo Chile, 1

Mango, 1

Mule Driver, 1

Peanut Chile, 1

Pico de Gallo, 1

storebought, 1

Verde, 1

Sangrita, 1

Sauce(s): see also Salsas, Hot Sauces

Chipotle Hot, 1

for Tacos de Canasta, 1

Garlic, 1

Roasted Garlic Pequin Chile, 1

hot, 1

Yogurt, 1

sausage, see chorizo, 1


and Chorizo, Tacos with Vegan Sausage, 1

as jackfruit substitute, 1

Basket Tacos with Cascabel, 1

Flattened, 1

serrano chiles, roasted, 1

Shepherd-Style Tacos, 1

Sides, 1


Achiote Rice, 1

Ancho Garlic Beans, 1

Fruit with Chile, Lime, and Salt, 1

Mojo de Ajo Potatoes with Fried Guajillos, 1

Sonoran Tacos, 1

sour oranges, 1

Spicy Cinnamon Almond Coffee, 1

Spicy Cinnamon Tacos with Salted Coconut Cajeta Apples and Agave Crema, 1

Sweet Crispy Tacos with Ancho-Vanilla Ice Cream, Mexican Chocolate, and Salted Peanuts, 1

Sweet Tamarind Tea, 1



bars, 1

breakfast, about, 1

components, 1

definition, 1

convert into enchiladas, 1

convert into tostadas, 1

dessert, 1

hard shell, 1

history, 1

party, hosting, 1

Taco(s): types and recipes:

al Pastor, see Shepherd-Style Tacos, 1

al Vapor, 1

Americanos, 1

BBQ Sweet Potato and Chile Peanut, 1

Chiles Rellenos, 1

Dosa, with Chipotle Tomato Chutney, 1

Tacos de Asador: 1

Arabic Tacos, 1

Baja-Style Tempeh Tacos, 1

“Cecina” Tacos, 1

Charred Chayote Tacos, 1

My Family Tacos, 1

Shepherd-Style Tacos, 1

Tacos with Smoked Mushrooms, Jalapeño, and Lime, 1

Tacos with Yucatecan-Style Barbecue, 1

Vampire Tacos, 1

Tacos de Canasta, 1

Basket Tacos:

with Cascabel Seitan, 1

with Chipotle Coconut Beans, 1

with Potatoes and Chorizo, 1

Miners Tacos, 1

Tacos de Comal, 1

Baja-Style Tacos with Lobster Mushrooms, 1

Bricklayer Tacos, 1

Cactus Tacos, 1

Enchilada-Style Tacos, 1

Mushroom Chorizo Tacos with Black Beans and Chayote, 1

Mushroom Tacos, 1

Sonoran Tacos, 1

Tacos Americanos, 1

Tacos Rápidos with Quick and Easy Pintos Borrachos, 1

Tacos with Huitlacoche and Fresh Corn, 1

Tacos with Purple Potatoes and Roasted Poblanos, 1

Ten-Minute Seitan Carnitas, 1

Tacos de Guisados, 1

Hen-of-the-Woods Tacos with Coconut Milk and Poblano Strips, 1

Hominy and Seitan Tacos in Roasted Garlic Cascabel Sauce, 1

Mole Tacos with Seared Zucchini, Wilted Chard, and Pepitas, 1

Tacos Veracruz, 1

Tacos with a Durango Stew, 1

Tacos with Hot Dogs in Tomato Salsa, 1

Tacos with Pintos Borrachos, Poblano Strips, and Queso Fresco, 1

Tacos with Purslane in Salsa Verde, 1

Tacos with Shiitake Chorizo and Fresh Shiitakes in a Chipotle Tomato Stew, 1

Tacos with Sweet Potato and Chard, 1

Tacos with Vegan Sausage, Seitan, and Chorizo, 1

Tacos Dorados, 1

with Plantains, Black Beans, and Roasted Garlic, 1

with Squash Blossoms and Potato, 1

Tacos Dulces, 1

Pineapple and Banana Dessert Tacos, 1

Spicy Cinnamon Tacos with Salted Coconut Cajeta Apples and Agave Crema, 1

Sweet Crispy Tacos with Ancho-Vanilla Ice Cream, Mexican Chocolate, and Salted Peanuts, 1

Tacos, Guacamole, 1

Tacos, Jerk Tempeh, 1

Tacos, Kimchi, 1

Tacos Mañaneros, 1

Breakfast Tacos with Poblano Strips, Mojo Scramble, and Pinto Beans, 1

Chiles Rellenos Tacos, 1

Hash Brown and Black Bean Tacos with Tomatillo Avocado Salsa, 1

Tacos with Crispy Greens, 1

Tacos, Mixiote, with Mushrooms and Squash, 1

Tacos Rápidos with Quick and Easy Pintos Borrachos, 1

Tacos, Tempura, 1

Tacos Veracruz, 1

Tacos with:

a Durango Stew, 1

Black Beans and Chile Peanuts, 1

Crispy Greens, 1

Hot Dogs in Tomato Salsa, 1

Huitlacoche and Fresh Corn, 1

Pintos Borrachos, Poblano Strips, and Queso Fresco, 1

Purple Potatoes and Roasted Poblanos, 1

Purslane in Salsa Verde, 1

Shiitake Chorizo and Fresh Shiitakes in a Chipotle Tomato Stew, 1

Smoked Mushrooms, Jalapeño, and Lime, 1

Sweet Potato and Chard, 1

Vegan Sausage, Seitan, and Chorizo, 1

Yuca and Chimichurri, 1

Yucatecan-Style Barbecue, 1

taquerías, 1, 2, 3

Taquería-Style Carrots Escabeche, 1

taquitos, see Tacos Dorados, 1

taquiza (taco party), how to host, 1

Tea, Hibiscus, 1

Tea, Sweet Tamarind, 1

tejolote, 1

Tempeh Tacos:

Baja-Style, 1

Jerk, 1

Tempura Tacos, 1

Ten-Minute Seitan Carnitas, 1

tequila, about, 1

Toasted Pepita Sun-Dried Tomato Guacamole, 1

toppings, 1, 2


about, 1

beer flavored, 1

black bean flavored, 1

chile-flavored, 1

corn, how to make, 1

crispy, how to warm, 1

flavored, 1

for tacos de asador, 1

guajillo garlic flavored, 1

how to buy, 1

making from masa, 1

press, 1

salted lime, 1

wheat, how to make, 1

tostadas, convert tacos into, 1


Vampire Tacos, 1

Vegan Chorizo, 1


about, 1

pan-roasting, 1

preparing for toppings, 1


Watermelon Cactus Fruit Agua Fresca with Tequila Añejo Shots, 1

Wilted Chard in Mojo de Ajo, 1


Yogurt Sauce, 1

yuca, working with, 1