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Absolute immanent, 74; realism explained by, 52; skepticism about, 50–51
Aesthetics, transcendental, 115
AI, see Artificial intelligence
Aleatory, 163–64, 174
Algorithms, GF’s, 240–41, 252
Alterity, 36, 69, 117, 128, 132–33
Amphibology, 6, 21, 64, 104, 141
Ante-epistemological reconstruction, of science, 33–36
Antiphilosophical rule, 47
A Phi, see Artificial philosophy
A priori: fractal, 145–52, 165–66, 240–44; non-philosophical, 165; of real objectivity, 117; of science, 66–69, 96–97; transcendence and, 145–52, 165–66, 240–44; universal materiality and, 113, 115
Arche-given, 91
Arithmetic, transcendental, 126
Arrière-monde (back-worlds), 63–66
Artificial intelligence (AI): autointerpretation of, 228–29, 232; cognitivism and, xviii, 218, 223–26, 228; Decision and, 217–18; A Phi and, 217–32, 234; scientific downstream of, 223–24; telos of, 218, 222–23; transcendence and, 227
Artificial philosophy (A Phi): AI and, 217–32, 234; causality in, 232–33; concept of, xviii–xix; conditions of, 218–20; content of, 222–27; Decision and, 217–31, 233–34; from deconstructions to, 237–40; defined, 257n2; GF and, x, 24, 27–29, 234, 237–40, 242–43, 247, 252, 254–55; as Idea, 217, 219, 221–22; knowing assisted by, 221; limit of, 234; as New Technological Spirit, 232; non-philosophy and, 27, 232; purpose of, 220–21; real basis of, 233–34; spontaneous philosophy and, 253–56; stages of, 228–34; tasks of, 222–27; technology and, 217–18, 222–24, 226–34; transcendental science and, 221
Artists, 8–9
Association, 153
(Auto)determinant reason, 108
Autodissolution, 2, 23, 105, 119, 173–74, 252
Autonomy: of GF, 156–59; of science, 226
Back-worlds (arrière-monde), 63–66
Becoming, 169–70
Being: causality of, 57; fractalized, 185; One and, viii–ix, 7, 19–20, 39, 45–47, 54, 80–82, 92, 255; philosophy and, 6–7, 34, 84, 239; real and, 84–85; science and, 26, 34, 73
Being-Identity (of) Identity, 82
Being-One (of) the One, 82
Bergson, Henri, 171
Bias, changing, 89–91
Bifractals, 140–45
Blending, 11
Cantor, Georg, 144
Categories, changing, 89–91
Causality: in A Phi, 232–33; of Being, 57; Identity and, 34, 59, 61–62; of radical immanence, 61; real and, 56
Chaos, xv, xviii–xix, 120, 164; Decision and, 246–47; defined, 172–73; essence of, 174; GF and, 142, 156, 171–82, 174, 184; Identity-of-the-last-instance and, 182; immanent One-Multiple of, 46–50; indifference and, 169–70; of knowledge, 237; non-philosophical, 173; as objective of generalized fractal description, 24–30; philosophies as “theories of knowledge” and, 178–82; science and, 172–75, 178, 180, 237–38, 245–49; singularities and, xvii; thinking, 178; of World, 173; see also Generalized chaos
Chaos-languages, of non-philosophy, 247–49
Chaoticization, of philosophy, 245–49
Chôra (space of universal materiality), 115–18
Classification, modes of, vii–viii
Clustering, 176
Clutter, philosophical, 235–37
Cognitive sciences, 223
Cognitivism, 195, 198; AI and, xviii, 218, 223–26, 228; technology and, 191
Common fractal form, 179
Communication, phenomenon of, 190
Connaissance, see Knowledge
Constancy, GF and, 133, 135–38
Contiguity, 169
Continuity: contiguity as, 169; philosophy and, 152–55
Continuous multiplicities, 7–8
Contraries, identification of, 169
Corpuscular mode, of classification, vii–viii
Crisis, 175
Data, 56, 86, 112, 121–22; of experience, 66, 175, 242; experimental, 62–63; objective, 64; philosophy’s, 60–61, 149, 185, 255
Decision, see Philosophical decision
Deleuze, Gilles, 129, 228
Demediatization, of real, 9
Derrida, Jacques, 130, 144
Descartes, René, vii
Description, transcendental, 35–36
Determinable, 108–10, 112–16
Determinant: (auto)determinant Reason, 108; distance, 109–10; unilateral singularity and, 116–18
Determination, 8–11; determined and, 103–8, 114, 118; labor of, 107–12; place of, 118; as unilateralization, 111–12; see also Sufficient determination
Determination-in-the-last-instance, 19–20, 59, 74–75, 140; GF and, 144, 161, 168; non-philosophy and, 84–86; from reciprocal determination to, 108–12; singularities and, 101–5, 112; sufficient determination destroyed by, 101–18; of technology by science, 232–33; unified theory of thought and, 203–7, 213–14
Determined, 103–8, 114, 118
Dialectic, transcendental, 83–84
Dialectical materialism (DM), 210–11
Difference: as amphibology, 6; in Dyad, 4–5; in general thesis, 2; GF and, 130, 137, 168–69, 174, 182; Identity and, ix–x, 4–7, 17–19, 59, 139; Other and, 6; as philosophy’s motor, 5; problem of, xvi; semidiscovery of, 7–8; as transcendental, 4, 18
Digraphia, 256
Dimension: of Decision, 125–31; Dyad and, 126–29; expansion of, 27–28; fractality and, 27–28, 125–29, 132, 235–36; One and, 126–27; of real, 238–39; of unilateral singularity, 112–18
Disorder, philosophical, 171–76, 203
Division of intellectual labor, 34–35, 39, 73
DM, see Dialectical materialism
Dreams, of philosophy, vii–ix, 215
Dualitary, 70, 74, 205–10
Duality, 70, 75, 90, 204–7, 242; unilateral, 95–96; unitary, 106
Dualysis, 96, 111, 231–32, 252
Dyad, 47, 70, 86, 204–5; Difference in, 4–5; dimension and, 126–29; experience and, 127; One and, 235; Unity, 87
Empirical science, 38–39, 73–77, 126, 192, 198–201
Empirico-transcendental parallelism, 73, 75
Em-place, 115–16
Epistemo-logos, of epistemology, 40, 52
Epistemology, xvi, 35, 75; epistemo-logos of, 40, 52; ontology and, 46–47; philosophy of, 33; science and, 40, 77
Events, 8–9
Everyday language, negation of, 227
Experience: data of, 66, 175, 242; Dyad and, 127
Experimental data, 62–63
Expert systems, 221, 226
Fact, 68–69
Faktums, 183–84
Faraway, 147–48, 168
First science, 74–76, 79–80, 82–83, 123; see also Non-philosophy
Fractal a priori, 145–52, 165–66, 240–44
Fractal inequality, 142, 157, 164
Fractal intentionality, 164–67
Fractality, xv–xvii, 11; of Being, 185; conservation of, 161–64; dimension and, 27–28, 125–29, 132, 235–36; expansion of, 27; first appearance of, 125–29; of generalized chaos, 247; half-fractality, 125–26, 130; of Identity, 28–29; logos and, 29; Mandelbrot and, xviii, 24–26, 122–24, 140–41, 145, 178; as objective of generalized fractal description, 24–30; of objectivity, 145–52; overdetermination of, 241–44; philosophy and, 24, 27–29, 122–32, 159, 172, 175–77, 235–56; problem of, 101; Same and, 130, 137, 141, 163; science and, 24–30, 119–25, 132, 146, 166, 237–38; semifractality, 129–32, 172, 175, 235–36, 252; of synthesis, 141; theoretical recasting of, 25; of theoretical space-time, 167–71; of thought, 151; of transcendence, 170, 184–85; transcendental identity and, 129; ultradimensional, 132; see also Generalized fractality
Fractal modeling: chaoticization of philosophy and, 245–49; philosophical clutter and, 235–37; philosophical multiplicities and, 237–40; of philosophy, 27–29, 235–56; specular realism and, 249–53; spontaneous philosophy and, 253–56; theory and, 238, 241, 246; Tradition and, 236–37; transcendental deduction of fractal a priori and, 241–44
Fractal object, 185–86, 241–45; defined, 178; occasionalist conception of, 159–61
Fractals: bifractals, 140–45; philosophy of, 122–25; Theory of Identities and, 119–21, 137; unifractals, 140–45
Fraction, transcendental, 157
Fractionary relation, 130–31, 144–45
Generalized chaos: autonomy and, 156; fractality of, 247; GF and, 156, 171–82, 184
Generalized chaotic distribution, 176–78
Generalized fractality (GF): algorithms of, 240–41, 252; A Phi and, x, 24, 27–29, 234, 237–40, 242–43, 247, 252, 254–55; application of, 182–86, 240–42; autonomy of, 156–59; bifractals and, 140–45; cause of, 135–38; chaos and, 142, 156, 171–82, 174, 184; concept of, xviii–xix, 24–30; conditions of, 120–22, 133–35, 145–46; constancy and, 133, 135–38; continuity and, 152–55; Decision and, 125–31, 133, 136–37, 156, 161–64, 242; determination-in-the-last-instance and, 144, 161, 168; Difference and, 130, 137, 168–69, 174, 182; field of validity of, 241; fractal intentionality and, 164–67; fractalized material in, 159–61; generalized chaos and, 156, 171–82, 184; Identity and, 28–29, 119–21, 129–42, 144–52, 154–65, 167–84, 186, 239; Identity-of-the-last-instance and, 120, 132, 135–40, 142, 145–46, 149, 151–52, 157–58, 163, 167, 174, 178, 180–82, 184, 242, 247, 249–50, 252; inequality and, 134, 137, 142, 157, 164; intuition and, 145–50, 179, 249; irregularity and, 133–34, 138–40, 147, 157–59, 174–75; meaning of, 183; natural language and, 184–86, 240; non-Euclidean Idea and, 122–25; non-philosophy and, 176–78, 186, 240–41, 243, 247–50; objectives of, 24–30; object of, 185–86; Other and, 133–34, 137–39, 156, 174, 177, 239; paradox of, 26; philosophy related to, 119, 165–66, 184, 241–45; as property of knowing, 134–35; real and, 101–2; realism and, 249–53; scale-and-decision variations in, 161–64; science and, 119–25, 132, 166, 175–76, 178–86; theoretical space-time and, 167–71; as theoretical tool, 185–86; unifractals and, 140–45; unilaterality and, 134, 138–40, 145, 156–59, 162, 165–73, 179, 247; universality and, 151, 183; World and, 242
Geometry, 25–27, 83, 153, 165
GF, see Generalized fractality
Given: arche-given, 91; Identity as, 60; objective, 64–66; One and, 58, 85; realism and, 52, 67; singularity as, 154; transformation of, 205–6; see also Phenomenal givens
Gnosis, xi–xii
Half-fractality, 125–26, 130
Heidegger, Martin, 83, 127, 129–30, 171, 226
Historical materialism (HM), 210–12
History, science of, 210–12
HM, see Historical materialism
Homothety, 129, 133, 139–41, 162, 184
Human sciences, 223
Husserl, Edmund, 41, 50, 231
Hyperobjectivity, 54
Idea: A Phi as, 217, 219, 221–22; non-Euclidean, 122–25; of science, 224
Idempotence, ix, xiii, xiv
Identity: back-world and, 65; being-Identity (of), 82; cause and, 34, 59, 61–62; Decision and, 139; Difference and, ix–x, 4–7, 17–19, 59, 139; forgetting of, 1–5; GF and, 28–29, 119–21, 129–42, 144–52, 154–65, 167–84, 186, 239; as Given, 60; immanence and, 42, 58–59, 122; (of) Inequality, 137; of Irregularity, 174; of knowledge, 23; logic of, 170; as manifest, 89, 93; as object, 55, 67, 132; Occam’s razor and, 87–89; One and, 18, 48–49, 74, 106, 168, 205; Other and, 137–39, 156, 174, 239; of phenomena, 21, 64; philosophy and, 4–8, 61–63, 246, 250; Principle of, 29, 44–45, 59, 170; radical, 45, 48, 95–96, 163; real, 3, 23, 59, 106; rediscovering, 95; repudiated, 12; resistance to, 4–8; science and, 15, 17–24, 34–37, 39–41, 45, 51, 62, 70–71, 73, 194; singularities and, xv–xvii, 3–4; thought and, 23, 61–63, 91–92, 198–200, 207–9, 211, 215; of time and space, 171; transcendental, 4, 18, 69, 88–89, 122–23, 129, 167, 170; Unity conflated with, 2; see also Theory of Identities
Identity-cause, 61
Identity-of-the-last-instance: cause of, 34, 59; chaos and, 182; concept of, xvi–xviii; GF and, 120, 132, 135–40, 142, 145–46, 149, 151–52, 157–58, 163, 167, 174, 178, 180–82, 184, 242, 247, 249–50, 252; immanence of, 122; of knowledge, 23; of Other, 239; of phenomena, 21; of real, 23; of science, 35–37, 39; scientific rules and, 97–98; theory as, 60–61, 241; of thought, 23; transcendence and, 122–23, 167; (of) Unilaterality, 167
Identity-of-the-Other, 239
Identity qua Identity: actualization of, 63; axiom of last-instance and, 54–61; in ontology, 57; theory of, 85–87; thought of, 61–63
Immanence: causality of, 61; Identity and, 42, 58–59, 122; of Identity-of-the-last-instance, 122; of objectivity, 243–44; radical, 42, 61; see also Absolute immanent
Immanent One-Multiple, of science and chaos, 46–50
Immanent phenomenality, 47, 51, 76
In-betweens, 131
Indivision, 48, 137
Inequality: GF and, 134, 137, 142, 157, 164; Identity (of), 137
Infinity: passage to, 176; of time, 3
Informatics, 219
Intellectual labor, division of, 34–35, 73
Intelligence, 189–91, 203; see also Artificial Intelligence
Intentionality, fractal, 164–67
Interface, 166–67
Intermediate, 129, 171
Internal homothety, 140–41, 184
Internal similitude, 135
Interruption, 138–40
Intuition: GF and, 145–50, 179, 249; theoretical, 147, 149, 179
Invisible manifest, 50–54
Irregularity: GF and, 133–34, 138–40, 147, 157–59, 174–75; Identity of, 174; unquantifiable, 158
Kant, Immanuel, vii, 18, 115, 148; generalization of, 214–15; real and, 83–84
Knowings (savoirs), xi; A Phi assisting, 221; GF as property of, 134–35
Knowledge (connaissance): chaos of, 237; dimensional nature of, 28; gnostic, xi–xii; Identity of, 23; immanent exercise of process of, 91–92; local, 94; objectivity of, 39, 146–47; object of, 67, 70–73, 97, 124, 149–50, 241, 245; philosophies as theories of, 178–82; real and, 93; realism and, 34; reality of, 38; of Real-One, 67
Knowledge-of-phenomena, 63
Language: chaos-languages, 247–49; everyday, negation of, 227; natural, 134, 184–86, 235, 240; phenomenon of, 190–91
Last-instance: axiom of, 54–61; determined, 104; realism of, 63–66, 250; science and, 35–37, 39, 54–61; see also Determination-in-the-last-instance; Identity-of-the-last-instance
Local knowledges, 94
Logic: Decision and, 44–45; of Identity, 170; science and, 44–45, 189, 201
Logos, 71–72, 222; epistemo-logos, 52; fractality and, 29; science of, 73; struggle against, 1; transcendence of, 49
Machine: thought as, 222–23; universal rationality and, 233
Man, unity of, 202–3
Mandelbrot, Benoit B.: fractality and, xviii, 24–26, 122–24, 140–41, 145, 178; self-similarity defined by, 140–41
Manifestation: Identity and, 89, 93; invisible, 50–54; of One, 92; of real, 74, 91–93; surfaces and, 114
Marxism, 107–8, 190, 201; in non-philosophy, xiii, 85; unified theory of thought and, 210–14
Materialism, 110, 210–12
Materiality, see Universal materiality
Materials: fractalized, 159–61; mode of, 86
Mathesis, 158, 237
Meta, 182
Milieu, book of, viii–ix
Minorities, 8
Modeling, xiv, 244–45; see also Fractal modeling
Monographia of real and of thought, non-philosophy as, 253–56
Monstration, surface of, 167
Multiple: abstracted, 48; One-Multiple, 46–50; Unity connected to, 47–48
Multiplicities: continuous, 7–8; era of, 1–4; in general thesis, 2; philosophical, 237–40; semidiscovery of, 7–8
Musical organization, of non-philosophy, viii, ix–xi, xiv
Natural language, 134, 184–86, 235, 240
“Natural” philosophy, 253–56
New Technological Spirit, 232
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1, 129, 144, 228–29
Nonepistemology, xvi–xvii
Non-Euclidean Idea, 122–25
Non-philosophical chaos, 173
Non-philosophy: A Phi and, 27, 232; a prioris of, 165; axioms of, 80–93; categories changed in, 89–91; chaos-languages of, 247–49; defined, xix, 15; determination-in-the-last-instance and, 84–86; distribution of, x; as dreamed philosophy, viii–ix, 215; generalized chaotic distribution and, 176–78; GF and, 176–78, 186, 240–41, 243, 247–50; Marxism and, xiii, 85; models, xiv; as monographia, 253–56; musical organization of, viii, ix–xi, xiv; objectivity of, 145–52; object of, 81–82; object of knowledge and, 72; Occam’s razor and, 87–89; paradigm, 9, 16; philosophy and, 79–82, 251–52; practical rules of, 94–98, 240–41; quantum theory in, xiii; real in, 80–81, 83–85, 91–93, 253–56; as scientific reform of understanding, 15, 79–98; singularities and, 10–13, 112; synthesis and, 141, 243, 254; Theory of Identities and, 13, 121–22; Theory of One in, 85–87; as thought, 15, 253–56; as transcendental science, 79–80, 82
Nonreason, 105, 107
Nonthetic Position (NTP), 117
Nonthetic reflection, theory of, 72
Nonthetic (of) self, 45
Nonthetic Transcendence (NTT), 68, 117
Nonthetic Unity (NTU), 117
NTP, see Nonthetic Position
NTT, see Nonthetic Transcendence
NTU, see Nonthetic Unity
Object: Decision as, 212; of GF, 185–86; Identity as, 55, 67, 132; of knowledge, 67, 70–73, 97, 124, 149–50, 241, 245; natural properties of, 180; new, 1–2; of non-philosophy, 81–82; partial, 141–42; of philosophy, 1–2, 112, 128–29, 219, 255; real, 56, 64, 66–70, 74, 192–93, 209; of science, 39–41, 45, 55–57, 62–64, 66–70, 72, 74, 81, 88, 114, 192–93, 209, 257n1; theoretical, 61; types of, 208; see also Fractal object
Objectivation, 110, 150, 243
Objective givens, 64–66
Objectivity: of data, 64; fractality of, 145–52; hyperobjectivity, 54; immanent, 243–44; of knowledge, 39, 146–47; non-philosophical, 145–52; real, 111, 117; science and, 39–41, 45, 54, 68–69, 73, 117, 192; universal, 116–18
Occam’s razor, 87–89
One: abstracted, 48; Being and, viii–ix, 7, 19–20, 39, 45–47, 54, 80–82, 92, 255; dimension and, 126–27; Dyad and, 235; essence of real in, 80–81; Given and, 58, 85; of idempotence, xiii; Identity and, 18, 48–49, 74, 106, 168, 205; manifestation of, 92; murder of, 5–6; Other and, 92, 165; science and, 26, 39–40, 45–46, 55–56, 60, 67–68, 70, 74, 76, 81–82, 94–95, 144, 158, 246, 255; Theory of, 85–87; thought of, 47, 90; transcendence and, 80–81; in unified theory of thought, 193–94, 196–98, 206, 214–15; Unity and, 2, 82; see also Real-One; Vision-in-One
One-as-thought, 47
One-Multiple: immanent, of science and chaos, 46–50; philosophy and, 47–49
Ontology: autodissolution and, 2; epistemology and, 46–47; Identity qua Identity in, 57; of immanent phenomenal givens, 51; qua in, 59; quasi ontology, of science, 39–41, 50–51, 225
Order: philosophical, 171–76, 203, 210–11; of unilaterality, 159; see also Real order
Other: Difference and, 6; GF and, 133–34, 137–39, 156, 174, 177, 239; Identity and, 137–39, 156, 174, 239; nonspace (of), 9; One and, 92, 165; philosophy and, 24, 36–38, 69; science and, 36–38, 69; self-sufficiency of, 3
Other-than-philosophy, 24
Overdetermination, 108–10, 241–44
Parmenides, 80, 85
Partial objects, 141–42
PhD, see Philosophical Decision
Phenomena: Communication, 190; description of, 243; Identity of, 21, 64; immanent, 47, 51, 76; Language, 190–91; real, 72, 121; scientific property of, 121; singularity of, 110; static character of, 93; Theory of Identities grounding, 119
Phenomenal givens, 40–41; of dualitary thought, 207; immanent, ontology of, 51; nonthetic transcendence, 68
Phenomenal traits, of fractal objectivity, 145–52
Phenomena-without-logos, 40
Phenomenology, 231
Philosophical clutter, self-erasure of, 235–37
Philosophical decision (PhD): AI and, 217–18; A Phi and, 217–31, 233–34; chaos and, 246–47; clutter and, 236; dimensional description of, 125–31; GF and, 125–31, 133, 136–37, 156, 161–64, 242; Identity and, 139; inert, 114; logic and, 44–45; new, 48; as object, 212; One-Multiple and, 48–49; postulate of, 110; principle of equivalence of, 163–64; radical critique of, 215; relativized, 236; science and, 35–37, 42–43, 46, 68–69, 72, 74–77, 83–84, 97, 201, 209, 231; singularity and, 102–3; as transcendence, 51, 153
Philosophical division, of science, 36–38
Philosophical form, of transcendence, 146, 192
Philosophical multiplicities, 237–40
Philosophical statement, 56
Philosophy: artists and, 8; Being and, 6–7, 34, 84, 239; chaoticization of, 245–49; circular redoubling in itself, 69, 72; continuity and, 152–55; data of, 60–61, 149, 185, 255; Difference as motor of, 5; disorder in, 171–76, 203; dreams of, vii–ix, 215; end of, 16–17; of epistemologies, 33; essence of, 220; fractality and, 24, 27–29, 122–32, 159, 172, 175–77, 235–56; fractal modeling of, 27–29, 235–56; fundamental problems of, xv, xvii; future of, xix; GF and, 119, 165–66, 184, 241–45; Identity and, 4–8, 61–63, 246, 250; invisible manifest and, 50–52, 54; last-instance and, 55–61; as linear system, 247; as looping of time in space, 169; “natural,” 253–56; new practice of, xi; non-philosophy and, 79–82, 251–52; objects of, 1–2, 112, 128–29, 219, 255; One-Multiple and, 47–49; order in, 171–76, 203, 210–11; Other and, 24, 36–38, 69; pathology of, 256; of philosophy, 224, 230; postural realism and, 33–34; as practice of prudence, 14; PSP and, 137, 160, 191–92, 202, 210, 212; real and, 83–84, 92, 101–2; real object and, 39; real order of, 210–11; of science, 15, 33–38, 75, 83, 86; science of, xix, 18, 25, 27, 30, 81, 122, 198–99, 207–15, 222, 224, 229, 231–32, 234, 238, 244, 246, 257n1; science of thought and, 194–97; science’s relationship with, 1, 11–17, 33, 51–52, 84, 94–98; semifractality of, 129–32, 172, 175, 235–36, 252; as semitheory, 237; singularity and, 62, 118; skepticism about absolute immanent in, 50–51; spirit of, 150; spontaneous, 88, 253–56; stumbling block of, 51; subject of, 58; technophilosophical and, 229–30, 232–34; teleologies, scientific destruction of, 63–66; as “theories of knowledge,” 178–82; thought of Identity qua Identity not, 61–63; Tradition of, xi, 130, 180–81, 185, 236–37, 245, 254; transcendental illusion of, 64, 72; unity of, 82, 207–15; vision-in-one and, 42–46; see also Artificial philosophy
Platonism, 126
Positivism, 202–3
Postmetaphysical practice, 2
Postmodern, 10, 17, 235, 252
Postural realism: invisible manifest in, 50–54; of science, 33–34, 41, 47, 50–54
Principle of equivalence of philosophical decisions, 163–64
Principle of Identity, 29, 44–45, 59, 170
Principle of Same, 29
Principle of Sufficient Determination, 11, 155; determination-in-the-last-instance destroying, 101–18; reciprocal determination in, 108–12
Principle of Sufficient Philosophy (PSP), 137, 160, 191–92, 202, 210, 212
Principle of Sufficient Reason, 103
Prudence, philosophy as practice of, 14
PSP, see Principle of Sufficient Philosophy
Qua, 59
Quantum symmetry, xii–xiii
Quantum theory, in non-philosophy, xiii
Quasi ontology, of science, 39–41, 50–51, 225
Radical contingency, 163–64
Radical Identity, 45, 48, 95–96, 163
Radical immanence, 42, 61
Radical transcendental realism, 41–42
Real: Being and, 84–85; as cause, 56; complexity of, 12; demediatization of, 9; dimension of, 238–39; essence of, in One, 80–81; forgetting, 83; GF and, 101–2; Identity, 3, 23, 59, 106; in itself, 70–71; knowledge and, 93; manifestation of, 74, 91–93; monographia of, 253–56; non-philosophy and, 80–81, 83–85, 91–93, 253–56; nonpositional reflection (of), 166–67; objectivity, 111, 117; phenomena, 72, 121; philosophy and, 83–84, 92, 101–2; science related to, 74, 91–93; singularities and, 10; thought of, 84–85
Realism: GF and, 249–53; given and, 52, 67; knowledge and, 34; of-the-last-instance, 63–66, 250; radical transcendental, 41–42; science and, 33–34, 41, 47, 50–54, 63–69, 76, 179, 250–51; specular, 249–53; see also Postural realism
Reality: of knowledge, 38; of science, 40, 201; of thought, 190, 195–97; unlimited technico-theoretical representation of, 213
Reality-effect, 51, 250–52, 254
Real object: philosophy and, 39; of science, 39, 41, 45, 56, 64, 66–70, 74, 192–93, 209
Real-One, 53, 84–86, 110; knowledge of, 67; science and, 39, 41, 43–44, 67
Real order: of Intelligence, 203; of science and philosophy, 210–11
Reason: (auto)determinant, 108; real basis of, 105–7; science of, 223; sufficiency of, 103, 155; technocomputing, 189–91
Reciprocal determination, to determination-in-the-last-instance, 108–12
Reduction, 229–31
Reflection-without-mirror, 55, 251
Relation-without-relation, 130–31
Representation, 178–79; technico-theoretical, of reality, 213; in thought-through-representation, 193
Rules: antiphilosophical, 47; of non-philosophy, 94–98, 240–41; of science, 95–98
Same: fractality and, 130, 137, 141, 163; Principle of, 29
Savoirs, see Knowings
Scale-and-decision variations, 161–64, 237
Scaling, 140
Science: ante-epistemological reconstruction of, 33–36; a priori structures of, 66–69, 96–97; autonomy of, 226; back-worlds destroyed by, 63–66; Being and, 26, 34, 73; chaotic mechanism of, 172–75, 178, 180, 237–38, 245–49; Cognitive, 223; Decision and, 35–37, 42–43, 46, 68–69, 72, 74–77, 83–84, 97, 201, 209, 231; determination-in-the-last-instance and, 232–33; as dual activity, 70; empirical, 38–39, 73–77, 126, 192, 198–201; epistemology and, 40, 77; essence of, ix–x, xviii, 13, 20–22, 26–27, 35, 43–44, 47, 50, 67, 74, 77, 90, 120, 122–23, 149, 181, 192–94, 199–200, 206–13, 225, 231–33, 241, 244, 257n1; fractality and, 24–30, 119–25, 132, 146, 166, 237–38; GF and, 119–25, 132, 166, 175–76, 178–86; givens transformed by, 205–6; of history, 210–12; Human, 223; Idea of, 224; Identity and, 15, 17–24, 34–37, 39–41, 45, 51, 62, 70–71, 73, 194; Identity-of-the-last-instance of, 35–37, 39; immanent autodescription of, 35; immanent One-Multiple of, 46–50; invisible manifest and, 50–54; irregularity of, 174; last-instance and, 35–37, 39, 54–61; logic and, 44–45, 189, 201; of logos, 73; non-philosophy as, 15, 79–98; objectivity and, 39–41, 45, 54, 68–69, 73, 117, 192; object of, 39–41, 45, 55–57, 62–64, 66–70, 72, 74, 81, 88, 114, 192–93, 209, 257n1; object of knowledge and, 67, 70–73; One and, 26, 39–40, 45–46, 55–56, 60, 67–68, 70, 74, 76, 81–82, 94–95, 144, 158, 246, 255; Other and, 36–38, 69; philosophical division of, 36–38; of philosophy, xix, 18, 25, 27, 30, 81, 122, 198–99, 207–15, 222, 224, 229, 231–32, 234, 238, 244, 246, 257n1; philosophy of, 15, 33–38, 75, 83, 86; philosophy’s relationship with, 1, 11–17, 33, 51–52, 84, 94–98; as poor or minimal thought, 87–89; posture of, 12, 40, 50, 55, 66, 71, 73, 76, 115–16, 120; problem of, 12; process of, 79–80; quasi ontology of, 39–41, 50–51, 225; realism and, 33–34, 41, 47, 50–54, 63–69, 76, 179, 250–51; reality of, 40, 201; real object of, 39, 41, 45, 56, 64, 66–70, 74, 192–93, 209; Real-One and, 39, 41, 43–44, 67; real order of, 210–11; real related to, 74, 91–93; of reason, 223; reconstruction of, 38–41; rules of, 95–98; of science, 207–15; of sense, 254; singularities and, xvi–xviii, 8–12; spirit of, 150; in technoscience, 218, 228–30; teleologies destroyed by, 63–66; of thought, 189–200, 202, 207–8, 212, 222–24, 233; thought of, 14–15, 21–23, 35–36, 38–41, 47, 76, 119, 132; thought of Identity qua Identity as, 61–63; as thought’s real basis, 191–94; transcendence and, 35, 38, 44–46, 50–52, 55, 68–69, 73–79; triumph of, 13–14; understanding reformed by, 15, 79–98; unity of, 202–3, 207–15; vision-in-one as criterion of, 42–46, 54, 80, 95; see also First science; Transcendental science
Sciences themselves, as watchword, 14–15
Scientific downstream, of AI, 223–24
Scientific paradigm, 16
Scientific property, of phenomena, 121
Scientific separability, 213
Scientific statement, 56
Self-similarity, 140–41, 162, 164, 249
Semblance-without-image, 250–51
Semifractality: clutter and, 235; philosophical, 129–32, 172, 175, 235–36, 252
Sense, 8, 254
Similitude, see Constancy
Simulacrum, 252
Singularities: authentic, 2–3; blending and, 11; chaos and, xvii; continuity and, 153–54; Decision and, 102–3; determination-in-the-last-instance and, 101–5, 112; in general thesis, 2–3; as given, 154; Identity and, xv–xvii, 3–4; intensification of, 1; love of, 102; non-philosophy and, 10–13, 112; of phenomena, 110; philosophy and, 62, 118; problem of, 12; real and, 10; science and, xvi–xviii, 8–12; Theory of Identities and, 23–24; see also Unilateral singularity
Space of universal materiality (chôra), 115–18
Space-time, theoretical, 167–71, 253
Specular realism, 249–53
Spontaneous philosophy, 88, 253–56
Stages, viii–x
Statistics, 141
Sufficiency, of reason, 103, 155
Sufficient determination, 104; see also Principle of Sufficient Determination
Surfaces, 113, 127–28, 167; manifestation and, 114; of monstration, 167
Symmetry, xii–xiii, 87, 139
Symptom, 62
Synthesis: fractality of, 141; non-philosophy and, 141, 243, 254; thought of, 254
Tableau, 250–51
Technico-experimental apparatus, 50
Technico-theoretical representation, of reality, 213
Technocomputing reason, 189–91
Technology: A Phi and, 217–18, 222–24, 226–34; cognitivism and, 191; determination-in-the-last-instance of, 232–33; New Spirit of, 232; thought and, 218; transcendental, 155
Technophilosophical, 229–30, 232–34
Technoscience, 218, 228–30
Teleologies, scientific destruction of, 63–66
Theoretical bias, changing, 89–91
Theoretical intuition, 147, 149, 179
Theoretical manifold, 97
Theoretical objects, 61
Theoretical space-time, 167–71, 253
Theoreticism, 15
Theoricoexperimental criteria, 34
Theory: fractal modeling and, 238, 241, 246; as Identity-in-the-last-instance, 60–61, 241; as new space for thought, 65–66
Theory of Identities: as crucial, 30; fractals and, 119–21, 137; non-philosophy and, 13, 121–22; overview of, 22–24; phenomena grounded by, 119; singularities and, 23–24
Theory of nondecisional Identities (of) self, 120
Theory of nonthetic reflection, 72
Theory of One, 85–87
Theory of thought, see Unified theory of thought
Thinking: chaos, 178; defined, 152–55
Thought: dualitary, 207; essence, 197–99, 225; fractality of, 151; Identity and, 23, 61–63, 91–92, 198–200, 207–9, 211, 215; as machine, 222–23; mathesis of, 237; non-philosophy as, 15, 253–56; of One, 47, 90; opacity of, 33–34, 51; poor or minimal, science as, 87–89; of real, 84–85; reality of, 190, 195–97; of science, 14–15, 21–23, 35–36, 38–41, 47, 76, 119, 132; science as real basis of, 191–94; science of, 189–200, 202, 207–8, 212, 222–24, 233; of synthesis, 254; technology and, 218; theory as new space for, 65–66; third type of, 60; universal form of, 241; see also Unified theory of thought
Thought-through-representation, 193
Time: infinity of, 3; in theoretical space-time, 167–71, 253
Tradition: fractal modeling and, 236–37; philosophical, xi, 130, 180–81, 185, 236–37, 245, 254
Transcendence: AI and, 227; a priori and, 145–52, 165–66, 240–44; Decision as, 51, 153; of description, 35–36; of Difference, 4, 18; fractality of, 170, 184–85; in general thesis, 2–3; Identity and, 4, 18, 69, 88–89, 122–23, 129, 167, 170; Identity-of-the-last-instance and, 122–23, 167; of logos, 49; Nonthetic, 68, 117; One and, 80–81; philosophical form of, 146, 192; philosophy’s illusion of, 64, 72; science and, 35, 38, 44–46, 50–52, 55, 68–69, 73–79; unified theory of thought and, 190, 192–95, 197, 199–215; unilateralization as, 111
Transcendental Aesthetics, 115
Transcendental arithmetic, 126
Transcendental dialectic, 83–84
Transcendental fraction, 157
Transcendental homothety, 184
Transcendental realism, 41–42, 51
Transcendental science: A Phi and, 221; empirical science and, 73–77; non-philosophy as, 79–80, 82; unified theory of thought and, 199–203, 208
Transcendental technology, 155
Truth, 8
Ultradimensional fractality, 132
Underdetermination, 108–9, 118
Undulatory mode, of classification, viii, x, xiv
Uniface, 139, 167
Unified theory of thought, xix, 21, 87; determination-in-the-last-instance and, 203–7, 213–14; Identity and, 198–200, 207–9, 211, 215; Marxism and, 210–14; One in, 193–94, 196–98, 206, 214–15; preliminary attempts at, 194–97; problem of thought’s essence and, 197–99; science as thought’s real basis in, 191–94; technocomputing reason and, 189–91; transcendence and, 190, 192–95, 197, 199–215; unitary theory and, 203–7; unity of man and of science in, 202–3; unity of science of science and science of philosophy in, 207–15
Unifractals, 140–45
Unilateral duality, 95–96
Unilaterality: defined, 134, 138–40; GF and, 134, 138–40, 145, 156–59, 162, 165–73, 179, 247; Identity-of-the-last-instance (of), 167; order of, 159
Unilateralization, 87, 96–97, 111–12, 231
Unilateral singularity: Determinable and, 112–16; determinant and, 116–18; two dimensions of, 112–18
Unitary theory, 106, 197, 203–7
Unity: as abstract, 48; divided, 74–75, 192; Dyad, 87; identity conflated with, 2; of man and of science, 202–3; Multiple connected to, 47–48; Nonthetic, 117; One and, 2, 82; of philosophy, 82, 207–15; problem of, 232; of science, 202–3, 207–15; scission of, 70; struggle against, 1; in transcendental arithmetic, 126
Universality, GF and, 151, 183
Universal materiality: a priori and, 113, 115; chôra and, 115–18; unilateral singularity and, 112–16
Universal objectivity, 116–18
Universal rationality, 233
Universe, 173
Value, 8
Variation, scale-and-decision, 161–64, 237
Vision-in-One, 69, 160, 192–93; of categories, 90; as criterion of science, 42–46, 54, 80, 95; defined, 42; essence of, 52; manifested through invisibility, 53; philosophy and, 42–46
World: chaos of, 173; GF and, 242; scientific derealization of, 66