We know what happened the first time HTML was stretched beyond its limits: spacer GIFs, nested layout tables, font tags, “best viewed in my browser” badges, and fragmented standards. And worst of all, poorly trained content creators, whose limited knowledge of how things ought to be continues to plague us almost 15 years later.
What we have learned is that no language will be ideal for all
possible uses. HTML is a fantastic format for rich-text
documents. And we’ve learned how to layer it with CSS and script to make it
a pretty good platform for application frontends. We’ve even added an object
called XmlHttpRequest
, named the
combination Ajax, and its phenomenal spread is the topic of dozens of books
of its own.
Ajax is just one of a growing number of pretty good UI platforms, each of them well-suited to the modern Web. They’re fast, functional, and cross-platform.
Now, here’s the catch: whether you’re developing with Ajax, Adobe’s Flash and Flex, Microsoft’s Silverlight, or any other web-based platform, your responsibilities go beyond web accessibility and into the world of software accessibility. Some of the rules change when dealing with software, and in the next two chapters, we explain what these new rules entail. We also show you what rules from HTML still apply.
Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page, using any browser or Internet connection, while also providing those with better bandwidth or more advanced browser software an enhanced version of the page.[19] | ||
--Wikipedia, “Progressive Enhancement” (retrieved September 2, 2008) |
The key word here, I think, is unobtrusive. DHTML of this kind should just drop into place, providing a better user experience for people whose browsers can support it, and not affecting those whose browsers cannot.[20] | ||
--Stuart Langridge, November 2002 |
Progressive enhancement is a framework; Unobtrusive JavaScript is applying the framework to JavaScript-based applications, and it represents a growing body of best practices. You may be asking yourself, “Is it possible to use JavaScript as an enhancement rather than a necessity? And even if it is, why would I?” Answers: Yes, it’s possible. Why would you? Well...
1996 was a landmark year in web history: Netscape introduced JavaScript (as “Mocha” and then “LiveScript”) as the nonprogrammer’s alternative to Java, at the end of 1995. Microsoft released a JavaScript dialect called JScript in August 1996—alongside a Visual Basic-like language called VBScript. That same year, the W3C published CSS1 as a W3C Recommendation. For the next few years, using scripting and styling was an exercise in translation and redundancy.
In 1998, things started looking up—folks agreed on ECMAScript and the DOM Level 1 was published as a W3C Recommendation. Scripting was starting to coalesce, but CSS was still broken. It would take another two years (plus lots of work by the Web Standards Project and the rise of the Opera browser) before browsers found common ground. However, there is still work to be done. Today, in 2008—12 years after the publication of CSS1, and 10 years after CSS2—you will still find many differences in support between browsers.
Looking back through this same time frame from the perspective of
someone using a screen reader in 1996, we didn’t find many problems caused
by scripts; few sites were using them, and they were still relatively
rudimentary. By 1998, we had identified most of the major issues with
scripts, which continue to exist today (see “Page Author Guidelines
Version 8”—http://trace.wisc.edu/archive/html_guidelines/central.htm#SCRIPT.Script).
At the time, the only recommendations for making scripts accessible were
to provide text alternatives, either through text-only versions of sites
or using the noscript
element. There
wasn’t any major progress in making scripts accessible until WAI issued
the DHTML roadmap in 2005, which has evolved into a series of documents
that outline the Accessible Rich Internet Applications specification, or
Now, if we look at the development of mobile devices, there are more browsers available today than ever before, and the number is growing, as are the differences among them. Developers are encouraged to debug and test code in as many browsers as possible. With the wide array of devices and device capabilities out there, using progressive enhancement in your applications means they can have much wider reach. In the long run, it also means less work—progressive enhancement makes your application both backward compatible and future-proof.
Here are the core principles of progressive enhancement:
| ||
--Wikipedia, “Progressive Enhancement” (retrieved September 2, 2008) |
Keep in mind that not all scripting events need to be made keyboard-accessible; it is the function that needs to be. We’re not trying to make the keyboard act like the mouse, we’re trying to make the keyboard a first-class input mechanism.
One of the most common accessibility issues is showing and hiding content: pop-up menus, expanding/collapsing outlines, and rollovers (to name a few). We discuss these issues with some of the most common techniques used to solve them, and then look at an example in depth to show what makes it work and why we want it to work this way.
Our primary goals are keyboard activation and appropriate reading order.
Your first task is to make the basic content and functionality of your menu accessible to all browsers by using sparse, semantic markup:
Mark menu items as links
Organize links in nested lists
Create subpages that mirror the pop-up submenu pages
After creating a solid foundation, manage the layout with externally linked CSS. Finally, enhance the behavior of your site with unobtrusive, externally linked JavaScript. Here are some things to watch out for when you use CSS and scripting.
There are many beautiful examples that use :hover
to create a CSS-only pop-up menu, in
which the code is elegant and works well across browsers and
platforms. The problem is that the :hover
pseudoselector in CSS is only
activated by mouse movements and is usually associated with an
inactive element, such as a heading or list item. In this section, we
focus on the issues with :hover
active elements, and in the next section, we discuss issues with using
with inactive
The following example uses :hover
to display a submenu:
/* css */ #nav ul li:hover ul { display:block; position:absolute; top:0; left:164px; border: 1px solid #6C4571 } ... /* html */ <div id="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="first.html" class="first">one</a> <ul> <li><a href="sub-two.html">sub-one</a></li> <li><a href="sub-three.html">sub-two</a></li> </ul> </li> ...
This works great for someone using a mouse, but to make this
accessible by a keyboard or touchscreen, your first inclination may be
to look to the :focus
pseudoselector. Unfortunately, :focus
is only active while the current
element has focus. In the example just shown, when the parent (menu
item) loses focus, the children (submenu items) disappear.
You also need to consider how the children are hidden: using
or positioning them
offscreen. If you use display:none
there is no way to tab to the children—they never receive focus and
are never displayed. If you position them offscreen, you can tab to
them, but they won’t be displayed. Because positioning the ul
offscreen hides the children and because
the ul
can’t take focus, there is
no way to override the positioning properties of each element. When
links are hidden offscreen, a person must tab to every link in the
menu; there is no way to skip between menu items.
The keyboard support for visibility:hidden
and display:none
is the
same. The difference between the two is that with visibility:hidden
browsers reserve space
for the elements, whereas with display:none
space is not created until
the element is made visible.
The Bellevue Community College home page organizes links into
nested lists and relies on the :hover
pseudoselector to position and
show/hide submenus. Figure 8-1 shows the BCC
home page submenus of “Classes,” which users open by hovering over
“Classes” and “Class Schedules” with the mouse.
When tabbing through the BCC site, you will only know that you have reached one of the submenu items by reading the status bar of the browser. Figure 8-2 shows the BCC home page with the keyboard focus on the “Classes” menu item.
Pressing the Tab key once more moves focus to the first submenu item of “Classes,” but it is displayed offscreen. A screen reader doesn’t care that it is offscreen and will read and interact with the menu as though it were in the viewport. However, for someone using a keyboard because of a physical disability, the only way to know that the submenu has focus is to look at the status bar. See Figure 8-3.
Because the BCC site is designed with accessibility in mind, if you press Enter while “About BCC” has keyboard focus, it activates the link to the About BCC page that lists all of the submenu items on that page, shown in Figure 8-4.
Therefore, this is technically accessible. However, navigating to the “Classes” link requires pressing the Tab key 20 times. Figure 8-5 shows the nesting of the submenu items and the number of links between the “About BCC” and “Classes” submenus.
We could leave this as it is, as it’s technically accessible to people who are not using a mouse—whether they are using a screen reader, using the keyboard only (e.g., a mobile device), or using a touchscreen (e.g., an iPhone).
But, what if you wanted to make it more accessible? There are several paths to travel, and none is perfect today:
BCC is working toward a more accessible solution and should have something in place soon after the publication of this book.
With all of these options, we are interacting with the menus as links rather than simply as menus. Table 8-1 summarizes the differences between expected behaviors of interacting with links and system menus via the keyboard.
Table 8-1. Keypresses and their outcomes, with links versus system menus
Key press | Expected behavior with a link | Expected behavior with a system menu |
Tab | Move to next link on the page | Windows XP: error. Focus does not move. Mac OS X: move focus to next top-level menu. |
Right arrow | Web browser: none Assistive technology: read the link text character by character or move to the next link | When the menu bar or a menu item has focus, pressing the right arrow causes focus to move to the next menu, or if the current menu item has a submenu, it will open the submenu. |
Escape | None | Close the open menu or submenu (Windows then returns focus to the parent menu item, while in Mac OS X the focus returns to the application window). |
Enter | Activate the link | If the menu item has a submenu, open the submenu; otherwise, activate the current menu item. |
Typical keyboard behaviors for widgets are being debated and documented in the DHTML Style Guide (http://dev.aol.com/dhtml_style_guide). Many of the same people working on this guide are also working on ARIA, and the two documents have been feeding off of one another for some time.
Building a menu out of links puts us somewhere between links and
system menus. Using the BCC site as an example, we could add an
event to each link so that instead of
activating the link and opening a new page, it could display the
submenu item. Pressing Tab again could take us to the first submenu
item. But, what do we do about other keystrokes? Do we trap arrow keys
and the Escape key and replicate system behavior? We tried this out
and had a few people test it. They found it confusing.
Many people recommend the “Ultimate Drop Down Menu 4” by James Edwards (http://www.udm4.com/). There are a number of things we like about UDM4. First and foremost, it’s one of the cleanest implementations of a drop-down menu that we’ve encountered. It uses standard XHTML and separates its CSS and JavaScript into external files. It’s extremely customizable. And its menu markup uses HTML headings, which allow screen readers to navigate with their own built-in headings mode. Among the commercial menu products out there, we think it’s one of the best.
That’s not to say it’s perfect. When we tested it with versions of the JAWS and NVDA screen readers, we found some anomalies that prevent it from being used like a system menu (although the screen readers themselves share some responsibility for this, and we had more trouble with nearly every other menu script out there).
And the licensing terms may not appeal to many people. While it can be used at no charge on noncommercial sites, those users are required by license to link to UDM4’s site on every page with a UDM4 menu. Commercial licenses are available on various terms, either for a one-time or subscription fee, but they also contain restrictions that you should read before purchasing the product.
If you can live with UDM4’s licensing regime, it’s a good product and can save you a lot of time. But we’ve known many folks who can’t agree to its terms for one reason or another, and we think it’s important to show how to achieve our universal design goals in a menu system, without the licensing restrictions. So we wrote an open source menu script of our own, which you can download at http://ud4wa.com.
Limit the number of menu items.
Provide subpages that link to all of the submenu items.
Test with intended audience to determine what kind of behavior they expect.
Pseudoselectors such as :focus
and :active
work only on active elements such as
links and input elements, and they do not work in Microsoft’s Internet
Explorer (version 7 and earlier). Those using a screen reader can
navigate to inactive elements (such as headings and list items) so
that they may be read aloud. But this doesn’t activate :focus
because the screen reader is not
moving the browser focus but instead is moving its own virtual cursor
and therefore its own virtual focus.
In Figure 8-6, the course names are marked as labels.
Clicking on a course name expands to show a course description, as shown in Figure 8-7.
The markup is very elegant. We particularly like using label
to label a div
<label style="cursor: pointer;" class="collapsible" for="section6"><img src="courses.aspx_files/closed.jpg" alt=" [expand] ">IMT530 – Organization of Information and Resources</label> <div style="display: none;" class="collapsed" id="section6"> <p class="content">Introduction to issues in organization of information and information objects including: analysis of intellectual and physical characteristics of information objects; use of metadata and metadata standards for information systems; theory of classification, including semantic relationships and facet analysis; creation of controlled vocabularies; and display and arrangement. </p> </div>
The problem for keyboard users is that label elements cannot receive focus, even though the HTML spec says they should.
One aspect of ARIA that we cover here is tabindex
. According to the HTML 4.01
specification, tabindex
only to the A
elements (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#adef-tabindex).
values can be any number
between 0 and 32,767 and are navigated according to the following
Elements with a positive tabindex
value are navigated in order of
lowest tabindex
value to
highest. Elements with the same tabindex
value are navigated in document source
Elements without a tabindex
attribute or with a tabindex
of “0” are navigated next and
in the order they appear in the document source.
Disabled elements are not included in the tab order.
ARIA slightly changes the rules by allowing any visible element
to be added to the tab order. ARIA also adds a negative value for
. An element with a
negative tabindex
is not added to
the tab order, but it can receive focus via the mouse or JavaScript
. This allows an
application to support arrow key navigation—as we’ll see in the next
<div tabindex="-1">...</div> <p><a href="example1.html">Example link 1</a></p> <label style="cursor: pointer;" class="collapsible" for="section6" tabindex="0"><img src="courses.aspx_files/closed.jpg" alt=" [expand] ">IMT530 - Organization of Information and Resources</label> <div style="display: none;" class="collapsed" id="section6"> <p class="content">Introduction to issues in organization of information and information objects including: analysis of intellectual and physical characteristics of information objects; use of metadata and metadata standards for information systems; theory of classification, including semantic relationships and facet analysis; creation of controlled vocabularies; and display and arrangement. </p> </div> <p><a href="example2.html" tabindex="1">Example link 2</a></p>
According to the ARIA-enhanced tabindex scheme, the tab order for this code would be as follows:
Example link 2—because tabindex="1"
Example link 1—because it is next in the document source order
The IMT530 label—because it is next in the document source
order and has tabindex="0"
The div with tabindex="-1"
not included in the tab order.
Using :hover
to highlight
items that can not receive focus (such as lines in a table) is cool—it
helps people who are visual learners. The person using a screen reader will know which item
has focus—as only one item at a time can have focus. For example, in
the following code, the current row is highlighted on :hover:
<style type="text/css"> tr:hover {background-color: #FFCC33;} </style>
Note that we’re doing this with a style sheet rather than a
scripted onmouseover()
. When possible, we prefer
using CSS to scripting.
Catching mouse events with onmouseover
has similar issues to :hover
—it may work for someone using a mouse
but not for keyboard or mobile users. Even modern mobile devices such
as the iPhone have trouble with onmouseover
, since they track only users
tapping on the screen.
There’s no reason not to use onmouseover
per se. However, if you do use
it for anything more complex than to call out the presence of a link
(say, to show or hide tiles in a trivia game), you will need to use
another event as well, for example, onfocus
, onactivate
, onkeypress
, or even onclick
For more information, WebAIM’s Creating Accessible JavaScript: JavaScript Event Handlers provides a great overview (http://www.webaim.org/techniques/javascript/eventhandlers.php).