Diode Circuits

2.1 The v‐i Characteristic of Diodes

Figure 2.1(a) shows the symbol for a diode, which allows an electric current (as a low resistance) in the forward direction, while blocking current (as a large resistance) in the reverse direction. Figure 2.1(b) shows the v‐i characteristic of a practical diode, which can be approximated by the Shockley diode equation (named after transistor coinventor William Bradford Shockley) or the diode law:

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.1 Symbol and v‐i characteristic of a diode.

where IS, η, and VT are the leakage (reverse saturation) current, the empirical constant (called the emission coefficient or ideality factor) between 1 and 2, and the thermal voltage, respectively.

Note that the thermal voltage VT is given by


2.1.1 Large‐Signal Diode Model for Switching Operations

When the signal applied to such electronic devices as diodes and transistors is large in comparison with the bias level, they show ON‐OFF behavior, functioning like a switch.

The v‐i characteristic curve of a diode in terms of its static behavior can be approximated by a solid/dotted piecewise linear (PWL) line for the forward‐/reverse‐bias mode as depicted in Figure 2.2(a). According to the approximation, the operation of a diode in the forward‐/reverse‐bias mode is represented by the equivalent model depicted in Figure 2.2(b).

2.1.2 Small‐Signal Diode Model for Amplifying Operations

Figure 2.3(a) and (b) shows the high‐frequency AC models of forward‐/reverse‐biased diodes, respectively. Note that the junction (or depletion or transition) capacitance defined as the ratio of the incremental change (Δqj) in the charge (in the depletion layer) to that (ΔvD) in the anode‐to‐cathode bias voltage vD can be expressed as

PWL approximation of the v–i characteristic curve of a diode represented by solid and dashed curves (a) and PWL model of a diode consists of 2 resistors labeled rf and Rr, 2 ideal diodes, etc. (b).

Figure 2.2 PWL approximation of the v‐i characteristic curve of a diode and the corresponding model.

Circuit diagrams of high-frequency AC model of a diode consists of a capacitor labeled Cj + Cd, resistor, etc. (a) and high-frequency AC model of a reverse-biased diode consists of a capacitor labeled Cj, etc. (b).

Figure 2.3 High‐frequency AC (small‐signal) model of a diode.


where M: junction gradient coefficient, Vj: (builtin) junction potential with the value of 0.5∼0.9 V for a Si (silicon) diode and 0.2∼0.6 V for a Ge (germanium) diode, and Cj0: zero‐bias junction capacitance

Note also that the diffusion (or transit time) capacitance due to the diffusion of carriers from anode to cathode in the forward‐bias mode can be expressed as


where tT: transit or storage time taken for the charge to cross the diode, IQ: diode current at the operating point Q, η: emission coefficient or ideality factor, and, images

Note also that the dynamic resistance rd can be approximated as

2.2 Analysis/Simulation of Diode Circuits

The procedure of performing a large‐signal analysis for diode circuits can be summarized:

  1. Assume (guess) the ON/OFF state of each diode.
  2. For ON/OFF state, replace the diode by the forward‐/reverse‐bias model of each diode like the ones depicted in Figure 2.2(b).
  3. Solve the circuit and verify the result and the assumptions:
    • For a diode assumed to be ON (with vD ≈ VTD), the initial guess is justified if iD > 0; otherwise, i.e. if iD < 0, resume the analysis with the assumption that the diode is OFF.
    • For a diode assumed to be OFF (with iD = 0), the initial guess is justified if vD < VTD; otherwise, i.e. if vD ≥ VTD, resume the analysis with the assumption that the diode is ON.

2.2.1 Examples of Diode Circuits

See the following examples.

2.2.2 Clipper/Clamper Circuits

Figure 2.6(a1) and (a2) respectively show clipper circuits for clipping the upper and lower portion of the input signal above/below the reference level of (V1 + VD)/(−V2 −VD), which is determined by the DC voltage source connected in series with the diode. Figure 2.6(b1) and (b2) show their input and output voltage waveforms obtained from PSpice simulation. Running the following MATLAB script yields a similar result.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.
Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.6 Clipper circuits to clip the upper/lower portion of the input signal and their input/output signals.

Figure 2.6(a3) shows a two‐level clipper circuit, which combines two clipper circuits for clipping the upper and lower portions of the input signal so that the output voltage can be kept within the range of [−V2 −VD, V1+VD]. Figure 2.6(b3) shows its input and output voltage waveforms.

Figure 2.7(a1) and (a2) shows positive/negative clamper circuits (called clamped capacitors or DC restorers), which push the input signal (within [Vi,min, Vi,max]) upward/downward by the positive/negative capacitor voltage charged (when vi = Vi,min/Vi,max), i.e. VC = (−Vi,min + Vr −VD)/(Vi,max −Vr −VD) so that their outputs are related with their inputs as

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.7 Positive/negative clamper circuits and their input/output signal waveforms (“clipper_clamper.opj”).

Note that the trough/peak level of the positive/negative clamper outputs will be (Vr −VD)/(Vr+VD), respectively, where VD depends on the capacitance C and how long C has been charged.

2.2.3 Half‐wave Rectifier

The diode in the circuit of Figure 2.8(a) can be represented by the CVD model as shown in Figure 2.8(b), which is valid in the forward mode of the diode, i.e. while vi ≥ Vos where the offset or cut‐in voltage Vos (slightly less than the threshold voltage VTD) is the diode voltage at which the diode starts to turn on. Here, we can find the cut‐in or ignition angle ϕ at which the diode starts to turn on:


Similarly, the extinction angle at the end of the (first) positive half‐cycle is π − ϕ (see Figure 2.8(c)). Note that the peak inverse voltage (PIV) of the diode is Vm.

2.2.4 Half‐wave Rectifier with Capacitor – Peak Rectifier

Figure 2.9.1(a) shows the PSpice schematic of a half‐wave rectifier composed of a diode, a capacitor, and a resistor, called a peak rectifier, which conducts in the forward direction for vD ≥ VTD = 0.65 V. Figure 2.9.1(b) and (c) shows the equivalent circuits of the rectifier for vi ≥ vo+VTD and vi < vo+VTD, respectively. Figure 2.9.1(d) shows the PSpice simulation result obtained from the Transient Analysis with Run_to_time of 40 ms. From this PSpice simulation result, we find the upper/lower limit VH/VL of the output voltage vo(t) and the rising/falling period TR/TF as

Circuit diagrams illustrating a diode circuit (a) and the equivalent model with D ON (b) and the input/output voltage waveforms (c).

Figure 2.8 A half‐wave rectifier and its input/output voltage waveforms.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.9.1 Equivalent circuits and input/output voltage waveforms of a half‐wave rectifier (“rectifier_halfwave.opj”).


To obtain these parameters, after getting the output voltage waveform in the PSpice A/D (Probe) window, click the Toggle Cursor button on the toolbar to activate the two cross‐type cursors on the graph. Then use the left/right mouse button and/or arrow/shift‐arrow key or click the appropriate toolbar button to move them to the peak/trough and read their coordinates from the Probe Cursor box. If you have two or more waveforms on the Probe window, you can choose one which you want to take a close look at by clicking the name of the corresponding variable under the graph.

To get the upper/lower limit VH/VL of the output voltage vo(t) and the rising/falling period TR/TF via an analytical approach using MATLAB, we set up the following equations:

Noting that VH is already known as VH = Vm − VTD = 5 − 0.65 = 4.35, we solve this set of equations to find VL = 3.23, TR = 0.0018, and TF = 0.0149 by saving these equations into an M‐file named, say, ‘halfwave_rectifier_eq.m’ and running the following MATLAB script “do_halfwave_rectifier.m.”

Now, to perform the MATLAB simulation of the rectifier circuit with capacitor filter in Figure 2.9.1(a), we discretize the integro‐differential equation for the voltage‐current relationship (VCR) of the capacitor as


The numerical solution process to find the output voltage of a half‐wave rectifier as shown in Figure 2.9.1(a) has been cast into the following MATLAB function ‘rectifier_RC()’. The following MATLAB script “elec02f09.m” uses this function to find vo(t) of the half‐wave rectifier (in Figure 2.9.1(a)) as Figure 2.9.2 together with the values of VH = 4.36, VL = 3.26, TR = 0.002, and TF = 0.0147.

 VH = 4.3567 % Upper limit (High value) of the output voltage
 VL = 3.2586 % Lower limit (Low value) of the output voltage
 TF = 0.0147 % Falling time
 TR = 0.0020 % Rising time
Image described by caption.

Figure 2.9.2 Input/output voltage waveforms of the half‐wave rectifier.

These results are close to those obtained via an analytical approach or the PSpice simulation results depicted in Figure 2.9.1(d).

One observation about the behavior of the output voltage vo(t) made from Figures 2.9.1(d) or 2.9.2 is that vo(t) follows the input voltage vi(t) = Vmsin (ωt) = 5 sin (2πft) (f = 60 Hz) promptly when rising up, but very lazily when falling down, which is helpful for making the rectifier output vo(t) smooth with a small ripple. Why are the behaviors of the circuit different for the two cases of the capacitor being charged and discharged? It is because the time constant of the circuit with the capacitor being charged (via the diode) from the source is much shorter than that with the diode off and the capacitor being discharged, as can be seen from the equivalent circuits with the diode ON/OFF depicted in Figure 2.9.1(b) and (c):


(cf.) This kind of circuits can be used not only for rectifying and smoothing an AC voltage into a DC voltage in power supplies, but also for demodulating a conventional amplitude modulated (AM) signal to restore the message signal in communication systems.

2.2.5 Full‐wave Rectifier

Figure 2.10(a1) and (a2) shows a full‐wave rectifier using a center‐tapped transformer and another full‐wave rectifier using a diode bridge, respectively.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.10 Two full‐wave rectifiers and their voltage transfer characteristics (VTCs), output voltage waveforms, and peak inverse voltages (PIVs).

Figure 2.10(b1) and (b2) shows their input‐output relationships, called voltage transfer characteristic (VTC):


Figure 2.10(c1) and (c2) shows their PSpice simulation results (obtained from the Transient analysis with vi(t) = Vm sin (2πt) (Vm = 5 V)) for the output voltage vo(t) and a reversed diode voltage −vD(t), from which we see their PIVs for a diode as


2.2.6 Full‐wave Rectifier with LC Filter

Figure 2.11(a) shows the PSpice schematic of a rectifier circuit in which a full‐wave rectified voltage vi(t) = |10 sin (2π60t)| is made smooth by an LC low‐pass filter as can be observed from the input and output signals and their spectra in Figure 2.11(b) and (c), respectively. We are going to find the condition on LC (with R = 10 kΩ) that should be satisfied to keep the relative magnitude of the major harmonic component to the DC component less than rmax, say, 5%. To this end, we will perform the Fourier analysis to find the two leading frequency components (including the DC term) of the input vi(t) and output vo(t).

Since the input voltage vi(t) to the LC filter is a full‐wave rectified cosine wave, we can use (E1.5.7) (in Example 1.5) to write its Fourier series representation as

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.11 PSpice simulation of a full‐wave rectifier (“rectifier_fullwave.opj”).


The transfer function and frequency response of the LCR filter are


Thus, the magnitudes of the DC component and the first harmonic in the output are


Consequently, we can write the condition on LC (with R = 10 kΩ) for the relative magnitude of the major harmonic to the DC component to be less than rmax as

It seems to be good to determine the admissible region for (C, L) satisfying the design specification on filtering off harmonics with rmax = 5 and 10%. This can be done by saving Eq. (2.2.11) in an M‐file named ‘elec02f12_f.m’ and running the following MATLAB script “elec02f12.m” that uses the nonlinear equation solver ‘fsolve()’ to solve Eq. (2.2.11) for L at different values of C in some range and plot the C-L curves for rmax = 5 and 10% as shown in Figure 2.12. Note that the region below the curves in Figure 2.12 is not admissible in the sense that no positive values of (C, L) in the region can satisfy the above inequality constraint (2.2.11).

Graph of admissible region for (C, L) to satisfy the design specification on the relative magnitude of the major harmonic to the DC component represented by 2 descending curves with different shades.

Figure 2.12 Admissible region for (C, L) to satisfy the design specification on the relative magnitude of the major harmonic to the DC component.

2.2.7 Precision Rectifiers

Figure 2.13(a) shows a basic precision half‐wave rectifier circuit, which consists of an OP amp (having a diode in its negative‐feedback path) and a resistor where the OP amp output voltage vo0 is basically determined as A(v+ − v) = A(viv) (A: the open‐loop gain) unless it exceeds the saturation voltage ±Vom (Eq. (5.1.1) in Section 5.1). How will it work? Let us assume that the diode is off so that no current flows through R and thus v = 0.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.13 The basic precision half‐wave rectifier, called a “superdiode.”

Figure 2.13(b) shows the input-output relationship (solid line), called VTC, of the half‐wave rectifier circuit based on Eq. (2.2.12a,b). Note that it does not have the threshold voltage VD unlike that (dotted line) of the simple half‐wave rectifier circuit in Figure 2.8(a) and that is why such a combination of a diode with an OP amp may well be called a “superdiode” with VD = 0. Isn't it marvelous? Now, let us see some improved versions of this basic precision rectifier. Improved Precision Half‐wave Rectifier

Figure 2.14(a) shows an improved precision half‐wave rectifier circuit. Let us see how it works.

Figure 2.14(b) shows the input-output relationship, called VTC, of the half‐wave rectifier circuit based on Eqs. (2.2.13a) and (2.2.13b). The PSpice simulation results (obtained from the Transient analysis with vi(t) = Vm sin (2πt) (Vm = 5 V)) of the two precision half‐wave rectifiers in Figures 2.13(a) and 2.14(a) for the output voltage vo(t) and a reversed diode voltage −vD(t) are shown in Figure 2.15(a) and (b). From the graphs, we see their PIVs for a diode as

Circuit diagram of an improved precision half-wave rectifier consists of 2 clamp diodes, 2 resistors labeled R1 and R2, 2 antennas labeled iR1 and iR2, etc. (a) and graph of its input-output relationship (VTC) (b).

Figure 2.14 An improved (fast) precision half‐wave rectifier.

Image described by caption.

Figure 2.15 Simulation results of two precision half‐wave rectifiers (“elec02f15a.opj,” “elec02f15b.opj”).


where Vm and Vom are the maxima of the input voltage vi(t) and OP amp output voltage vo0(t), respectively. Precision Full‐wave Rectifier

Figure 2.16.1(a) shows a precision full‐wave rectifier circuit, which consists of a precision half‐wave rectifier, called a “superdiode” (Figure 2.13(a)), in the upper part and another precision half‐wave rectifier with an inverting OP amp circuit (Figure 2.14(a)) in the lower part. When vi = v+1 > 0, the upper part lets the input vi pass and when vi = v−2 < 0, the lower part inverts the input vi with gain −R2/R1 (see Eq. (6.2.8)). Therefore, as shown in Figure 2.16.1(b), the VTC of this rectifier is

Figure 2.16.2(a) shows another precision full‐wave rectifier circuit, which consists of a “superdiode” (Figure 2.13(a)) (with an additional capacitor C in parallel with diode D1) in the left part and an inverting OP amp circuit (with diode D1 connected to its positive input terminal) in the right part. Note that the two OP amps U1/U2 have negative feedback through C/R2 so that by the virtual short principle, we always have v−1 ≈ v+1 = vi and v−2 ≈ v+2. Let us see how it works:

2.2.8 Small‐Signal (AC) Analysis of Diode Circuits

Consider the circuit with the PSpice schematic of Figure 2.18.1(a) where the PSpice Model for the diode D1N4148 (opened by selecting the diode and clicking on Edit>PSpice Model from the top menu bar) is shown in Figure 2.18.1(b). For PSpice simulation with the schematic, we do the following:

  • Fill in the Simulation Settings dialog box (for Transient or Bias_Point analysis) as shown in Figure 2.18.1(c) and click OK to close the dialog box.
  • Place a Current Marker to measure the diode current iD(t) and click Run to get the waveform of iD(t) as shown in Figure 2.18.1(d) or the bias point analysis on the schematic or in the output file.

To get the v-i characteristic of the diode and draw the load lines in the PSpice A/D Window, we do the following:

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.18.1 Simulation of a diode circuit driven by a DC source and an AC source (“e lec02f18.opj”).

  • Construct the PSpice schematic as Figure 2.18.2(a)
  • Fill in the Simulation Settings dialog box for DC Sweep analysis (Figure 2.18.2(b)) and click Run.
  • Click Trace>Add Trace from the top menu bar to open the Add Traces dialog box and fill in the box as Figure 2.18.2(e), which yields the load lines (Figure 2.18.2(c)).
  1. (Q) Can the waveform of iD(t) (Figure 2.18.1(d)) be predicted from the Q‐points in Figure 2.18.2(c)?

To determine the diode constants of the diode D1N1418, we can use the curve fitting toolbox ‘cftool’ (in MATLAB) to fit the data points (vD, iD) of the v-i characteristic curve (Figure 2.18.2(c)) to the Shockley diode equation. Noting that curve fitting works better for linear functions than for nonlinear functions, let us approximate the Shockley diode equation and take the logarithms of both sides to linearize as

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.18.2 PSpice simulation to get the v-i characteristic and operating point(s) for (“elec02f18b.opj”).

To determine the parameters 1/ηVT and ln IS of Eq. (2.2.18) which fit the PSpice simulation data, do the following:

  • Select I(D1) below the current waveform graph (Figure 2.18.2(c)), press ‘CTRL+c’ (copy), and then press ‘CTRL+v’ (paste) into a notepad to create a data file named ‘vD_iD.dat’ (Figure 2.18.2(d)) where the first line containing the variable descriptions should be deleted.
  • Run the following MATLAB statements:
      >>load vD_iD.dat, vD=vD_iD(:,1); iD=vD_iD(:,2);
     ln_iD=log(iD); % Take natural logarithm to linearize fitting ftn
     cftool % To start the curve fitting toolbox

This will open the CFTOOL window as shown in Figure 2.18.3(a).

  • Click images button to open the Data dialog box (Figure 2.18.3(b)).
  • In the Data dialog box, put ‘vD’ and ‘ln_iD’ into the fields of X Data and Y Data, respectively, and click images button to create a new data set named ‘ln_iD vs. vD’.
  • Click images button to open the Fitting dialog box (Figure 2.18.3(c)).
  • In the Fitting dialog box, select ‘ln_iD vs. vD’ and ‘Custom Equations’ in the fields of Data set and Type of fit, respectively.
  • Click images button inside Custom Equations panel to open a New Custom Equation dialog box.
  • In the New Custom Equation dialog box, click the tab General Equations and construct the model equation corresponding Eq. (2.2.18) as
     y = a*x +ln_Is

    where a and ln_Is stand for 1/ηVT and ln IS, respectively. Then click images button to close the New Custom Equation dialog box.

  • In the Fitting dialog box, click images button to make the following results appear in the box below Result:
Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.18.3 Using cftool for curve fitting to determine the diode constants.

This implies that the parameters ηVT and IS have been determined as


where the true values of ηVT and IS can be found from the PSpice Model of the diode (Figure 2.18.1(b)) as

  1. (Q) Are the curve fitting results fine? To be honest with our readers, the accuracy of curve fitting depends on not only the number of measured data points but also the data range.

With the diode constants found in the corresponding PSpice Model Editor (Figure 2.18.1(b)) or obtained from the curve fitting (Figure 2.18.1(c)), let us make a theoretical analysis of the diode circuit (Figure 2.18.1(a)) by using the nonlinear equation solver ‘fsolve()’ of MATLAB to solve the (nonlinear) KCL equation

for vD(t) or to solve the (nonlinear) KVL equation

for iD(t). To do this job, we compose the MATLAB script “elec02f1804.m” as below and run it to get Figure 2.18.4, which shows the diode current waveform (plotted as blue line) together with those obtained from the PSpice simulation (Figure 2.18.1(d)) and the theoretical analysis.

(Q) How would you copy the PSpice simulation data (Figure 2.18.1(d)) into a MATLAB graph?

Now, to get an overview of the input-output relationship of the diode circuit, let us perform a (theoretical) small‐signal analysis by using Eqs. (1.1.12) and (1.1.13). First, we get the operating point Q as (VQ, IQ) = (0.695, 0.0061) from the intersection of the (major) load line and the v-i characteristic curve in Figure 2.18.2(c). Then, we find the dynamic resistance rd by reading REQ = 8.21 from the Bias Point analysis result shown in the output file (Figure 2.18.1(d)) or by using the PSpice data (stored in the data file ‘vD_iD.dat’) or Eq. (2.1.5) as follows:

Graph illustrating diode current waveforms obtained in various ways represented by coinciding waveforms representing fsolve vD-iD (darker shade), fsolve iD-vD (dashed), PSpice (light shade), etc.

Figure 2.18.4 Diode current waveforms obtained in various ways.

Which one of the three values [8.21 (from PSpice Bias Point analysis), 8.80 (from PSpice simulation data), 7.79 (from the theoretical formula)] should we use for Eqs. (1.1.12) and (1.1.13)? The authors have no idea. How about 8.21 close to their average? Thus, we use Eqs. (1.1.12) and (11.13) with rd = 8.21 to write the theoretical equation for the diode currents/voltages as


This diode current waveform with rd = 8.21 is depicted together with the ones obtained in other ways in Figure 2.18.4. The diode current waveforms are expected to become closer to each other if the magnitude vδ of AC voltage is smaller so that the approximation of the v-i characteristic curve by its tangent line at Q‐point can become more accurate.

2.3 Zender Diodes

Figure 2.19(a) and (b) shows the symbol and the v-i characteristic for a special kind of diode, called a Zener diode where vZ = −vD and iZ = −iD. A Zener diode behaves as other normal diodes in the forward‐bias mode but, in the reverse‐bias mode, withstands the reverse diode current (up to IZ,max) while keeping vZ = −vD close to the Zener (breakdown) voltage VZ (even with some variation in its current iD) as long as iZ = −iD remains between IZ,min and IZ,max. The maximum reverse current IZ,max that the diode can endure is PZ,max/VZ where PZ,max is the maximum power dissipation. The minimum reverse current IZ,min needed to keep the diode in the reverse breakdown mode is slightly below the Zener knee current IZK, at which the diode exhibits the reverse breakdown. The v-i characteristic curve of a Zener diode in terms of its static behavior can be approximated by a red/brown PWL line for the forward‐/reverse‐bias mode as depicted in Figure 2.19(b) where the diode resistance rf (in the forward‐bias mode) and the Zener resistance rz (in the reverse‐bias mode) are defined as

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.19 Symbol, v-i characteristic, and PWL model of a Zener diode.


Here, −VZ0 is the diode voltage at the intersection of the straight line having slope 1/rz with the voltage axis and it is almost equal to the Zener knee voltage −VZK. According to the approximation, the v-i characteristic of a Zener diode in the forward‐/reverse‐bias mode is represented by the equivalent model depicted in Figure 2.19(c).

Figure 2.20(a) shows a Zener (shunt) regulator, which is supposed to maintain an almost constant output voltage for all the variation of the DC voltage source vs and the load resistor RL. In order for the regulator to function properly in the breakdown region, the Zener diode current iZ should be bounded as


Thus, the source resistance Rs should satisfy the following inequality:

If IZ,max = PZ,max/VZ has not yet been specified, Rs can be set to some value slightly less than the upper bound of Inequality (2.3.3):

Circuit diagrams of Zener (shunt) regulator consists of a voltage source, 2 resistors, a diode, etc. (a), with the Zener diode represented by its reverse-bias model consists of 3 resistors, an ideal diode, etc. (b).

Figure 2.20 Zener (shunt) regulator.

If Rs is fixed, the minimum load resistance can be determined by substituting VZ = VZK and iZ = IZK into Inequality (2.3.3) as

Then the power rating of the Zener diode should be determined so that the following inequality can be satisfied:


Figure 2.20(b) shows the Zener regulator with the Zener diode represented by the reverse bias model (Figure 2.19(c)), for which we can apply KCL at node 1 to write the node equation in vZ as


This can be solved for vZ to yield

According to this (approximate) expression of vZ, its variations w.r.t. vs, RL, and IL are computed as


This implies that the sensitivities of vZ w.r.t. vs/RL become better (smaller) as Rs/RL increases, respectively.

Note that if vZ < VZ0 so that iZ = (vZ − VZ0)/rz < 0, we set iZ = 0(IZK) and use the voltage divider rule to determine vZ as if there were no Zener diode branch:

The following MATLAB function ‘Zener_regulator()’, given the values of VZ, IZ, rZ, IZK, RL, Rs, vs, and dvs (the variation of vs) for a Zener regulator (shown in Figure 2.20(a)), returns the (output) voltage vZ (across the Zener diode or load resistor) and the current iZ through the Zener diode, together with the sensitivities of vZ w.r.t. vs, RL, and IL.


  1. 2.1 Diode Circuits
    1. Consider the diode circuit of Figure P2.1.1(a1) where there are four possible states for the two diodes D1 and D2: ON-ON, ON-OFF, OFF-ON, and OFF-OFF.

      First, assuming that both D1 and D2 are ON, replace them by the Constant Voltage Drop (CVD) model (with VD = 0.7 V) to draw the equivalent as shown in Figure P2.1.1(a2), find the currents images and images, and check the validity of the solution.

      • For a more exact analysis using the (nonlinear) exponential model (2.1.1) with Is = 1 × 10‐14[A] and VT = (27 + 273)/11605[V], apply Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) at nodes 1 and 2 to write two node equations as

        and use the MATLAB function ‘fsolve()’ to solve them for v1 and v2. To this end, complete the following MATLAB script “elec02p01a.m” and run it to find v1, v2, images, and images.

        Image described by caption and surrounding text.

        Figure P2.1.1 Diode circuits for Problem 2.1.

    1. Consider the diode circuit of Figure P2.1.1(b1).
      • First, assuming that both D1 and D2 are ON, replace them by the CVD model (with VD = 0.7 V) to draw the equivalent as shown in Figure P2.1.1(b2) and find the currents images and images. If the solution turns out to be invalid, try with another assumption.
      • For a more exact analysis using the (nonlinear) exponential model (2.1.1) with IS = 6 × 10‐16 A, make a slight modification of the above MATLAB script “elec02p01a.m” and run it to find v1, v2, images, and images.
    2. Perform the PSpice simulation of the diode circuit of Figure P2.1.1(a1) with the Analysis type of Bias Point by taking the following steps:
      1. Compose the PSpice schematic as shown in Figure P2.1.2(a).
      2. Create a simulation profile (with the analysis type of Bias Point) by selecting ‘Bias Point’ as the analysis type in the Simulation Settings dialog box as shown in Figure P2.1.2(b).

    Run the PSpice schematic and click on the ‘Enable Bias Voltage Display’/‘Enable Bias Current Display’ button in the toolbar of the Capture CIS Window to see the bias‐point analysis results on voltages/currents at/through each node/branch.

  2. 2.2 Bridge Rectifier Circuit

    Consider the bridge rectifier circuit of Figure P2.2(a) consisting of four diodes. Based on the (nonlinear) exponential model (2.1.1) with Is = 1 × 10−14[A] and VT = (27 + 273)/11605[V], apply KCL at nodes 1 and 2 to write two node equations as

    PSpice schematic for the circuit of figure P2.1.1 (a) (top) and Simulation Settings dialog box for Bias Point analysis (bottom).

    Figure P2.1.2 PSpice simulation for the circuit of Figure P2.1.1(a1) – “elec02p01.opj.”

    Bridge rectifier circuit consists of a sinusoidal voltage source, 4 diodes labeled D1, D2, D3, and D4, etc. (a) and graph of its analysis results obtained from MATLAB analysis with curves for vs(t), vo(t), and vD2(t) (b).

    Figure P2.2 A bridge rectifier circuit and its analysis results for Problem 2.2.


    and use the MATLAB function ‘fsolve()’ to solve them for v1 and v2 where vs(t) = 5 sin (2πt) [V]. To this end, complete the following MATLAB script “elec02p02.m” and run it to plot vs(t), vo(t) = v2(t), and −images (the reverse

    voltage of diode D2). Compare the waveforms with the PSpice simulation results shown in Figure 2.10c2.

  3. 2.3 Diode Clipping Circuits – Diode Limiters

    Consider the two diode clipping circuits (called limiters or clippers) each in Figure P2.3.1(a1) and (a2) where VT = 25 mV, the reverse saturation current of the diodes is Is = 10−14 A, and the Zener diode has VZ = 4.67/4.7 V at IZ = 0/2mA and IZK = 4 × 10−12 A. Note that Figure P2.3.1(b1) and (b2) (obtained from PSpice simulation with Transient analysis) show their output voltage waveforms to sinusoidal input voltage of frequency 1 Hz and amplitude 5 V and 10 V, respectively, and Figure P2.3.1(c1) and c2 (obtained from PSpice simulation with DC sweep analysis and voltage source VSIN replaced by VDC) show their input-output relationships called voltage transfer characteristics (VTCs).

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure P2.3.1 Diode clipping circuits (diode limiters) for Problem 2.3.

    1. Referring to Figure 2.19, complete the following equation describing the typical v-i characteristic of a Zener diode, which has been piecewise linear (PWL) approximated in the reverse‐biased region:
    2. Complete the sixth to seventh lines of the above MATLAB script “clippers.m” to create a MATLAB function handle defining the function vZ(iZ) with three parameters VZ0, rZ, and IZK where (iZ>0), (‐IZK<=iZ&iZ<0), and (iZ<‐IZK) are logical expressions, each of which becomes 1 or 0 depending on whether it is true or not. Then noting that VZ0 = 4.67 V, use Eq. (2.3.1b) to determine the Zener resistance rZ and plot the v-i characteristic of the Zener diode, i.e. iZ versus vZ for iZ = (−5:0.01:1) × 10−3 [A] as shown in Figure P2.3.2(a) by running the last two lines of “clippers.m.”
    3. To plot the v‐i characteristic (Figure P2.3.2(c)) of the Zener diode through PSpice simulation with DC sweep analysis, do the following:
      1. Create a PSpice schematic shown in Figure P2.3.2(b1) where the device parameters of the Zener diode part ‘DbreakZ’ are set in the PSpice Model Editor (opened by clicking on that part so that it will be highlighted in pink and selecting the menu Edit>PSpice Model) as shown in Figure P2.3.2(b2).
        Image described by caption and surrounding text.

        Figure P2.3.2 The v-i characteristic curve of the Zener diodes in Figure P2.3.1(a2).

      2. Click on New Simulation Profile button to open the Simulation Setting dialog box where you are supposed to set the Analysis type (DC Sweep), Sweep variable (Voltage source: Vi), and Sweep type (Linear: Start/End value = −4.8/0.8, Increment = 0.01) appropriately.
      3. Place a current marker at the anode of the Zener diode and run the PSpice schematic to see the VTC as shown in Figure P2.3.2(c).
    4. Write the KCL equation in vo for node 1 in the clipper of Figure P2.3.1(a1) and the KVL equation in i for the mesh in the clipper of Figure P2.3.1(a2). With those equations, complete the above MATLAB script “clippers.m” so that it can plot the VTC curves of the two clippers. Run it to plot the VTCs and see if they are close to those shown in Figure P2.3.1(c1) and (c2).
  4. 2.4 Diode Clampers – DC Restorers

    Consider the two diode clampers in Figure P2.4(a1) and (a2) that are driven by a PWL voltage source generating a square wave with magnitude ±5 V and period 2 s. Perform PSpice simulations of the clampers (with the SKIPBP box checked in the Simulation Settings dialog box) to get their input/output voltage waveforms as shown in Figure P2.4(b1) and (b2). Do their input-output relationships conform with Eqs. (2.2.1a) and (2.2.1b)?

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure P2.4 Two clamper circuits and their PSpice simulation results (“dc:restorer.opj”).

  5. 2.5 MATLAB and PSpice Simulations of Voltage Doubler and Quadrupler

    Consider the voltage doubler/quadrupler circuits driven by a sinusoidal voltage source of amplitude 5 V and frequency 2 Hz, whose PSpice schematics are shown in Figures P2.5.1(a) and P2.5.2(a), respectively.

    PSpice schematic of a voltage doubler circuit consists of a sinusoidal voltage source, 2 capacitors, etc. (a) and waveforms illustrating the MATLAB simulation results (b) and the Spice simulation results (c).

    Figure P2.5.1 MATLAB and PSpice simulations of a voltage doubler circuit (“voltage_doubler.opj”).

    PSpice schematic of a voltage quadrupler circuit consists of a sinusoidal voltage source, 4 capacitors, etc. (a) and waveforms illustrating the MATLAB simulation results (b) and PSpice simulation results (c).

    Figure P2.5.2 PSpice and MATLAB simulations of a voltage quadrupler circuit (“voltage_quadrupler.opj”).

    1. Complete the above MATLAB script “voltage_doubler.m” to simulate the voltage doubler for 10s to get its input and output waveforms as shown in Figure P2.5.1(b). Also perform PSpice simulation of the circuit to get its input and output waveforms as shown in Figure P2.5.1(c).
    2. Complete the following MATLAB script “voltage_quadrupler.m” to simulate the voltage quadrupler for 10 s to get its input and output waveforms as shown in Figure P2.5.2(b). Also perform PSpice simulation of the circuit to get its input and output waveforms as shown in Figure P2.5.2(c).
  6. 2.6 Half‐wave Rectifier Circuit Fed by a Triangular Voltage Source Consider the half‐wave rectifier circuit of Figure P2.6(a) where the voltage source vi generates a triangular voltage waveform (with amplitude 10 V and frequency f = 1 kHz) shown in Figure P2.6(c).
    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure P2.6 Half‐wave rectifier circuit fed by a triangular voltage source.

    1. To get the upper/lower limit VH/VL of the output voltage vo(t) and the rising/falling period TR/TF via an analytical approach using MATLAB, we set up the following equations like Eq. (2.2.3) referring to Figure P2.6(c):

      Noting that VH is already known as VH = Vm − VTD = 5 − 0.65 = 4.35, we can solve this set of equations to find VL = 3.94, TR = 0.02 ms, and TF = 0.98ms by saving these equations into an M‐file named, say, ‘elec02p06_f.m’ and running the following MATLAB script “elec02p06a.m.”

    1. To simulate the half‐wave rectifier by using MATLAB, complete and run the following script “elec02p06b.m” (after “elec02p06a.m”) to get the simulation result as shown in Figure P2.6(c).
    2. Assuming that TR ≪ TRC so that TF = TTR ≈ T ≪ RC, show that the ripple voltage Vr = VHVL is approximately

      Noting that the capacitor voltage charged during the rising period TR is equal to the ripple voltage Vr and is related with the capacitor current iC or its average IC,avg is as


      find the average of the capacitor current through C:

      Also, noting that the average of the output voltage (across R||C) is

      find the average of the resistor current through R:

      Also, find the average of the diode current through D:

    3. To simulate the half‐wave rectifier by using PSpice, draw the schematic as Figure P2.6(b) and perform the Transient analysis for 2.5 ms to get the input and output voltages and diode current as shown in Figure P2.6(d). You can activate or deactivate two cross cursors by clicking on the toggle cursor button in the PSpice A/D (Probe) window and move them to any two points by left‐/right‐clicking or pressing the (left or right) arrow/shift‐arrow to read their coordinates simultaneously where you can left‐/right‐click on the symbol of the variable (below the waveforms) which you want to read.
    4. Does the value of ID,avg agree with the (approximate) average of the diode current iD(t) (during the ON period) shown in Figure P2.6(c) or (d)?
  7. 2.7 Precision Full‐wave Rectifier

    Consider the precision full‐wave rectifier in Figure P2.7(a) where the maximum (saturation) output voltage and maximum (short‐circuit) output current of the OP Amp μA741 are Vom = 14.6 V and Ios = 40 mA, respectively, for a bipolar power supply of ±15 V.

    1. Noting that the OP Amp U1 has always a negative feedback path (via R2) so that v‐1 = v+1 by the virtual short principle, let us see how the rectifier works. If vi > 0, vo0 becomes (low, high) so that D1 can be (off, on) and thus io0 = 0, images = 0, and v−1 = v+1 = vi. Then images so that images. If vi < 0, vo0 becomes (low, high) so that D1 can be (off, on) to activate the negative feedback path for the OP Amp U2, resulting in images (virtual ground). Then the OP Amp U1 functions as an inverting amplifier with gain −R2/R1 so that images.
    2. Doesn't the value of R3 seem to matter? To check your idea, resimulate the rectifier with R3 = 100 Ω to get vo(t), v‐2(t), and 10iD(t) as shown in Figure P2.7(c) where vo(t) has been severely distorted in the middle of the negative cycle of vi(t). Why is that? It is because v−1 = v+1 = v−2 ≠ v+2 = 0, i.e. the virtual short principle does not hold despite the negative feedback path via D1 with iD = io0 > 0. What caused this situation starting from just when vi is about to decrease below −4 V so that −images = io0 is going to increase over (v+1 − vi)/R3 = (v−2vi)/R3 = 40 mA = Ios? What is the minimum value of R3 to avoid such a situation?
    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure P2.7 A precision full‐wave rectifier.

  8. 2.8 Precision Full‐wave Rectifier

    Consider the precision full‐wave rectifier with the PSpice schematic shown in Figure P2.8(a) where R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = R5 = 1 kΩ and the maximum (saturation) output voltage of the OP Amp μA741 is Vom = 14.6 V for a bipolar power supply of ±15 V.

    1. Noting that the OP Amp U1 as well as U2 has always a negative feedback path via R2-D1 (when vi > 0) or via D2-R5 (when vi < 0) so that v‐1 = v+1 = 0 and v‐2 = v+2 by the virtual short principle, let us see how the rectifier works. When vi > 0, vo0 becomes (low, high) so that D1/D2 can be (on/off, off/on) and thus images, images where both U1 and U2 work as linear amplifiers each with gain −R2/R1 and R4/R3, respectively. Then

      When vi < 0, vo0 becomes (low, high) so that D1/D2 can be (on/off, off/on). KCL at node 1 yields a node equation with v3 as an unknown variable:


      Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Figure P2.8 A precision full‐wave rectifier.

      Then, regarding R2-R3-R4 as a voltage divider, we can find the output voltage vo as

    2. Find the peak inverse voltages (PIVs) of the diodes D1 and D2.

      When vi = Vm = 5 V, vo0 becomes low so that D1 is on with images = images = 0.7 V and D2 is reverse‐biased with


      When vi = −Vm = −5 V, vo0 becomes high so that D2 is on with images = images = 0.7 V and D1 is reverse‐biased with


      These PIVs can also be seen from the simulation result in Figure P2.8(b).

  9. 2.9 Zener (Shunt) Regulator

    Consider the Zener regulator shown in Figure 2.20(a) where the Zener diode has VZ = 6.8 V at IZ = 5 mA, rZ = 20 Ω, and IZK = 0.2 mA, and the supply voltage vS varies by ±1 V around its nominal value 10 V.

    1. Determine VZ0 of the linear iZvZ relation (2.3.1b) describing the almost‐straight line part of the iv characteristic curve of the Zener diode.

      Substituting (IZ, VZ) = (5 mA, 6.8 V) and rz = 20 Ω into Eq. (2.3.1b) yields

    2. Use the equivalent circuit (Figure 2.20(b)) with the Zener diode Z replaced by its PWL model to find the output voltage vo = vZ (across RL = 2 kΩ in parallel with the Zener diode) to the source voltage vs = 10, 9, 8.3 V.

      We can use Eq. (2.3.8) to get

      >>([10 9 8.3]/500+6.7/20)/(1/500+1/20+1/2000)

      However, for the third value vZ = 6.697 V < VZ0, we set iZ = 0 (IZK) and use the voltage divider rule to redetermine vZ as if there were no Zener diode branch:

    3. Make use of Eq. (2.3.9a) to guess how vZ (the voltage across the Zener diode or RL = 2 kΩ) will be changed by the ±1V‐change in vs.

      You can run the following MATLAB statements to get a help in finding the answers to the above questions:

              >>VZ=6.8; IZ=5e-3; rz=20; IZK=0.2e-3;
                vss=[10 9 8.3]; Rs=500; RL=2e3;
       [vos,iZ,dvodvs,dvodRL,dvodIL,Rsmax,RLmin,VZ0]= ...

      Is your guess close to the real change in vZ (across RL = 2 kΩ to vs = 10V) caused by the −1V‐change in vs, which can be observed in Eq. (P2.9.2)?

    4. Use the equivalent circuit (Figure 2.20(b)) to find the output voltage vo = vZ (across RL = 2, 1.9, 1.4 kΩ in parallel with the Zener diode) to the source voltage vs = 9 V.

      We can use Eq. (2.3.8) to get

             >>(9/500+6.7/20)./(1/500+1/20+1./[2 1.9 1.4]/1e3)

      However, for the third value vZ = 6.696 V < VZ0, we set iZ = 0 (IZK) and use the voltage divider rule to redetermine vZ as if there were no Zener diode branch:

    5. Make use of Eq. (2.3.9b) to guess how vZ (to vs = 9 V) will be changed by the ±100 Ω‐change in RL.

      You can run the following MATLAB statements to get a help in finding the answers to the above questions:

      >>vs=9; Rs=500; RLs=[2e3 1.9e3 1.4e3];
       Zener_regulator(VZ,IZ,rz,IZK,RLs,Rs,vs); vos, dvodRL

      Is your guess close to the real change in vZ (across RL = 2 kΩ to vs = 9V) caused by the −100 Ω‐change in RL, which can be observed in Eq. (P2.9.5)?

    6. To see that for vs ≤ 8.3V, vZ gets distinctly away from VZ = 6.8V at RL = 2 kΩ, perform a PSpice simulation by taking the following steps:
      1. Draw the PSpice schematic including a DC voltage source Vdc (10V), a sinusoidal voltage source VSIN (with amplitude 2 V and frequency 1 Hz), a Zener diode DbreakZ, two resistors Rs = 500 Ω and RL = 2 kΩ, and a Ground, as shown in Figure P2.9.1(a). If DbreakZ is not found in the Part List (Part Browser dialog box) when you type ‘DbreakZ’ in the Part text box of the Place Part dialog box (Figure P2.9.1(b)) opened by Place part button on the tool palette (Figure P2.9.1(a)), you should insert the BEAKOUT library into the Libraries list by clicking on the Add library button and selecting Cadence > … > tools > capture > library > pspice > breakout.olb.
        Image described by caption and surrounding text.

        Figure P2.9.1 PSpice simulation for the Zener regulator in Problem 2.9 (“voltage_regulator_zener0.opj”).

      2. Select the symbol of DbreakZ by clicking on it, select ‘Edit > PSpice Model’ (from the menu bar) to open the PSpice Model Editor window, and type ‘BV = 6.8V IBV = 5mA’ to set VZ = 6.8V and IZ = 5 mA (Figure P2.9.1(c)).
      3. Set the Analysis type, Run to time, and Maximum step size as ‘Time Domain (Transient)’, 2 s, and 1 ms, respectively, in the Simulation Settings dialog box opened by clicking on the New/Edit Simulation Profile button from the toolbar (Figure P2.9.1(d)).
      4. Place the voltage markers at the upper terminals of the voltage source Vs and resistor RL as shown in Figure P2.9.1(a).
      5. Click Run to start the simulation and get the input/output voltage waveforms as shown in Figure P2.9.2.
      Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Figure P2.9.2 PSpice simulation results for Problem 2.9.

      Does the output voltage vZ drop conspicuously below VZ = 6.8V as the source voltage vs becomes lower than 8.3V? How can the value of vZ to the input source voltage vs = 8V be estimated?