The Apache Software Foundation is an American non-profit corporation that supports open source software projects written by volunteers. It includes a vast number of projects in widely diverse fields (see One part of this collection is called Apache Commons, consisting of various Java libraries. These can be downloaded from
We used the Apache Commons Math Library in Chapter 6, Regression Analysis. Here are the steps to follow to use it in your NetBeans projects:
file or the .zip
file of the most recent version (3.6.1, as of August, 2017) of the commons-math archive file from:
).Apache Commons Math
for the Library Name (see Figure A-32), and click OK. This adds that library name to your NetBeans Libraries list.Figure A-32. Creating a new library in NetBeans
file inside that folder (see Figure A-33) and click on the Add JAR/Folder button.Figure A-33. Locating the JAR file for a NetBeans library
file from that same folder.Figure A-34. Adding the Apache Commons Math Library to a specific NetBeans project
To test your installation, do this:
SummaryStatistics stats;
class is not part of the standard Java API, NetBeans will mark that line as erroneous, like this:Figure A-35. Adding the correct import statement in NetBeans
Figure A-36. Getting the import statement inserted automatically in NetBeans
class name where the stats
variable is being declared, and then select Show Javadoc from the drop-down menu that appears. That should bring up the Javadoc page for that class in your default web browser.Figure A-37. Surveying the other Javadocs in a library